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I agree with your points on full auto/unload and the Mortar volley problems, and I do think these need to be addressee, but your first example on Stockstrike is blatantly wrong.


It's not when the animation lands, it's when the damage is dealt that matters. Both abilities, Stock Strike and Rocket Punch, are instant-cast, and can be used while moving. The damage is done as soon as the button is pressed, NOT when the physical contact between sprites is made.


Look at your own video, the droid's health bar goes down as soon as the button is pressed, a fraction before the rifle hits him.


The animation is around the same length as rocket punch, the only difference is that VISUAL (NOT mathematical, hit-point related) contact is made later for the Trooper, which is inconsequential as far as balance goes.

YOU ARE RIGHT. I was looking at when the damage numbers appeared.


You are genius. Thank you.

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You people are not understanding what I'm saying.


Full Auto is great. Mortar Volley is great. The problem is that the Bounty Hunter has superior versions of these abilities. The classes are imbalanced when they are supposed to be mirrored.


The reason is obvious... the Trooper's abilities are not functioning correctly, such as when Mortar Volley launches a shell after the channeling time has already expired. Also such as when the Trooper spends half of Full Auto's channel time doing a preparation animation, when the Bounty Hunter does not.


Here is my video demonstrating these imbalances.




your commenting over the video was distracting and terrible. i know this is the new thing to do, but trust me it's not a good thing.



secondly you didnt showcase the big problem this thread pointed out - that pushback from taking damage prevents a tick of full auto from hitting, but does not likewise effect unload.


edit: just verified this myself making a bounty hunter. unload is not affected by pushback from damage. you always get all 3 hits. this needs to be addressed.

Edited by Corran
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Full auto is our best single target DPS (at least at level 23 it still is).


only if all 3 hits land. if you are interrupted and get only two, it does the same damage as stockstrike and less than HIB for the same ammo cost.


it's the best single target dps ability for bounty hunters, but for troopers until the disparity is addressed either by fixing full auto or fixing unload it is not.

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I agree with your points on full auto/unload and the Mortar volley problems, and I do think these need to be addressee, but your first example on Stockstrike is blatantly wrong.


It's not when the animation lands, it's when the damage is dealt that matters. Both abilities, Stock Strike and Rocket Punch, are instant-cast, and can be used while moving. The damage is done as soon as the button is pressed, NOT when the physical contact between sprites is made.


Look at your own video, the droid's health bar goes down as soon as the button is pressed, a fraction before the rifle hits him.


The animation is around the same length as rocket punch, the only difference is that VISUAL (NOT mathematical, hit-point related) contact is made later for the Trooper, which is inconsequential as far as balance goes.


Thanks, I didn't notice this. I think it would be worth trying to cast the ability and move away before the animation finishes and see if it does the damage. Same for Mortar Volley.


edit: Also I thought it was a good video and the commentary was great. Ignore the dullards.

Edited by Thunderbane
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the only one that i consider an actual problem is mortar volley, and its not even that the animation takes to long, there is just a part in it where nothing happens for about a second.


when you cast mortar volley you bring your gun up, then just stand there, weapon raised for about a second before firing....


stockstrike is fine because the damage is actually registered instantly. get a killing blow with stock strike, the enemy will die as soon as you hit the button, but you wont see damage numbers till the attack actually connects.

Edited by UjellyTrollicus
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The following video demonstrates these imbalances:




Wow, that guy really needs to chill out. And lose the weird pseudo European accent. He might be right, but he completely loses the audience with bull####.


The reason is obvious... the Trooper's abilities are not functioning correctly, such as when Mortar Volley launches a shell after the channeling time has already expired.


There's nothing wrong with that, the channel is the time you're actively "doing," the final shot is the tail end of that channel, once you're done "doing." Basically it's like a charged move, the channel bar is finished, the attack isn't.


I suspect part of the problem with this "imbalance" is that the animations are different. The BH's Rocket Punch and DfA are much more active, so it gives the impression that they work faster because they start moving instantly, but the damage seems to be applied at the same time (for example in DfA you take off instantly, but don't start firing until you reach apogee, while with Mortar you aren't going anywhere, so the time it takes for a BH to reach apogee is just spent standing around).


Unfortunately, as the Trooper's abilities are totally sufficient (if kind of annoying), I imagine that if there is any time-difference issue, the solution wouldn't be to remove any lag from the Trooper, but rather to add in some lag to the BH.


These classes have mirrored abilities but they don't work the same. That is why Sorcerers are OVERPOWERED.


Sorc works the same, btw, their Lightning animates before Project does, but they both do damage at the same time and finish at the same time so mechanically they're identical.

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I know for a fact that Mortar Volley takes longer to actually deal damage than Death From Above. All you have to do is ignore the animations and time when the damage numbers actually appear on your target. Mortar Volley Takes 1.6 seconds, whereas Death From Above take less than 1 second. While a .6 second difference might not seem like much, it's actually 20% of the entire channel time.
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I tested it and you can move when the channeling is finished on mortar strike and still fire the last shot, not that that makes it ok.


The auto fire issue is far worse though since it actually makes the ability worthless for the trooper, I really hope they start fixing these things because now that I know the BH versions is superior it really bothers me :(

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Mortar volley and any other channeled spell...is not meant for PVP.....that so obvious..its sad really...to even have to explain it, its excellent for trash mobs in pve..as its intended..its timing needs to be reworked..but it works just fine for what its intended...what scrub would use it for anything other than a stationary target??...
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Mortar volley and any other channeled spell...is not meant for PVP.


Have you ever PvPed? Mortar Volley is amazing for PvP. Even in it's current bugged form, it's still the best area-denial ability in the game.

Edited by Kesrik
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Most of you are not smart at all. You don't even get what this topic is about. And you have no clue what you are saying.


Its mirror classes. Who cares if its still a good ability. The point is the game has mirror classes and the BHs abilitys are better while the commando's is broken.


This was pointed out 100xs in beta and Bioware does nothing. Why even waste the time anymore.

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Its mirror classes. Who cares if its still a good ability. The point is the game has mirror classes and the BHs abilitys are better while the commando's is broken.


Or the Troopers are balanced and the BH are too over-powered, don't expect that they'll resolve this with a buff.

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I know for a fact that Mortar Volley takes longer to actually deal damage than Death From Above. All you have to do is ignore the animations and time when the damage numbers actually appear on your target. Mortar Volley Takes 1.6 seconds, whereas Death From Above take less than 1 second. While a .6 second difference might not seem like much, it's actually 20% of the entire channel time.



This is the point. Plus, the fact that you're essentially a sitting duck for a huge part of the channel time, since you can't move or activate another ability.

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What annoys me more then anything is that it's pointless to use any other ability other then Grav shot. Costs 2, and does more damage then the other 2 cost burst ability (can't remember it's name), and it's more effective to use then full auto, it also adds a armour reduction debuff yet still does more damage then the other casting time ability we have.


Really annoys me this, I never get to hear my gun, just that grav shot noice over and over.

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Others have said it, but the animation delay on MV is just an animation glitch. Watch your channel bar and start your next cast when it is done, for now just ignore the animation. They will fix it, but you can get around it for now. The same goes for Full Auto and stock strike.
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Full Auto bugs out sometimes and it looks like you're shooting but you do no damage.


Mortar Volley is fine how it is because it does massive damage and it's basically a crowd cleaner every minute. It's animation is off, but its damage is pretty big.


Most of the argument is about the animation being off. Though others are saying if they don't want to fix animation to add to ability.


Issue though I think BH ability has the same set up time. People dont add in that the bh does a hover before firing. I have a 21 Bounty hunter and a 14 trooper. Issue is the counter starts before firing starts and the damage doesn't click at same time of animation with timer and just feels very off.

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