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East/West vs Snow/Grass


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East/West is better, no contest.


If you're not familiar with cardinal directions, here's a quick primer. Your mini-map is always oriented so north is up, south is down, east is right, and west is left. This never changes.


You're running around the middle node kiting/chasing someone who is kiting, getting disoriented in the process. Someone calls "snow": oh crap, which way is that? Someone calls "east" instead: you just glance at your mini-map and start moving towards the right side of it.


East and West are constants, so please, use them. in b4 "Snow/Grass doesn't change": what about when Civil War becomes same faction in 1.3? What about Voidstar and Novare Coast, where east and west have no identifying features like snow and grass?


There is no debate, really. "East/West" is by far the easiest way to orient yourself. The people who are used to calling "snow/grass" shouldn't have a problem calling "east/west" because they have to do it for the other maps.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-

I never call it Grass or Snow I find it retarded for the reasons you listed above.


Some people are just slow or just want to sound cool calling it grass/snow, East/West is much better because the mini map is fixed north, calling it grass/snow sounds like a bunch of 7 year old playing that have not learned directions yet. What's next?, North=clouds, South=dirt lol.


Also both east and west are four letter words vs grass/snow making east/west one letter shorter for faster typing on the fly.

Edited by Nijraw
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Grass and snow...

I'm happy to be on republic side. Best way to know someone rerolled from imp : Grass and snow.


West/east is the best way to indicate an inc. It's universal and anyone above 13 should understand that.

(Tells a lot about imperial side average age)

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East/West is better, no contest.


If you're not familiar with cardinal directions, here's a quick primer. Your mini-map is always oriented so north is up, south is down, east is right, and west is left. This never changes.


You're running around the middle node kiting/chasing someone who is kiting, getting disoriented in the process. Someone calls "snow": oh crap, which way is that? Someone calls "east" instead: you just glance at your mini-map and start moving towards the right side of it.


East and West are constants, so please, use them. in b4 "Snow/Grass doesn't change": what about when Civil War becomes same faction in 1.3? What about Voidstar and Novare Coast, where east and west have no identifying features like snow and grass?


There is no debate, really. "East/West" is by far the easiest way to orient yourself. The people who are used to calling "snow/grass" shouldn't have a problem calling "east/west" because they have to do it for the other maps.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-


You should use the search feature. This topic has been discussed over and over and over

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Actually, maybe they're both more useful in different circumstances?

Although I swear that there are clues which indicate which direction will take you where, if you're in the middle, west and east are probably more helpful to understand. But at the same time, hearing snow and grass shouldn't be a problem if you've learnt the map.

If you're on one of the sides however, or at least in the tunnel on your way from one of them, you'll know which direction to go and in this instance it's slightly easier than having to glance at the compass to make sure. But again, it shouldn't be a problem as it's only just a momentary glance.


At the end of the day, if a person feels more comfortable with one, then let him shout that out. Chances are she/he'll say it faster and so we'll be able to respond faster.

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been hearing it from both sides of the argument..best way Bioware can solve this problem..put the directions on the mini map..like "N" for north etc...that way anybody would know the direction at all time..be like a compass on map.
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You know what would fix this? An arrow that always points north and let the map ROTATE. Then the orientation matches YOURS so the confusion is lessened.


Simple change? Check.


MASSIVE positive impact? Check.

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You know what would fix this? An arrow that always points north and let the map ROTATE. Then the orientation matches YOURS so the confusion is lessened.


Simple change? Check.


MASSIVE positive impact? Check.


Smartest post I've read all day.

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I just say help. :D Everyone should know where i am at anyways, they should be focusing on me the whole warzones. No need for added communications and typing.


Infact I should just have to type "h" and you should automatically know where and how many!

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I like how some of these posts assume that people who prefer east/west like it because they are incapable of understanding the snow/grass distinction. I get it, it makes sense, I just don't think it's the best way to call it for the reasons I and others have already stated.


Calling grass/snow seems like it would only be helpful if you hold both sides; however, east/west would be just as effective in that case. The big bugaboo, however, is that grass/snow confuses people who aren't familiar with the map, whereas east/west SHOULD be universally understood. Yes, people can still be dumb and not know east from west, but they probably won't react any better to snow/grass. (to be fair, people that dumb probably won't be much good in a WZ period) I've already seen several cases of people calling grass/snow on The Shadowlands and getting confused responses from newer players. My guildies and I didn't really have a problem with it, since we had already cleared out middle and were on our way to east before the call came. Still, most of this confusion could be avoided by just calling "east/west", since that's what you (should) do on NC and VS anyway.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-


addendum: please never call left/right; that's even worse than grass/snow.

Edited by Sock_Bramson
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I like how some of these posts assume that people who prefer east/west like it because they are incapable of understanding the snow/grass distinction. I get it, it makes sense, I just don't think it's the best way to call it for the reasons I and others have already stated.


Calling grass/snow seems like it would only be helpful if you hold both sides; however, east/west would be just as effective in that case. The big bugaboo, however, is that grass/snow confuses people who aren't familiar with the map, whereas east/west SHOULD be universally understood. Yes, people can still be dumb and not know east from west, but they probably won't react any better to snow/grass. (to be fair, people that dumb probably won't be much good in a WZ period) I've already seen several cases of people calling grass/snow on The Shadowlands and getting confused responses from newer players. My guildies and I didn't really have a problem with it, since we had already cleared out middle and were on our way to east before the call came. Still, most of this confusion could be avoided by just calling "east/west", since that's what you (should) do on NC and VS anyway.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-


addendum: please never call left/right; that's even worse than grass/snow.


Quoted for absolute truth. Nothing else needs to be said on the subject.

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You know what would fix this? An arrow that always points north and let the map ROTATE. Then the orientation matches YOURS so the confusion is lessened.


Simple change? Check.


MASSIVE positive impact? Check.


No thanks. Rotating minimaps suck imo. I already know which way north is. Theres no answer to this issue, because there is no cure for stupid.

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the very fact that you explain which side grass/snow refers to by relating it to the cardinal directions simply proves that east/west is the simpler and clearer route. Saying snow and having some teammates think "snow is east" adds a completely unnecessary moment of thought when you could have just said east to begin with.


As for people who call left/right, i pretend they don't exist because acknowledging their existence makes me lose what little hope i still have for humanity. At least the snow/grass guys show an element of logic (albeit poorly executed.)



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I don't care what a pug uses when they call out for help as long as they call something, anything...


This. This. A million times THIS!!! Although I would add "as long as they call something BEFORE IT IS CAPPED!"

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East/West is better, no contest.


If you're not familiar with cardinal directions, here's a quick primer. Your mini-map is always oriented so north is up, south is down, east is right, and west is left. This never changes.


this is of course confusing for our australian players, for whom all such directions are upside down.


also, the side with snow is always the side with snow, it never changes. likewise for grass.

both are always the same compas direction. is it really so hard, when someone calls snow, to head in the right direction? even if you've moved around and become disoriented, it hasnt.


the terms are easilly interchangable. no need for debate, use whichever you are comfortable with. if someone cant figure out which is where, they should probably be vote kicked.

yet another reason why lvl 50 pvp should require an IQ test.

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Interesting debate. I've always used cardinal directions because they don't change on the minimap. And with the changes to WZs where the same faction can play on the opposite side, it's even more important to have absolute positioning rather than a relative.


As for left/right, some people have a dyslexia about it, brought on by the fact that in a lot environments, they are visually symmetrical. An example is walking down a corridor, something that most people have done since attending school. The same people have no issue with up/down as the opposite is true, they aren't symmetrical. Up has light fittings, down has carpet. I had left/right dyslexia until I learned how to drive a car. I needed it sorted so I used a mnemonic to help: "I write with my right hand".


Of all the time I've spent playing games online, it still amazes me that fully grown adults cannot use cardinal directions. They tend to fall into the same category as people who are confused by time zones or asci alt-codes. "I've left school, what do you mean I have to keep learning!?!?". But same as let/right/up/down you can have a mnemonic. Just imagine the map of Earth on the minimap. The West is where America/Europe would be and the East is where China/Japan is. North is always up. Of course if the person in question is under educated and has never seen a map of the world, or indeed a compass (highly unlikely) there is no help.


I used to take the east/west thing one step further and just type 2 letter codes as call outs. w5, e2. It's easy to type (you can squeeze them between a GCD, and the keys are right there with most of your binds) but some players had problems with it. Even within the context of a video game where positions are relevant, they can't figure it out. FFS, I'm not recommending London postcodes for your next property investment whilst trying to fight off a jedi shadow or two. I once got into it with one guy who ignored/misunderstood my call after getting capped.


My guildmates understood it fine, without the need for explanation, when I started using it. As did most other players. But to be fair, some people need it spelling out.


But to get back on subject, I would agree that for Alderaan at least, east/west is better than snow/grass because you can tell where you must go regardless of where you are. If you are on one of he sides, snow/grass can work. But as others have stated, if you're in the middle it's not hugely intuitive. Snow/grass started to become popular on my old server a few weeks ago and I still have the occasional issue with relating where it is. Those who call east/west makes life easier for me.

Edited by Qishari
removed inappropriate langauge
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Grass and snow...

I'm happy to be on republic side. Best way to know someone rerolled from imp : Grass and snow.


West/east is the best way to indicate an inc. It's universal and anyone above 13 should understand that.

(Tells a lot about imperial side average age)


True, i have never heard grass/snow used on rep side, only imp.


Its pretty stupid to me, when you could just use a direction system that applies across both sides and will never fail.


The very fact that you explain which side grass/snow refers to by relating it to the cardinal directions simply proves that east/west is the simpler and clearer route. Saying snow and having some teammates think "snow is east" adds a completely unnecessary moment of thought when you could have just said east to begin with.


As for people who call left/right, I pretend they don't exist because acknowledging their existence makes me lose what little hope I still have for humanity. At least the snow/grass guys show an element of logic (albeit poorly executed.)


I have less of a problem with left/right because to me left is west and right is east in that warzone, always- since anything else defies all logic. That said, i have had a few rude awakens when it became apparent that left/right was not west/east for said players :eek:

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Grass and snow...

I'm happy to be on republic side. Best way to know someone rerolled from imp : Grass and snow.


West/east is the best way to indicate an inc. It's universal and anyone above 13 should understand that.

(Tells a lot about imperial side average age)


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I have less of a problem with left/right because to me left is west and right is east in those warzones, always- since anything else defies all logic. That said, i have had a few rude awakens when it became apparent that left/right was not west/east for said players :eek:


For most people in most games, left indicates to the left from spawn point, when everyone in the game on your side has the same spawn point.

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left/right is the simplest means of communicating directions.


1. east/west - cardinal directions have to be learned at some point in your life. (this should be when your young but who am i to judge)

people can know cardinal directions without being good at using them. therefore they have to figure out east is right before they can go right.


2. grass/snow - when someone says grass or snow, others need to read grass or snow then convert it into a direction. (this makes 1 step into 2 steps just like east/west)

also grass/snow requires people to have some knowledge of the map.


some people are "noobs" and some are ignorant, its prolly best to keep things as basic as possible when your dealing with random people.


3. left/right - it doesnt get any more basic, its the same thing as east and west yet its easier for everyone, the minimap always points north so left is left and right is right...


people just need to learn that the minimap is a very important tool. actually if your good at using your minimap and able to pay attention to your teams hp you dont need people to call incs at all.

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Left/right is less reliable because you are assuming everyone is using the same orientation as you. This happens all the time in Voidstar. People say left and 1/2 the people go to the side on their left with their back to the doors and the other to their left as they are facing the doors.
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