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How is this acceptable in 2012?


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As a huge Star Wars fan, I have to admit that this game is pure garbage, it is only MMO virgins and SWTOR fan boys that are still defending this piece of crap. Great voice acting, adequate story, very poor buggy end game & what can only be described a big joke of PvP. Legacy is the most overrated part of any MMO ive ever seen, this game is on a waiting list for a major transplant but its never going to come, just some small band aids.

Thanks EA/Bioware for ruining what should have been a great game!!


This infuriates me more than the fanboys shredding me for having an opinion. Reason? It is unfocused slamming of the game. I brought 3 specific issues to the table for a reason. When the white knights see posts like this in a thread it gives them all the vitriol they need to derail my OP and declare this whole thread 'hater' causing the original issue to get completely lost.

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Youre right, enjoying it does not make you a fan boy. The fanboys are the ones that jump all over the place whenever anyone is critical regarding some issue with the game. I like the game too, but I clearly see it has problems.


Thats a double negative, thats like me saying it doesnt make you a hater. The haters are the ones that jump all over the place whenever anyone is positive about the game when discussing issues in the game.


In both statements its not accusing the person you quoted as one or the other but it insitgates that if you have a stance either positive or negative your obviously a hater or a fanboi and nothing inbetween.

Edited by Shingara
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As a huge Star Wars fan, I have to admit that this game is pure garbage, it is only MMO virgins and SWTOR fan boys that are still defending this piece of crap. Great voice acting, adequate story, very poor buggy end game & what can only be described a big joke of PvP. Legacy is the most overrated part of any MMO ive ever seen, this game is on a waiting list for a major transplant but its never going to come, just some small band aids.

Thanks EA/Bioware for ruining what should have been a great game!!

funny i'm the exact opposite. It was Lucas and the Prequels that made me hate star wars. This game however has reminded me how much fun Star Wars is and how great it is.


I'm by no mean a MMO Virign as i've played everything out there and not a fanboy as I thought this game was going to fail until I acutally played it.

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ok lets wave our magic wand and they wil be in game immediatly.


oh wait it isnt magic THESE THINGS TAKE TIME.


In all fairness...


Launch: Be patient! Give Bioware time. The game is new!

1 Month in: Game is just a month old, let them get things fixed! Geez!

3 Months in: 1.2 is going to solve most of your problems guys, just simmer down.

4 Months in: Let them fix what gotten broken, okay? Seriously you guys just want it now.

5 Months in: 1.3 is going to have everything you're asking for. Good lord you guys complain.


8 Months in:....?


At what point does patience stop being a virtue and start becoming a detriment? Keep up the attitude and EA/BW has absolutely zero impetus to follow through.

Edited by zerosaint
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Bioware might "MIGHT" add the things the OP wants in time. They MIGHT add same sex romances, and MIGHT add the neutral alignment.


But not for a very very very, x10, long time. Bioware can't get things right on the first try, for them it takes months of screwing up before they can get it in working order at least.


Ranked WZ's for example, were supposed to be in 1.2 and was one of the biggest touted addons for that update. Pulled at the last second without any warning.


Why? Because it was completely broken and buggy since nobody tested it on PTS, since nobody can get their character copied over. (besides the small handful that actually got the transfer to work for them).


So a month or so later we have 1.3 coming down the pipe. Will Ranked WZ's be included this time around? Maybe... they've had some testing on PTS but from reports of testers it is a buggy mess still. So! Will Bioware include it anyways and try to iron out the bugs on live servers? Or will they yank it for 1.4 at the last second again?


We will see. But what does all this mean for the features the OP is waiting for since development? It means it will probably take a year or two before any of those things are added.


Bioware is not good at adding things to the game without it exploding and causing a tidal wave of problems. They are a single player game company, and it shows.


So everyone calm down, take a cold shower, unsubscribe and come back in 2015, HA!

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Maybe you should switch to nvidia. Game looks better on my 2 year old single gpu. As for same sex relationships, is that really an issue? You come on here just whining and griping over nothing and calling the devs and players out. Get a grip. The one problem I see that shouldnt here in 2012 is grown ups freaking out over the tiniest little things.
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Sorry about my rant....


Rift... like it or hate it, they are doing it right. Why isn't SWTOR?


Trion the makers of RIFT. They have had MANY content patches almost every month. LOTS of additions and changes! Rift is just a little over a year old.


WHY Can't SWTOR be this awesome? Is it the VO that hurts it from releasing that much content like Trion does?

Trion is a very small company compared to BioWare! SWTOR has prolly 3x more subs! Why is it that Rift has all the stuff that should be in SWTOR?


I love SWTOR, but it's really frustrating to see a small company like Trion just kick *** when BioWare should be doing the same!

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Sorry about my rant....


Rift... like it or hate it, they are doing it right. Why isn't SWTOR?


Trion the makers of RIFT. They have had MANY content patches almost every month. LOTS of additions and changes! Rift is just a little over a year old.


WHY Can't SWTOR be this awesome? Is it the VO that hurts it from releasing that much content like Trion does?

Trion is a very small company compared to BioWare! SWTOR has prolly 3x more subs! Why is it that Rift has all the stuff that should be in SWTOR?


I love SWTOR, but it's really frustrating to see a small company like Trion just kick *** when BioWare should be doing the same!


I actually would agree and I would hope Bioware looks to Trion for inspiration and not Blizzard.

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Sorry about my rant....


Rift... like it or hate it, they are doing it right. Why isn't SWTOR?


Trion the makers of RIFT. They have had MANY content patches almost every month. LOTS of additions and changes! Rift is just a little over a year old.


WHY Can't SWTOR be this awesome? Is it the VO that hurts it from releasing that much content like Trion does?

Trion is a very small company compared to BioWare! SWTOR has prolly 3x more subs! Why is it that Rift has all the stuff that should be in SWTOR?


I love SWTOR, but it's really frustrating to see a small company like Trion just kick *** when BioWare should be doing the same!


you just hit a wasp nest with a water balloon with that post lmfao


but i agree with you

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This is one of the biggest fallacies in the world. Especially in pay for playing games. You have a right to play the game, access its servers, and follow the rules as written out in the EULA. That's the only "right" you earn from owning and playing the game.


You can be upset, but it's not in BW's duty to give a damn. Consumers show displeasure with Producers by not buying or supporting their products. Money talks.


I really get pretty tired of reading this over and over again.


They are still a paying customer, that really is the bottom line, and that entitles them to complaining when they are upset with the service being provided.


As for my money buying me nothing but server access, that really doesn't matter, somebody, somewhere, is paying Bioware to do a ****** job, better their money than mine being wasted I suppose, so I'm glad I only pay for "server access", I'd actually be upset if my money was spent on the sub-par results seen since launch. :)

Edited by Celebrus
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I really get pretty tired of reading this over and over again.


He's still a paying customer, that really is the bottom line, and that entitles him to complaining when he's upset with the service being provided.


As for my money buying me nothing but server access, that really doesn't matter, somebody, somewhere, is paying Bioware to do a ****** job, better their money than mine being wasted I suppose, so I'm glad I only pay for "server access", I'd actually be upset if my money was spent on the sub-par results seen since launch. :)


You may get tired of seeing it but that doesn't mean it's not true. Just as I get tired of reading all the ******** hateraid people spout out like the above. Some of it is legitimate criticism.

Edited by TonyIommi
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I'm curious, where is that screen shot taken, OP?


My shadows don't look like that, but I want to stand where you are, and see how my machine renders that spot.




Edited to add: The main reason that Vanguard didn't take off was because it required a beast of a machine to even run on Medium settings. MMO's are made so that the largest audience can play them, which means some things just aren't going to be there, even if you have the machine to handle it. Even if they added the option(s) for those with higher-end machines, it probably doesn't function as well as it would if the game were single player.



Edited by lordofdamornin
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Maybe you should switch to nvidia. Game looks better on my 2 year old single gpu. As for same sex relationships, is that really an issue? You come on here just whining and griping over nothing and calling the devs and players out. Get a grip. The one problem I see that shouldnt here in 2012 is grown ups freaking out over the tiniest little things.


No same sex relationships are not a huge issue, however it was something that BW made a very huge issue out of to the degree that the national media took note... it just a couple of weeks after launch (Interesting timing for free press).


I'm not freaking out- I'm disappointed. I'm calling the devs out on statements they've made. You're absolutely right.


In my job I'm an IT manager. It's my job to keep people in my company happy. If I tell them that there is going to be an added feature on our network... lets say something stupid like shared calendars... and I tell them that it's a quality of life thing that will make them very happy, I am putting my reputation down as the stake that says "Yes this will be done in a timely fashion.". If I don't do it, they have every right to ask me why it isn't done. At the end of the day, they are the people I am trying to keep happy and to whom I am beholden.


I'm sorry but that's the way I am, perhaps that's the problem in 2012 that you SHOULD see. Lack of accountability and attention to detail.

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I'm curious, where is that screen shot taken, OP?


My shadows don't look like that, but I want to stand where you are, and see how my machine renders that spot.






Empire fleet at one of the elevator junctions - I notice the shadows primarily when reflected off of metal surfaces. All settings are maxed.



Here's one on Tython. So maybe it is a Radeon thing. Who knows? I've heard a lot of talk of optimization issues.



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Also- BW White Knights, I am a paying customer and I have a right to be upset when promoted features are not in the game as advertised.


Saying anything useful to you is useless because your original post invites only two possible responses (with some variants):


1. "I agree totally, this sucks"

2. "You're wrong."


When one posts like this, you're not actually inviting any discussion. All you want is for someone to disagree with you so you can accuse them of being a white knight or fanboy, then rant some more.


We're not here to cater to your infantile whims, my friend.


My advice to you: If you do not like the product you are receiving, then cease paying for it. Good day.

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Empire fleet at one of the elevator junctions - I notice the shadows primarily when reflected off of metal surfaces. All settings are maxed.



Here's one on Tython. So maybe it is a Radeon thing. Who knows? I've heard a lot of talk of optimization issues.




Found it, thanks.


I am not going to claim that I know anything about how the game's engine works, but I do know that our characters don't sit still - mount up, and take that same screen shot. From what I see, the mount looks better (still a bit blocky, but better), but my character's shadow looks objectively worse than the mount's does. It might be the surface that the shadow is being cast on (the one on the Fleet is far from uniform, both in texture, and reflection), it might be because your character is almost constantly *swaying* in place even while standing still, and it might be that the shadows are just poorly done.


I don't know.



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