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It's ok to die in warzones...or is it?


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Time and again I see members of my own team or the other deal go to great lengths not to die in a warzone. It got me thinking about what was best...to die or not to die in a warzone? I'm not saying that you shouldn't fight it out to your last bit of health, but should you do everything in your power to run away and hide when it may be hurting your team in the long run?


I die anywhere from 4-10 times in a warzone (sage), but I feel that each death has a purpose. I'd much rather delay 3 players of the opposing team to getting an objective and die than run away and try to stay alive, or hide behind an object as they cap the node. Sometimes, you need to get out there and sacrifice yourself for the good of the team or the objective. (Fighting one on one is different - you should be fighting to stay alive and win, so I'm not speaking to this type of gameplay).


Your thoughts? I'm not pointing to either method as right or wrong (though I have stated my own opinion on the matter), but I'd find it interesting to read your comments. Thanks!

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Way i see it im a assault spec. vanguard kind of a glass cannon and honestly if i pull over 200k and get 40 kills die like 4 or 5 times and we lose then well didnt matter, Personally if i die a million times but do what i need to do to help us win then im cool.
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Way i see it im a assault spec. vanguard kind of a glass cannon and honestly if i pull over 200k and get 40 kills die like 4 or 5 times and we lose then well didnt matter, Personally if i die a million times but do what i need to do to help us win then im cool.


I agree, who cares as long as you get the win.


I love keepign 3+ people beating on me in the pit in huttball while my team runs the ball for another score. Worth the death everytime.

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Time and again I see members of my own team or the other deal go to great lengths not to die in a warzone. It got me thinking about what was best...to die or not to die in a warzone? I'm not saying that you shouldn't fight it out to your last bit of health, but should you do everything in your power to run away and hide when it may be hurting your team in the long run?


I die anywhere from 4-10 times in a warzone (sage), but I feel that each death has a purpose. I'd much rather delay 3 players of the opposing team to getting an objective and die than run away and try to stay alive, or hide behind an object as they cap the node. Sometimes, you need to get out there and sacrifice yourself for the good of the team or the objective. (Fighting one on one is different - you should be fighting to stay alive and win, so I'm not speaking to this type of gameplay).


Your thoughts? I'm not pointing to either method as right or wrong (though I have stated my own opinion on the matter), but I'd find it interesting to read your comments. Thanks!


I think running is more viable in some warzones than in others. Voidstar/ACW/NC? Probably not, since any absence can mean a cap and a loss. Huttball, where the objective is moving constantly moving? I think there's definitely something to be said for Pit > Heal until near death > Bubble > Resurgance > Force Speed > Heal Powerup > Trolling song

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You can't heal when you're dead.


You can't dps when you're dead.


You can't guard while you're dead.


...and you most certainly can not defend an objective while your dead.


Am I going to abandon a node to stay alive? No. Am I going to LoS throw myself a spot heal and get back in there to stop a cap? Yes.


Staying alive and playing the objective are not mutually exclusive, don't pretend like it is.

Edited by FrankyMcShanky
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One of my pet hates in wz's is people who pick a fight, then run away when you get the upper hand. In some wz's where I've been guarding a node I've watched these people run a distance away and remove themselves from the game for up to 2-3 mins more than it would take simply to respawn. And the more annoying ones run back for a 2nd try O_o.


Way I play is I make my deaths count, I've stood and fought with less than 1k health left and in that time done that bit extra damage / occupied my enemies time / cc'ed someone / helped a team-mate kill someone else, that I hope helps my team over-all.


Play to survive, but if it looks like you won't then make your time count.

Edited by Kemra
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Dying can help you a little, I mean if you are huttball stuck fighting on the opponents side and they are have the ball headed to your goal line, death would be better because it is faster(given rng with respawn times..)
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The number of deaths on your side is fixed. If you don't die it means someone else has to. There's really no point to try to avoid death unless there's someone who's way less valuable than him but if that guy is so worthless he'd either be dead immediately or people will just ignore him altogether and you wouldn't be able to get away.


Most of the time it's quicker to die to defend then somehow evading death while deep out of position and then get back to somewhere where you can be useful. For example a lot of time I'd see someone guy try to sneak attack a node in Alderran, loses badly and then vanish and run off really far away, heal up, and then either try again or worse yet, attempt to go elsewhere. Just think about how far away this guy has been all this time. He'd almost certainly be able to get to where he was planning to if he just died.

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I always try to stay alive and here is why. Normally at the start of a warzone i'll try to get myself in a situation where i'm about 4vs1. I blow all my cooldowns and usually manage to take one down with me. It seems that this irritates people a whole lot and then they start trying to kill you whenever they see you. I've pillar danced 4 people before while at about 20% hp while 1 other guy was dpsing them down.


You would be surprised at how much people tend to tunnel vision when they see someone with low HP.

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Well... since I am a DPS-Tank (Shadow) it is fun to me playing th half-dead as well. Many lives have been ended due to players thinking "Ah I can take that chick down, she`s at 20% health." then get lured away from their objective and get beaten up thanks to my spec, popping all defenses and building up my Harnessed Shadows for a 1.500-damage-per-tick ..and once they try to run away I just pull them back, paralyze them, backstab, hit the finishing move and if they really survive that.. throw some pebbles at them. Occasionally I die from this if my enemy proves to be a decent combatant - but even those are distracted from their objective for quite a while since it isn`t easy taking my Shadow down, nor quickly done.


On the other hand I do even commit suicide in Huttball for example, since it can be a huge advantage. Take for example I just scored and now the enemy team is on full swing on offense - I would never make it back in time by feet. So.. I get myself killed, respawn and usually end up near our own endzone just in time.


Dieing is no big deal... but doing it strategically is a very viable thing.


On games like Civil War however I am a survivalist, I am of much more use alive than dead there since respawn takes quite awhile there (due to the speederbikes) and I could rather pull back, meditate and return to guard someone.


-PO Valorea / Adreianna,

Progenitor, Order of the Grey Wolves

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If I can delay/taunt/kite 3-4 ppl focusing on me, while my teammates are doing something "winning the objective"-oriented in the meantime, I gladly die. Anything to lower their "play for objective"-number of players.
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