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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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Bio closed my thread. But I need an answer now. And I have a rights as a customer.


What is the plan for payment method in SWTOR?


I don't want to spend my money and time for donater game.


i don't see the game going F2P anytime soon.

The only thing that would trigger such a change is if some financial analyst predict a higher income and better sustainability (is that even a word) with that model. With that in mind, they have to study the model, if anything, only to dismiss it.


In any case, i believe that if bioware decide to go F2P with SWToR, they will do right by the players that subs so far, they always did, they offers a free month, they didn't charge for transfer...


Let the other people worry and enjoy the game. If you're having fun right now, then your $15 is well spent. One thing the WoW annual pass taught me, 1 year is a long time.

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you mean beyond the fact most destination servers are running with 4 times as many players as normal, no there is no evidence at all.


That 's because 'normal' was Standard (or even Light) I.e c500-1500 whereas Very Heavy is c3000, so yes there is no evidence of increased caps.

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That 's because 'normal' was Standard (or even Light) I.e c500-1500 whereas Very Heavy is c3000, so yes there is no evidence of increased caps.


Tell you what, ill make you a deal right now. When i start getting in house memos about exactly whats going on in the server system and upgrades and maintenance department ill share them with you and if you get them 1st you send them to me, hows that sound.


What proof are you wanting exactly, who here apart from bioware have the exact details of the servers, where the servers are stored or even what blades they use. seriously cos you have just pulled those numbers out of thin air cos where is the proof those are the numbers for load.

Edited by Shingara
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Oh how the times have changed. Once F2P meant subpar, now it's not only on the level it's challenging every successul P2P game on the market now.


I played a soon-to-be released F2P game during a weekend event, and this game that shall remain nameless was anything but subpar. I went in with dubious skepticism and left scratching my head at how it can be F2P. I will be no doubt playing this game upon release and I'm not against juggling SWTOR and it, but should I find myself playing it more than SWTOR even after the initial shininess wears off, then how can I justify spending money on a clearly inferior game?


And for those saying EA will never go F2P, yes, you're right, they would rather shut the game down: example Earth and Beyond. Tirion and Rift have low sub numbers and still are P2P, why? Because they aren't publicly traded on a stock exchange. Once this happens all that starts to matter is the bottomline and when things start to get hairy, the gamers are the ones who suffer. Make no mistake that if push comes to shove, EA would much rather shut the game down, write off the expenses for tax purposes, and lay off workers, rather than provide a service for a minimal gain. Welcome to the world of gaming companies - err, I mean corporations. There's a reason EA's stock price is sitting at a 52 week low. Don't jump to conclusions, SWTOR played its part, but its not the sole reason by any stretch.


Here are two facts: A previous Star Wars MMO game has been shut down because the company refused to go F2P, and a recently released Star Wars MMO has failed to capiltalize on an insanely strong IP.


Where SWTOR goes from here is anyone's guess, but the E3 presentation was anything but impressive when F2P games have more to offer - unless you're completely sold on spaceships and lightsabers - then maybe not so much.

Edited by booshido
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Tell you what, ill make you a deal right now. When i start getting in house memos about exactly whats going on in the server system and upgrades and maintenance department ill share them with you and if you get them 1st you send them to me, hows that sound.


What proof are you wanting exactly, who here apart from bioware have the exact details of the servers, where the servers are stored or even what blades they use. seriously cos you have just pulled those numbers out of thin air cos where is the proof those are the numbers for load.


Lol, exactly my point, you are the one claiming something has changed without any evidence.


The server load estimates were taken from...




.....might be a good read for you.

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Well they repeatably said you can't bolt on free-2-play to their game engine. By the looks of things though, we now only have a few 100,000 players. If they don't do anything about the subs they will probably sunset.


Personally I say cut your losses and make a single player game with 4, 8 and 16 player online (only because I'd still like to play the game after EA shuts it down).

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Not at all, at most we will have f2p trial upto lvl 15, if any mmo is heading towards f2p its wow, the huge merging of its china/asia servers, its black market selling BIS items and the real money ah going into it. remember that wows biggest playerbase is in asia/china market and raiders arnt going to be happy that you will be able to buy bis and what were raid only items for real money.


So as swtor is expanding into the asia market at the same time wow is declining in it very fast. SWTORS ip is strong enough to keep it subscription game for years, and look at other ea mmos like warhammer, they are still sub games so no, this will stay subs.


asia has the largest market, IDK why EA dont open china server.

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Lol, exactly my point, you are the one claiming something has changed without any evidence.


The server load estimates were taken from...




.....might be a good read for you.


Your the one whos claiming its not changed with zero evidence so whats the difference exactly. And whats to read from that apart from its a guestimate, they even say that themselves.


These numbers represent the average number of simultaneous concurrent logins over the past two weeks. This isn't the number of subscribers, or number of characters, it's an estimate of how many people are actually logged in at once.


so go on, prove to me that the servers havnt had there cap increased. And prove to me those numbers you stated are what the load lvls are.

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I disagree. Unactive subs hurt the game in the long run. For example....

I did not mention the long run in my post for a reason. I know long run inactiveness hurts the game. Guess who else knows this? Bioware. They have prooven they know this by their server transfer system they are currently putting into play.


They prefer cutting losses and creating a better game experience despite possible bad press of 'merging' servers. They believe in their game and how it works with a vibrant and active community. Problem is though: That community could not be created before because it was too fractured.


It is way too soon to call how this game will develop with healthy servers. We will see.

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Well china is very odd with mmos, might be more trouble then its worth, just look what wow went through with wrath and even google have trouble there.


i bet China loves the idea of Jedi, but hates the idea of freedom focused Sith..

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Lol, exactly my point, you are the one claiming something has changed without any evidence.


double quite but here proof for you.


PCG: Will they be cross-server at launch? Is that planned for the future?

DE: They will not be cross-server as we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today.



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Bioware! You close my thread in 10 minutes, so you monitor the forum. Give me an answer about F2P. What does it mean "we look at"? I need the information now to decide to pay or not now. This is my rigth as a customer. I need an answer now!
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Don't care if it goes, I will simply stop playing. No reason to get upset over it. I only wish they would tell us so I can quit sooner. Of course, it's the reason why they wouldn't, because everyone with half a brain knows that such an announcement results in a heavy loss of subs.
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You do realise that they have upped the numbers able to play on servers, didnt you notice how you dont have to q or lag even when there is 600 on your side on the fleet never mind the rest of the server or other side. They have basically made what was in wow battlegroups on swtor a server.


Kid yourself all you want but if you think its so bad how come your still here and not on wow or another mmo or game.


Oh there is lag alright... FPS has dropped noticeably for me on Red Eclipse and many players new to server who have gotten use to decent FPS on dead servers as well as other established players were talking about it last night.

Ability delays have been more noticeable again, needing to click the same ability several times over to even get it to activate.... but yeah... the server is busier, although it was healthy anyway... but dont be fooled into thinking the game is running fine for everyone.. I will be honest I was suprised as to how certain planets which have become even more healthily busy these past few days have held up, I have personally been seeing 25-60ish FPS albiet with some sizeable spikes but at that FPS it is more than playable... Fleet and WZ's on the otherhand were just a complete joke, with 300 on fleet I was lucky to see more than 15FPS in populated hubs with nasty spiking and often seeing <5FPS.... in Voidstar I hit a personal record with my 550ti's... <2 FPS it was awesome, even Illum for me was better than that most of the time... hopefully as the rush and exitement dies down it might improve a bit... lets hope.


Regarding F2P - Meeh its no real biggy to me.. depends on what you get as standard for the model... and what you have to pay out for going forward.... 8.99 for this game is about right for now, certainly not worth anymore imo but F2P does generate interest and can be good for increasing populations, which in turn generates cash and that can only be good for the games update cycle and overall longevity... its what other things come with it that often turn players away.. P2W cash shops are loved by the 8yr olds with mom & dads credit card on demeand, but I have seen some pretty dulled down MMO's emerge because of the easy access features.

A fluff cashsop is another story.. choices on making your toons a little more uinique / standoutish are generally well recieved from my experience... I wann see my big speeder running round with a full set of spinners, disco lights and a dayglow guild emblem.. yeahh pimp my ride baby.... but seriously that kinda stuff can make it a little more enjoyable - just not the P2W stuff plzzzz :)

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Oh there is lag alright... FPS has dropped noticeably for me on Red Eclipse and many players new to server who have gotten use to decent FPS on dead servers as well as other established players were talking about it last night.

Ability delays have been more noticeable again, needing to click the same ability several times over to even get it to activate.... but yeah... the server is busier, although it was healthy anyway... but dont be fooled into thinking the game is running fine for everyone.. I will be honest I was suprised as to how certain planets which have become even more healthily busy these past few days have held up, I have personally been seeing 25-60ish FPS albiet with some sizeable spikes but at that FPS it is more than playable... Fleet and WZ's on the otherhand were just a complete joke, with 300 on fleet I was lucky to see more than 15FPS in populated hubs with nasty spiking and often seeing <5FPS.... in Voidstar I hit a personal record with my 550ti's... <2 FPS it was awesome, even Illum for me was better than that most of the time... hopefully as the rush and exitement dies down it might improve a bit... lets hope.


Regarding F2P - Meeh its no real biggy to me.. depends on what you get as standard for the model... and what you have to pay out for going forward.... 8.99 for this game is about right for now, certainly not worth anymore imo but F2P does generate interest and can be good for increasing populations, which in turn generates cash and that can only be good for extending the games update cycle and overall longevity... its what other things come with it that often turn players away.. P2W cash shops are loved by the 8yr olds with mom & dads credit card on demeand, but I have seen some pretty dulled down MMO's emerge because of the easy access features.

A fluff cashsop is another story.. choices on making your toons a little more uinique / standoutish are generally well recieved from my experience... I wann see my big speeder running round with a full set of spinners, disco lights and a dayglow guild emblem.. yeahh pimp my ride baby.... but seriously that kinda stuff can make it a little more enjoyable - just not the P2W stuff plzzzz :)


Im on the red eclipse (been there from early access), ive not seen any fps drop, ability delay and my game is running just as well as before the xfers started. If you have xfered on its quite possible that due to being on a dead server you didnt pick something up that was either bad drivers or something else along those lines.

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Im on the red eclipse, ive not seen any fps drop, ability delay and my game is running just as well as before the xfers started.


That's because you play with a computer with an internet access instead of something with the computing power of a cellphone and a cable that can barely send photos without choking.

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That's because you play with a computer with an internet access instead of something with the computing power of a cellphone and a cable that can barely send photos without choking.


lol have you been sneaking into my house and playing on my pc :cool:

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