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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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I don't see your point, honestly.

In your own link Frank Gibeau, who is an athority for you, admits that if they see it necessary they will go f2p for SWTOR, what is what BW said in IGN article (unless lead technical designer Emmanuel Lusinchi is not a BW employee).

So either both sources are unrealiable (SWTOR haters) or both are reliable since they are saying the same.


An authority to me ? frank, of course not he is only the president of EA, what would he know, and all he talks about is the trial and hooking people into swtor, and the source of igns story no longer exists, whats that tell you.


find me the original interview with Emmanuel Lusinchi where he says it that everyone is basing f2p on.

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It's no great shock this, they've been considering it prior launch aswell. I doubt it however they'll do it while still having 1 mil-ish active subscribers. I'm guessing they'd go down that route if numebrs go really south.


Having said that, I'm not exactly interested in the trickle charge content. If they ever do it I hope they attract 2 new people with it cos they're prolly loosing me.

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I really wouldn't want it to go F2P. I'm willing to pay as long as we are provided with new content. And if it goes Free 2 Play I'm pretty sure we wont, or at least not with the same quality. So Bioware please, think about this.
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find me the original interview with Emmanuel Lusinchi where he says it.


Here: http://www.gamestm.co.uk/


You find the link to the interview in the section "most read posts" on the right. The side has sometimes technical difficulties but don't worry, here is the google cache. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Awww.gamestm.co.uk%2Fdiscuss%2Fstar-wars-the-old-republic-we-are-looking-at-free-to-play-says-lead-designer%2F&btnG=Search&hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&gbv=1

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Here: http://www.gamestm.co.uk/


You find the link to the interview in the section "most read posts" on the right. The side has sometimes technical difficulties but don't worry, here is the google cache. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Awww.gamestm.co.uk%2Fdiscuss%2Fstar-wars-the-old-republic-we-are-looking-at-free-to-play-says-lead-designer%2F&btnG=Search&hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&gbv=1


Give me the live link to the article, not the stored article before it was taken down. Infact does anyone have the full article eg the printed magazine one.

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Give me the live link to the article, not the stored article before it was taken down. Infact does anyone have the full article eg the printed magazine one.


I gave you the link. It's on their main page.

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Here: http://www.gamestm.co.uk/


You find the link to the interview in the section "most read posts" on the right. The side has sometimes technical difficulties but don't worry, here is the google cache. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Awww.gamestm.co.uk%2Fdiscuss%2Fstar-wars-the-old-republic-we-are-looking-at-free-to-play-says-lead-designer%2F&btnG=Search&hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&gbv=1


The article is no longer there, was there a published retraction of the quotes ? Or are some accusing gamestm of lying ?

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We'll have to wait...


Read the full interview with*Emmanuel Lusinchi in games™ issue 124 out 5 July


Hmm if its pulled from the site it might be pulled from the magazine, but even the cache version looks like its out of context if you know what i mean. Because who would say something total different then there main boss when doing an article to the exact same magazine on more or less the same day.

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Hmm if its pulled from the site it might be pulled from the magazine, but even the cache version looks like its out of context if you know what i mean. Because who would say something total different then there main boss when doing an article to the exact same magazine on more or less the same day.


You should probably check what the dude has said in the past. He always sounds very incoherent and a bit off.

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but even the cache version looks like its out of context if you know what i mean. Because who would say something total different then there main boss when doing an article to the exact same magazine on more or less the same day.


To be honest, no. I don't know what you mean.

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I'm taking the fact these articles are popping up at all is really a sign of the direction the game is going. When EA feel they can make more money from f2p they will definitely make a business decision and switch models.


I'm not that bothered either way, I'd rather play a game with lots of people than a dead game at this point.

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To be honest, no. I don't know what you mean.

BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic has faced some hard times since launching at the tail-end of 2011. Lead designer Emmanuel Lusinchi discusses the effects of losing over 400,000 subscribers earlier in the year and facing off increasingly stiff competition from free-to-play competitors.


“I think it’s more than the free-to-play model – it’s more that there is a lot of competitive offers,” suggests Lusinchi. “If it was just free-to-play games and they weren’t very good it wouldn’t even be a question but there are definitely good games out there and good games coming out, so of course all of this competition impacts your plan with what you want to do.”

Still, the advantages of free-to-play haven’t gone unnoticed by the developer. Asked whether it would be feasible to adapt The Old Republic to a free-to-play model, Lusinchi coyly suggests that the wheels may be in motion for a drastic change.

“The MMO market is very dynamic and we need to be dynamic as well,” he says. “Unless people are happy with what they have, they are constantly demanding updates, new modes and situations. So we are looking at free-to-play but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on.”


Read the full interview with Emmanuel Lusinchi in games™ issue 124 out 5 July. Subscribe to games™


Read that and ignore the blue bit, now read the article from frank and it comes into context. thats what i mean. But here is the question, if thats all it is eg the blue bit why was it pulled. did he mis quote him cos thats what i think just to grab headlines and sell this issue of the magazine.


Same magazine, 2 interviews, 1 interview with frank still online, talks about free to play access via the trial, 1 interview above, no longer online.............



Disclaimer, this is the cached version, it cant be found on the net anymore.


That said this is obviously the same as the old we want addons topic like from before launch, bioware arnt taking it serious and never going to happen thus not a word from them, they will jsut stick all posts in here about it and let it go on and on.

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Been thinking about this more. I can really see them doing this. People don't want to pay for new albums why would they pay for full access to a game?


Something like this makes sense:

$5 a month to play the core game. Eventually the 1-50 core game is free

$5 for access to each pvp season including a new war zone for the price

$5-10 for access to new planets including flashpoint + operations associated with that planet.

$5 to access the 3d space game (I'm assuming that they're working on this. More dollars for access to new space zones, warzones and flashpoints etc

$3 To able to customise your ship plus small $ amounts for new ship types and fittings.

$ to rename and change what your character looks like

Etc etc

$ micropayments for vanity non stat boost items etc


BW could actually make a tonne of money by going (mostly) f2p (Just as long as its not pay2win). I'm sure that their business analysts are working on it...

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I will quit the game if Bioware goes F2P in SWTOR. The conent will be much worse and player base would be players going in and out of the game. Also everything will cost more money and in the end it will probably be more expensive. Like Diablo 3 is now, you can spend $3000 dollar in Gear only. That is bad:




Bioware will not use this money to upgrade the game. The money will only END with EA. I think maybe EA will push Bioware to do this becuase the competition with other MMOs make the player base low and having a payable MMO may not be viable in the future. Too bad so many people quit becuase this could really be a great MMO.


I will also reconsider buying BW games in the future.


Well if your dumb enough to splash out all the $$ to gear your toon then all power to those players.. the more sensible player will play the game and obtain that stuff for free... thats the point of F2P it caters for choice... the game doesnt change but yes some players adopt a more casual approach sure I can agree with that but on the flip side it invariably brings alot more players into the game that the casual logins are of no concern. Added to that if the model is setup right and some form of ingame currency can be ground out then your likely see that its the F2P crod that will work as hard if not harder to run content so they can keep earning that useable currency for future content/upgrades.. so its a swings and roundabouts kinda thing imo.

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Read that and ignore the blue bit, now read the article from frank and it comes into context. thats what i mean.


Can you please link it? I only found an interview from yesterday where "Frank" talks about embracing a free access model and about the "advent of free-to-play" to the pc market. Doesn't sound out of context to what Lusinchi had to say.



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Free to Play would be awesome as long as they did it as a non-pay to win model. Like I've said the Tribes Ascend, LOL, and Planet Side 2 models are actually pretty well thought out. You can unlock anything over time and the items that cost dont actually give an advantage. I dont get why people automatically think freemium. In SWTOR it could be like Social armor, Orange armor, lightsaber color or effect (compressed or unstable), ship color, speeder variant, pet. That wouldnt be a bad model at all. I'd dish out some money for that.


And if someone dishes out $300 on the game. That is not the game's fault. That is purely the player's problem.


Oh and one more thing the F2P model would convince alot of people I know to try SWTOR. just saying

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Can you please link it? I only found an interview from yesterday where "Frank" talks about embracing a free access model and about the "advent of free-to-play" to the pc market. Doesn't sound out of context to what Lusinchi had to say.




Frank is on about the trial upto lvl 15 which was announced at E3 but i think your just trolling me.


"We're going to be in the business from a long term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model. It's all a matter of timing and thinking things through. We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes. We made some good announcements in terms of giving you the first few levels free, because our telemetry told us that if we can get you to around level 8 or 9, you stick with us for the long term. So really the strategy right now is about opening up the funnel at the top so we can acquire more customers who are interested in Star Wars who perhaps aren't ready to pay the full price,"
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And again as your choice it effects that ability for you to do content due to your refusal to xfer from a dead realm. There is nothing wrong with that choice but with all choices they have effects.


You are correct. But so do the choices BioWare makes. :cool: And some of thier choices led to this thread in the first place. ;)

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