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What's the point of having two factions for PVE?


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Faction interaction is little to none.


You only interact with them in warzones.


You can see them in certain planets questing, you can attack them if flagged, or chat with them locally.


What's the point?


Besides having the OPTION of choosing another faction with new stories/characters.

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Faction interaction is little to none.


You only interact with them in warzones.


You can see them in certain planets questing, you can attack them if flagged, or chat with them locally.


What's the point?


Besides having the OPTION of choosing another faction with new stories/characters.


Idk... have you ever seen Star Wars before?

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I think they went to two factions because it seems to be the standard in the MMO industry. Tho some MMOs do have and are coming out with more than just two. Personally I think it is really dumb to have a class like the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter restricted to one faction. I feel the same way however about the rogue class in WoW. Really silly from a RPG point . :cool:
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I didn't mean it in terms of lore. I assumed it was a given that there's Republic vs. Empire in the Old Republic era.


I didn't intend for my original post to come off snarky if it did, I'm not trying to be negative, but just trying to gain some insight on what the point is.


And before making this thread, I was thinking it just as Valkirus said. That perhaps the 2 faction system has just become a standard.

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I think they went to two factions because it seems to be the standard in the MMO industry. Tho some MMOs do have and are coming out with more than just two. Personally I think it is really dumb to have a class like the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter restricted to one faction. I feel the same way however about the rogue class in WoW. Really silly from a RPG point . :cool:


Because BH and trooper being playable by the same faction and smuggler and imperial agent being playable in the same faction would be redunant. Also, they need to cater the stories to one or the other faction. Would you expect them to make an republic and imperial version for those 2 classes?

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Faction interaction is little to none.


You only interact with them in warzones.


You can see them in certain planets questing, you can attack them if flagged, or chat with them locally.


What's the point?


Besides having the OPTION of choosing another faction with new stories/characters.




No point at all really.


For some reason WoW did it (maybe thinking about DAoC), when EQ1 didn't (unless you were on the factional servers)

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I didn't mean it in terms of lore. I assumed it was a given that there's Republic vs. Empire in the Old Republic era.


I didn't intend for my original post to come off snarky if it did, I'm not trying to be negative, but just trying to gain some insight on what the point is.


And before making this thread, I was thinking it just as Valkirus said. That perhaps the 2 faction system has just become a standard.


Well, then what's your question about? What is your point? Why didn't they make a third faction? Or.... why isn't there more interaction between factions - like sending mails to opposing faction or being able to visit their capital/fleet?

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It seems to me that they might be moving towards making a third faction, especially with the changes in 1.3


I understand there has to be a Republic vs Empire theme in the game. I do feel that there should have been a neutral option that could have included BH and smugglers. Keep in mind that in the Star Wars that most people think of (original triology) Han Solo the smuggler was smuggling from the Empire, not the sith empire but the one that the republic turns into. The drawback to a third faction would be spreading a limited population even thinner.

In SWG rebels and imperials interacted on pve servers when not flagged. I guess the difference was the rebels were kind of in hiding in that time frame thus they would not have been known to the other faction. Of course in that game you could change factions.

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I was asking myself this just the other day.


The obvious conclusion I came up with though was just for Lore. Maybe there's a little to do with the way a faction looks that could appeal to some more than others. . .but in the end I think it's just about the lore.


Which really saddens me when it comes to MMOs(or more specifically servers) that dont have a very high population.


People are sitting on the fleet waiting for a DPS, Healer, or Tank when there is none to be found in their same faction. But there could potentially be some on the other faction that's wanting to run it at that time as well.


Segmentation of the playerbase isn't a good thing. You can see there's already an issue with the PvE vs PvP crowd and they bicker back and forth saying one side shouldn't be able to come into the other with the wrong gear and complete this content. So it boggles my mind that it's still happening in other areas of MMOs.


I do agree that lore is very important though. It would be lame to only be able to play as a Jedi or a Sith if I wanna play with the other. . .and it's not like you can have Sith and Jedi fighting along side each other against the same thing and not have some weird 'lore story' to try to tie them together to make it logical.

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Because it wouldn't make sense to see an Imperial Agent, a Republic Trooper, a Jedi Knight and a Sith Warrior in the same group doing a flashpoint.


There are probably more reasons, but I think that's enough.

Edited by Morlaak
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In Wow they have 2 factions that are currently under a peace treaty or truce.

In the old republic we have 2 factions under a peace treaty and truce.

In Wow both faction never see each other until they meet in a battle ground.

In the old republic you never see the oppsing faction unless you are in a warzone or a nuetral planet which has seperate instances of the entire map dedicated to that faction.

same for Wow in a neutral city you sometiems see the other faction.


So conlfict is never really there and yet we can't speak to each other or become the other factions member or we can't hunt players with a BH because the enire class story for smuggler and bounty hunter is based on getting payed but for some reason we proclaim through the class story we don't work for the empire or republic but for the creds.


this is starwars and the allowing it to become like Wow for simplictys sake is it's undoing. jedi can become sith and sith can be redeemed to the jedi order. it makes no sense to not add the ability to be neutral for certain classes. this is not world of warcraft. If it was the devs would ignore us and do what they wanted!....oh wait

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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Faction interaction is little to none. ---------- Um, because you are enemies.


You only interact with them in warzones. ----------- Again, because you are enemies.


You can see them in certain planets questing, you can attack them if flagged, or chat with them locally. -------Yet again, because you are enemies.

What's the point? -------- Because in Star Wars the Republic and the Empire are enemies.

Besides having the OPTION of choosing another faction with new stories/characters.



Why would you talk, hang out, run missions or anything else with an enemy?

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Because ever since the beginning of Star Wars, the whole thing is about dark vs light. Sith vs Jedi Empire vs Republic


That's what it is...


However. I do think in the future the Mandalorians will be a playable third neutral faction. Yes right now they are on Empire side but that's only because the Empire is paying them very well. Mandalorians are mercenaries remember that. So I think they could do wonders with a story where the Empire screws the Mandos over so they aren't on their side anymore, nor the Republic because they do not like them anyway so they go neutral again and we get to play as them and do neutral stuff.


Can you imagine that...playing as a Mandalorian in this game?!!?

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Faction interaction is little to none.


You only interact with them in warzones.


You can see them in certain planets questing, you can attack them if flagged, or chat with them locally.


What's the point?


Besides having the OPTION of choosing another faction with new stories/characters.


Probably should have rolled on a PVP server. On PVP servers, we're constantly doing a lot more than just "passing other faction players by".

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I think it's a valid question. I don't know why people are choosing to read it so narrowly. Like many of you have said, Star Wars lore has neatly created two competing factions. But that doesn't explain the game design within SWTOR. Why would Bioware divide the player pool only to severely restrict interaction between the two? The design choice to wholly segregate Republic from Empire only enforces the view of stagnant zones and worlds which then further reduces immersion. If there's no interaction, why even separate the player base? Why not just send individual players down their individual questlines and eliminate factions altogether?
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In Wow they have 2 factions that are currently under a peace treaty or truce.

In the old republic we have 2 factions under a peace treaty and truce.


At the start of the game, yes. During the story a full-scale war erupts again.


Someone said that Bounty Hunters and Smugglers could have formed a third faction - that I agree with. But that's not what the original question seemed to be about.

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In Wow they have 2 factions that are currently under a peace treaty or truce.

In the old republic we have 2 factions under a peace treaty and truce.

In Wow both faction never see each other until they meet in a battle ground.

In the old republic you never see the oppsing faction unless you are in a warzone or a nuetral planet which has seperate instances of the entire map dedicated to that faction.

same for Wow in a neutral city you sometiems see the other faction.


So conlfict is never really there and yet we can't speak to each other or become the other factions member or we can't hunt players with a BH because the enire class story for smuggler and bounty hunter is based on getting payed but for some reason we proclaim through the class story we don't work for the empire or republic but for the creds.


this is starwars and the allowing it to become like Wow for simplictys sake is it's undoing. jedi can become sith and sith can be redeemed to the jedi order. it makes no sense to not add the ability to be neutral for certain classes. this is not world of warcraft. If it was the devs would ignore us and do what they wanted!....oh wait


Did you even level a character to 50?



By the time you hit 50, War has broken out between the Empire and the Republic again. The class story lines directly interact with this in some way.


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It is a valid question in that instead of creating 4 classes and 4 mirror classes of the opposite faction they could have created 6 to 8 classes on a single faction and had the opposite faction NPC controlled only.


The down side of course would be what to do with PVP.

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It's just for the story and the fact pretty much every game has some PvP in it. Though it doesn't have to be like you expect. I remember back to playing Asheron's Call where in that game you picked one of 3 factions to join AFTER making your character. As far as PvE went everyone could group up but if you entered a PvP zone it was dog eat dog. A game could get away with this concept easily unless the game itself was expected to have certain warring sides with races and all, but it seems like an easy way to make 3 warring sides without effecting PvE.
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