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So now that you've gotten everyone together


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Bioware, so now that you've got everyone together on the fleet what are you going to do about getting them off the fleet? The level 50's need something to do besides stand on the fleet and queue up for WZ's and now pretty soon your automated group finder will give no incentive to exit. The lower level players probably won't be on the fleet as much except for the chain FP runners. So, what are you going to do about this? Edited by Skidrowbro
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You guys are just ridiculous. You cry and cry about server transfers, then finally when it happens you hardly wait a day before crying about something else. I mean seriously?


It's not that I don't agree with you it's just that I feel that you are a little impatient to say the least. The guy who made the OP is the guy who cries that hes thirsty , you give him water an he cries that it's not cold lol

Edited by LordVilos
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You guys are just ridiculous. You cry and cry about server transfers, then finally when it happens you hardly wait a day before crying about something else. I mean seriously?


It's not that I don't agree with you it's just that I feel that you are a little impatient to say the least. The guy who made the OP is the guy who cries that hes thirsty , you give him water an he cries that it's not cold lol


rofl agreed +1

transfers are not even finished yet also 1.3 is due very soon with teh group finder you can farm fp and ops then ect... they plenty to do just use ur brains

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Well, I was hoping for some feedback from anyone from Bioware about this. Oh well...


Just curious. Have you completed all three ops through nightmare, all FPS, have all datacrons, crafting maxed, all ship missions done, black hole geared? Any alts rolled up and running?


I've been playing since launch and I'm never running out of things to do. I'd like to see more end game raids, lots of small group activity, but there certainly is content out there to do.

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You guys are just ridiculous. You cry and cry about server transfers, then finally when it happens you hardly wait a day before crying about something else. I mean seriously?


It's not that I don't agree with you it's just that I feel that you are a little impatient to say the least. The guy who made the OP is the guy who cries that hes thirsty , you give him water an he cries that it's not cold lol


Funny, I never asked for transfers or even a group finder, go figure

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Just curious. Have you completed all three ops through nightmare, all FPS, have all datacrons, crafting maxed, all ship missions done, black hole geared? Any alts rolled up and running?


I've been playing since launch and I'm never running out of things to do. I'd like to see more end game raids, lots of small group activity, but there certainly is content out there to do.


Besides rehashing the content again in hard mode? I'm asking if Bioware has any better plans other than a new planet. Anything that will get people off the fleet out onto the planets to do stuff. If anything at level 50 we need more planets....

Edited by Skidrowbro
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You guys are just ridiculous. You cry and cry about server transfers, then finally when it happens you hardly wait a day before crying about something else. I mean seriously?


You mean you didn't see it coming a mile away?

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You guys are just ridiculous. You cry and cry about server transfers, then finally when it happens you hardly wait a day before crying about something else. I mean seriously?


It's not that I don't agree with you it's just that I feel that you are a little impatient to say the least. The guy who made the OP is the guy who cries that hes thirsty , you give him water an he cries that it's not cold lol


This! Hope you guys unsub soon.

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Besides rehashing the content again in hard mode? I'm asking if Bioware has any better plans other than a new planet. Anything that will get people off the fleet out onto the planets to do stuff. If anything at level 50 we need more planets....


So you have not done any of the current content, but want more content added, because there is no content?

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people complaining about complainers need to stop.


Yes BW might have sloppily stumbled onto a temporary population solution with the transfer but that isn't excusing them from all the other old and new problems.


There will always be issues to address and when it comes to paying customers there is no free pass, BW is not on a reward vacation after transfers. These people are trying to improve upon the game and your group is telling them to shut up and unsub, the worst thing you could actually do if you want this game to be (or continue to be) good and well produced. If this is all you are going to bring to the forums instead of trying to help work out the issues it's best if you just do not post, should be logged into the game if it is so perfect for you.

Edited by Maxil
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You guys are just ridiculous. You cry and cry about server transfers, then finally when it happens you hardly wait a day before crying about something else. I mean seriously?


There is actually someone complaining in another thread that now on their new server they have to "wait for mob respawns" and how that is ridiculous..


I've lost faith in humanity. Modern gamers are just never satisfied and want anything with little to no effort. They have ridiculous expectations that no gaming company can ever live up to and it's just sad that they really cannot find enjoyment in anything.

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Bioware, so now that you've got everyone together on the fleet what are you going to do about getting them off the fleet? The level 50's need something to do besides stand on the fleet and queue up for WZ's and now pretty soon your automated group finder will give no incentive to exit. The lower level players probably won't be on the fleet as much except for the chain FP runners. So, what are you going to do about this?


LOL. Doesn't take long before people start QQing again. I personally have plenty to do and love playing the game. Whether it's PVPing on my main, do dailies for credits/campaign relics, doing stuff on my 50 alt, leveling another toon, etc. I don't think BW is going to tailor this game to the people who wake up, play the game, and go to bed. A lot of people have school, jobs, and believe it or not a family/gf/bf.

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people complaining about complainers need to stop.


Yes BW might have sloppily stumbled onto a temporary population solution with the transfer but that isn't excusing them from all the other old and new problems.


There will always be issues to address and when it comes to paying customers there is no free pass, BW is not on a reward vacation after transfers. These people are trying to improve upon the game and your group is telling them to shut up and unsub, the worst thing you could actually do if you want this game to be (or continue to be) good and well produced. If this is all you are going to bring to the forums instead of trying to help work out the issues it's best if you just do not post, should be logged into the game if it is so perfect for you.


This is incorrect as the whining.....and it is whining, most of it based upon a sound lack of knowledge and understanding. Here we have a guy complaining about a lack of content that he has not done.


Just as many of these complainers do, you have made up a scenario in your head that does not exist, made up "facts", then ran with it as if there is some sort of truth to it. That is the same type of misinformation and red herring argument that we are speaking of.


There is no attempt to "improve the game" in most of these. There is only hyperbole and conjecture occasioned by some in an attempt to disparage the game for the sake of disparaging it. When some constructive information comes forth, then I will address it as such, but "OMG, its going F2P", or "you need more content" do not qualify as anything more then whining.


Honestly, these days I can only read so much before my eyes start to bleed.

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LOL. Doesn't take long before people start QQing again. I personally have plenty to do and love playing the game. Whether it's PVPing on my main, do dailies for credits/campaign relics, doing stuff on my 50 alt, leveling another toon, etc. I don't think BW is going to tailor this game to the people who wake up, play the game, and go to bed. A lot of people have school, jobs, and believe it or not a family/gf/bf.


I've been playing since early release. I still have plenty to do. There is plenty to do in this game if one desires to partake in it.

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Bioware, so now that you've got everyone together on the fleet what are you going to do about getting them off the fleet? The level 50's need something to do besides stand on the fleet and queue up for WZ's and now pretty soon your automated group finder will give no incentive to exit. The lower level players probably won't be on the fleet as much except for the chain FP runners. So, what are you going to do about this?


The 1.3 group finder is supposely going to let the player que up and then go do dailies or other stuff off the Fleet until your group is formed. I am assuming that is how it will work. The only downside to that is when you are done, it will have you exit at the Fleet again...lol.

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Bioware, so now that you've got everyone together on the fleet what are you going to do about getting them off the fleet? The level 50's need something to do besides stand on the fleet and queue up for WZ's and now pretty soon your automated group finder will give no incentive to exit. The lower level players probably won't be on the fleet as much except for the chain FP runners. So, what are you going to do about this?


you do realize not everyone is togather yet right? Ofcourse you don't because you are only worried about yourself...

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Another problem is that Fleet is typically the only place to chat or troll. So people just stand around queuing for wzs and trolling. There should be a generic, galaxy wide chat channel as well so people can still troll while out gathering and doing other things.
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Bioware, so now that you've got everyone together on the fleet what are you going to do about getting them off the fleet? The level 50's need something to do besides stand on the fleet and queue up for WZ's and now pretty soon your automated group finder will give no incentive to exit. The lower level players probably won't be on the fleet as much except for the chain FP runners. So, what are you going to do about this?


you admit in your own thread that you have not done all of the current content available yet you are whining about there not being enough? Seriously, I hope you and people like you unsub soon, this has to be the most pathetic post on these boards so far ...

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Please, please, please, please please, stop crying about everything and just enjoy the game :) If you are not having fun at a given moment do something else for god's sake. It's summer time....enjoy your life......if you are bored do something else!
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Please, please, please, please please, stop crying about everything and just enjoy the game :) If you are not having fun at a given moment do something else for god's sake. It's summer time....enjoy your life......if you are bored do something else!


Good points and exactly what I been doing. Playing other games..lol. I also have a lot of outdoors activities which keep me busy during the summer. The last month I would say my total play time in TOR has not exceeded 2 hrs.


I am surprised the OP is complaining about this tho, as he seemed to indicate in his other posts against the cross server LFG tool that everything as is was fine on his server. In other words, getting into group runs was no big deal on his server. Yet he now says he has a lot of group content he has not even did yet? :rolleyes:

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people complaining about complainers need to stop.


Yes BW might have sloppily stumbled onto a temporary population solution with the transfer but that isn't excusing them from all the other old and new problems.


There will always be issues to address and when it comes to paying customers there is no free pass, BW is not on a reward vacation after transfers. These people are trying to improve upon the game and your group is telling them to shut up and unsub, the worst thing you could actually do if you want this game to be (or continue to be) good and well produced. If this is all you are going to bring to the forums instead of trying to help work out the issues it's best if you just do not post, should be logged into the game if it is so perfect for you.


The problem is some people just can not and will not be satisfied. Give them a game with more content at launch, and they *****, give them above average custoemr service , they *****, give them jsut about everything they cry for, and they still *****.


At some point, you need to point out they are being unrealistic, as in this case, complaining there is nothing to do when we just got server transfers going, and apparently hasn't completed all content available to them. Screaming or crying for new content when there is still content available to do, needs to be addressed also. You cant berate a person for pointing it out, then point out they did it,kind of the same thing no?:csw_falcon:

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