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Serious overloading of servers


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I personally feel like a child on christmas eve :). Love the well populated server (TOFN). Love the open world PVP.

Sure, I wouldn't mind less lag on fleet but the smoothest framerate couldn't make up for never getting a WZ never a FP and running around in a single player MMO. :p

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There will be more players to transfer in and also once 1.3 hits a lot more will be coming back. I hope they plan on increasing the population caps before then, or a great patch is going to be ruined by people crying about queues.
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It's funny i made a ticket ingame about our server being completly overloaded with insane laggspikes at peaktime and the stupied droid refered to have me look up my internet connection which is fiber 100mb/s download 50mbit/s upload you dont get much higher then that. Edited by Denyus
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You know what is interesting? I think BioWare didn't calculate the "returning" users (or at least didn't count them AS much as we have now) with the server transfers.


I'm sure BEFORE the transfer BioWare did the following

- Metrics on weekday and weekend plays.

- Metrics on Time (morning, noon and night for the server's region)

- Total amount of players. Min and Max for each server (i.e. min players and max player so far in any given time)


I bet they probably crunch the numbers and toss in 10% on possible returns (if that high) BUT what happen is that current subs who took a break for X time came back (i.e. paid subs but didn't play for weeks or little) Now the servers are packed to the hilt and people are having fun (well those who can handle the lag and have decent machine)


Will the server settles? possibly. People may leave due to queue times and lags, but many will stay hoping to settle down.


BioWare probably should expand the server's hardware ANYWAYS because right now if 1.3 were to come out there will be a SURGE of players returning to check it out. This will make the situation worst.

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You know what is interesting? I think BioWare didn't calculate the "returning" users (or at least didn't count them AS much as we have now) with the server transfers.


I'm sure BEFORE the transfer BioWare did the following

- Metrics on weekday and weekend plays.

- Metrics on Time (morning, noon and night for the server's region)

- Total amount of players. Min and Max for each server (i.e. min players and max player so far in any given time)


I bet they probably crunch the numbers and toss in 10% on possible returns (if that high) BUT what happen is that current subs who took a break for X time came back (i.e. paid subs but didn't play for weeks or little) Now the servers are packed to the hilt and people are having fun (well those who can handle the lag and have decent machine)


Will the server settles? possibly. People may leave due to queue times and lags, but many will stay hoping to settle down.


BioWare probably should expand the server's hardware ANYWAYS because right now if 1.3 were to come out there will be a SURGE of players returning to check it out. This will make the situation worst.


I have a mid-grade machine and the engine stutters A BIT on the fleet instance that has 250 or more people. Its not that bad at all. Its a small price to may to have a packed server.


If you are having issues with a lot of frame delay then transfer to the fleet instance with less people.

The engine has an issue waiting for data. Its an engine problem and not necessarily your machine.


On the other hand, if your machine is constantly choking on the number of bodies it needs to draw then you should be looking at a new machine. This is not WoW. You need some actual hardware to play this game.

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why dont you tell that to some people who work monday to saturday, 6:30 am to 5:30 pm, take 1 hour + to drive home, have to cook dinner for yourself and partner, make sure they are loved and given time to spend with you, shower, and now its around 9:00pm and you have to be in bed at 12:00am so you can sleep til 6:00 which is still not enough time for a human being aged 20-30...


and you have the nerve to say it's ok to wait 30 mins out of those 3 hours only of the whole day what some of us get. why dont you....... nothing... i cant be bothered to waste my energy on it anymore.

After dinner and about 10mins before you go to shower log in. That would give your account enough time to go through the queue while you finish things up and shower. By the time you're done guess what you're either already logged in or 5mins away. TA DA!

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It's funny i made a ticket ingame about our server being completly overloaded with insane laggspikes at peaktime and the stupied droid refered to have me look up my internet connection which is fiber 100mb/s download 50mbit/s upload you dont get much higher then that.

The fact that you made a ticket about server overloading made me laugh. Did you expect to get an answer along the lines of "I'm terribly sorry, Sir. I will raise the cap of your server immediately!".


I'm hugely enjoying the multiple (overloaded) fleet instances, the only area where I experience mild lag by the way, after having played on a dead server for 4 months. I didn't even mind being stuck in a logon queue last night on Tomb ;)

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If i have to wait in line, I'll go play something else and not bother coming back. I like ghost towns since I usually play by my self I have characters in different time zones so I can find a place that is not filled with others.
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So Bioware made the same mistake they did at the beginning by being unable to manage the population in a way that provides a good experience for their customers. Instead of learning from that, and trying to create populated servers without long queue times, they repeated the mistake. That's pretty smart.


Then you seem to think it's a good idea to blame the players because it was their 'option' to transfer. However, the players who did not know they were going to get long queues do not have the option to go back to their initial server, and we obviously don't have the option of which server to transfer to. So what is it the players did wrong? You're saying everyone that transferred is kind of dumb because they thought Bioware would make decisions to improve the game experience?


How could any rational person come to that conclusion?

Launch > Wha wha wha queue times give us more servers > More servers given > Dead servers.

Server Transfers > Wha wha wha queue times let us transfer off servers > ???

I don't know about you but I can see the problem coming. Yes BioWare made the initial mistake of listening to the winners and giving them more servers. I am saying they should not listen to them now. The server transfers was implemented so that people can play on more lively servers letting them leave will reset the problem.


Still haven't seen a queue on the fatboy. Never more than 260ish on fleet.

Prob because a lot of people on Fatman were rerollers and once their chars were transfered to a more populated server they prefer ed to play on their original toons.


I'd also like to point out that if you're having crazy lag on fleet chances are there is another shard of fleet with less people. you can hop onto that and deal with less lag.

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Still like to know what the think was behind organising character transfers to already well poplualted servers. I have no returned from work to find its a 20min wait to get on the server. And yes I can do other things, but with real life commitments, scheduling an hour for some Star Wars fun isn't quite the same when a third of the time is spent waiting to get on, while you see every other PvP server shown as Light Population
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I love the folks who compare the start/launch of Swtor to the problems now.

Ever considered a middle ground?


Maybe instead of 1 Euro PVP server with huge lag, and queue times. Maybe they could have transfererd to 3 servers and spread the load?


Bioware seriously need to sack their numbers people and get better estimates!

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They've made several mentions about slowly raising the population caps for servers to make them "mega servers", as some other games have done. This needs to be done carefully to avoid running into the same problems that started with launch. So don't despair, whether you're still on a dead server that hasn't got its transfer notice yet,, or an overpopulated one, they're doing this over time to make sure they have an accurate assessment of the population logging on.
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I love the folks who compare the start/launch of Swtor to the problems now.

Ever considered a middle ground?


Maybe instead of 1 Euro PVP server with huge lag, and queue times. Maybe they could have transfererd to 3 servers and spread the load?


Bioware seriously need to sack their numbers people and get better estimates!


This! Always this.


The Red Eclipse is clearly the most populated server. It should have been kept off the list of destination servers.

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Why are so many people so unhappy with the game? It doesn't really innovate, but who cares? You have eight stories to explore, each of which could be its own single player game - and each of which have 2 branches (light/dark). You have a large world to explore, quests to keep you busy for a very long time. Loot to get, titles to get, lore to get. There's PVP which isn't bad at all - and only minorly imbalanced (you can compensate for it btw so please don't whine too hard). There's a group finder coming, a new playable race coming, rated warzones coming, servers just got unofficially merged so that you'll have people to play with...


...I mean hell, what are you all complaining about? At least it's not some 8 year old video game that has devolved into fart jokes and pop culture references and little else aside from kung-fu pandas. What is the main complaint? What do you want? What is this mythical content? New raids??? Raids only last a few weeks until you beat it and need the next one. If all you want is more raids, man, you'll never be happy - that model is so inherently flawed I don't even know where to start. If all you want is bigger badder dungeons I highly suggest you go pick up a copy of the Pathfinder rule book and discover pen and paper RPGs.

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I'm getting huge lagg on the server.... people jump on the WZs from one place to the other.... the server is overloading.... =x


I was getting that last week. It's really annoying on a melee character, but on range classes it's a bonus lol.

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Players can adjust to overpopulation, but they can't do much about their server being empty. BW correctly realized this and went whole-hog on their server merge approach. They were obviously told that they can't use the term 'merges' or 'shutting down servers' -- it's a safe bet that they were also told they only had 1 chance to get this right.


Given that their 2 main features in 1.3 (group finder and rated warzones) absolutely require healthy server populations, doing anything half-***ed would have been suicidal. I give credit to them for being far more aggressive than I anticipated here.

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Players can adjust to overpopulation, but they can't do much about their server being empty.


Uhm.. They can adjust to both equally. In fact, the way they adjust to overpopulation is PRECISELY the same way they adjust to empty servers. They deal with it, stop playing, or roll an alt on a server with the desired population level.


Except I would argue the "deal with it" option is a lot less viable when overpopulated than it is when underpopulated. Underpopulated only makes raids/PvP difficult. The story aspect (which many would argue is the entire focus of the game, It's certainly what Bioware really stressed as being distinct about this game) is unaffected. Whereas overpopulated makes EVERYTHING difficult/less enjoyable.

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Uhm.. They can adjust to both equally. In fact, the way they adjust to overpopulation is PRECISELY the same way they adjust to empty servers. They deal with it, stop playing, or roll an alt on a server with the desired population level.


Except I would argue the "deal with it" option is a lot less viable when overpopulated than it is when underpopulated. Underpopulated only makes raids/PvP difficult. The story aspect (which many would argue is the entire focus of the game, It's certainly what Bioware really stressed as being distinct about this game) is unaffected. Whereas overpopulated makes EVERYTHING difficult/less enjoyable.

I think the sheer number of people transferring off dead servers onto overpopulated ones tells us all we need to know about which one players would rather have. The point is that when players quit because of overpopulation, the problem gets less severe; when they quit because of underpopulation, the problem gets more severe. This is why if you have imperfect information on what players future gaming habits will be, you'd best err on the side of overpopulation.


And you think it's OK if everybody currently at endgame should have to put up with little/no raiding, long times in between warzone queue pops, and a defunct economy, because you enjoy the single-player aspect of this game?


I'm on an overpopulated server right now, and having a blast compared to where I was last week. So is everybody else I know -- even if it means waiting 10m to log in, and lagging in fleet. The activity will level out once the queue-QQers leave, and oddly enough the very problem that drives them out the door will fix itself through their actions.

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