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Why do people feel that everything should be easy to obtain?


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There is literally no valid argument as to why this is a bad idea. Any type of argument made is a mask to the sense of entitlement that players have. All we do in mmos is continue working to obtain things, reach goals. All of them have requirements to be met. Getting this companion has a certain requirement.


You may not like it but oh well, its a game afterall and whether or not you get this companion will not be game breaking.


Seriously, its like if i wanted to argue about the fact that I need to raid HM EC to get campaign gear(not that I have a problem with it). Any argument I make towards that is just me hiding behind a sense of entitlement.


What about the +10 datacron? or any datacron for that matter?

What about the pets that are hard to get? or mounts? or rare crystals?


Theres going to be things that require some work to get. Its a common practice in mmos. even on more than one character.


Most people seem to be balking at the requirement of on the same server..not the requirement to work as you put it.

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Why? Entitlement.


99 out of a hundred threads are started by people who have it. The other 1 thread out of a hundred is started by people who want to berate the 99%.


Congratulations OP, you are the 1%.


Lol. Agree with this. But I think it's more of .5% want to berate the 99%, .4% just sit back and laugh at it all and .1% actually try to have an adult discussion about the topic at hand.

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Discriminatory against those who don't like to play alts? LOL.


Wow. What if I said that campaign gear is discriminatory against soloers and they dont feel like spend a few hours in a raid each week? It's not like this companion is game breaking, it's a neat perk for those who choose to complete the requirements. You were told from the beginning this game was going to be heavily alt based with the legacy system and all. If you don't like rolling alts, then you should not be able to get it. Why should rare items or perks in the game conform to your play style and what you feel like doing. MMOs have always had certain rare things that have a set of requirements to get them. Not everyone is able to obtain them. You are not going to get every cool item in this game if you refuse to only follow your own play style. Thats how it's always been.

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Not to be anal...but it was confirmed that We need 1 level 50 and at least another character on the other faction half way.


But yeah...I never understand the "I should get this within the first try, etc" attitudes. I was not around during pre-NGW for SWG, but man imagine some of these people trying to make a Jedi... :rolleyes:

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Most people seem to be balking at the requirement of on the same server..not the requirement to work as you put it.


that is still not a valid argument. Theres 8 character slots per server, 8 classes. The setup makes it a non issue. If players choose to only play one faction on a server then thats on them. Its the same as me saying I only want to pvp, but i want high end pve gear.

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i dont understand it either, with legacy and them mentioning that we "may" get a bios page in the future i made sure i have both factions in my legacy and have, what i think, is a pretty cool story worked out waiting for us to get that legacy bios page.


doesnt seem like having 8 characters in a legacy all in the same faction would be a very interesting story, thats just my opinion though.

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that is still not a valid argument. Theres 8 character slots per server, 8 classes. The setup makes it a non issue. If players choose to only play one faction on a server then thats on them. Its the same as me saying I only want to pvp, but i want high end pve gear.


there are 16 ACs

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There are 8 imperial and 8 republic advanced classes mirrored or not it still adds to 16.


The fact remains that what players choose to make with their character slots is their choice. Bioware has already stated that they are looking at adding more character slots. Once again there isnt a valid argument for this.

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I think someone should create an mmo consisting out of a single button "click me" - with a popup going on, saying "you are the best of the best, you won and have everything now". They would do millions even with sub costs of 1€.


its would sell millions

be spouted as the next great thing

and be empty the next day!


To the guy saying im the minority


Really, so how long did RIFT hold its initial player base?

Answer 2 months and then they were severely struggeling to bring players back in

People ate up content fast and sloppy and left


How did it work for TOR?

We all seen the sub drops and know the remaining numbers are massively falsely padded

People bought, ate up content, and dropped


So where is this majority thats supporting these fast and easy games?


Id rather have 1 million stay for 5 years paying their subs then sell 5 million units and only get 1 month sub from them.


Maybe you are the majority,


But your majority doesnt support the products long term and MMORPGs are suppose to be designed for the LONG TERM!


Personally I dont think this mystical casual players that want everything handed to them are the majority. I been around 21 years in MMORPG communities and know exactly 2 casuals that want WOW, RIFT, TOR easiness. TWO!

Every other casual I know wants more challenge!


I think the casuals that demand fast, easy, sloppy are the VOCAL minority, not the silent Majority.

Edited by Kalfear
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its would sell millions

be spouted as the next great thing

and be empty the next day!


To the guy saying im the minority


Really, so how long did RIFT hold its initial player base?

Answer 2 months and then they were severely struggeling to bring players back in

People ate up content fast and sloppy and left


How did it work for TOR?

We all seen the sub drops and know the remaining numbers are massively falsely padded

People bought, ate up content, and dropped


So where is this majority thats supporting these fast and easy games?


Id rather have 1 million stay for 5 years paying their subs then sell 5 million units and only get 1 month sub from them.


Maybe you are the majority,


But your majority doesnt support the products long term and MMORPGs are suppose to be designed for the LONG TERM!


Personally I dont think this mystical casual players that want everything handed to them are the majority. I been around 21 years in MMORPG communities and know exactly 2 casuals that want WOW, RIFT, TOR easiness. TWO!

Every other casual I know wants more challenge!


I think the casuals that demand fast, easy, sloppy are the VOCAL minority, not the silent Majority.


I'm certainly not one to want things handed to me, but I can see the other side of the coin. How well would an MMO do if it was absolutely brutal? Let's look back at the days of EQ. Go ahead and put in a full questing system, but make death certainly a common thing, body with all gear drops and you have to go run back to get it, and death brings XP penalties.


Leveling to cap takes at least a year for a casual player and players are "encouraged" to level in groups by way of monsters that can murder them in very short order. Add in PVP that allows looting an opponents corpse for a piece of their stuff and PVE endgame that requires absolute precision.


I think a game like that would do just as badly as a game that is too easy, so there does need to be a balance struck. Not too hard, not too easy.

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I'm not trolling, I want to have a serious discussion.


For example, the HK-51 companion coming out is probably going to require both a lvl 50 imperial and a lvl republic character on the same legacy to get. People all of a sudden start to complain about how they "don't feel like leveling an opposite faction character" and "Bioware messed this one up I'm quitting". I happen to like the requirement because not everyone is going to get it, it's fun to experience leveling a character on both sides, and it's not another one of those freebies to come in the mail. We have to work for it. People in this game feel they are entitled to get everything that comes out in this game, and if they don't feel like doing it, it becomes "unfair" and "bad business Bioware".


I think some people fail to realize that this is not a single player game. You aren't going to get everything handed to you. In MMOs a lot of the successful players have things the other don't because they put in more effort. This isn't even a diffcult requirement anyway. I applaud Bioware for making this awesome companion at least a little difficult to get. I'm not trying to disparage anyone, I'd really like to know why people feel that if they don't like to do something then it shouldn't be a requirement to get a cool companion. I know some people have filled all their charact6er slots but have like a lvl 40, a lvl 20 and six lvl 1-10 characters. You can afford to delete one of them to level a republic guy if you want HK-51. It is your choice whether to fulfill the requirements or not.


Can we at least have a somewhat civil discussion for once? I have a feeling it's going to be too much to ask.


It has nothing to do with easy or hard, it has to do only with the fact that Bioware is trying to dictate the way people play the game.


I have Republic toons and Imperial toons but like a lot of people I keep them on separate servers. Especially considering my Imp toons are on a PvP server where I simply don't see the need to have toons on the opposite faction.


If Bioware wants us to level up through both factions, they need to make the unlock cross servers instead of trying to dictate peoples game style choices.


No other major MMO requires characters of opposite factions on the same server in order to access new content and this one shouldn't either. Honestly, the more a game company tries to force game play decisions on people, the more they will dig in their heels against it.


No one is saying the new unlock should be easy. Not one post I ever saw against the two factions on one server unlock just wanted the unlock handed to them, they simply do not want to be forced to have to play both factions on one server.


It shouldn't be too hard to keep it as one character of each faction for unlock but allow those toons to be on different servers. If they can let me transfer 9 characters in under 4 minutes, they can find a way to count my Republic characters on one server and my Imperial characters on another.

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I'm not trolling, I want to have a serious discussion.


For example, the HK-51 companion coming out is probably going to require both a lvl 50 imperial and a lvl republic character on the same legacy to get. People all of a sudden start to complain about how they "don't feel like leveling an opposite faction character" and "Bioware messed this one up I'm quitting". I happen to like the requirement because not everyone is going to get it, it's fun to experience leveling a character on both sides, and it's not another one of those freebies to come in the mail. We have to work for it. People in this game feel they are entitled to get everything that comes out in this game, and if they don't feel like doing it, it becomes "unfair" and "bad business Bioware".


I think some people fail to realize that this is not a single player game. You aren't going to get everything handed to you. In MMOs a lot of the successful players have things the other don't because they put in more effort. This isn't even a diffcult requirement anyway. I applaud Bioware for making this awesome companion at least a little difficult to get. I'm not trying to disparage anyone, I'd really like to know why people feel that if they don't like to do something then it shouldn't be a requirement to get a cool companion. I know some people have filled all their charact6er slots but have like a lvl 40, a lvl 20 and six lvl 1-10 characters. You can afford to delete one of them to level a republic guy if you want HK-51. It is your choice whether to fulfill the requirements or not.


Can we at least have a somewhat civil discussion for once? I have a feeling it's going to be too much to ask.


Fact is I like that I have to work for my game experience and it makes it more fun. Too many games in the last year have been dumbed down to their based form and the gameplay is garbage now. From what I have read so far and seen on the site and wiki. That SWTOR is basically like the original SWG before SONY murdered it with their streamlined ideas. Just installing game now and hoping my wife will like it also. I am an old school gamer that happens to like more detailed gameplay. If people want quick short and sweet gameplay, they should go do MP on CoD or Halo. MMOs are supposed to get you into the RP of a story, not just go shoot em up bang bang. :wea_06:

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Why do people feel that everything should be easy to obtain?


Because they invented microwave ovens.


To make instant coffee you had to boil water on a stove.

Before that you had to chop wood to burn in your old iron pot stove to boil water and there was no instant coffee.

Before that you had to Chop wood,heat a tin pot over an open camp fire.

Before that, there was no coffee and to survive you had to sift through the hair on your girlfriend's back for lice if it were the only source of nutrition around.If she waxed her back you'de die .

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When developing my characters and doing missions, I want to have fun. Too many MMOs have felt like work in the past.


Its not that things should be easy to obtain for the majority of players, but it should at least be fun for the majority of players.


When only a minority of players can access certain game content, because they somehow have full-time hours (usually more) to dedicate to learning and running said content, then yes, the majority will complain that things need to be "easier".


I say they should be fun. There will always be those, though, who will feel the game is either too easy, or too hard. Bioware is trying to balance the difficulty for the majority of people, from what I've seen in this game so far.


Its about time MMOs started doing things this way.

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I'd ask why do people feel that everything should be targeted toward a minority of players and not the average who are the largest player base?


Nicely put.In the first place it is a game.Games are suppose to be fun.I could be wrong there.Myself I don't care about HK.I barely used him in K1 and just put the pacifist gizmo in him in K2.Still there are people that want him so it is a good thing.I don't see why others should have to jump thru a hoop and grind a chr on another faction to have him.For those that want higher difficulty.Easy solution.Use starter gear.If you can get to level 50 without someone holding your hand.You the man or woman.The funny thing is people seem to think they set the standard for others.I know they didn't pay for my game and I sure as h ell didn't pay for theirs.

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Because, they're the "most dedicated".


What does that matter to a company that wants to make money? They want more players that will stick around, not a minority of dedicated players.


And I question that claim that they are any more dedicated just because they perhaps have more time to play than someone else.

Edited by Deyjarl
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