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No more transfers until next week


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So much QQ I'm not even sure where to begin. Obviously most of you have not been involved in any kind of development cycle. Basically what your saying is, because of things outside of BioWares control, the remaining servers they haven't done still have low pop. It's not like BioWare had control over what servers people chose to play on. If anything because of the initial size of the launch, they gave us TOO MANY options, so when people took their week long vacations to play Star Wars or whatever, eventually there was the drop off of every day players. Then there were the players that went back to WoW and others who dont understand how game launches work and because all the bugs weren't fixed in 5 minutes quit. This left us in the situation we're in now.


Why should BioWare employees have to work weekends for this. Are they not allowed a weekend? The people mostly responsible for the decision making in this process don't want to start a new round of stuff when they aren't going to be around if something happens.


Oh noes, they want to take a couple of days to monitor and gather statistics. Oh NOES! This is likely due to the fact that after the server transfers, the destination servers will have an even higher daily population count because of players all jumping on to their new server that actually have people. Someone mentioned that they think the only remaining servers are the ones with the highest population. They've done a ton of servers and now they need to take a moment to step back and see how things plateu out on all the servers they have done, before they jump to the bigger ones. I don't see the problem with this. For all we know, after the weekend when populations are at its highest, something could explode, and then you'd be ************ because they rushed so many servers they didn't have time to work anything out or evaluate what they were doing.


This morning we had about 7 on the Imperial Fleet and I think 3 on the Republic. I want more people so bad because I can't get a thing done during my morning play time except dailies... YAWN. But I would rather they take their time with things.


Yes, we all know it sucks when your last, but as someone already pointed out, someone is ALWAYS last. I'd rather be last and they pick the right origin/destination for my server once they've had time to take a look at everything in the big picture, than them pick a server and something worse happens.


Take a chill pill, I know we've been waiting several months for them to fix population issues. I'm just happy to know they're working on it and will have it done soon as opposed ot having no clue.

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A question for all those defending Bioware in this thread:


Have you transferred your characters to your destination servers (or were you on a server designated as a destination server), and if so, are you willing to go back to your old server or roll a new character on one of the 20% of the servers that have not been transferred this weekend?


If the answers is yes and no, then you really have no business telling us to continue waiting.

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There are only 2 PVP EST servers left, TWO, with a combined population of maybe 50. No amount of data over the weekend is going to impact the end result. These two servers have to be transferred to either Fatman or Po5,. So why wait other than to piss us off?


lol, seriously! They have already merged most servers into a select few. Whats the point of saving the last few when theyre obviously going to go to one of the current destination servers already.


I think theyre just being lazy jerks who want to take the day off and not worry about the xfers.

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It was lagging last night and loads of folks will not be logging in until the weekend. They need data to determine what needs to be fixed.


Most likely, they will open a 4th PVE East server next week as many of those left have decent pops.


Yes, because they couldn't possibly have measured how many play on weekends before transfers started.

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Damn so many people QQ about this. They said transfers for servers will start on the week of June 12th. Not EVERYONE will be transferred on the week of June 12th. I understand people want to be moved but you're crying like its the end of the world. Get your toons ready to transfer and then go outside or do something productive, or play another game for the next few days..Haven't beat a game yet, go beat it and wait patiently.


The week isn't over. Tomorrow would have made more sense for them to halt the transfer service not today.

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Q. Are the people on servers that will not open up for transfers till next week get any compensation for having to play on a dead server for a week longer than their equally playing counterparts who already transferred over?


An ingame cash compensation of 1 million credit would work for me :)

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Incoming QQ of people who can't wait 4 days.


ive waited about 6 mounths


people whos servers have been left last now have to wait, yes but they are paying to play this game and its not fun or can be impossible to play if there server is empty.


and the standerd plz be paitent bull isnt going to cut it from bioware they need to get their heads out of the clouds

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Did they not plan that all active accounts on origin servers would move to the predetermined destination servers? They already stated that if half of a guild moved, don't worry the rest would be allowed to move later, so they must plan on keeping the current pairs opened for some length of time.


Seems like they could do the math on the remaining servers and make the call on whether to open new servers or not. I work in SQL every day. Data mining is relatively straightforward.

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Well... I was looking forward to some good PT this weekend. Knocking out more HMs, Ops. etc. But... that won't happen if transfers have stopped for now. I really am disappointed. I have and continue to be a big fan of the game but feel a little betrayed by the randomness of this decision. I think given that they are almost done, they could in fact finish up the transfer and monitor things then as it were.


However, I'm just speculating. I don't know enough about the sever loads and network management to really provide any insight other than my disappointment. I do agree that there will be a lot of activity this weekend on the destination servers so... maybe it is best to be prudent.


I am disappointed but optimistic. I hope to be playing on a full server next week. In the meantime... back to the dailies and maybe I will take the time to go find that orokeet egg. lol!

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A question for all those defending Bioware in this thread:


Have you transferred your characters to your destination servers (or were you on a server designated as a destination server), and if so, are you willing to go back to your old server or roll a new character on one of the 20% of the servers that have not been transferred this weekend?


If the answers is yes and no, then you really have no business telling us to continue waiting.



I'm on a healthy server and I don't agree with the way they are handling this. Wake the bleep up and smell the coffee Bioware, more people will quit for this incompetence.

Edited by Skidrowbro
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So much QQ I'm not even sure where to begin.....


I hear what you are saying, and I would normally agree with you if this were still beta testing.


But right now I'm paying for a service I can barely use. Sure, it might be unfair to bioware staffers to have to work thru a weekend (which people in technology jobs routinely do, BTW) but it's patently unfair to ask me to ride out my subscription that I paid in advance for a product I can't effectively use.

Edited by King_Cashio
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Incoming QQ of people who can't wait 4 days.


You're hardly in a position to state such. Enjoy your nice populated server this weekend; I'll be sure to think of remarks like yours when I'm the only person on any given planet and the fleet(s)....:rolleyes:

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try 6 months. but whatever, what's 4 more days? it's not like we're paying them... oh wait.




The "six months" you waited is due to your own stubbornness and refusing to reroll. But lets look at this fact of time:


If you had rerolled when you realized your server had such low population that it was annoying you to log in and play, you would have been caught up with what you had six months ago, plus some.


I'm assuming that you will cry about your character name being taken when you can't get it too?

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Cancelled last month and glad I did no renew for these wonderful server transfers! LMAO


Cool. And you are here to do what exactly? Validate your decision? Demonstrate your prowess? Tell us "I told you so."?


Lol. When does your free time run out?

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I hear what you are saying, and I would normally agree with you if this were still beta testing.


But right now I'm paying for a service I can barely use. Sure, it might be unfair to bioware staffers to have to work thru a weekend (which people in technology jobs routinely do, BTW) but it's patently unfair to ask me to ride out my subscription that I paid in advance to a product I can't effectively use.


Couldnt have said this any better even thou i tried

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I hear what you are saying, and I would normally agree with you if this were still beta testing.


But right now I'm paying for a service I can barely use. Sure, it might be unfair to bioware staffers to have to work thru a weekend (which people in technology jobs routinely do, BTW) but it's patently unfair to ask me to ride out my subscription that I paid in advance for a product I can't effectively use.



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See my post below yours concerning the majority of the remaining servers is PVE East Coast and a brand new destination server with only standard population is open. The data should have been compiled not only this week but the last 3 months to get the pattern of users and their play times.


The numbers will not be static. There may be plenty of folks who paused in play to wait for transfers. They need time to make sure that no bug arise from existing transfers and to determine if folks will return to the servers because of the transfer process.


It is also voluntary, so a lot of folks many be fence sitters that decide to transfer late.


They are acting responsibly.

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