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Why are TOR players never happy?


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"We want the game out now!" quickly turned into "Why are there so many bugs?"


"There are too many people playing on my server, increase the cap so i don't have to wait!" turned into "My server is almost light, this is your fault so give us transfers NOW!"


"Server transfers have come way to late, they should have been here ages ago" quickly turned into "Why was i the last person in the entire world to be transferred to another server? It's not fair..."


"Not enough people playing on my server, now i lost my name because i have to transfer." turned into "There are too many people on my server now :' ( "


"I just lost time i would have spent playing this game because of your server downtime! I demand to get that day back" turned into "Oh they just gave us a free month because the game is failing. I don't care, I'm going to unsub after it ends anyway."


I don't think i have ever seen a group of such ungrateful and woe-is-my-life gamers in any other community before, and these are just the ones i can think of off the top of my head.


Grow up and give TOR time.


Or if you don't like it, move on and let those of us who do like it like it in peace.

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The majority are, the vocal minority screaming the end is nigh on the forums arnt and i doubt they would be happy even if lucas let them play the game in his house, given a million quid and a real r2d2. Edited by Shingara
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"Server transfers have come way to late, they should have been here ages ago" quickly turned into "Why was i the last person in the entire world to be transferred to another server? It's not fair..."


Because, My server is the LAST PICKED (ok theres Darth Malak..) PVP server to be transferred.

ALL the west coast PVP servers transferred

EVERY East coast PVP servers besides Darth Malak and Belgoth's Beacon Have been transferred

What did they do forget about us? IT IS not fair. Every pvp server will have fun this weekend, Me and whatever few people left on Belgoth's Beacon and Darth Malak have to sit here and stare at 5-10 people on our Fleets. There is no reason not to transfer us, We couldnt tip the server populations that badly with the 300 subscribers left on our servers.

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It's an MMO. Gamers in general tend to live in a perpetual state of gaming-or-unhappiness, but MMO players are the worse.


To fish out the Yahtzee quote: Cows go Moo, Dogs go Woof, MMO Players go 'PVP is Unbalanced'. That reviewer is pretty classic gamer actually, and so that's a fairly positive review by his standards.


Plus, lets be honest, you only tend to come to forums because (a) you're unhappy and want to talk or (b) you're bored and want to talk. There doesn't tend to be a © I'm happy and want to talk, cos they're busy playing.


So you end up with a bunch of people talking about being unhappy or bored.

Edited by Lakhesis
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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding!

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