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Whats Your Favourite Companion story line?


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Jorgan's search for the Deadeyes.


With other companion quests I've done, you're doing missions for these companions because... you like them? They ask nicely? With Jorgan's mission, no matter how you feel about the cat, as a Trooper you probably care about rescuing a captured Republic squad. It's easy for you to become invested in helping them, and having a shared endeavor, it really helps to BELIEVABLY bring you and Jorgan closer.


With the other companion missions I've done, you're just kind of along for the ride, with no reason to care other than the companion asking you to. Maybe that's enough, my BH cares a lot about Mako. But a mean BH wouldn't give a rat's hindquarters about the heritage of his resident nagging clinger, nor would he find reason to care about her from doing her companion quest.


Also who doesn't like watching Jorgan interact with the SIS?

"Thank the nice man, Jorgan."

"...thank you."

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jorgan's search for the deadeyes.


With other companion quests i've done, you're doing missions for these companions because... You like them? They ask nicely? With jorgan's mission, no matter how you feel about the cat, as a trooper you probably care about rescuing a captured republic squad. It's easy for you to become invested in helping them, and having a shared endeavor, it really helps to believably bring you and jorgan closer.


With the other companion missions i've done, you're just kind of along for the ride, with no reason to care other than the companion asking you to. Maybe that's enough, my bh cares a lot about mako. But a mean bh wouldn't give a rat's hindquarters about the heritage of his resident nagging clinger, nor would he find reason to care about her from doing her companion quest.


Also who doesn't like watching jorgan interact with the sis?

"thank the nice man, jorgan."

"...thank you."


^^^ this!!!!

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I liked the one with Corso's cousin -

- that ended up as a drug dealer. I thought she was a really intriguing character and I was so sad that I never heard from her again. I wanted to change her mind and then get her to be part of my smuggler's girl power team. :(

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Jaesa, her hunt for other light siders like us is so well done.


I'll say this... I may not like every member of my Sith Warrior's crew (*cough*Pierce*cough*), but I really wished I could accompany most of them on their companion missions:


Quinn's kidnapping of a Moff from his own ship? Pierce's former team taking on the Bastion? Jaesa's search for LS Sith (as previously mentioned)?


So wanted in on those... Too bad that you only get to accompany Vette on hers (although hers wasn't bad either). I really do hope they add the option of accompanying all your companions on their missions eventually, and not just your first companion...

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Jasea's Dark Side version of that is also kind of neat. I wanted to see it though...


Mako's quest line.


It never out and out says it but the thought is pretty intriguing.

Its too bad you never get any elaboration on it despite what the SIS agent says that he'll be in touch.



Gaults as well come to think of it.



He's just a big softie at heart. XD


Edited by DakSomtaaw
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I really do hope they add the option of accompanying all your companions on their missions eventually, and not just your first companion...

Agreed. Some of them could be shortened of course, but actually seeing them unfold rather than merely talking about them would be cool. So far with my JC I liked Zenith's best I think, even though it felt kind of short-ish.

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