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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Seriously? My server I have played on since beta has died a painful death. My characters there are completely unplayable unless I want to run my lvl 50s solo all the time, because more times than not I login and am the only one around. How this didnt make the list of eligle transfers is beyond reason. How can a server be worse than only a few people on it than this. I have waited patieintly for this to happen, and now I guess I'll be waiting some more. Very disappointed that I'm paying for a sub to have unplayable characters that I worked very hard on. :mad:
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Seriously? My server I have played on since beta has died a painful death. My characters there are completely unplayable unless I want to run my lvl 50s solo all the time, because more times than not I login and am the only one around. How this didnt make the list of eligle transfers is beyond reason. How can a server be worse than only a few people on it than this. I have waited patieintly for this to happen, and now I guess I'll be waiting some more. Very disappointed that I'm paying for a sub to have unplayable characters that I worked very hard on. :mad:


Welcome to everybody else's dilemma, they never stated they would do MASS HAX0RZ TRANSFERZ! they said they'd do waves of them and manage them with quality not quantity, which I prefer, I do not want my level 50s to become victims of botched transfers.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Can anyone confirm what time new servers will be added to the list? My assumption is 9AM to 12AM CDT time as the server list got updated in that timezone post by Jo, which means in 5 to 9 hours from now. Edited by Daesis
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Welcome to everybody else's dilemma, they never stated they would do MASS HAX0RZ TRANSFERZ! they said they'd do waves of them and manage them with quality not quantity, which I prefer, I do not want my level 50 to become victims of botched transfers.


Oh come on. Botched transfers? Give me a break they have been testing this stupid thing for months and months how much more time do they need? Noone has complained of anything bad happening with transfers so far. Your point is baseless.

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Oh come on. Botched transfers? Give me a break they have been testing this stupid thing for months and months how much more time do they need? Noone has complained of anything bad happening with transfers so far. Your point is baseless.


What do you think the latest maintenance was for. :rolleyes:

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BW is based in Austin, TX, where it is currently 4:30 AM. So I'd guess 5 hours give or take.


Alright so for all fellow Europeans waiting, it's not our morning that they are rolling servers out, it's in 5 to 9 hours from now.

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Oh come on. Botched transfers? Give me a break they have been testing this stupid thing for months and months how much more time do they need? Noone has complained of anything bad happening with transfers so far. Your point is baseless.


Ummm... did you miss the special maintenance that just ended? To fix bugs in the transfer process that were resulting in botched transfers?

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What do you think the latest maintenance was for. :rolleyes:


For people's stupidity. Why would anyone start a transfer while logged in? Also it did not "botch" anything it just didnt transfer. So thats hardly a reason to not open more servers today since it is ALREADY fixed. So go roll your eyes at yourself in the mirror.

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Ummm... did you miss the special maintenance that just ended? To fix bugs in the transfer process that were resulting in botched transfers?


There were no bugs. Only 1 bug and thats people trying to transfer while logged into that character. I would have just told people do not do that but in Bioware's wisdom they stop everything and take the servers down.

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For people's stupidity. Why would anyone start a transfer while logged in? Also it did not "botch" anything it just didnt transfer. So thats hardly a reason to not open more servers today since it is ALREADY fixed. So go roll your eyes at yourself in the mirror.



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There were no bugs. Only 1 bug and thats people trying to transfer while logged into that character. I would have just told people do not do that but in Bioware's wisdom they stop everything and take the servers down.


Wrong, but keep believing the thousands of rumours spawned around here.

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Ummm... did you miss the special maintenance that just ended? To fix bugs in the transfer process that were resulting in botched transfers?


It wasn't botched, it was a bug for stupid people not logging out of the game before transferring their toons.

Edited by nWoLonewulf
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For people's stupidity. Why would anyone start a transfer while logged in? Also it did not "botch" anything it just didnt transfer. So thats hardly a reason to not open more servers today since it is ALREADY fixed. So go roll your eyes at yourself in the mirror.


Lets just pretend the ridiculous things you are saying are true for a moment... you know its already fixed how? Just cause they implemented a fix, doesn't mean it worked.

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It wasn't botched, it was a big for stupid people not logging out of the game before transferring their toons.


Which is the definition of botched :p


I mean.. if something goes wrong because a user has a way to use it incorrectly, than it is the software's fault for allowing the user to do this or not taking into account the stupidity of the user. It cannot be shoved aside to say it is their fault if they were not warned specifically about this beforehand.


And now, that bug in the system has been resolved.

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For people's stupidity. Why would anyone start a transfer while logged in? Also it did not "botch" anything it just didnt transfer. So thats hardly a reason to not open more servers today since it is ALREADY fixed. So go roll your eyes at yourself in the mirror.

So you are saying, they did't just do a maintenance, they actually upgraded the iq of the players?? Nope. Still stupid people around, guess they needed to make sure you couldn't log in anymore during transfer, now did'nt they? Think man!!

Edited by Waterdust
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To all you who are on low-pop servers, waiting for more people to play with (I am too!) I have a suggestion:


Just log on, and go farm crew skill mats and mysterious eggs and the like, so you'll have lots and lots to sell to your new friends. Right now on the low-pop servers there's very little competition for the materials, but that will change when the population rises.


I at least want to be prepared to sell a lot of stuff to a lot of people!

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Do you know how many MMOs with MUCH smaller player bases than this are still running. They sank too much money into this to just shut it down.


Ok shut the game down is harsh but they will certainly stop putting any more money and rescources into the game. That means auto maintenance mode, A token update twice a year with minimal content just to keep the gullible fanboys interested. The bottom line is the less subscribers the game has the less content you get. Thats a fact.


EA has already stated that this game is not on their priorities list. its not even in their top 5. By the end of the year if people continue to unsub it wont even be in their top 10.

Edited by Karabal
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Lets just pretend the ridiculous things you are saying are true for a moment... you know its already fixed how? Just cause they implemented a fix, doesn't mean it worked.


This is true most of the fixes they implement break more than they fix. You have a point. Also what I said is confirmed by the devs so I dont know how you can call it ridiculous.

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