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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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I don't have a problem with micros as long as they aren't a pay to win model. I follow the belief that by giving players more options to play and acquire things in a game, then the better. That way, if I don't feel like raiding for two straight weeks in game to get a piece of gear, I can simply go to the store to buy it with the money I worked for during those two weeks in real life.

Ugh... Maybe I misunderstood it or it's a typo... I hope.


Regarding the topic, I bet that's it's just going to be WoW-like RMTs. That is, pets, transfers, renames, race, sex and appearance changes (complete, not barber shop like), etc.



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So you don't earn your real money? Where do you live - I may want to call the authorities.


I don't have a problem with micros as long as they aren't a pay to win model. I follow the belief that by giving players more options to play and acquire things in a game, then the better. That way, if I don't feel like raiding for two straight weeks in game to get a piece of gear, I can simply go to the store to buy it with the money I worked for during those two weeks in real life.




Buying raid gear IS a pay to win model. It would be buying a piece of gear that gave you an advantage. No MMO curently does that and I don't imagine this one will be any different. If you can buy gear at all it would probably purely cosmetic, certainly without stats.

Edited by Cordelia
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So the game will be free-to-play up to level 15? Yeah, they said that quite some time ago, not a big surprise when several other MMOs are doing the exact same thing. Micro-transactions; this can mean anything from the Blizzard Store-type system to an EVE Online-type system or WoW-private server-type system (where you "donate" and get the best items). At this point we can't really know for sure what "micro-transactions" will entail, but we can only hope they don't get more stupid than they already are and go the WoW-private server route.
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Not too long ago, they were saying their subscription model works just fine...and now this.


What does this have to do with a subscription? Rift and WoW both do this to reel in more players. It works.


WoW has mounts and pets you can get solely in the item shop, it has no effect on the game what so ever. People need to relax, they're not going to sell the best gear in the game for money, come on now. No game does that.

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I'm not 100% sold on this being something that is going to happen (the phrasing seemed ambiguous, as in it could possibly have been referring to a different game. I don't know diddly squat about their other games, though).


But if it does, so long as they are vanity items, I am fine with it. Honestly, I would probably fork over a few bucks now and then for a pretty new dress or a cute mini pet. But heck, it might mean micro-transactions for things like a barber shop or race change service -- I'm actually kind of surprised they don't offer those yet.

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What does this have to do with a subscription? Rift and WoW both do this to reel in more players. It works.


WoW has mounts and pets you can get solely in the item shop, it has no effect on the game what so ever. People need to relax, they're not going to sell the best gear in the game for money, come on now. No game does that.


Star Trek Online does in the form of +1 ships and consoles. But that game is an example of what NOT to do with an MMO.

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They won't sell raid gear. None of the MMOs that are f2p sell end game gear.


Ugh... Maybe I misunderstood it or it's a typo... I hope.


Regarding the topic, I bet that's it's just going to be WoW-like RMTs. That is, pets, transfers, renames, race, sex and appearance changes (complete, not barber shop like), etc.




Buying raid gear IS a pay to win model. It would be buying a piece of gear that gave you an advantage. No MMO curently does that and I don't imagine this one will be any different. If you can buy gear at all it would probably purely cosmetic, certainly without stats.


Bit of a hyperbolic example. No micro-transaction should garner an in-game benefit in PvP, but I do believe that any virtual item available in a game that does not offer that said competitive advantage can be offered for a micro at a cost that reflects its rarity/difficulty to acquire.



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What does this have to do with a subscription? Rift and WoW both do this to reel in more players. It works.


WoW has mounts and pets you can get solely in the item shop, it has no effect on the game what so ever. People need to relax, they're not going to sell the best gear in the game for money, come on now. No game does that.


that is true though


so no need to panic


still don't like MT for various reasons but anyway....it might work better in mmos

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It will be just mounts and pets and such... stupid little trinkets that won't affect anything.


real money for items that wont effect anything? just like my sub cost now doesn't give me anything, including new vanity items. I would like more mounts and pets and good god some armor I want to wear. is it so hard to make 100 tiny droids and monsters, why dont we have a HK mini pet, or mini games or more than 3 mounts. were is our sub money going bioware. we pay monthly and dont have these things.


bioware is pushing its fans to far, we put up with alot and still pay monthly for a unfinished game and now they want us to pay for new items and most likely future content on top of our sub fee that is already not not worth the cost????


I honestly dont think bioware could make worse discisions or give themselves worse P.R. and they do it to themselves is the most amazing thing


sad to say it but if this is the best they can do then they do not deserve to stay in buisness


heres a idea give your subscribed paying costomers the new items for free and remove the hutt observer and other mini pets from the game along with the mounts and armor and then sell that as microtransactions, oh thats right nobody wants any of that crap for free thats why you pawned it off on subscribers and are saving the real items for microtransactions


this pisses me off more than all their stupid mistakes combined.


"hey want to run hardmodes to get that mount"

"why I can just pay $5.00 and get that awesome new one from the shop"


"check out this rare pet I finaly got off the lost island boss"

"thats dumb look at this voiced Kowakian monkey-lizard I paid $9.00 for"


"why does your lightsaber say "Lukes lightsaber" the skywalker family wont be around for 3 thousand years"

"I got it off the store they probably thought it would sell better"

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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It begins with this.... :(


This is STO all over agian....


* Though F2P up to level 15, which this is old news now, isn't muc hto worry about. Once we see a store we are beat.


Nah, if they start doing life-times and Pay to Win items, then I'll believe it.

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Nah, if they start doing life-times and Pay to Win items, then I'll believe it.


Whats wrong with a lifetime membership? Id buy one :) You have to pay rl money any way it goes for the monthly fee. Why not give me a lifetime option.

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It's not the F2P to lvl 15 that bothers me. It's the idea of them selling items that can only be attainable buy forking over more cash-even if it is cosmetic. For instance, different color ligtsabers, pets, exclusive gear, mounts, etc... the list goes on.


So long as it funds them pumping out content who gives a frack?




Are you going to cry cause my lightsaber is rainbowrific?

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So long as it funds them pumping out content who gives a frack?




Are you going to cry cause my lightsaber is rainbowrific?


let me repost this for you


real money for items that wont effect anything? just like my sub cost now doesn't give me anything, including new vanity items. I would like more mounts and pets and good god some armor I want to wear. is it so hard to make 100 tiny droids and monsters, why dont we have a HK mini pet, or mini games or more than 3 mounts. were is our sub money going bioware. we pay monthly and dont have these things.


bioware is pushing its fans to far, we put up with alot and still pay monthly for a unfinished game and now they want us to pay for new items and most likely future content on top of our sub fee that is already not not worth the cost????


heres a idea give your subscribed paying costomers the new items for free and remove the hutt observer and other mini pets from the game along with the mounts and armor and then sell that as microtransactions, oh thats right nobody wants any of that crap for free thats why you pawned it off on subscribers and are saving the real items for microtransactions


this pisses me off more than all their stupid mistakes combined.


"hey want to run hardmodes to get that mount"

"why I can just pay $5.00 and get that awesome new one from the shop"


"check out this rare pet I finaly got off the lost island boss"

"thats dumb look at this voiced Kowakian monkey-lizard I paid $9.00 for"


"why does your lightsaber say "Luke skywalkers lightsaber" the skywalker family wont be around for 3 thousand years"

"I got it off the store they probably thought it would sell better"

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Reminds me of how lotro started adding stuff to their store and now look. Yes microtransactions are a slipery sloap, and then the free to play to level 15.


It is obvious that they don't have enough subs to keep the game goig otherwise they would not pull the microtransaction fix.

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I don't have a problem with micros as long as they aren't a pay to win model. I follow the belief that by giving players more options to play and acquire things in a game, then the better. That way, if I don't feel like raiding for two straight weeks in game to get a piece of gear, I can simply go to the store to buy it with the money I worked for during those two weeks in real life.


I'm beginning to understand.


None of you actually know wth you are talking about.


It's all becoming clear now, no wonder why you would support this game going f2p or think that merging down to 10-20% of your server total was a "sign of good things to come".


You're clueless. It's been so simple all along. Man. Wow. I can't believe I missed all of the signs.

Edited by Celebrus
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let me repost this for you


real money for items that wont effect anything? just like my sub cost now doesn't give me anything, including new vanity items. I would like more mounts and pets and good god some armor I want to wear. is it so hard to make 100 tiny droids and monsters, why dont we have a HK mini pet, or mini games or more than 3 mounts. were is our sub money going bioware. we pay monthly and dont have these things.


bioware is pushing its fans to far, we put up with alot and still pay monthly for a unfinished game and now they want us to pay for new items and most likely future content on top of our sub fee that is already not not worth the cost????


heres a idea give your subscribed paying costomers the new items for free and remove the hutt observer and other mini pets from the game along with the mounts and armor and then sell that as microtransactions, oh thats right nobody wants any of that crap for free thats why you pawned it off on subscribers and are saving the real items for microtransactions


this pisses me off more than all their stupid mistakes combined.


"hey want to run hardmodes to get that mount"

"why I can just pay $5.00 and get that awesome new one from the shop"


"check out this rare pet I finaly got off the lost island boss"

"thats dumb look at this voiced Kowakian monkey-lizard I paid $9.00 for"


"why does your lightsaber say "Luke skywalkers lightsaber" the skywalker family wont be around for 3 thousand years"

"I got it off the store they probably thought it would sell better"



Anything that matters is almost always worked for in game. Bought items are always viewed as unimpressive by the community.


A:I bought the celestial steed!

B: I have a relentless gladiators drake.

A: oh... Can I buy that?

B: No.

A: : /

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