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Male Dancer Social Gear


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I would love to see a male version of the dancer's gear. Lots of people in my guild wanna see it too. It's only fair right? Men get to ogle pretty women on screen but I can't ogle a half naked man? Please consider it! =D
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  • 4 months later...
I've been wanting a male version of either the slave or dancer outfits.. Or really, just ONE 'sexy' outfit for guys, as the girls already have a couple of options. I'd love to see a chestpiece of two bullet belts draped over the guy's shoulder, or a shirt like the main guy in Fifth Element. Just something that isn't full-body covering for guys.
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  • 1 month later...
I concur, I'm getting more and more ticked off by the fact that they keep churning out more Female Clothing scantily clad/provocative outfits, especially when they toss them into Cartel Packs. I'm never going to use these, have no interest in using them on my companions and I never make female characters, so they're entirely completely useless to me, so where are the male equivalents? Something I have an equal chance of receiving and might actually make use of? Where are the loincloths? The bared chest with battle harness? The open front vest with nothing underneath? Cape with bared chest? A pair of speedos? Something? The Covert Armor certainly doesn't count as it just makes your character appear completely topless which is not the same at all as the continually increasing options provided to people who either make female characters or enjoy parading around their female companions in skimpy outfits.
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I endorse this idea wholeheartedly. This seriously NEEDS to be in game. I mean, running Talos around the fleet without a shirt or pants is fun, but when I have to clothe him again it makes me feel sad. I see no reason this shouldn't be in game.


I will use it on EVERY human male crew member and character I have.

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Isn't this what the covert torso armor is for?

Not at all. The Covert Torso armor merely makes any (not exclusively male) character appear to not wear any armor at all on their torso. It's a cheap way of giving the illusion of some equality without really doing so at all. The Cover Torso armor is A) Not exclusively Male, unlike the increasing amounts of garbs specifically for female characters and B) On males it's simply a 'without a shirt' look, in other words nothing at all, rather than something decorative still worn on the upper chest while revealing more than what all the full covering tops do, as is the case with the increasing options for such looks that female characters keep getting.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Look at that.. a new patch, a new Cartel Pack, a new skimpy girl outfit without any sort of male only equally revealing counterpart. Totally shocked. Completely surprised. Yep. Didn't see that one coming. Anyone else totally blindsided by this unexpected development?
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