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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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I tried my best to play LOTRO and was constantly reminded that the game was F2P because I'd want to try something, click on something on my UI, etc and be pointed to the store. Again, no thanks.


I know the feeling. Same feeling I get now when I try to play TOR. I know when my Sith Sorcerer hits level 50, he will be in the same boat as my level 50 Jedi Shadow. That is stuck with nothing to do but dailies, as the pop on my server is too low to support any group play....day after day. And I am not transfering and risking losing my char's names. FTP model would atleast help me feel like I am not wasting my money. :(

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F2P was a HUGE boon for LOTRO and quite successful. I don't have any problems with TOR going F2P.


I dont see how TOR will be able to keep players paying a sub so you have a point. Turbine also made horrible decisions and thought they knew better than their customers what they wanted. Bioware learned nothing from this and was arrogant that they had the WoW killer. Then it was just one terrible decision after another. Look at this transfer fiasco with 21 servers on the east coast left out so far alone. Meanwhile all the origin servers are completely dead for anyone who didnt want to transfer.


Id love just once for them to do something right. Just once. This game will flop as f2p also if there is noone to group with. Server merges and transfers to ANY server should have been available months ago. Its a very simple thing they keep drawing out because they are winging it. Everyday they come in not having a clue what to do. The game is in a serious downward spiral.


Sad too because the game itself is solid. The leadership unfortunately not so much. Arrogance and talking down to your customers is a good way to end up like lotro. 12 NA servers total in lotro with only 3 active. I would bet lotro even with the free accounts is lucky to push 300k people total. Another game which had awesome potential but a horrible design team.

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In 2003 Star Wars Galaxies went live with a bang, a month later when the Free time was up, folks bailed. The New Game Enhancements were implemented in November 2005, the forums erupted and even more accounts went belly up. Most of the fan sites cried out in pain and declared the game DEAD and would have to either go F2P or shut down. On December 15, 2011 at 9:01 PM Pacific time, the servers of Star Wars Galaxies shut down forever. The game never went F2P. Nearly 9 years later the game and the loss of thousands of account and the game only shut down when TOR came along. Makes me wonder if Lucas would ever let this IP go F2P. Many of the games I used to play went Free To Play. I no longer play any of them.


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I think people are completely delusional about what F2P actually means, YOU STILL PAY A SUB IN THEM IF YOU WANT TO GET ANYWHERE....!!


And if you don't, every Quest, Area, Item you wish to own, directs you to a store that in the long run costs way more than a constant monthly sub ever would...


Honestly anybody promoting or dragging up F2P has never played in one for a substantial amount of time or has any concept of what it means to be in one. Once LOTRO went F2P it had a big boost in subs for a limited time but that soon faded, and the game is now a shell of what it was prior to F2P with nothing other than ultra casuals running around doing nothing, simply because they don't want to pay for anything.


If that's peoples ideas of fun, then carry on with the F2P banter.............If this game goes that way, there wont be 400k+ subs, more like 100-200k, and then it will truly die.


Lolz... hmmm you think there is gunna be 400k subs here whichever way they move.. lets see how the numbers stack once the free 30 days and 6 month game cards expire.. be prepared for bad weather I say... why do you think they are trying out new incentives.. cos they see the numbers clear as day and need to try to stabilize it first, then increase it... without such ideas and incentives this game has a far greater chance of falling flat and EA killing it completely.. though in my experience EA might even decide to do that before any such F2P is concieved anyway.


F2P is proven to do that successfully.. whehter you think LoTRO fails or not.. though from what I see its anything but that and I dont even log on that much but I saw it when it was falling down the same slopes as its sister MMO was - both of those MMO's have seen a helathy increase in both F2P and paid subs since then.

As to paying out more... if you choose to throw money out wildly without thought then sure its gunna hurt your wallet but having been around several that have F2P tags with cashcow shops I know first hand that you dont have to spend as much as even a whole years sub to get the same level of play as a subber... and my guild had 3 or 4 that have done just that... cos once you have bought the quest packs etc to be on a level playing field.. all you then have to do is pay for the next update or pack that comes along.... one payment... not every month..


You are basing your interpetation of F2P over a short term point of view which like anyhting will alwys appear mopre expensive and rightly so... if you choose to buy it all up at once and then leave in the first year.... but players who look into the model and consider it over a longer period of time see that actually its an incentive once your on a level playing field... the only ythings not accounted for are the fluff and nicey nicey stuff.. but thats an individual choice nothing more... but from a business point of view its a lure to hook you in and make money for the company.... no MMO is there for your beneift its for the company's benefit - ahocking i know but something you need to realise.. its nothing new to anyone that runs a business, I know I am always looking at ways to ensure a constant revenue stream for m ine.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Bad video! the guy tries to be insightfull , shed some light on free to play when in fact he's ignorant that f2p ends up costing us more in the long run. Epic Failure!


You have 2 salesmen.


One gets a fixed salary regardless of his sales.


The other works off commission with no cap.


Which one is going to work harder, on average, to please his customers?

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Here is an interesting article that may give us a glimpse at the future of SWTOR.


Keep in mind that absolutely nothing is confirmed in the article, but this particular quote stands out: "So we are looking at free-to-play but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on"




In other words "It's not that we don't have a good game, it's just that other games out there that are F2P are better, and we can't compete with them."


Wow. It's a bigger failure than I ever thought. It's pretty sad when one of the tor's leads is openly admitting that their game can't stand up and compete against the F2P options out there. *********** pathetic. This game is definitely moving closer to being F2P.

Edited by Celebrus
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I know the feeling. Same feeling I get now when I try to play TOR. I know when my Sith Sorcerer hits level 50, he will be in the same boat as my level 50 Jedi Shadow. That is stuck with nothing to do but dailies, as the pop on my server is too low to support any group play....day after day. And I am not transfering and risking losing my char's names. FTP model would atleast help me feel like I am not wasting my money. :(



Have you even tried to make characters with your toons names on the appropriate destination servers? I mean, I recognize your name... and I know what you're about on this board, but I figured I'd ask anyway... although I do realize my asking is rather pointless. ;)

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Oh god.. why...


I just want to pay my $15 and have all I can eat. I dont want to sit here and have to justify if I should spend $10 here and $5 here and $1 here. Its annoying.

Edited by Elboc
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Bad video! the guy tries to be insightfull , shed some light on free to play when in fact he's ignorant that f2p ends up costing us more in the long run. Epic Failure!


I really don't understand why people don't get this point.


And comparing SWTOR to League of Legends...really?


Everybody is complaining about lack of content yet nobody is willing to pay people to create it. Apparently people think "content" grows on trees.

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You have 2 salesmen.


One gets a fixed salary regardless of his sales.


The other works off commission with no cap.


Which one is going to work harder, on average, to please his customers?


The one that has to work all month to insure his customer renews and sticks around the following month? The one working off commission is the one more likely to sell you something and then not return your calls after. Heck, he's already made his money.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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If it was just free-to-play games and they weren’t very good it wouldn’t even be a question but there are definitely good games out there and good games coming out, so of course all of this competition impacts your plan with what you want to do


This one line right here says all you need to know.


He is openly saying that SWToR is finding it hard to compete with F2P games, and that the F2P options are "good" in a way that competes with ToR.


I hope the drain can swallow this mouthful of ****, this game might require a plunger it's been such an epic fail.

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This one line right here says all you need to know.


He is openly saying that SWToR is finding it hard to compete with F2P games, and that the F2P options are "good" in a way that competes with ToR.


I hope the drain can swallow this mouthful of ****, this game might require a plunger it's been such an epic fail.


And yet here you are. Wasting your time on an "epic fail" game.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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And yet here you are. Wasting your time on an "epic fail" game.


Free month runs out on the 20th.


Just because I bash the game more than I play it doesn't mean my opinion isn't as welcome here as yours.


Hell. You defend the game more than you play it, so we're about even.

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And yet here you are. Wasting your time on an "epic fail" game.


Galb. You've spent a lot of time hoping this game wouldn't fail. I'm truly sorry for you and JC, because I think you're the only two people in the world that are really going to care.

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Free month runs out on the 20th.


Just because I bash the game more than I play it doesn't mean my opinion isn't as welcome here as yours.


Hell. You defend the game more than you play it, so we're about even.


Inaccurate. I post during the day while I'm working. I play at night and never post during that time. At least I don't waste my time posting on a message board for something I can't stand.

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Galb. You've spent a lot of time hoping this game wouldn't fail. I'm truly sorry for you and JC, because I think you're the only two people in the world that are really going to care.



Honestly, I don't really care if it fails. I would simply move on. I enjoy the game a lot, but it's just a game. Typically, if I enjoy something, I like talking about it with others. On the other hand, if I'm done with something, I'm done. I move on and make it a distant memory. You should really try to do the same. It's way better for your over all health.

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I feel like I should help BW here:


Step 1: Lock this thread. Delete any future thread on this topic.

Step 2: Put a post up from the new community manager reiterating their commitment to current subscribers.

Step 3: Denial, denial, denial. Say these were out of context remarks. More denial.


They shouldn't even throw something like this out there unless they're going to immediately implement it.

Edited by jgelling
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I dont see how TOR will be able to keep players paying a sub so you have a point. Turbine also made horrible decisions and thought they knew better than their customers what they wanted. Bioware learned nothing from this and was arrogant that they had the WoW killer. Then it was just one terrible decision after another. Look at this transfer fiasco with 21 servers on the east coast left out so far alone. Meanwhile all the origin servers are completely dead for anyone who didnt want to transfer.


Id love just once for them to do something right. Just once. This game will flop as f2p also if there is noone to group with. Server merges and transfers to ANY server should have been available months ago. Its a very simple thing they keep drawing out because they are winging it. Everyday they come in not having a clue what to do. The game is in a serious downward spiral.


Sad too because the game itself is solid. The leadership unfortunately not so much. Arrogance and talking down to your customers is a good way to end up like lotro. 12 NA servers total in lotro with only 3 active. I would bet lotro even with the free accounts is lucky to push 300k people total. Another game which had awesome potential but a horrible design team.


Lolz I was wondering when you would make it to the party... transfer fiasco... just the other day you were whinning abou how there was only 4, 5, 6, 10 servers being transfered and you were sooo annoyed yours was not listed and you were gunna have to wait weeks/months... now cos 21 servers havent yet got the green light ... its still a fiasco.... and the maintenance times dont suit you etc etc... you will never be satisfied .. you would likely argue the sky is falling down just cos the clounds look closer.... hmmmm and what are you on about ... DDO F2P is nothing but a success story for that game... otherwise it would of been dead 3 yrs ago... you constantly come to the forums and post absolute rubbish with nothing factual to back up what you say... go take a look at the Turbine site, see whats going on currently.. major expansion due out soon... not a small update.. a full new expansion into a differnt world... not what a dead turkey MMO would do me thinks... LoTRO is launching its next expansion.

Tera has a F2P download and an upcoming expansion....


You really need to think before you speak dude honestly.. spoilt kid mentality doesnt work well in an adult world....

You posted in another thread that your a grown adult cos players were critiqing your childish postings ... try acting like one and come back and post something a little more constructive or if you think its not to your taste, at least post something more than its dead, its rubbish, its a fiasco, SWTOR management sucks lalalala.. critique is great but baseless without fact.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Not at all, at most we will have f2p trial upto lvl 15, if any mmo is heading towards f2p its wow, the huge merging of its china/asia servers, its black market selling BIS items and the real money ah going into it. remember that wows biggest playerbase is in asia/china market and raiders arnt going to be happy that you will be able to buy bis and what were raid only items for real money.


So as swtor is expanding into the asia market at the same time wow is declining in it very fast. SWTORS ip is strong enough to keep it subscription game for years, and look at other ea mmos like warhammer, they are still sub games so no, this will stay subs.


SO much fail in this post that I couldnt resist biting

- There is no real money AH going into wow (wrong blizz game buddy)

- WoW has 10million+ subs so is not heading to F2P - Swtor has how many now?

- The "Black Market" in WoW is not for real money or BiS items failbot - its for in game gold for mounts and old cosmetic gear sets - with in game money not real money.

- WoW is not declining in Asia - to the contrary the publisher in China just secured another 3 year deal last month


Im not a wow fanboy but I am a realist and just wanted to point out to people that may be reading this guys information, that its rubbish - let facts prevail lol

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