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Best Crew Skills for Sentinel?


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Hey everyone, I'm wondering what the best skills are for my Sentinel. I have Artifice, Archaeology, and Treasure Hunting, but I am left wondering if I'm going to have enough credits to buy my speeder training when I get to 25. I would like something that I can compliment the sentinel or if it isn't worth it just to get money making professions, whatever they may be. Any advice would help me greatly as I'm a noob lol. Thanks
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You will most likely have enough, it seems like it is really expensive, but around level 20 you start gaining cash at a much quicker rate. As long as you are completing most quest you should be fine. The Space Mission quests in your cockpit of your ship are a good place to get some easy cash.


Artifice is a decent enough skill, I went Cybertech and it seems like the benefits it gives outweigh most others. You craft armouring and mods to upgrade your gear and lightsabers, earpieces to give yourself a nice boost, droid armor for your companion, and you get to craft grenades that are pretty powerful. Of course, you can then sell all this stuff too. Oh, you also get to make a custom speeder if you want :p


If you are just worried about money, it isn't a big deal. I haven't run into any troubles keeping myself geared up and good to go.

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Hey everyone, I'm wondering what the best skills are for my Sentinel. I have Artifice, Archaeology, and Treasure Hunting, but I am left wondering if I'm going to have enough credits to buy my speeder training when I get to 25. I would like something that I can compliment the sentinel or if it isn't worth it just to get money making professions, whatever they may be. Any advice would help me greatly as I'm a noob lol. Thanks


I would suggest Biochem, Bioanalysis and Diplomacey/Sliceing. SLiceing if you want more cash and diplomacey if you want purple Bichem gear during levelig. But then you will have lot less cash.

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