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Shame Shame Shame on you Bioware


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You implemented the server mergers before starting the rated WZ's.

To make those of us from low pop servers that had trouble getting groups, therefore gear, now face WZ after WZ of maxed out pvp geared groups, well shame on you. There is no excuse for that at all.


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You implemented the server mergers before starting the rated WZ's.

To make those of us from low pop servers that had trouble getting groups, therefore gear, now face WZ after WZ of maxed out pvp geared groups, well shame on you. There is no excuse for that at all.



With the server transfer you should have your FULL BM by now if you played an hour a day and ranked are even here for another couple of weeks.


Nerf mindless QQ threads!

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You implemented the server mergers before starting the rated WZ's.

To make those of us from low pop servers that had trouble getting groups, therefore gear, now face WZ after WZ of maxed out pvp geared groups, well shame on you. There is no excuse for that at all.



So you would rather face them in ranked?


Get your gear now before ranked comes out.

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I do not understand the fasination with ranked wz

Does it take skill to organize a group on vent with healers that actually heal rather then dps. With people who have goals of winning in their heads at all times, and whoever has the most fotm wins


And out of it all you get the same gear different color.


With as terribly out of balance as some classes are this "ranked" wz is nothing more then a joke

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I do not understand the fasination with ranked wz

Does it take skill to organize a group on vent with healers that actually heal rather then dps. With people who have goals of winning in their heads at all times, and whoever has the most fotm wins


And out of it all you get the same gear different color.


With as terribly out of balance as some classes are this "ranked" wz is nothing more then a joke


It takes skill to fight other people that are prepared and know about teamwork. There is no other way to compare guilds without ranked right now since there is no 8-man Q.


Real PvPers enjoy competition. And there is no real way to do that with just pugs.

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You implemented the server mergers before starting the rated WZ's.

To make those of us from low pop servers that had trouble getting groups, therefore gear, now face WZ after WZ of maxed out pvp geared groups, well shame on you. There is no excuse for that at all.



I came from a small medium size server ( Lord Adrass) And I was always facing the premade of valor 70/80 on the opposing team. Since the merge the WZ pop are faster and i can face some PUG instead of premade all the time. So do I still face some preamde and get destroyed? Yes. Do i manage to face some PUG and get a victory? Yes.


Start with the recruit gear (expertise stat is a must in PvP) you can buy it in the same area you can get the BM gear etc...


Presently i have manage to gear myself full BM and got enough ranked to buy a War Hero piece. Do the daily and the weekly. Daily give 100 WZ comm and 100 RANKED com. The weekly give 300 of each. So by doing that you can get 1k WZ comm and 1k RANKED WZ comm. per week. Just by playing the scenario you will get some WZ comm as well. So let see an average of 50 WZ comm per game (im really conservative here meaning you have lost all of the game) x 6 = 300. You completed the daily PvP mission. so you get 400 WZ comm per day x 7 = 2800. That enough to get you some bracer boot gloves and earpiece.


Will it be rough in the beginning .. of course. But you will adapt and get better gear as well!

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"So you would rather face them in ranked?"


I would rather lose over and over to a fair fight than sit there huddled with 7 other players that are discouraged and frustrated over 6 of us not able to put down 2 of them. Or over not being able to move more than one step before stun, death, stun, death.

I knew that this was a possiblilty, and it occuring farily reg. is one thing, but this is ridiculous.

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"So you would rather face them in ranked?"


I would rather lose over and over to a fair fight than sit there huddled with 7 other players that are discouraged and frustrated over 6 of us not able to put down 2 of them. Or over not being able to move more than one step before stun, death, stun, death.

I knew that this was a possiblilty, and it occuring farily reg. is one thing, but this is ridiculous.


Buy recruit gear maybe?


It sounds like your running around naked with another 7 naked people.



Not sure if trolling....

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I would rather lose over and over to a fair fight than sit there huddled with 7 other players that are discouraged and frustrated over 6 of us not able to put down 2 of them.


If 6 people in Recruit gear (any classes), can't put down 2 people in War Hero gear (let's say "the best classes" whatever you think those are), the problem lies in the people controlling the 6, not in any gear any of those involved are wearing.

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You implemented the server mergers before starting the rated WZ's.


Because they had to. Splitting a small player base like on 100+ servers where there was little or no pvp into ranked and unranked would have effectively killed pvp on all but maybe 3 servers. Also without giving those of us from dead servers time between the transfers and the start of ranked warzones to gear up, we would be facing those full augment war heros right now. There was no other way to do it period.

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Umm, the "OP" didnt play PVP on this game untill a few weeks ago, and the "OP" isnt tops in damage in PVP by any means, the the "OP" does do a great healer most the time.


So, I'm thinking, no thats not it

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Does anyone else think the OP went from top of the Mountain (old server) to bantha fodder (new server)? Thus he isn't happy


Yep most likely this to be honest, I was known and feared by every imp on my old server. On the new one am simply above average which is cool because I like the challenge.


Moral of the story, always someone better then you don't set your expectations to high.

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In my 8yrs playing MMO's this is my first QQ. Is it QQ, yes.

I think ive about had it with this game, not fixing their bugs. I've waited patiently, playing regularly through them all. Everytime i hit a very very long load in screen-every time i go anywhere-i remind myself to be patient.

And my chars are in full Battlemaster gear.

That is probably why it bothers me so much, i have worked hard not be to trounced so soundly and its worse than it was when i first started PVP'ing. I'm game to stop pvp'ing, just give me something else to do BIOWare, cause my char screen if full and im tired of doing dailies, and raiding isnt my thing.

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With the server transfer you should have your FULL BM by now if you played an hour a day and ranked are even here for another couple of weeks.


^ This right here. OP, you actually have an opportunity to gear up now, whereas before you did not. Better to suffer the disparity in WZs that don't matter, than in Ranked. Thank your lucky stars BW did it beforehand. You will now have a legitimate chance to compete.

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It takes skill to fight other people that are prepared and know about teamwork. There is no other way to compare guilds without ranked right now since there is no 8-man Q.


Real PvPers enjoy competition. And there is no real way to do that with just pugs.


Well said, pre-mades should only get to fight other pre-mades.

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