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Serious overloading of servers


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You can take it to the bank that in a few months, people will be complaining that at least one of today's Destination Servers is dead and needs to be merged again.


I could live with that. We need another Star Wars mmo in the works soon. One that hopefully is not so limited in gameplay.

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I could live with that. We need another Star Wars mmo in the works soon. One that hopefully is not so limited in gameplay.


If this game fails hard, good luck seeing any one investing into a Star Wars mmo any time soon.


And I also think end of this month you will see a large drop in the player base.

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I'll put in my vote for this sucks. The only time i can play is around 9 EST. So far the Prophecy of five server is 20min overloaded when I try to log in. I would rather wait 5-10min on my old server for PvP with people to talk to rather then wait 20min and in addition to que times( which still take forever).
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Well its definitely all servers, cause I have yet to transfer one of my toons on a different server than my main server and indeed with only 8 people on there is still lag and plenty of it. Not sure what the cause is.


I came from a very low pop server and had no lag. I went to full server and am now relishing in the lag fast. The only place that I get FPS lag is on the fleet, and to fix that you just need to change the amount of people being drawn on your screen to Medium or Low in the Options.

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I would choose to wait in a queue if it meant I can get things done. You population criers can't make your minds up, you complain about there not being anyone to do something with & when BW tries to fix it you just cry more.

Bioware are at least trying, what are you lot doing? Sitting there doing nothing but QQ on the forums. Seriously give the people some time. Rome wasn't built in a day & neither was this game.


Keep it up & you're going to have the game killed, it's the whiners that customer support listens to because they pose the greatest threat. If all the wow kids want things from wow... then go back to wow. I like apples, you like oranges. Don't destroy my apple when there is a perfectly good orange over there.

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BW, you need different servers for the free transfers for the West Coast servers. You're pushing everyone for PVE to The Harbinger and Drooga's Pleasure Barge and for PVP to the Bastion. At 7:30 PM on the West Coast, these were the only 3 servers in the entire game that had que's. The problem is that many East Coast people play on these servers because they like to play later at night so I think BW is underestimating how many West Coast servers they need. You need to push people to different servers now for the West Coast - a 3rd PVE server and a 2nd PVP server. There are already plenty of people on the current destination servers for the West Coast.
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All I can say is Excellent !!

This is what Everyone has been asking for and anticipateing.

Everyone asked for a ton of servers at prelaunch, they got it.

Everyone asked for server transfers to remedy dead servers...,They got it.

Long live Queues.

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more people does not make the game suddenly better. People left for a reason... the servers were dead for a reason. Population was only a smyptom not the actual cause...


Someone else who actually see's sense. The whole server transfer thing has been a distraction from the underlying problems in the game. People didn't leave because of low population, we had full servers for the first few months, they left because they were unhappy with the game. Of course, it's nice to have busy servers again but that's only because the population has been shifted not because the game is attracting new players. The biggest problem is if you don't enjoy making alts this game doesn't offer much else to do.

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Worry not. People are just checking out their new servers. Once people's gaming habits go back to normal, queues should subside.


Someone else posted this, and I don't remember who, but they said, and I agree with them...


"I'd rather wait 15 minutes to log on to a packed server than have an instant login to a ghost town."




I would agree with that as well.

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BW, you need different servers for the free transfers for the West Coast servers. You're pushing everyone for PVE to The Harbinger and Drooga's Pleasure Barge and for PVP to the Bastion. At 7:30 PM on the West Coast, these were the only 3 servers in the entire game that had que's. The problem is that many East Coast people play on these servers because they like to play later at night so I think BW is underestimating how many West Coast servers they need. You need to push people to different servers now for the West Coast - a 3rd PVE server and a 2nd PVP server. There are already plenty of people on the current destination servers for the West Coast.


No, they dont need, at 7:30 pm on china time, the Bastion population is not so high,

it still can accept more ppl join the 7*24 hrs server,

and it is less lag than ASPC server.

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There's a healthy middle ground between ghost towns and full servers. I've never heard of a player deciding to play a game because the servers are full, I have heard of players quitting a game because they're paying to sit in a queue.


BW could have handled the transfers in a way that avoided queues. They chose not to. People have just as much a right to voice their unhappiness about the queues as they do about the empty servers.

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more people does not make the game suddenly better. People left for a reason... the servers were dead for a reason. Population was only a smyptom not the actual cause...


Right those who Gobbled up as much content as possable,do not care about anything else but being 1ST to the finish line and left.

Once those people were gone it left the people who actually pay attention to the content, enjoy the companion relations, story,crafting,helping guildmates,Co-Opping with friends,grouping with people for fun in flashpoints rather than to speed through to their personal goal of bloating their mmo egos and anti-social behavioure complained their were no level 50s and went back where they've been stuck for years unable to move on.

Edited by CygnusMX
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Wow i will put my 2 cents in here. You guys that complain are annoying!! I would rather sit in a que for 10 min then sit around Fleet for 4 hours waiting for a pvp que to pop, or seeing if anyone wants to do a flashpoint or HM. Common you guys deal with it.. now you can actually do something, and your getting your monies worth.

I was ticked cuz i was paying to do nothing, Yes i was ticked that my server was one of last transferred. But now that i am where i am. I AM HAPPY TO SIT IN A QUE. I know they wont be there forever. It always goes away. So stop crying and deal with it.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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Queues go away. This whole server problem was caused by not letting queues expire on their own in the first place and creating new servers that weren't needed. FULL servers are a GOOD THING in MMORPGs. Edited by Merex
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So many of you are missing the point. Many of us are upset because we were on a server with a HEALTHY population and instead of using moderation, Bioware slammed 11 servers on to our server. On Drooga's, nobody EVER complained about server population. We had a great server. I never waited in queues, I never had problems finding groups. I fully empathize with players that were stuck on dead servers, but the point many of us are trying to make is: Why OVERLOAD an already healthy server when they could have merged 11 dead servers into a new healthy server. We have a valid reason to be upset. The gameplay experience has taken a serious downturn. There are not enough resources, instances and daily mission objectives to handle this kind of load. Edited by Samoth_Nomad
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