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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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First, i dont know why anyone would use the term f2p to describe the free trial to level 15. i guess its just bioware trying to use a buzzword to get peoples attention.


Second, i cant think of any major mmos that dont have micro transactions, wow has had them for years and most people i know always assumed swtor would go the same way after the first year, if it survived.

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Well being a taxpayer, it would indeed make a difference to me.


I personally don't wan't to work just so you can stay home and play games.


Obviously, I'm not going to quit my job to play a game, But LOTS of people do.


It's just an example.


How in game is it different. Some people decided to do unhealthly things just to get gear, What the difference if someone decided he can afford to throw some cash at it instead. I just like to be comeptiteve in PvP. For me the best option is throwing cash at it to get the gear to be comeptitive instead of mind numbling grinding the same 4 warzones for another piece

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Even if they adressed it and said everything will be free, just the 15 month sub fee people would STILL not believe it and call them liars


very true


but at least when articles like this were posted us players would at least have a official statement from ea or bioware to give us hope right now its just second hand from James Ohlen with nothing concrete or anthing detailed


the content package surveys I brushed off because of what James said and didnt put much worth in those google docs files or whatever, a finacial report on E.A. that mentions in game items being for sale as a plus for investors [regardless of the site] makes me more nervous and does make more sense then a ewok companion or lukes speeder for paid packages. james also did not say they wouldnt have microtransactions just not charge for content, this could be P.R. speak for we will still do updates and patches but we may be putting in a shop for in game items.


but yeah bioware wont say anthing so hopefully E.A. will let something slip and we can get I tiny ounce more of unconfirmed speculation.


then we can go back to calling them liars :)

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They bought the industries leading software to manage MTs nearly four years ago. The entire system is baked into the existing game client/server structure. It is how they are managing the "Key Fob" and CE items. So can they? Absolutely. Will they? Of course. It was never a matter of IF, as much as WHEN. The game having fallen flat on its subscription based face, means it will happen much sooner than expected.


I love LOTRO, and have loved it even after the F2P conversion. It is the way of the future, like it or hate it. Folks that hate it, should decide pretty quick what they plan on doing.

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They bought the industries leading software to manage MTs nearly four years ago. The entire system is baked into the existing game client/server structure. It is how they are managing the "Key Fob" and CE items. So can they? Absolutely. Will they? Of course. It was never a matter of IF, as much as WHEN. The game having fallen flat on its subscription based face, means it will happen much sooner than expected.


I love LOTRO, and have loved it even after the F2P conversion. It is the way of the future, like it or hate it. Folks that hate it, should decide pretty quick what they plan on doing.

The game only needs 500,000 subscribers to keep up a profit; it has 1.4 million, almost three times the amount it needs.


Anyway, it'll be fine if the transactions are like WOW's store - you buy stuff which is blatantly optional and not even all that cool in my opinion (in-game pets, mounts, etc). The mounts in their store, for example, aren't really that great compared to the ones you can get in the game by working (though they are more convenient for alts).


I'd be cool with this. I'd get really pissed if they sold special color crystals or other gear, even if it was empty orange gear; that's taking content away from a lot of people's reach, imo, and can be very character-defining.

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Wouldn't it be cool if they sold RL stuff in the store instead of ingame stuff?


Like coffee mugs, shirts, slave bikini replicas, ect, ect....


I'm trying to work out how exactly you'd make a replica bikini without just.. y'know.. making a bikini. I think you broke my mind sir.


And on topic: I've got no problem with tasteful, cosmetic in-game items. I have a major problem with items that affect gameplay.

Edited by Lakhesis
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How in game is it different. Some people decided to do unhealthly things just to get gear, What the difference if someone decided he can afford to throw some cash at it instead. I just like to be comeptiteve in PvP. For me the best option is throwing cash at it to get the gear to be comeptitive instead of mind numbling grinding the same 4 warzones for another piece


Anything that takes time or effort to aquire has value this is true even in the virtual world if you can bypass that time and effort with a shortcut like endgame microtransactions then you de-value the gameplay.


You could argue that some people don't have that kind if time to put in, but by nature rpg's/mmo's are time consuming most people know that coming in.


You could argue you put in time and effort at work to make the extra money for microtransactionsm, but still an unfair disadvantage against people who paid their sub fee and don't have the extra $$ for mt's.

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They bought the industries leading software to manage MTs nearly four years ago. The entire system is baked into the existing game client/server structure. It is how they are managing the "Key Fob" and CE items. So can they? Absolutely. Will they? Of course. It was never a matter of IF, as much as WHEN. The game having fallen flat on its subscription based face, means it will happen much sooner than expected.


I love LOTRO, and have loved it even after the F2P conversion. It is the way of the future, like it or hate it. Folks that hate it, should decide pretty quick what they plan on doing.


WoW really is the barometer in this situation, imho.


Once WoW goes, they all will go. And we will never see a sub based game again.

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Anything that takes time or effort to aquire has value this is true even in the virtual world if you can bypass that time and effort with a shortcut like endgame microtransactions then you de-value the gameplay.


You could argue that some people don't have that kind if time to put in, but by nature rpg's/mmo's are time consuming most people know that coming in.


You could argue you put in time and effort at work to make the extra money for microtransactionsm, but still an unfair disadvantage against people who paid their sub fee and don't have the extra $$ for mt's.


They can use the extra time the put into the game.


It's just more paths to the same goal.


the only thing you are devaluing right now is the grinding. PvP gear takes 0 skill to get just time .


I could log in and just walk to a node and do nothing and i would get the gear eventually

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WoW really is the barometer in this situation, imho.


Once WoW goes, they all will go. And we will never see a sub based game again.


I thought maybe the f2p fanboys were right and AAA mmos would start going f2p. I thought gw2 would be the first game not to go f2p because it sucked but because it was built to. then i got to play GW2 and realized it is definately in the f2p realm and not in the AAA big leagues.

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I love LOTRO, and have loved it even after the F2P conversion. It is the way of the future, like it or hate it. Folks that hate it, should decide pretty quick what they plan on doing.


I'm not going to attempt any half @ss percentages off the top of my head, but I hate F2P games with MT"s and I would venture to say a lot of people feel the same way.

I mostly see people that play F2P games just bouncing from one game to the next with no real loyalty or connection to the community.

If thats the future it sounds pretty bleak.

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The game only needs 500,000 subscribers to keep up a profit; it has 1.4 million, almost three times the amount it needs.


Anyway, it'll be fine if the transactions are like WOW's store - you buy stuff which is blatantly optional and not even all that cool in my opinion (in-game pets, mounts, etc). The mounts in their store, for example, aren't really that great compared to the ones you can get in the game by working (though they are more convenient for alts).


I'd be cool with this. I'd get really pissed if they sold special color crystals or other gear, even if it was empty orange gear; that's taking content away from a lot of people's reach, imo, and can be very character-defining.


I very seriously doubt SWTOR 1.4 million subs at this point. I would not be shocked to learn it was in the 800,000 to 900,000 range. And regardless, I seriously doubt EA wants only what this game earns at 500k. They know the numbers as well as anybody, a F2P game will earn much more, and at this point, they've all but said this game isn't a core title from a profit standpoint. They have no place to go with it now, but to F2P. This is EA we are talking about now, not Bioware anymore. Odds are they expected to go to F2P at some point eventually, the raw numbers are what is driving this, not touchy feely emotional logic. Things have gotten so bad, the company's stock is being impacted, and nobody on Wall Street cares if X number of people kvetch on these forums, because the real industry experience makes F2P a no-brainer.


Get used to it now, it is going to happen.

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Anything that takes time or effort to aquire has value this is true even in the virtual world if you can bypass that time and effort with a shortcut like endgame microtransactions then you de-value the gameplay.

Whos game play? If I buy a 25% xp boost, how does that de-value your gameplay?


You could argue that some people don't have that kind if time to put in, but by nature rpg's/mmo's are time consuming most people know that coming in.


With that logic we shouldn't have cars because traveling was a time consuming endeavor prior to the 1900's.



You could argue you put in time and effort at work to make the extra money for microtransactionsm, but still an unfair disadvantage against people who paid their sub fee and don't have the extra $$ for mt's.




How? Just because you don't want to spend the money on something doesn't make it a disadvantage. I guess allowing people to pay more for first class puts you at a disadvantage on airplane?

Edited by Druc
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More money = More content.


If some random guy wants a MLP:FIM lightsaber and is willing to shell out cash for it... GREAT.


That money will go to making new ops, flash points, wzs, planets, w/e.


Let bioware scam people by selling them pixel art for cash.

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I'm not going to attempt any half @ss percentages off the top of my head, but I hate F2P games with MT"s and I would venture to say a lot of people feel the same way.

I mostly see people that play F2P games just bouncing from one game to the next with no real loyalty or connection to the community.

If thats the future it sounds pretty bleak.


Loyalty to a community? Are you talking about playing a game or getting married. Are you really arguing it is worse to have someone play the game once every 6 months than never play it?

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More money = More content.


If some random guy wants a MLP:FIM lightsaber and is willing to shell out cash for it... GREAT.


That money will go to making new ops, flash points, wzs, planets, w/e.


Let bioware scam people by selling them pixel art for cash.


lol you think they are going to invest more in this game? they have the content to be released ready in the bioware fridge, and due to this method of storage, they feel it will still be fresh 6 months from now for release.

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the only thing you are devaluing right now is the grinding. PvP gear takes 0 skill to get just time .


I never said anything about skill I said time & effort.

I can beat people in better gear than me thats skill, but I would not have realized it if I had skipped the effort to understand my class and other classes.

.. and yes when rated warzones are implemented you will need skill to gain points to buy rewards

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