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Can we, as a community, eliminate the "Grass" and "Snow" in Alderaan?


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And this is where we agree to disagree, because I still have not met anyone in the past 30 years that has all of this extreme trouble reading simple directions on a map.


Certainly not so much that they need to "re-learn" cardinal directions, whether they play video games or not. Seriously, this is 3rd grade education.


If I can expect people to know that Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, I can reasonably expect them to also know Never Eat Shredded Wheat.



^^^^ Yes! Now that's what I'm talking about! It's 4 simple directions that applies to every map.... it's not difficult.

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And this is where we agree to disagree, because I still have not met anyone in the past 30 years that has all of this extreme trouble reading simple directions on a map.


Certainly not so much that they need to "re-learn" cardinal directions, whether they play video games or not. Seriously, this is 3rd grade education.


If I can expect people to know that Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, I can reasonably expect them to also know Never Eat Shredded Wheat.

And people learn what grass and snow are, and the differences between them,in the 2nd grade. Would you agree that 2nd grade comes before 3rd grade? And therefore people should know Grass/Snow that they typically see every day better than cardinal directions that they don't use daily?

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...as the losing team you have as much time as you want to coordinate before heading out...

So if you are losing, there is no hurry? If anything, acting quickly is more important when attacking than when defending. Last time I checked, if you took too long to capture a second turret, you lost the game.


The views you espouse are for an extremely narrow range of strategies. For example, you never even consider the possibility of anyone attacking the turret held by a team that only controls one. It's good to know that you won't ever have anyone defending it.


Also, if seeing landmarks is irrelevant, how else do you expect them to know where to go?

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People are STILL arguing things we have learned in pre-school?:rolleyes:


This makes me very worried for future generations... I hope the majority of you are incapable of breeding. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. It's for the good of man kind as a whole. :D

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People are STILL arguing things we have learned in pre-school?:rolleyes:


This makes me very worried for future generations... I hope the majority of you are incapable of breeding. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. It's for the good of man kind as a whole. :D


stop putting down the best 'non-sticky' thread in the forum!


has anyone made guilds named:





or perhaps <grass beats west>, <greenland-iceland>

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Grass snow for me because I can use east west left right for anything else. Sorry it's just plain cool. Plus sometimes I'm on vent with my bro leveling an alt when he is talking about his gameplay. When he says grass or snow I know exactly what war zone he is in.
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You say Grass or Snow you know EXACTLY where to go no matter what side you started from, you say East West that is going to change every match that you start on the other side. I would prefer knowing exactly where to go no matter where I start from and make it super easy.




There is no mistake


Just like Right and left in Void Star


Everyone knows right is door to right when exiting respawn area and left is left, simple


But there does seem to be this minority that insist on doing East West outside of Novare Coast and to be brutally honest, IT ALWAYS SCREWS PEOPLE UP!


Ive yet to see a call for east/west work in a non pre made group in voidstar or ACW.


Grass and Snow works perfectly


Why make it more complicated then it needs to be?

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This isn't something I care enough to argue about, but I'll leave my opinion:


Snow and Grass are easiest for me.


In voidstar, I used to say east/west but it confuses lots of people. Its sad to say but I dumbed down my callouts to "other door" and "left" or "right". It doesn't matter if its slightly less accurate than other methods. It lets every know exactly which door no matter where they are at, alive or dead. /ops other door. right

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people who look at their minimap are at a distinct disadvantage to those who know where grass and snow are, and head there instinctively, without checking their minimap.


This. Every time someone says east or west I have to check the map.


Right and left are easier than east and west since it's from spawn direction, so if you're dead you just take the speeder of that direction, if alive just look at your spawn dropdown and go the correct way, but grass and snow are the easiest, I only have to remember that once per match somehow!


Yes I have lysdexia. Yes I have very good spelling for someone with lysdexia. Shush.

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I would love to use east and west. However, the bottom line is that people are too stupid to understand this and you don't have time to argue or explain which side is which when you are under attack.


At this stage in the game after hundreds of civil wars it should not even matter or bother you. East/west, snow/grass you should know what it is.

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I love how all of the earlier trolls were saying ""But there's snow and grass on both sides!"


(Yes, there is, but not anywhere close in the amounts necessary to cause confusion, if you're confused, you need glasses.)


I never say East or West in Civil War, simply due to the fact that none of the map points are labeled as such, there is no compass whatsoever on the map, and north and south are also not labeled anywhere on said map.


That coupled with the fact you can actually SEE tons of snow at "snow" and tons of grass, at "grass", makes it all a rather moot point. If you forget which is which on respawn during the 5-10 minutes it takes to play a match, you have bigger problems in life than which speeder to click on.

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