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How is this acceptable in 2012?


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http://i.imgur.com/7BulT.png - All settings on high with dual Radeon 6950's in Crossfire 16 GB of ram and a i5 2500k


I really don't understand how a game can look this godawful- I really don't.


Where are the High Res textures we were promised?? The promotional videos sure are happy to show them off!




At launch - Same sex relationships were promised.



True 'neutral' character options were promised.

"James Ohlen, who is the game director working on Star Wars: The Old Republic, has told PC Gamer that, “We knew with the light side/dark side system that there would be an urge, especially for min maxers, to go completely light side or dark side. We have a system for people who want to stay more in the middle. But that’s something coming up in a later release. It’ll let you play a ‘Gray Jedi’. Basically you don’t need to go to the extreme to get rewarded. You can have a different playstyle.”

C'mon guys. This is just embarassing. I know you're busy patting yourselves on the back for managing to pull off server mergers, but this is just getting absurd. 6 Months in and I see jagged lines on shadows? How is that acceptable???


Also- BW White Knights, I am a paying customer and I have a right to be upset when promoted features are not in the game as advertised.



Maybe if you check back in a year?

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Saint -


Sorry for the multiple responses, but cast a shadow on a non-reflective surface (like the dirt paths on Tython), and I think you will find it does a much better job.


Additionally, I noticed something else - if they did a less-than-steller job on the artwork of something (like the banners outside the Jedi Temple on Tython), it appears like the engine is rendering the shadow of the minor jaggies present on the object itself, thus magnifying them.


Maybe that's just on my machine, but it made me chuckle.



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Saying anything useful to you is useless because your original post invites only two possible responses (with some variants):


1. "I agree totally, this sucks"

2. "You're wrong."


When one posts like this, you're not actually inviting any discussion. All you want is for someone to disagree with you so you can accuse them of being a white knight or fanboy, then rant some more.


We're not here to cater to your infantile whims, my friend.


My advice to you: If you do not like the product you are receiving, then cease paying for it. Good day.


That's nonsense. I'm saying "I'm entitled to voice my opinion." not "You must agree with it." One of the very frequent syndromes on this forum (and evidenced in this thread) is saying that any criticism = hate.

Edited by zerosaint
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Saint -


Sorry for the multiple responses, but cast a shadow on a non-reflective surface (like the dirt paths on Tython), and I think you will find it does a much better job.


Additionally, I noticed something else - if they did a less-than-steller job on the artwork of something (like the banners outside the Jedi Temple on Tython), it appears like the engine is rendering the shadow of the minor jaggies present on the object itself, thus magnifying them.


Maybe that's just on my machine, but it made me chuckle.




I think you are correct on that - may very well be the case. Either way I appreciate the second set of eyes.

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Sorry about my rant....


Rift... like it or hate it, they are doing it right. Why isn't SWTOR?


Trion the makers of RIFT. They have had MANY content patches almost every month. LOTS of additions and changes! Rift is just a little over a year old.


WHY Can't SWTOR be this awesome? Is it the VO that hurts it from releasing that much content like Trion does?

Trion is a very small company compared to BioWare! SWTOR has prolly 3x more subs! Why is it that Rift has all the stuff that should be in SWTOR?


I love SWTOR, but it's really frustrating to see a small company like Trion just kick *** when BioWare should be doing the same!


I am not sure TOR has 3 x as many subs as Rift now. I agree with your post however. Rift has the best graphics of any MMO I have played so far. Only part TOR beats Rift is the char's face details. Rift has really good shadows, lighting..armor detailing and real AA. And still plays very smooth. TOR does also for me on my computer tho.

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I get a kick out of the true neutral options etc. If that were true then smugglers and bounty hunters wouldn't be relegated to either republic or empire...they would freely go between both working for the highest bidder.
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That's nonsense. I'm saying "I'm entitled to voice my opinion." not "You must agree with it." One of the very frequent syndromes on this forum (and evidenced in this thread) is saying that any criticism = hate.


You missed the point. There is no possible discussion with you. Your original post does not allow for it. One can either agree with your opinion, or disagree with it, in which case, you will respond as you did to me; defensively and reflexively insulting. I don't care if you like or dislike something- that's your prerogative. But I will point out that you're not interested in changing it, only in complaining about it.


I stand by what I said- you're not here to discuss, you're here to vent and jump on anyone who fails to agree with your opinion. When you state your opinion in such terms as you did starting this thread, you leave no room for a conversation, only an argument.


Looking at this thread, you got your wish. Congratulations, I guess.

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OP, from your post history it seems you have been displeased with the game since at least April. I would say maybe hang it up? Why keep playing a game that obviously frustrates you? It is like saying the food you are eating is disgusting, but then you continue to eat it.
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This is 2012 and people are still protesting same-sex relationships in video games? If it was 20 years ago, I'd understand, but not at this point in time. To be honest, I believe BioWare planned to put it in, but they got so much hassle and they waited to put it in, and they never got around to actually doing it.
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OP, from your post history it seems you have been displeased with the game since at least April. I would say maybe hang it up? Why keep playing a game that obviously frustrates you? It is like saying the food you are eating is disgusting, but then you continue to eat it.


Some of us did the 6 month sub and are stuck with mainly enjoying the forums...lol. Afterall, we do need to feel like we got some enjoyment out of our money spent. Do not worry..it will get better after those run out this mid Aug. :)

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Why do people continue to make these whiny threads like little kids, if they don't like the game you know what to do because the rest of us couldn't give a monkeys what they think, just fade away or is it that some people just feel the need to have attention. Edited by nkitch
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Some of us did the 6 month sub and are stuck with mainly enjoying the forums...lol. Afterall, we do need to feel like we got some enjoyment out of our money spent. Do not worry..it will get better after those run out this mid Aug. :)


I felt the same way about another game that came out rather recently. I simply gave up though.

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Thats a double negative, thats like me saying it doesnt make you a hater. The haters are the ones that jump all over the place whenever anyone is positive about the game when discussing issues in the game.


In both statements its not accusing the person you quoted as one or the other but it insitgates that if you have a stance either positive or negative your obviously a hater or a fanboi and nothing inbetween.


Those two statements may seem analogous in some way, but the way you tie it all together is confusing. Of course there is a broad spectrum of like and dislike of the game, and certainly there are extremes on both ends of that spectrum. There are "fanboys" and "haters".


The fanboys are very obvious, they get riled up at any critical word directed towards the game. I see a lot of their retorts being personal attacks, rather than discussing the subject matter. I have studied marketing and branding psychologies as part of my education, and when I see the vehement "white knights" it makes me chuckle at how susceptible they were to developing brand loyalty.


The haters on the other hand, who are they? Because I can be critical of the game, does that make me a hater? I do not think so, im here so I enjoy the game enough to put my fingers to the keyboard and express my opinions and ideas. A real "hater" would be obvious to spot, and any of that content is deleted by moderators.


Personally I like the game, have stated so many times, though I am very aware of its faults and aspects that I do not enjoy. Look for a hater elsewhere, im just a person who has critical thought.

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A real "hater" would be obvious to spot, and any of that content is deleted by moderators. .


I think there is a bias towards the fanbuoys (throw them in the drink). I have several posts removed because it offended these 'white nights' sensibilities' while not being derogatory towards the person but the shared opinion.

AS far as tech issues go, looking at the game now and the shoddy version I played at early access there is a world of a difference. Textures and tones and graphics have been gradually improved. Should the game have been released like that? possibly not.

My issues with the game are more on the design side of things, lightsaber makes not a Star Wars game...

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There are basically no worse suggestions than this to offer a paying customer. Bravo and congratulations on finding the bottom of the barrel so fast! :confused:


I agree, 'if you don't like it leave' mentality is beyond damaging. One man's money out of context does mean very little.... but when you see reported 400k sub drops, you have to ask and conclude that in context why should we be pushing people out the door when really the more bums in seats and giving (some kind of feedback) is good for us all.

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I'm actually quite happy with the texture changes they've done so far. Characters at least appear high res when I look at them closer. They need to do more but 1.2 was a good start and they have bigger fish to fry.
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Zerosaint, you're not alone. I understand what you mean. All these huge promises add up over time. Ranked Warzones, SSGR, High-Rez Textures, Ilum broken, LFG Tool, etc.


The blind fanboys will always defend Bioware for anything, and i mean anything. They will never admit that anything is wrong with this game, ever. They will shout down any constructive feedback, because their game is 100% flawless, which is ironic, since this game requires patches for bug fixes. They told the majority to leave and stop paying, and guess what? They did, and now you all had to go through server merges. The minority of blind fanboys are the ones who really hurt swtor. I bet the devs are even embarassed by them. lol. :D

Edited by wutru
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Well... I suppose mods do get time off to sleep because we have gone waaayyy far a field with this one. I think we have managed to discuss every other topic here. I'd like to add that I do love bacon if it has any bearing on the discussion.


So... with that said, as I posted previously, the texture mapping, shading and light sourcing seem pretty good to my undiscerning eye. Of course, I just got a rig capable of really showing me what I had been missing all these years. I'm just happy I'm not playing a cartoon mmo as these stylized characters do have natural feel to them. Aside from the robes occasionally getting stuck in the up position... its all good from my perspective.


And... I'm in before the mods wake up and lock this thing up.

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Okay let's not turn this into some same gender debate thread, seen enough of those to last me a lifetime, and then some. While I understand a decent number of players want SS romance implemented (I don't care either way) to me personally it doesn't contribute to the longevity of the game. Most of the current OS romances in the game are mediocre at best and are 10-15 minutes of dialogue at most. It's not what keeps people playing the game, and I'm glad Bioware is focusing on adding additional PvP and PvE content. SS romances are coming with a future patch that expands the class stories.


The OP actually brings up relevant points in terms of what was promised to come down the pipe, and here we are over 6 months after launch with some of these features that should've been relatively easy to implement still not being in the game. The "grey" alignment issue could've been easily remedied by restricting how high your light or dark side rank is. An example would be "You must be no higher than Dark III or Light III to equip this item." or something along those lines. It sucks being a Grey player because you're losing out on titles/mounts and some gear while leveling up. You really can't roleplay your character the way you want, unless you planned on going 100% light or dark to begin with.

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