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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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from that


"We're going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,"


That there sure looks like the upto lvl 15 trial to me.

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You people are given an inch and you run for 10 miles lol!!! I love it when people assume and/or speculate. F2P....sure ok, yeah right. Ill accept it when it is not posted on some 3rd rate blogging site. Edited by Kraith
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Such talk only 6 months after launch = terrible retention rate.


Also, it's kind of standard business practice nowadays. First you launch a hyped game, grab as many box sales as you can. Then you milk as many subs as possible untile your playerbase dwindles so much, you must bring 10x that many people.


Going f2p is also the "best" promotion for the game post-launch.

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In your absence of not being able to see words and structure i will repeat, the game is going f2p access in july with a trial upto lvl 15. So who said never. Try again, now show me anything about the entire game going f2p and i mean anything at all, just one shread of proof.


Well - you claimed the game is not going F2P. You didn't qualify it:

Its not going F2P, if it were they would have said something about it when all this came up on the forums, as it stands they are quite happy to let people rattle about in this thread and direct all other threads about it here all neat and tidy and carry on with there jobs.

Maybe it's not my absence of being able to 'see words' but your own you need to worry a bit more about.


Sure - they're going trial now or free to 15 or what they'll call it, but as said - 6 months down the line if still in decline. With already opening up for the talk about F2P content..... you cannot categorically deny F2P just because you don't want to see it.

Edited by xandax
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if this game went free to play then it would dampen expectations on this game, BW need to stop jumping the gun and panicking and just go with the flow, wow had issues at launch and look how is turned out after years of fine tuning, its fun, addictive its some peoples whole life but TOR isnt quite their yet, its still an acheivment for MMOs to be sure but it would cheapen my experience if this game went F2P because you pay for content and future updates/ content not for special items that give you an edge, sure give people a f2p model for so many level but after that, make them pay, we all do and we all have minimal grips with the game, everyone has an issue with any game and especially MMOs in the first year or two but who writes these statements and decides to announce something like this within the first year needs to be more involved with the community and listen to us and address our issues, that will bring players back, not offering a free to play model which wont change the game itself and if anything would only gimp it for the future content that would come, im not completely sold on subscribtion based games, but i prefer them to F2P by miles
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from that


"We're going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,"


That there sure looks like the upto lvl 15 trial to me.


What ever makes you sleep better at night.


This game will have both free play (beyond 15) and a subscripion model just like LotRO and my guess is they will announce it during the next paid expansion later this year so it is in-line with the a new box is on the retail shelf.

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if this game went free to play then it would dampen expectations on this game, BW need to stop jumping the gun and panicking and just go with the flow, wow had issues at launch and look how is turned out after years of fine tuning, its fun, addictive its some peoples whole life but TOR isnt quite their yet<snip>


WoW had issues at launch, but in little over a year they also had millions of players growing rapidly from launch.

Edited by xandax
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Well - you claimed the game is not going F2P. You didn't qualify it:


That can only mean you categorically would deny it going free to play aka 'never'.

Maybe it's not my absence of being able to 'see words' but your own you need to worry a bit more about.


Sure - they're going trial now, but as said - 6 months down the line if still in decline. With already opening up for the talk about F2P content..... you cannot categorically deny F2P just because you don't want to see it.


"We're going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,"


That there is the newest thing on this, its the trial, btw you state i claimed its not going f2p (highlighted part) but even in the part you quioted me i stated its going f2p trial. now there is a difference between a trial and an entire game, i think maybe its time you realised that.

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This game isnt NOT going to go free to play


look at games like Warhammer online, it is still P2P with a free trail unto T1, and you can make as many low lvl toons as you like to play, but if you want to go higher than that you need to pay monthly to do it, just like this game is going to do up to lvl 15 and guess what JUST LIKE WOW does up to lvl 20.


Free to play is bad, the game content wont get put out and if it does you will have to pay for it, this game has 1.3 million subs, thats more than enough for the game to keep going, look at rift i dont think they even have 1 million subs anymore and they arent going F2P, yet are still knocking out content.


people need to stop ************ about this game and enjoy it, stop compairing it other mmo and take it for what it is, if you dont like it dont play it.

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What ever makes you sleep better at night.


This game will have both free play (beyond 15) and a subscripion model just like LotRO and my guess is they will announce it during the next paid expansion later this year so it is in-line with the a new box is on the retail shelf.


Go on the sugarplum, tell me how you can possibly take what the boss of ea said for anything but a trial, please do im rolling a cig and making a coffee ready for this earth shaking revelation of yours.

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I normally never play but one MMO at a time anyway. Even if the craptastic F2P model is what most games do in the future, I'll just go back to WOW and be happy. You have fun being a cash mule.


Why would he be a cash mule... your not getting it are you.

If they went F2P tomorrow.. no one is saying you have to go F2P and and no one is telling you you have to be a cashcow... you just have to be smart and look at the options and work it the way that best suits your needs.. if F2P isnt ya thing then fine, stay subbed... by keeping the sub model alongside F2P it allows them to benchmark the costs of things against its demand...... your letting your emotive ideas of F2P get the better of common sense I am afraid, but if ya decide to go back to Wow then all power to you, I guess you dont really enjoy SWTOR as much as you say

Edited by Bloodstealer
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"We're going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,"


That there is the newest thing on this, its the trial, btw you state i claimed its not going f2p (highlighted part) but even in the part you quioted me i stated its going f2p trial. now there is a difference between a trial and an entire game, i think maybe its time you realised that.



Your own words.

Its not going F2P, if it were they would have said something about it when all this came up on the forums, as it stands they are quite happy to let people rattle about in this thread and direct all other threads about it here all neat and tidy and carry on with there jobs.


As I said - you don't know what happens down the line. Maybe you should realise it.

Edited by xandax
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Your own words.


Yes and in my own words its a trial, not the entire game, let me know when you understand the difference.


As I said - you don't know what happens down the line. Maybe you should realise it.


ow but your a master of all knowledge on these matters and can read between the lines so well you know it, so apart from what was mis quoted and removed from press to what is actualy correct and reported on massivly by the boss of ea what new information do you have ow great one.

Edited by Shingara
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lets all think about this....


With bioware's history of fails in this game do you guys really think that they would pull out f2p in a decent manner ? It will probably be the last nail in the coffin "pay 10$ to open up the amazing balmorra" lol.

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It's a trial now. You don't know what happens in 6 months even if you want to claim it.


Its a trial in july, there is nothing else about the future, if i could predict it i would buy a lottery ticket and live on a sunny island with lots of hula girls. The only thing that has been stated is f2p access via a trial. the only proof we have is for f2p access which is a trial.


Anything else is chinease whispers.

Edited by Shingara
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Say hello to my little friend /pulls guns




Are you refering to the one coming in 1.3? That one is not a sure thing to solve my issue. Time will tell, but I honestly donot see it working well on my very low pop server. I should get to try it out tho before my sub runs out.

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A good way to access it? You walk in to and begin, how much simpler do you need to it be? Just say in plain words you're too lazy to walk in a game to a fp and need the lfg tool. :p


Huh?..I can solo a OP? Gheeze...I been doing it wrong then. :p

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Are you refering to the one coming in 1.3? That one is not a sure thing to solve my issue. Time will tell, but I honestly donot see it working well on my very low pop server. I should get to try it out tho before my sub runs out.


Did you not get a chance to transfer or are you one of the few refusing to transfer?

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Now read the actual article from the horses mouth not what the game journalists feed you.


We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes


That really should be the end of this thread right there but I doubt it will be. I'll keep reposting it every time some negative nancy or debbie downer decides to rain on the games parade.

Edited by TonyIommi
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