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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Which is the definition of botched :p


I mean.. if something goes wrong because a user has a way to use it incorrectly, than it is the software's fault for allowing the user to do this or not taking into account the stupidity of the user. It cannot be shoved aside to say it is their fault if they were not warned specifically about this beforehand.


And now, that bug in the system has been resolved.


Botched would be your character gets there but has no armor lost his valor and legacy 0. Thats botched. Not just you cannot transfer while logged into the character. Every other game with transfers simply explains this instead of trying to take the whole system down for a "bug" fix. Big difference between botched and simply did not start to begin with.

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You got ONE symptom of the issue right, but not the cause.


Multiple of the same character appearing on accounts and character slots being filled by nothing.


There was an easy work around for this and as far as I know they did not fix that particular bug with this patch.

Edited by Leggomy
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Research your transfers before doing them. Many are going to transfer off of higher pop servers and onto nearly dead ones. I am sure the company wants to try and jump start a few of the dead ones. I bet later on they will have paid transfers so that they can milk the player base. So many MMOs do this and it is one of the many reasons they tend to hurt themselves in the long run.


My advice: Open unlimited access free transfers and let the players fill up a few servers they think are good and then shut down some of the dead ones

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Botched would be your character gets there but has no armor lost his valor and legacy 0. Thats botched. Not just you cannot transfer while logged into the character. Every other game with transfers simply explains this instead of trying to take the whole system down for a "bug" fix. Big difference between botched and simply did not start to begin with.


And you make the assumption that is the only thing that went wrong.

As the poster above me said, and as is logical for anyone with even the slightest bit of database knowledge, changing things on a record through one system while it is in use by another system will result in unexpected end results.


There are much greater risks than transfers just not happening. Duplicates and corrupted records are very likely as well. And as he said, those have been reported as well.


You assumed too much, and you know the saying: "when you assume, you make an ***** of you and me."

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Addressed an issue that prevented players from reconnecting to an area for a short period of time after being disconnected from a Flashpoint or Operation. This issue could prevent players from logging into the game after transferring their character.


Hmm so this was the major issue? So they didnt fix the bug with the transferring 8 chars and only being able to do 7 until you jump through a hoop or two? Nor fix the error when you try to transfer while logged in?

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And you make the assumption that is the only thing that went wrong.

As the poster above me said, and as is logical for anyone with even the slightest bit of database knowledge, changing things on a record through one system while it is in use by another system will result in unexpected end results.


There are much greater risks than transfers just not happening. Duplicates and corrupted records are very likely as well. And as he said, those have been reported as well.


You assumed too much, and you know the saying: "when you assume, you make an ***** of you and me."


Give me a break. Show me one post from anyone in customer service who had even the most minor issue with it. Database technology is simple there are server transfers in every mmo. Its not rocket science its very very basic. There should be nothing go wrong. They tested this for months it works fine. Some minor error is all this was.

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Give me a break. Show me one post from anyone in customer service who had even the most minor issue with it. Database technology is simple there are server transfers in every mmo. Its not rocket science its very very basic. There should be nothing go wrong. They tested this for months it works fine. Some minor error is all this was.


There were multiple threads yesterday where people were crying about the botched transfers.

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There were multiple threads yesterday where people were crying about the botched transfers.


Show me one that doesnt have to do with naming issues (being renamed for example).

Edited by Leggomy
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Couldn't find answer anywhere, is it possible there will be cross-country transfers anytime? Made a character on US realm by mistake, can't do any HC's, FP's or PvP now due to time zone difference. Really frustrating.
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Give me a break. Show me one post from anyone in customer service who had even the most minor issue with it. Database technology is simple there are server transfers in every mmo. Its not rocket science its very very basic. There should be nothing go wrong. They tested this for months it works fine. Some minor error is all this was.


Again, you keep assuming on how bad the bug was. You also seem to know some things about database technology, so you should also know that when the scale of use increases, so does the unintended use of the system, creating bugs never before thought of as possible.


It is impossible to prepare for every eventuality. So a company can always do two things:

Just jumping into the deep end and hoping all problems that occur when bringing a system to a larger scale will be solved quickly. This is usually the Blizzard way and has led to many bad starts of many functionalities.. The most recent being the D3 launch which was even worse than Battlefield 3's launch.

The second option is to ease in the growth in usage, by phasing the amount of people that can use a new system and keeping close observation on how the system works. This is the same system used for Early Game Access and was (arguably) succesful back then. The upside is that you can note issues before they become actual problems (hence not seeing massive amounts of complaints on your forums), the downside is that not everyone is able to do the new things at the same time.


Bioware chooses the careful approach over the all-in approach. I appreciate them for this, as someone who is used to rolling out new web based products to user groups of varrying sizes. Though I also know the risk you take with your customer base for choosing this approach.


It takes more guts to use BW's current approach then the more common Sink or Swim approach. But it is usually the better option in the long run.


PS. There is also nothing basic about any database, every situation is it's own unique challenge, always.

Edited by Devlonir
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Im not assuming anything I know what the bug was. Read the patch notes.


Funny.. it even seems our definitions of 'no issue' are different.


I think not being able to log in after a transfer is surely an issue. And again, we do not know what kind of actual fault in the underlying database caused this functional issue. Maybe the technical part was a lot more obscure and challenging than the actual functional problem.


I choose to not assume when it comes to IT. Professional experience forces me to be skeptical.

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Funny.. it even seems our definitions of 'no issue' are different.


I think not being able to log in after a transfer is surely an issue. And again, we do not know what kind of actual fault in the underlying database caused this functional issue. Maybe the technical part was a lot more obscure and challenging than the actual functional problem.


I choose to not assume when it comes to IT. Professional experience forces me to be skeptical.


It was a minor issue they fixed in a couple hours. No big deal.

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It was a minor issue they fixed in a couple hours. No big deal.

Severity of the issue is not defined by the time it takes to solve it, but by the impact it has on those that experience it combined with the frequency of it's occurance.


Not being able to log in is a big issue, the fact that you needed to be DCed from an Operation or Warzone during your transfer makes the frequency of occurance probably less, but this is something we can only assume.


You see, it could just as much be that after you picked your character for transfer a lot of people went to do some warzones untill the actual transfer occured more often than was initially anticipated. These are numbers only Bioware has and were not shared with the public. And therefore, you are assuming on the severity of the issue.

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Severity of the issue is not defined by the time it takes to solve it.


False. If it is easily fixed it is a minor issue to the developers. Now to the players ya it might be major because they cannot login. The fact it only took 1 hour of downtime means it was something they simply overlooked or it just never came up. The error seems very obscure but once found was easily fixed. A major issue would have been people showing up with no gear for example or losing legacy levels etc. Not being able to login for a little while is very minor compared to stuff like that.

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False. If it is easily fixed it is a minor issue to the developers. Now to the players ya it might be major because they cannot login. The fact it only took 1 hour of downtime means it was something they simply overlooked or it just never came up. The error seems very obscure but once found was easily fixed. A major issue would have been people showing up with no gear for example or losing legacy levels etc. Not being able to login for a little while is very minor compared to stuff like that.


And.. this heralds the end of this discussion. Continuiing to state assumptions as facts just because you are too arrogant to admit you were wrong is sickening. And this post is full of this.


Let me just list where you were wrong:

- We do not know how easilly it was fixed, we only know how easy the fix was to roll out to all servers. Who knows how much Dev work it took to locate the problem and develop the actual fix for it?

- Again, how long it takes the developers to fix an issue has no relation to it's severity. For example: If someone accidentilly unplugs a server in the server park, causing it to go down. It will take Bioware server maintenance a few moments to fix it, the fact that the entire server is down though is such a major issue that the problem itself is far from minor.

- You define loss of gear as a major issue, which I agree upon. It in no way disprooves the fact that not being able to log in, even if it is for a while, is not a major issue though. Considering Bioware choose to make an emergency patch for it during Australian prime time actually disprooves the lower severity of this issue in the eyes of Bioware.


So really.. is it so hard to admit that you made possible wrong assumptions and that your statements are not as cut-and-dry true as you bring them out to be? Because this is really the only thing I am discussing here.


And this even ignores the fact that you mention my defining of severity as False when what I define is industry standard (ever heard of ITIL?)

Edited by Devlonir
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Pretty much had to move to the new server, The Harbinger, as everyone seemed to have left before I logged in last night.


After moving over I couldn't believe there were things in the AH that were usable, general chat talking about Norris, and just a feeling people were actually playing the game.


Did lose name and Legacy name though.

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well i guess that it will take decades in order to do a character transfer for most of us, 1 day has passed and still few servers are available for transfers. that means that the game got a new "feature" that it is not even available for the majority of the players... epic FAIL.

Patch 1.3 is soooooo delayed, character transfer is taking place really slowly and bioware is gonna lose a lot of clients (prolly me soon).

Character Trasfer system as implemented from yesterday is just for laugh

Edited by Yzumaki
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well i guess that it will take decades in order to do a character transfer for most of us, 1 day has passed and still few servers are available for transfers. that means that the game got a new "feature" that it is not even available for the majority of the players... epic FAIL.

Patch 1.3 is soooooo delayed, character transfer is taking place really slowly and bioware is gonna lose a lot of clients (prolly me soon).

Character Trasfer system as implemented from yesterday is just for laugh

By mid-morning yesterday an issue had been identified that prevented them from opening additional servers for transfers. That's what this morning's emergency maintenance was designed to fix. Expect transfers to be offered to additional servers today.
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Need to open new servers now!


Im on The exile crystal, and currently Im alone on the republic fleet and there are a total for 4 players online on the entire server. (Republic side.)

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