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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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I understand the frustration people are having over this issue, hell, I am one of them. Our guild went from active to nothing in the space of a few weeks as our server population dropped like a stone. My near full rakata sorc became useless and in the spirit of waiting I created a republic account on a different server and decided to go check out that story and its classes while I waited. Then that server died a few weeks after reaching cap. Then I went to Fatman and once again I had a population to play with...but I gotta be honest, the thought of grinding to cap yet again just wore me out...Im not interested in doing this again and eventually I just stopped clicking on the Icon for this game (which I love btw). The part I am upset about is that we are going to end up paying in the end...and for someone like me who filled a couple servers, its going to be costly to merge my favorite characters together on a server and actually start enjoying this game again.

Come on bioware...I see it comming, how many other games will I be able to buy with the money you are going to charge me to merge my account on a new home server? Is a few extra bucks now, going to be worth the loss of a player who normally parks on an mmo for a couple years? How many other people out there like me are just going to turn our backs on you over this? Marketing and sales teams have developed the attitude that the population will fall for all their tricks regardless. Free transfers to test your system are not "Helping" your players, they are helping you...but its time you help us...so when this is over, and your done testing, you need to start asking yourself how your going to help the poor buggers who stood by your side for so long.

I played all through beta and reported over 30 issues, Ive been a paying customer since christmas, I brought in no less than 5 other paying clients, Ive done my part and I think I deserve something more than getting fleeced over character transfers. Like really...look at my join date...I have been with you guys for damn near 4 years!!! :confused:

Edited by Spequille
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I understand the frustration people are having over this issue, hell, I am one of them. Our guild went from active to nothing in the space of a few weeks as our server population dropped like a stone. My near full rakata sorc became useless and in the spirit of waiting I created a republic account on a different server and decided to go check out that story and its classes while I waited. Then that server died a few weeks after reaching cap. Then I went to Fatman and once again I had a population to play with...but I gotta be honest, the thought of grinding to cap yet again just wore me out...Im not interested in doing this again and eventually I just stopped clicking on the Icon for this game (which I love btw). The part I am upset about is that we are going to end up paying in the end...and for someone like me who filled a couple servers, its going to be costly to merge my favorite characters together on a server and actually start enjoying this game again.

Come on bioware...I see it comming, how many other games will I be able to buy with the money you are going to charge me to merge my account on a new home server? Is a few extra bucks now, going to be worth the loss of a player who normally parks on an mmo for a couple years? How many other people out there like me are just going to turn our backs on you over this? Marketing and sales teams have developed the attitude that the population will fall for all their tricks regardless. Free transfers to test your system are not "Helping" your players, they are helping you...but its time you help us...so when this is over, and your done testing, you need to start asking yourself how your going to help the poor buggers who stood by your side for so long.

I played all through beta and reported over 30 issues, Ive been a paying customer since christmas, I brought in no less than 5 other paying clients, Ive done my part and I think I deserve something more than getting fleeced over character transfers.:confused:


QFT. This is someone who wanted to love TOR like a lot of us, but just got burned out and possibly even bored with it. Bioware didn't help the situation with this server transfer fiasco and 1.3. No interest/reason to keep logging in = dead servers = dead MMO unless Bioware turns this Titanic around somehow. How? I have some ideas, and I know we all have some ideas, but I have no clue what will truly work to save TOR.

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Boy, by the time we get to move to a more populated server that actually has warzones, we all will be fighting people with max 100 valor, perfect armor sets. BW you have to understand that you have to take care of your paying customers. For some of you that are in ok populated servers telling us to give bw time, sure no problem i'll keep paying my 15$ a month membership and continue to wait for warzones on weekends. All the while wondering if i'm gonna have to pay MORE money to transfer MY toons because educated people that made the game and should have known way better than to think 100+ servers would actually be booming. Honestly i'm just your average joe with a high school diploma and I could have told you that even HALF of the servers that are existing would be way to many. I have to say my head is completely blown out the back wall of my skull just thinking that educated game makers could not learn from other mmo games.


Stuff like this really makes me question my love for games, if that makes any sense.


I have to say i can understand why they are taking their time. At the same time, if any of you played FF14 you would have found out that the servers were so packed that going into a new area or town lagged so hard it would take 10 minutes just for stuff to come in sight. So I'm sure bw doesn't want that problem to happen as it was the reason i quit playing ff14. And I really don't want to see this mmo fail like ff14 did. [i hope] bioware keeps doing stuff to make the game better, funnier or whatever, mainly make good use of our memberships. Believe it or not, 15$ a month is a lot of money just to play one game. Hell, you have people that are married like me with a wife that doesn't understand why this game cost 15$ a month and talks me into qutting it after my 6 month is up.


So i can tell you that 50% of members are debating if this game is worth playing for the long run or not. So you have to please the people you have now before you lose them for good, period.


P.S Love you bw guys and whoever else that got starwars the old republic made, but you guys seriously got to get your heads out your azz FAST with this server problem :p


Ok sorry about the above corrections in the quote, but I had to make some just to try and understand what you were trying to say. (Note the above isn't 100% correct grammtically or spelling wise, its just at a minimum level for me to understand it.)


Now to answer some of your points:


Most of the servers already have people with perfect armor sets and the like. That was supposed to be (I thought) why they were doing ranked warzones, but from the PTS I am not sure that is where they are going with it. This is a problem regardless of the server moves.


I can understand where 15$ a month is a lot of money for a lot of people, but its not enough to pay people to work 24h/day overtime to get it all done in one day. They have committed to fixing the problem and each day they have been adding more and more servers (over half now). By have patience, I think most of us mean, "You should be fine in a day or two". If waiting a day or two more as the process completes is too much for you, then you have an inflated view of what 15$/mo should get you.


I don't think at this point 50% are considering leaving, most of the people who would fall in that category have already left, what are left are the people who want to see this game succeed and are hoping bioware can pull it off. Sure there are some, but despite what the forums reflect, most of the people I talk to in game are happy with the way the moves are progressing.

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It's the ultimate scam: "Pay us more and wait, it will get better. And while you're waiting, pay us more."


I put a stop to them scamming me about a month ago.


I'm confused on why Bioware was so worried about server balance, to the point of making a huge chunk of their community POed over the transfer-on-rails with no guild moves. If they just opened up free transfers (put limits on once per week move), people would move wherever they want over time until they found a population amount they were happy with. Yes, Fatman and other top servers would be peaked with long queues for a while, but people would eventually leave to go to an active, but not maxed server. The population would evenly spread itself out on its own, just like humanity spreads itself out over Earth all on its own. People who like the activity flock to cities, and people who like the quiet flee to the countryside.


Because I think their stated goal is "mega-servers" which is to say very very few servers with increased load capacity. The only way to accomplish that is to severely limit destination servers and basically do it on rails. Now if they could have made multiple options available it might have been better, but this is a good start.

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Because I think their stated goal is "mega-servers" which is to say very very few servers with increased load capacity. The only way to accomplish that is to severely limit destination servers and basically do it on rails. Now if they could have made multiple options available it might have been better, but this is a good start.


If this is true then it's disappointing...I guess the rest of us if we don't get any options for transfers are just gonna have to wait until it's all said and done then decide whether to continue playing this game from their. I do not mean this as a threat because I am just like the rest of us and I have high hopes for the future of this game.

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And it seems like they are going for the same time today..............


Makes sense since 11am EST is 10AM in most of Texas which based on a "normal" 9-5 day means it gives them an hour to catch up on whatever server information was collected overnight, evaluate the next list and prep for transfer.

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If this is true then it's disappointing...I guess the rest of us if we don't get any options for transfers are just gonna have to wait until it's all said and done then decide whether to continue playing this game from their. I do not mean this as a threat because I am just like the rest of us and I have high hopes for the future of this game.


Help me out, if you had multiple characters across server types and zones before the transfer how are you worse off for having those same characters on multiple servers that are alive instead of dead?


I understand why people want to consolidate, but what is the deal with having it right now or else?


I would think getting the characters to a populated server was priority one, priority two or three would be getting them on the same server.

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It's the ultimate scam: "Pay us more and wait, it will get better. And while you're waiting, pay us more."


I put a stop to them scamming me about a month ago.




Seriously, why are you posting on the forums for a game you stopped playing? especially when it's a game you stopped playing because you think it's a scam?

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Darn my server is not either a origin or destination for transfers. Is Darth Bandon server will be left out of this ? This transfers are the only thing that im waiting for to renew my sub that expires in 15 days.


BW at least tell me that this server will be considered for transfers too. :(

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Ok sorry about the above corrections in the quote, but I had to make some just to try and understand what you were trying to say. (Note the above isn't 100% correct grammtically or spelling wise, its just at a minimum level for me to understand it.)


I was not the person you were responding to, but that's just rude. If you were so OCD as to want to correct the mistakes, just put the corrections in square brackets [ ] and be done with it. No reason to criticize him over it. Now back on topic...


They have committed to fixing the problem and each day they have been adding more and more servers (over half now). By have patience, I think most of us mean, "You should be fine in a day or two". If waiting a day or two more as the process completes is too much for you, then you have an inflated view of what 15$/mo should get you.


They haven't committed to fixing anything other than moving people themselves to eventually drop other servers. They didn't give us the freedom to choose what server we want to go to. They didn't let us consolidate our characters. They don't transfer guilds. They just don't respect us. It shows in the way they communicate with us, how they back-peddle on statements they once made, and the way they continue to charge AAA subscription prices for a game that's now bottom of the barrel in popularity. And they they might have paid transfers in the future? That's just adding salt to our wounds.


I don't think at this point 50% are considering leaving, most of the people who would fall in that category have already left, what are left are the people who want to see this game succeed and are hoping bioware can pull it off. Sure there are some, but despite what the forums reflect, most of the people I talk to in game are happy with the way the moves are progressing.


My entire guild has pretty much retreated from TOR. Most canceled their subs and moved on. Others are just riding out what they have left and try to hope for the best. And my guild is a gaming community since we stick together through multiple games, so we're off playing other things right now.


Other guilds are doing the same. And it's easy to claim that the active people left on TOR are a single digit percent of what was here at launch. The activity on the top servers (before this transfer) showed 3-4% activity compared to subscription at launch. Granted, activity is different than subscriptions, but it still paints a bleak picture for TOR. Why the heck do you think they're doing these server merges *cough*, sorry, server transfers? To move populations on dead servers to a handful or nearly full ones? Server transfers/merges is a bad sign for any MMO because it's an official indicator of a great decline in subscribers/active players.


So now around a 100 North American servers have been flagged as origin servers to transfer somewhere else. About another 100 remain to do the same. We're half way through. And if you look at the destination servers, notice that some of them are taking in a dozen or so origin servers. That's not a pretty picture. By the time this is done, TOR will barely be able to fill a handful of servers compared to 217 NA servers in the weeks after launch, in which a majority of them had login queues.


Bleak. That's all I see.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Help me out, if you had multiple characters across server types and zones before the transfer how are you worse off for having those same characters on multiple servers that are alive instead of dead?


I understand why people want to consolidate, but what is the deal with having it right now or else?


I would think getting the characters to a populated server was priority one, priority two or three would be getting them on the same server.


I may have misunderstood your post because I didn't think you were talking about multiple characters on different servers, my apologies.

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Seriously, why are you posting on the forums for a game you stopped playing? especially when it's a game you stopped playing because you think it's a scam?


Because I'd like to see TOR turn around one day. I still like the game. I wouldn't be here if I didn't care about it. Please, enough poking people. Time to stop targeting individuals and focus on the transfers topic, game, or developer.

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Darn my server is not either a origin or destination for transfers. Is Darth Bandon server will be left out of this ? This transfers are the only thing that im waiting for to renew my sub that expires in 15 days.


BW at least tell me that this server will be considered for transfers too. :(


All servers except the EU RP-PVP servers will be either origin or destination.

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Thanks for transfers ! I ressubbed yesterday when i heard about them :D So did all my RL buddies. We're all so eager for our server to finally be transfered. Can't wait until they get to Veela, GO bioware ! :D
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They arent we've already seen 5+ origin servers going to destinations.


what i meant was: if you are on server A you only can select server B as destination.

Edited by al-mar
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