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Serious overloading of servers


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This QQ has got to be one of the top most rediculous QQ's I've read.


Summary .... " I bought an MMO and it turned out to be an MMO so I'm mad"


Seriously remove your head from your rear, why would you buy and MMO and expect it to not be an MMO ?

Go play something thats not advertised as an MMO imo.


I mean, you can shout down people all you want, but the decision to transfer like several servers each onto the 2 most busy servers that already had a well-balanced population is like letting everyone onto a single lifeboat from a sinking ship - if you let too many people on, everyone is going to drown. As of now, there's good reason to believe they let too many people onto Jedi Covenant and Fatman to handle primetime demand.


You might be fine with that, but it will alienate many casual players. There's no perfect solution for everyone, but the limited number of destination servers, and choosing the most full servers as the initial destination for so many servers, is questionable at least.

Edited by jgelling
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It's not a handful of people who don't have computer issues, it's a handful that DO. I have an i5-2500k @ 4.0 Ghz, 8GB of DDR3 ram and an AMD 6870 1GB video card. I get almost no lag in fleet with 300 peeps on. If most people were getting unacceptable lag the general forum would be flooded with posts like yours. Instead we see hardly any. Try turning in your Dell XPS laptop with the i5-520 processor and Geforce 435 graphics in for something that can run the game well.


Also, how is someone a Bioware fanboi if they understand that the lag is client side and not server side?


"lag" is almost NEVER a client side issue. It's internet connection or server issue. "Frame rate" may be a computer issue, but that is *entirely* a different thing. Saying lag is client side is either ignorancem, fanboyism, or misunderstanding of the term..


When my framerate is perfectly fine, I pick up an item in one inventory slot, and place it in a different inventory slot, and it takes 3 seconds to actually "go through". That's lag. That's a server (or internet connection) issue. Nothing whatsoever to do with my computer.


And since I didn't have these problems when there were at most 100 people in fleet, but do now that there are way more than that it's almost certainly server. It would be an odd coincidence if suddenly my connection started having issues. Far more likely the server is overloaded.

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I mean, you can shout down people all you want, but the decision to transfer like several servers each onto the 2 most busy servers that already had a well-balanced population is like letting everyone onto a single lifeboat from a sinking ship - if you let too many people on, everyone is going to drown. As of now, there's good reason to believe they let too many people onto Jedi Covenant and Fatman to handle primetime demand.


You might be fine with that, but it will alienate many casual players. There's no perfect solution for everyone, but the limited number of destination servers, and choosing the most full servers as the initial destination for so many servers, is questionable at least.


My point is, This is an MMO ... he is crying because ... its an MMO.

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This QQ has got to be one of the top most rediculous QQ's I've read.


Summary .... " I bought an MMO and it turned out to be an MMO so I'm mad"


Seriously remove your head from your rear, why would you buy and MMO and expect it to not be an MMO ?

Go play something thats not advertised as an MMO imo.


Because at the time I bought it and started playing it it wasn't like other MMO's? It was actually good? It had the economy and crafting parts of an MMO I liked, but didn't have the overcrowded adventuring parts of an MMO that I didn't like. (edit: and they were far more story centric) And it would have been trivially easy for Bioware to have left things "as is" for those who liked it that way. Instead of picking existing servers as destination servers, pick brand new servers as destination servers, so those who liked their existing servers as is, weren't completely flooded. Everybody BUT those on destination servers had a choice. Presumably part of why they made them optional transfers instead of just merges. Those on destination servers were deprived that choice.

Edited by GnatB
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Considering things were fine before, any queue is too much price to pay. Some people LIKE the non MMO aspects, and were HAPPY with uncrowded servers, as they have no interest whatsoever in the group/PvP content. Remember, from 1-49, this is practically a single player game. One would argue that the vast majority of the game is single player content.


Yes, this game may now be more like a regular MMO. But you know what? I don't *like* regular MMO's. Pretty much the entire reason I was enjoying TOR was because it *wasn't* like a regular MMO.


I've come to actively loathe regular MMOs, though I knew what this game was when I started. I think I'd like them more if people weren't so incredibly mean. (this forum is *bad*) The content to 50 WAS single player. (I do play with friends & family, so I did instances & some pvp, but most of my time was spent solo.) I transferred because others in my guild wanted to do pvp - I have all the characters I wanted leveled, and I'm not putting myself through dailies now for anything, but I also assumed that the origin servers are looking at a very short lifespan now. It was leaping from a sinking ship. But when I logged on my new server, & took one look at general, I thought.. it's a nice day outside. I can pretty much do without this.

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Yes, clearly the fact that overpopulated servers run awesome for you means there is no problem here for anyone else. That must JUST be me :rolleyes:


You'rer just being sensational. These issues are affecting EVERYONE on my server so no, it's not just about me. I'm not suggesting any sort of game devolution. I'm suggesting that BW have a good long rethink about what a healthy server population is ... 3 instances of fleet that contain 300 people each at prime time ISN'T.


I think Fleet Stations will thin out shortly. Right now, it's loaded with people trying to regroup with old guilds and stuff. Also, once the group finder comes out, people won't have to sit around on Fleet Station waiting, so more might be out and about doing dailies or whatever.

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I'm so confused ... I am just so confused!


At game release the player-base said:

"Queues are too long and there are too many people on servers! We need more servers!"


One month ago:

"My server is dead. There are only 5-20 people on the Fleet. We need server mergers or transfers!"



"Queues are too long and there are too many people on servers!"




Are today's gamers ever happy?

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So I'm in a situation where the server I have rolled on since December is now SO full that I'm unable to log in. I'm all for populated servers but this seems to be a large oversight on the part of BW ... do they not have the ability to count players and estimate how capable a server is to handle a specific number of players? I'm sure they do ... so why would they open a server for transfers BEYOND it's capacity? I'm pretty upset about it. What is the rational in increasing a server population by orders of magnitude and preventing people from playing their established characters?


One can hope they raise the caps for pop to reduce the que. it took them forever to raise the Fatmans que after launch.The que there was anywhere from 2000 to 3500+ at the time. But remember they only raise the caps to levels that still show full server and have stated sometime ago 10 min que they are happy with. Personally the caps suck and they use it as a ploy to make it look like more people are playing the game than there are currently. Caps are set mainly around to actual logged in at one time average of that server not what the actual capacity is.

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I'm so confused ... I am just so confused!


At game release the player-base said:

"Queues are too long and there are too many people on servers! We need more servers!"


One month ago:

"My server is dead. There are only 5-20 people on the Fleet. We need server mergers or transfers!"



"Queues are too long and there are too many people on servers!"




Are today's gamers ever happy?


That's because Bioware has been overdoing it a bit and letting the pendulum swing a bit too far with the corrective actions.


Kinda like a doctor curing a headache by cutting off the patient's head.

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That's because Bioware has been overdoing it a bit and letting the pendulum swing a bit too far with the corrective actions.


Kinda like a doctor curing a headache by cutting off the patient's head.


Spot on again my friend. Spot on! :)

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I'm so confused ... I am just so confused!


At game release the player-base said:

"Queues are too long and there are too many people on servers! We need more servers!"


One month ago:

"My server is dead. There are only 5-20 people on the Fleet. We need server mergers or transfers!"



"Queues are too long and there are too many people on servers!"




Are today's gamers ever happy?


Are you confused because you're not keeping track of developments? It might be hard too. They launched with too few servers, then added too many servers, and now seem hell-bent on consolidating to too few servers, and worse, are consolidating not to mid or low-pop servers, but foisting everybody onto the few servers that were already well-populated.


Blaming "today's gamers" for that poor decision-making doesn't make sense to me. It really shouldn't be amazingly challenging to keep relatively average population servers or put in a transfer system that doesn't overcrowd a few servers and drag down quality of life for everyone. And doing all of these transfers in a few days was yet another poor decision.

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So I'm in a situation where the server I have rolled on since December is now SO full that I'm unable to log in. I'm all for populated servers but this seems to be a large oversight on the part of BW ... do they not have the ability to count players and estimate how capable a server is to handle a specific number of players? I'm sure they do ... so why would they open a server for transfers BEYOND it's capacity? I'm pretty upset about it. What is the rational in increasing a server population by orders of magnitude and preventing people from playing their established characters?


Yup I saw the designation server that my server goes to already full yesterday for the prime time hours


I do not want to sit in a queue waiting to get into game


I thought they were raising the server limit to avoid this problem but guess not


While Id love to log into a busy server


I still rather play on a dead server then experience a log in queue


So have refrained from transfering as of yet in hopes they make a 2nd destination server from my current server


Anyone that says queues go away is .... well I cant actually say what they are. I do not pay a fee to sit in a log in queue and have not accepted that idiotic brain thrust since original release EQ to be honest.


Thought EA said they were raising the server limits to avoid this issue but 4 hours after they announced transfers could be done from my current server, the destination server read as FULL here on server status listings.

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It's not a handful of people who don't have computer issues, it's a handful that DO.


If that was even relevant, it would be worth discussing, but it's not. It's OK to overpopulate a server because only a few people are negatively affected? That's stupidthink. How about BW NOT overpopulate servers, STILL achieve a healthy population AND avoid negative customer interactions? That's not an unreasonable expectation despite the lack of expectations I'm seeing from customers in this thread. So far I see alot of people that love lag and sitting in Q's, whether it's themselves or other people. I'm wondering why considering there doesn't need to be a compromise here.

Edited by Obtena
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It really amazes me that until a few days ago, this forum was filled with complaint threads about dead servers. And now we get to see thread after thread appear, complaining about overfilled servers? There's just no pleasing some people, sigh.
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There is always one.........:confused:


NEWS FLASH: in Beta they had Q's

They were worried at launch about people like you, so they made WAY to many servers.

Now they are fixing the issue and sure enough, you complain.

Do 6 push ups while waiting for your 2 min. Q it might do you some good.


You are correct 100%. Nicely said.

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I am guessing that right now there are more people on than usual, due to the excitement about transfers and being able to actually play with other people around them. Maybe Bioware thought this too, and is packing the servers a little fuller than is ideal so when the population settles down a bit, these servers will still be well-populated. :)


Playing on a server with a bunch of people around is really fun and novel for me, though I admit, the main reason I am pleased to see SO many people is because I think of it as insurance against being stuck on a low pop server again. I'm sure some quests (esp. BH dailies) will be a pain to do now, but I'll take the bad with the good.

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I personally find this all hilarious. First people at complaining "my server's dead. oh dear lord its the end of bioware and swtor as we know it! we need server mergers!"


they gave us server merger/transfers.


same people who were crying before now cry "oh no! they put too many people! my server's full!"


Some vineyard somewhere is making a killing off of all this Wine we've got on these forums.

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