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Will I eventually get a free transfer to consolidate my characters?


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I recognise it'd be a hit to their profit potential, but I think for the sake of ongoing happiness they'd do well to let people have a bit of a freebie self-selected xfer binge after they've got the overall population sorted out the way they want it.


even if it only lasted a month or so, or was limited to once per character, it'd do a lot to keep the customers who've stuck with them happy. and once they've managed to get it to a point where pretty much every server is busy it should have too much of an overall effect (and they could just shut individual destination servers out if it was).


That's exactly what I think would be fair. I just want my first character and credits and gear to my new server. One time, limited time free transfer. You know, the hours I put in only to have to start over due to low server population.


And as I first said, after they fix the current problems. I don't think that's at all unreasonable. I've owned a business and giving a little away to keep customers happy goes a long way.

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I know how you feel. I have my 4 Republics on Canderous, a current Destination server and my 4 Empire on Krayt, who's future is so far unknown and I want to move my Repubs to Krayt to join my Empire guys where my guild is.


Something I never would have had to do if they would have allowed you to have the same Guild name on both sides on the same server as well as having made it clear how legacy was going to work.

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It is possible that after the transfer process they are doing now they will open up some transfer process, maybe free, maybe paid, where if you have a character of a certain level on a server you can transfer your other characters there. But what they are doing now is fixing the more major problem of population balance. Not character consolidation.
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Smart money is on no.


If your origin and destination servers don't get matched, you will be paying for transfers, despite other recent MMOs providing that service for free.


I don't see why, and won't be matched.


My first server, Gauntlet of Kressh: 25 on Fleet tonight (no transfer)

My current server Jedi Covenant: 250 on fleet tonight (destination server for others today, status: Full)


My point is that I chose a seemingly populated server on first login to the game, but apparently bet wrong. When they finish the balancing, adding my old characters to Covenant will not add stress to the server, as I can only play one at a time. I just want my time put in to be respected once the balancing is done.


P.S. - I'd also take my level 50 character, and all his stuff quantified and given to my new guy. Or if it is truly a money grab, as many months free subscription as I put into him, as he's useless on said server.


P.P.S. - If not, just the human respect of an official FU email from management.

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I think that in the transfer FAQ it pretty much says outright that any future transfers will have a cost. And while it may upset people, it does make sense.


I think that there's two very important factors to consider when offering open server transfer:

  1. Transferring characters costs Bioware money, they'd be crazy not to charge to recoup their losses for open transfers; and
  2. Paying money to do something is a disincentive.


Why is a disincentive good?

People constantly transferring would put pressure on the servers and create additional work for staff. While some people might have good reasons for wanting to transfer such as consolidating characters others might not.


Once you put a price on it, people might

  • Not care about trivial details; or
  • Use a little bit of rational thinking.


I understand that paid transfers may hurt folks that are completely sane and made rational choices that would allow them to keep playing the game. Bioware likely understands this as well. Once you start to draw the line between good reasons and bad reasons however, this creates mountains of trouble for CS who would not be able to explain why player X was allowed to transfer for free but player Y couldn't without saying that player Y was a moron.


While this transfer/merge was integral to people being able to play the game (also no point in maintaining extra servers that no one is really using), future transfers could be considered less so. In the future, a cost would be an advantage from Bioware's perspective since it acts as a disincentive and it also allows Bioware to recoup some of the costs for the new transfers they'll be performing.


HOWEVER, I have been suprised by Bioware before such as when they changed their offer of a free month to 50s to anyone with legacy level 5.

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No you won't and no you shouldn't. It was your choice to go multi server ( i did also) and every game out there thats stii a subscription mmo is going to charge you ... however you will have the exact same items on and in your bank when you hit a new server.


The cost is generally $25.00 plus tax per toon. That's an industry standard.


It wasn't a choice. I couldn't group or sell anything on market. It was hard to pay for new abilities. I was hamstrung. I've played others, and see no inherent value to randomly going multi server. I only would if I had friends who were split.

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I searched a bit, but cannot find any information. I get the need to kill low population servers first, and totally agree. That has to be done in an orderly way to insure it works. No problem. However, everything I read seems to indicate that for me to get my characters I left behind to be able to play the game, I'll have to pay.


I'm of the opinion that the fact I restarted, and continued to pay, instead of just quitting the game was my payment. I'm more than willing to wait, but will be insulted if I'm then forced to pay for what was their initial mistake.


Quite frankly, that my end my time on this game.

No, Just call them Blizzard, the same stupidity in both cases! I have 3 lvl 50's i can't move free on a server that never seems to have a population on fleet of more than 20 and the only way to move to a better server that I found is to pay! WTG Blizzardware! Sooooooooo lame!

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I think that in the transfer FAQ it pretty much says outright that any future transfers will have a cost. And while it may upset people, it does make sense.


I think that there's two very important factors to consider when offering open server transfer:

  1. Transferring characters costs Bioware money, they'd be crazy not to charge to recoup their losses for open transfers; and
  2. Paying money to do something is a disincentive.


Why is a disincentive good?

People constantly transferring would put pressure on the servers and create additional work for staff. While some people might have good reasons for wanting to transfer such as consolidating characters others might not.


Once you put a price on it, people might

  • Not care about trivial details; or
  • Use a little bit of rational thinking.


I understand that paid transfers may hurt folks that are completely sane and made rational choices that would allow them to keep playing the game. Bioware likely understands this as well. Once you start to draw the line between good reasons and bad reasons however, this creates mountains of trouble for CS who would not be able to explain why player X was allowed to transfer for free but player Y couldn't without saying that player Y was a moron.


While this transfer/merge was integral to people being able to play the game (also no point in maintaining extra servers that no one is really using), future transfers could be considered less so. In the future, a cost would be an advantage from Bioware's perspective since it acts as a disincentive and it also allows Bioware to recoup some of the costs for the new transfers they'll be performing.


HOWEVER, I have been suprised by Bioware before such as when they changed their offer of a free month to 50s to anyone with legacy level 5.


Do you work for them?


How about making the 'Founder Title' worth something, and giving one (again one time, limited time) free transfer to the people who didn't flee the game?

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No, Just call them Blizzard, the same stupidity in both cases! I have 3 lvl 50's i can't move free on a server that never seems to have a population on fleet of more than 20 and the only way to move to a better server that I found is to pay! WTG Blizzardware! Sooooooooo lame!


Your 3 50s will be able to move once the server they are on is selected as a origin server, unless it gets chosen as a destination, as some low pop servers will, in which case you'll probably get the population of like 10 other low pop servers poured into yours. Either way, you will end up on a better server. It won't necessarily be the better server you found, but unrestricted free transfers would not solve our population balance problems, and actively create new ones.

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My sub is up on Saturday. I'll be back when I can put my characters from my old, dead server onto my reroll server (or vice-versa since my old server is being transferred) - for free. If this was a F2P game, I'd pay for it. But it isn't, and I'm not going to reward BioEA's poor choices they made with more money. Considering how seriously they take the Legacy system, forcing people to pay to unite all of their characters seems to be paradoxical - especially since they would more than likely face another round of people quitting the game in disgust. Edited by Robert_Guiscard
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I think that in the transfer FAQ it pretty much says outright that any future transfers will have a cost. And while it may upset people, it does make sense.


I think that there's two very important factors to consider when offering open server transfer:

  1. Transferring characters costs Bioware money, they'd be crazy not to charge to recoup their losses for open transfers; and
  2. Paying money to do something is a disincentive.


Why is a disincentive good?

People constantly transferring would put pressure on the servers and create additional work for staff. While some people might have good reasons for wanting to transfer such as consolidating characters others might not.


Once you put a price on it, people might

  • Not care about trivial details; or
  • Use a little bit of rational thinking.


I understand that paid transfers may hurt folks that are completely sane and made rational choices that would allow them to keep playing the game. Bioware likely understands this as well. Once you start to draw the line between good reasons and bad reasons however, this creates mountains of trouble for CS who would not be able to explain why player X was allowed to transfer for free but player Y couldn't without saying that player Y was a moron.


While this transfer/merge was integral to people being able to play the game (also no point in maintaining extra servers that no one is really using), future transfers could be considered less so. In the future, a cost would be an advantage from Bioware's perspective since it acts as a disincentive and it also allows Bioware to recoup some of the costs for the new transfers they'll be performing.


HOWEVER, I have been suprised by Bioware before such as when they changed their offer of a free month to 50s to anyone with legacy level 5.


What about the people that started this game and didnt know what servers were going to be dead and which weren't? Is it fair to them to have to pay?!!?!?! I'm sure everyone on here (unless the knew someone) just picked a random server at the begining and started playing as I did now I;m stuck on a dead server and have to pay .... fair? HELL NO!!!

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What about the people that started this game and didnt know what servers were going to be dead and which weren't? Is it fair to them to have to pay?!!?!?! I'm sure everyone on here (unless the knew someone) just picked a random server at the begining and started playing as I did now I;m stuck on a dead server and have to pay .... fair? HELL NO!!!


so you consider it unfair that you have to deal with the consequences of the choices you made? ...lol

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I believe that if you have spent the time and effort to level a character to 50 that you have earned the right to transfer that level 50 character via the free transfer service - in the near future - to the server of my choice.


I've already re-rolled 2 more times from scratch from my fail Origin server and would like to consolidate my 4 level 50s on 1 server.


I thought that if I grinded a 50 on a server that I would be able to transfer the others there, but such is not the case at this time.


Due to lag issues I can't play on the East Coast like I wanted to with my old SWG guild and if I do move it would be by myself and thus I would change to playing on a pve versus pvp WC server.


I hope you BW GMS consider people like me who want to consolidate level 50s onto 1 server and would like to switch coasts and play style.

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Your 3 50s will be able to move once the server they are on is selected as a origin server, unless it gets chosen as a destination, as some low pop servers will, in which case you'll probably get the population of like 10 other low pop servers poured into yours. Either way, you will end up on a better server. It won't necessarily be the better server you found, but unrestricted free transfers would not solve our population balance problems, and actively create new ones.

So since I chose a server at the begining of the game, I have to wait and hope something happens or pay to move them to a better server? No I disagree, Blizzardware has made a dumb mistake by doing it this way and I sincerly hope they lose another .5 milloin ppl for doing it!

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So since I chose a server at the begining of the game, I have to wait and hope something happens or pay to move them to a better server? No I disagree, Blizzardware has made a dumb mistake by doing it this way and I sincerly hope they lose another .5 milloin ppl for doing it!


Did I say you had to hope something happens? Something will happen, very soon, where your 50s will be on a more populated server. You will not have to pay for it. Yes, you will have to wait. Maybe a day, maybe a week, but not terribly long. If that is too much for you to handle, then yes please unsub and go play a flash game on Facebook.

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did i say you had to hope something happens? Something will happen, very soon, where your 50s will be on a more populated server. You will not have to pay for it. Yes, you will have to wait. Maybe a day, maybe a week, but not terribly long. If that is too much for you to handle, then yes please unsub and go play a flash game on facebook.


you got it!!!! **** blizzardware!!!

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So since I chose a server at the begining of the game, I have to wait and hope something happens or pay to move them to a better server? No I disagree, Blizzardware has made a dumb mistake by doing it this way and I sincerly hope they lose another .5 milloin ppl for doing it!

I tend to agree my first 50 server was over populated with imps and losing people so I rerolled at the beginning of march to one of the two thriving PST pvp servers. We happened to choose Ajunta Pall over Swiftsure thinking later we could move our Imps over. The first server we didn't really choose BW created our guild there so we wen where they told us.


So we are screwed x2 since AP is the only PST RP-Pvp realm and we can't move our Imps there. The best thing we can hope for is to allow us to transfer our Imps off Warriors of the Shadow to hopefully Swiftsure then we have to pay to get our Rep there. Idk all seems shady to me the entire only x server type to x server type likely just easier for them to keep the server moves with minimal complaints, yeah the RP-pvp gets hosed but that's only 1 in the US and 1 Europe better the having 5 pissed off servers of people.


The fact is if they had managed pop and factions better people wouldn't be feeling like they get poop packed and have to pay to merge their toons.

Edited by Avicii
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The fact is if they had managed pop and factions better people wouldn't be feeling like they get poop packed and have to pay to merge their toons.


True. However, it was listening to whiny forum brats that caused them to make these mistakes in the first place, so hopefully they are ignoring most of what is said today.

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I've heard it both ways, I'd appreciate if it was free for a little while as a little 'thank you' for those that have helped pay the bills and have stuck with this game for the past 6 months through thick and thin. But, I can also understand if with the loss of subs they cannot afford to give us the service for free, either way I'm glad that things might start to look up for this game.
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The most likely answer to your question is NO because they can't make any money off of that.


It's interesting to note that Rift had free transfers to any server's and they said it was because players should be able to play with their friends. I'm curious how Trion could do this for free but BioWare can't.


Because Bioware has lost over half of their subs for swtor, hence the need to do the transfers in the first place and they need to make money somewhere I guess. Personally I think it is a waste of time and too little to late. For a game that had so much potential they totally ruined it, and I think nothing they do at this point is going to save the game or bring subs back in.


By the way Bioware, good job sending me a e-mail saying I have a toon I can transfer, of course it is a level 2 toon I rolled just to check out the pop on a sever. Why the #$% would I want to transfer a level 2 toon and not my level 50 that is stuck on his dead *** server?


I am totally convinced that swtor is run by a bunch of downs / autistic kids

Edited by Thaneos
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