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The next large PVP East Server Speculation Thread


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I play on Anchorhead server PvP east. Today at peak hours we had a max of 40 on the fleet. I believe the imps have more population. If there are 19 servers, lets say an average of 25 people on fleet at peak that would be 475 players online during prime gaming hours.Seems pretty decent to me... Honestly anything is better then having 30-40 players on fleet at prime time. Now if they decide to keep putting people on Fatman thats fine by me as well. Close to 1,000 players on a server would be pretty epic for dungeon finder in 1.3. Either way I think it will work out. Don't be upset if we are not moved to Fatman. We will build a great server wherever they put us.


not really how it works, the average for these 19 servers is under 20 at peak hours and many of these 19 servers are in the single digits, so expecting 475 people if u combined these servers is going to lead to dissappointmentits more like at max 350 which gives us 1 less population than the fatman, and 2 no community infrastructure unlike everyone who transfered to the fat man has. fyi you can't buy an imperial on Naddist Rebels

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well, I'm on belgoth's beacon an east coast pvp server and have yet to get called up for transfers...If they don't let us go to fatman I hope they still keep us in an east coast server and not move us to west coast. I haven't played on one yet so idk if the ping would be much higher if at all.
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I play on Anchorhead server PvP east. Today at peak hours we had a max of 40 on the fleet. I believe the imps have more population. If there are 19 servers, lets say an average of 25 people on fleet at peak that would be 475 players online during prime gaming hours.Seems pretty decent to me... Honestly anything is better then having 30-40 players on fleet at prime time. Now if they decide to keep putting people on Fatman that's fine by me as well. Close to 1,000 players on a server would be pretty epic for dungeon finder in 1.3. Either way I think it will work out. Don't be upset if we are not moved to Fatman. We will build a great server wherever they put us.


I play on Saber of Exar Kun PvP east. Today we averaged 30-40 on the imperial fleet (average, not peak numbers) from 2pm to 12pm. /who showed 96 imperial side with another 40 Republic side at a low end. Most of that time /who was capped at 100. 150 Concurrent players along from one server that isn't even as populated as Anchorhead.


Considering The Bastion and Drooga's Pleasure Barge hit FULL and had wait ques today, i'm guessing The Fatman will be in a similar situation come weekend prime times. More servers added to the mix likely would be overkill. I am unsure if the combined numbers of the remaining servers could reach Fatman numbers, but it wouldn't be near as far off as some people are suggesting.


According to the math supported by this thread, if each of the remaining servers had a minimum of 200 active players at peak time, 200X19 = 2900. More then enough players to keep a server in the Very Heavy catagory.

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I play on Saber of Exar Kun PvP east. Today we averaged 30-40 on the imperial fleet (average, not peak numbers) from 2pm to 12pm. /who showed 96 imperial side with another 40 Republic side at a low end. Most of that time /who was capped at 100. 150 Concurrent players along from one server that isn't even as populated as Anchorhead.


Considering The Bastion and Drooga's Pleasure Barge hit FULL and had wait ques today, i'm guessing The Fatman will be in a similar situation come weekend prime times. More servers added to the mix likely would be overkill. I am unsure if the combined numbers of the remaining servers could reach Fatman numbers, but it wouldn't be near as far off as some people are suggesting.


According to the math supported by this thread, if each of the remaining servers had a minimum of 200 active players at peak time, 200X19 = 2900. More then enough players to keep a server in the Very Heavy catagory.


Might want to remove a 0 from your calculations. I highly doubt these servers have 200 active people, 30 to 50 is probably more accurate.

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Might want to remove a 0 from your calculations. I highly doubt these servers have 200 active people, 30 to 50 is probably more accurate.


I didn't even notice that part.


Bondar Crystal (a server that has yet to transfer), gets down to as low as 80 people on the server, counting both Empire and Republic. Republic side is really bad, and never usually breaks 50. I imagine many of the other PVP servers are in the same situation.


Now, maybe there's enough servers left to make a decent population. But it's not going to get anywhere near the new Fatman levels.

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I think if they really wanted a second PVP East server, they would have moved ALL PVP East servers to it (except fatman). I don't see the point of over populating one server only to end up with a medium population second server. I will be very disappointed if this happens, fatman is the only logical option.
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I didn't even notice that part.


Bondar Crystal (a server that has yet to transfer), gets down to as low as 80 people on the server, counting both Empire and Republic. Republic side is really bad, and never usually breaks 50. I imagine many of the other PVP servers are in the same situation.


Now, maybe there's enough servers left to make a decent population. But it's not going to get anywhere near the new Fatman levels.


Click the link in my post. Understanding that these numbers are estimates, a /who test pretty well matches what the author of that post came up with as far as numbers go. Fleet population =/= total active population. Even if you assume that max 100 players per server (counting players that currently log on, then off due to boredom), thats 100X19 = 1900. Fatman chills out with a cool 2300~ currently. That isn't a significant difference, compared to what other servers are used to having. At one time, Saber of Exar Kun had a one of the largest populations in the game, with a wait que every night. It is entirely possible that more people that are not represented by these metrics could come back for xfers. If that happened, and it wasn't accounted for by Bioware's xfer program, **** could hit the fan.


It's a nice measure, but low-balling this kinda of number in an xfer situation can have just as bad consequences as overshot can.


For one, limiting the server down to 1 super server (pvp east) guarantees that their will likely never be a second server without a split. 2 servers at least gives an illusion of choice and growth potential. My gut tells me that if BW was going to load the remaining East Coast pvp servers onto Fatman, another server would have been included in the last batch on 6/13.

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Agreed Prime. I would be shocked if most if not all the rest of the PvP E servers didn't make a second server. Now....who is it going to be...


Whichever one has Bioware dev's playing on it. No other way to explain their current server selections.. The Bastion over The Swiftsure? Seriously?

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I don't know. i hope the Bondar Crystal imperials get to steal the throne away from the fat mans pubs tomorrow


get scared if you see jugernot on tomorrow. were taking over




Edited by Jugerot
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I'm on Port Nowhere and I hope all East Coast PvP servers are going to Fatman. My reasoning is that many of the people that played on Fatman before Free Transfers were people from other servers leveling up toons there because their original servers were slow. So a lot of the people that will be transferring there were already there on their alts.


I 2nd that dale.


I recognize ur name on Chilly (SWG) so it would be grand to mix it up again, since I have old guild friends from Lowca on the Fatman aswell.


Send us all to the Fatman. :D

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I play on Sword of Ajunta Pall. We usually have 35-40 players at peak time on the Imperial Fleet and the Republic side usually has 15-25. Throughout the day it is next to impossible to get a warzone to pop. At night there are usually one or two games going on until about 1AM, and then it dies again until the next night. I am hoping for Fatman too, but at this point, I will take whatever. Just to see other/new people will be such a great thing. A lot of people on SoAP believe that we will be the destination server for the rest of the 19 East PVP servers. Don't know why they feel that way, but I do know that some Bioware employees play on Sword of Ajunta Pall. I REALLY hope we don't become a destination, I want to move!!!
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I play on Sword of Ajunta Pall. We usually have 35-40 players at peak time on the Imperial Fleet and the Republic side usually has 15-25. Throughout the day it is next to impossible to get a warzone to pop. At night there are usually one or two games going on until about 1AM, and then it dies again until the next night. I am hoping for Fatman too, but at this point, I will take whatever. Just to see other/new people will be such a great thing. A lot of people on SoAP believe that we will be the destination server for the rest of the 19 East PVP servers. Don't know why they feel that way, but I do know that some Bioware employees play on Sword of Ajunta Pall. I REALLY hope we don't become a destination, I want to move!!!


You know, up until about 2-4 weeks ago SoAP was pretty good for PvP Q's (Imperial Side). I never had a problem getting into a Warzone (usually played somewhere between 5pm - 11pm PDT) in a timely manner. I doubt we will be a destination, and at this point, I don't think there is enough PVP-E players left over. Combining the remaining servers would still make us feel like a crappy consolation destination when compared to the uber pop of the Fatman. All I know is that I stopped playing SWTOR for a few weeks, and when I left our PVP Q's were popping, and now that I'm back.... well you know the answer to that. Not sure where you heard that we had "Dev's" playing on our server... sure hope I rolled a few with my IA. Let's hope for the best Cards.

Edited by Kaptain
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Agreed, our servers death knell came when Diablo III came out. Before that, warzone's were popping more often, though still not as much as I would like. And those matches always had the same people in them over and over. Basically, if you went up against All Gear No Talent's pre-made you were going to lose, if you got on their team you were going to win. No fun either way, IMO. That is when I left. Just resubbed today in anticipation of the transfers, and it is still bad. At 3AM this morning I was the only person on the fleet. I am more of a nighttime player so I would love to be able to get matches late at night. Hopefully we get Fatman, but if we all get consolidated into Anchorhead I won't be too upset. Edited by LouisvilleCards
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You know, up until about 2-4 weeks ago SoAP was pretty good for PvP Q's (Imperial Side). I never had a problem getting into a Warzone (usually played somewhere between 5pm - 11pm PDT) in a timely manner..


Even the most populated servers were affected around that time, the combination of Diablo 3 releasing and the free 30 days running out took a massive toll. Tomb of Freedom Nadd, the most populated EU PVP server went from 300 odd on the fleet to around 100 at peak times. It wasn't pretty.


My fear is that if Bioware don't step it up with the content, specifically PvP content, we'll end up seeing the same thing after they move us all to The Fatman and a game like GW2 releases. At the moment TOR just doesn't have the nuts and bolts to hold PvP'ers if something decent comes along. An extra Warzone every now and then just won't cut it, they really need to get a move on with Ilum.

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Please GOD do NOT send me to the fatman. I want nothing to do with that server, or the belligerent, whining bads it holds. Open up Anchorhead, and let the flood gates loose.



Agreed....Anchorhead, VH, or even the server I'm on Twin Spears. Twin spears has 50-60 imp on fleet (more server wide) and 20-40 rep on fleet during prime. All the people the server was glad to get rid of re-rolled over to the fatman, they can keep them.

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Agreed....Anchorhead, VH, or even the server I'm on Twin Spears. Twin spears has 50-60 imp on fleet (more server wide) and 20-40 rep on fleet during prime. All the people the server was glad to get rid of re-rolled over to the fatman, they can keep them.


which is odd considering the twin spears imps NEVER queue for PvP on a PvP server even though you are saying that they typically have twice the load!!?? odd.... or did all the lvl 50 imps jump ship a while ago (we get 1 of 10 pops in WZ's against imps and then they get rolled - we play naked on the rep side).

Its unfortunate that torstats really doesn't give any real data for any server that is light and they all are lumped into the same .98 bucket so I always assumed twin would be an origin server

(btw: total on at PM hours on twin is typically 70 - 90 on the rep side with about 40% of that being the 50's hanging out on fleet or doing dailies)

Edited by peterjohndevries
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which is odd considering the twin spears imps NEVER queue for PvP on a PvP server even though you are saying that they typically have twice the load!!?? odd.... or did all the lvl 50 imps jump ship a while ago (we get 1 of 10 pops in WZ's against imps and then they get rolled - we play naked on the rep side).

Its unfortunate that torstats really doesn't give any real data for any server that is light and they all are lumped into the same .98 bucket so I always assumed twin would be an origin server


Yes they are twice...the deal is pub groups have no desire to que against pre-mades which makes up you whole population on fleet.

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Its all the Fatman. We aren't going anywhere else. This game will be run by a handful of "super servers". Its the way it should have been on day 1.


The planners biggest mistake were creating WAY too many launch servers.

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Agreed....Anchorhead, VH, or even the server I'm on Twin Spears. Twin spears has 50-60 imp on fleet (more server wide) and 20-40 rep on fleet during prime. All the people the server was glad to get rid of re-rolled over to the fatman, they can keep them.


Vulkar Highway is pretty much dead. You see the same 15 or so people in warzones. We're dying to leave.


As someone said earlier, for those of us who haven't been offered transfers yet, it's Fatman or bust.

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Vulkar Highway is pretty much dead. You see the same 15 or so people in warzones. We're dying to leave.


As someone said earlier, for those of us who haven't been offered transfers yet, it's Fatman or bust.


That's because of the "type" of people on that server, just saying.


New server list is up this morning and it looks like fatman for the East is still the winner.

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Swiftsture is West by the way. I disagree, looking at torstatus trends. It shows Fatman never reaching Full for the past week or so.


Lies. I've had Ques to get in at least 3 7 days. They weren't long, only 5 minutes or so but there was a que.

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