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Well done Bioware, for real.


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Viewing the current servers and seeing more then 2 servers heavy now with standard makes me happy and hopeful. Yes the game has definitely lost a lot of people (good and bad), but the main issue of the game was the population (end game content aside).


Now here's hoping Helm of Graush and the remaining east coast PvP servers will be able to join the rest on The Fatman. Same goes for the other light servers and their respected server types.


My faith in this game is looking better, let's hope this puts this game back on track. 1.3 is good even if it's content light, and 1.4 hopefully will add in all the new stuff from E3.


Please open the rest of us by the weekend please :p


PS: Don't say ***** in general chat, you'll get banned.

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Haha. Logged into the forums to say this. Awesome job, BW. All I lost is a legacy surname I didn't like and a character name I wasn't attached to (out of 8 toons).


There's more people on Coruscant alone (Jedi Covenant) than I ever saw on my origin server both factions combined. The market is vibrant. I can finally make cash crafting, find schematics I've been looking for for months in one log in--it's just great.


Gonna have to figure out a way to filter chat options better (never an issue before) and be more diligent about group queueing in pvp (so few queuers on the origin server that this was unnecessary until today), but that's a small price to play for playing in a healthy environment like this.



Edited by Larry_Dallas
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Yup, I rather grudgingly moved all my characters, and my family's. It went through in seconds. I'm not wild about being on a massive server, but I guess it's better than being on one that's dead, & soon to vanish. (one might speculate, anyway) We'll see. I was really surprised at the names I could get - also surprised at the ones that were taken. But... we'll see.


No issue with Bioware's transfer process, though - exceptionally smooth & stunningly fast.

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Viewing the current servers and seeing more then 2 servers heavy now with standard makes me happy and hopeful. Yes the game has definitely lost a lot of people (good and bad), but the main issue of the game was the population (end game content aside).




Putting aside the main issue with the game....population was definitely the main issue with the game.....

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No issue with Bioware's transfer process, though - exceptionally smooth & stunningly fast.



They did it well, really well.


Thanks to you @BioWare and that's from someone that was playing on one of the most populated cluster.

Edited by Deewe
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I'm kinda sad that my name was taken, but pretty stoked at the opportunity to be on a full server. Not quite so stoked to be on a server with a 20 minute queue, though! Hopefully Bioware's max server pop solution will be implemented soon.
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Good job Bioware. I know not everyone is happy with your efforts so far, but some of those people will probably be disappointed no matter what you do. The transfers are a step in the right direction and definitely breathing new life into the game.

Keep up the good work BW and please don't abandon us in the community who haven't abandoned you.

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My faith in this game is looking better, let's hope this puts this game back on track. 1.3 is good even if it's content light, and 1.4 hopefully will add in all the new stuff from E3.


Transferring from Infinite Empire to Bastion has rekindled my love of this game. It's nice to have a highly populated server again


Haha. Logged into the forums to say this. Awesome job, BW.



I have loved it so far. I can find groups easier and warzones now are almost instantaneous.


Keep up the good work BW and please don't abandon us in the community who haven't abandoned you.


My sentiments exactly. I know you've all worked hard on this process in order to show good faith to your customers and it showed on this one. I was impressed especially with:


1) The lack of real bugs, delays, back-pedaling and waffling of any sort.

2) The constant communication and updates from your community team (esp. when AmberGreen chose to use community member tysuhev's formatting in the official updates).

3) The obvious plan and overall execution of that plan.

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Transfers took me 3 mins to process my 5 toons and were so fast on the server side I actually got mails confirming my transfer success before I got the mails saying the transfer was being processed.


An excellent piece of work by everyone involved, GJ guys!

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Same story here ... moved from Shien to Ebon Hawk today and as of 5 minutes ago (12:32am ET) there were 317 people in the Rep Fleet. 39 on Tatooine alone, which means that Tat was better populated than Shien's Imperial Fleet by 33%.


Amazing job so far. The server was hoppin' tonight. :rak_03:

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I lost 3/5 toons names in the transfer, which I will admit was a little disappointing, but far more important than that is that tonight while I was playing was the first time I've truely had fun playing this game in months.


So I would also like to add my voice in saying good job Bioware, thank you!

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