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So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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I am more or less patiently awaiting my transfer... But i doubt my name will be taken. If it is, I will be very surprised.


Anysao. I also have Any-sao in reserve. and I always got Sao.


Always have a back up! :D

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You an your ilk in this thread a so petty. Leaving over something so trivial as a name. Eat some concrete, and toughen up.


I am going to have to agree with this one as well..


For topic.. I didn't lose any.. Didn't even have to change spelling.. Even if I did lose some, I would just make up new ones.. No biggy..:)

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I posted this nearly verbatem and it was deleted and I was warned by some forum mall cop. I, like you have been a champion of this game and brought my guild here, constantly defend it on forums at places like mmorpg.com and have tried to be constructive and patient.

When the only acknowledgement you get is some little joker who wont let you vent no matter how polite it was, not some foaming at the mouth rant mind you, it tends to be the final straw.

I bought 6 months to go with my copy of the CE and I'm looking at other mmorpg's to play now. Bioware has absolutely destroyed the relationship I had with this game, but instead of sending me a message about how they will look into a fair way to get some of my names back, I get deleted and warned.

I cant imagine a more ignorant way to treat the people that actually pay to play this game.


QFT...getting pretty sick of it at well. In fact its the reason I still havent resubbed. They seem to prefer a double standard at bioware.

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I lost four and one Legacy name. No more Korbin and Leeloo Dallas. Now there's apostrophes and accented letters all over the place lol. Good thing I rushed to get that Legacy name before the game was even officially released. But, as a beta tester and early accesser I'm sure I lost them to people who had my names waaaay before me.


I wouldn't have minded if I lost them fair and square. If there was a check as to who had what names first and somehow I didn't that would be fine. But I can't see a check like that ever being considered.


QQ'ing aside I like the new server populations. It'll be a while before I can enjoy them, though. Too bittersweet.

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Thinking on it. I don't think i'd have been quite as pissed off as I am if the name check happened before the transfer.


Having the check first with a "Do you wish to proceed" would have saved me a lot of anger as I would have held off transfering or left it to mull things over.

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I posted this nearly verbatem and it was deleted and I was warned by some forum mall cop. I, like you have been a champion of this game and brought my guild here, constantly defend it on forums at places like mmorpg.com and have tried to be constructive and patient.

When the only acknowledgement you get is some little joker who wont let you vent no matter how polite it was, not some foaming at the mouth rant mind you, it tends to be the final straw.

I bought 6 months to go with my copy of the CE and I'm looking at other mmorpg's to play now. Bioware has absolutely destroyed the relationship I had with this game, but instead of sending me a message about how they will look into a fair way to get some of my names back, I get deleted and warned.

I cant imagine a more ignorant way to treat the people that actually pay to play this game.


Agreed. I loved bioware. I have never seen a company seemingly work so hard to alienate players.

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I lost my main char name which has about 30 days invested playtime to a lvl14 char. Lost one alt name too.


The real thing about this whole char renaming issue is not the fact that you had to rename some or all of your chars, its another thing which in fact makes me really upset.


This "free char transfer" service is de iure (legally) a voluntary service, but de facto (effectively) a mandatory thing. Mandatory because you couldnt play the game in a proper way even before the transfers (due to messed up management decisions by BW), but after the transfers there definitely is no way to play this MMO as a massively multiplayer game on an abandoned server. So if you think of this whole transfer as a mandatory service where in fact some kind of super servers are created, then this "free char transfer" service is effectively a SERVER MERGE.


Now the problem with letting this be named a char transfer service by the PR department caused a much bigger issue than just trying to deceive the community, it in fact led to it that BW - at least from a legal pov - had not to implement a char renaming policy because "its a player's free decision to transfer and lose his beloved name". Under renaming policy i mean some simple rules which ensure that someone with over 1 month playtime on a char doesnt have to lose his name because of another char with some hours of playtime or even a totally abandoned 5-6th alt char of someone, which is just not fair.


If this had been called a SERVER MERGE service, than there would have been no way to avoid the implementation of a renaming policy.


So for me thats the real issue about this whole renaming debate. I personally am deeply frustrated and disappointed by the way BW handled this whole issue with a simple "first come first serve" rule. This would be fine if this whole transfer thing wouldnt have been mandatory (de facto)... BW could have made this work, but they decided to not care about names, in a game where its all about "personal" story and becoming attached to your char...


I probably cancel my sub and look for another game which hopefully honors day 1 players more than BW does. Cancel not only due to the above issue but because of the way BW and their PR department try to sell us for fools for over 5 months.

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I lost all 5 names, and my legacy name. The wife lost all her names and her legacy name. I would dearly love to find the person who grabbed those names. I had them reserved on jedi thinking we were going there only to get surprised and got moved over to another server. Oh well such is life.
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Well, I lost one. I guess Woo could be considered common. Thank goodness for Wòo.



Wait, and you were so attached to Woo so you needed to create a rip off name with a weird altcode??

Unbelievable... perhaps you can meet the original Woo in a warzone and fight it out..:D

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lost EVERY name i had and to top it off when you go to rename a char it prompts the new name to the TOP un-named toon on your list rather than the one you thought you were just logging in/renaming, which renames the wrong toon the name you were using ! VERY POORLY done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i had to delete a couple toons cos i didnt want them to have the name i just tried to give to a diff toon...total BS !

im not stoked about this at all

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Waited and waited for weekend and result is this. Our server was last to transfer to Red Ecplise. That also ment we got screwed big time here with names being taken by other trasnfers before us. "Big thx to Bioware" for that policy.


Second i lost 4 names and my level 43 legacy name i had since early access first wave in my server. I will never forget how Bioware handled this "merge" and it will never be same again in new server with new name if i choose to pick new. The experience i had since launch got ruined - no its not just name its the priceless part of getting good feeling since i started playing TOR the way i wanted.


Will see what near future brings, but im defenetly gutted how Bioware treating sever populations like sheeps because We got no choice and also no say on this matter. Ether take the pain pill or leave game because Bioware nkew they screwed by naming system and with merges they went easy way out by doing sheep copying, its your own fault you ended up on low population server via Bioware own guilds placements before early access...

Edited by Divona
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Waited and waited for weekend and result is this. Our server was last to transfer to Red Ecplise. That also ment we got screwed big time here with names being taken by other trasnfers before us. "Big thx to Bioware" for that policy.


Second i lost 4 names and my level 43 legacy name i had since early access first wave in my server. I will never forget how Bioware handled this "merge" and it will never be same again in new server with new name if i choose to pick new. The experience i had since launch got ruined - no its not just name its the priceless part of getting good feeling since i started playing TOR the way i wanted.


Will see what near future brings, but im defenetly gutted how Bioware treating sever populations like sheeps because We got no choice and also no say on this matter. Ether take the pain pill or leave game because Bioware nkew they screwed by naming system and with merges they went easy way out by doing sheep copying, its your own fault you ended up on low population server via Bioware own guilds placements before early access...


No one forced you to move. That's an awful lot of crying for a self inflicted wound.

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None, and my names are not unique, but apparently are not popular even though they are nice names, and they are all nearly the same






Legacy name is Kulden, also wasn't taken.


In all my years I have never had these names ever taken, even when I join an MMO late and pick a high population server.


I find if you name comes from books, anime, cartoons, movies, tv series, there is a good chance that your name will be taken if you do not get it first.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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