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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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No talk like that please, we should all be expecting them to start in the next 30 mins.


30 mins? It better be faster than that or me and my 1000 member guild on my dead server are quitting.


(humor if noone gets it trying to laugh so I dont cry lol)

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I have a little question which torments my soul:

I have a level 50 character on a PvP server and I would like to transfer it to a PvE server, where my friends are and where I am actually playing.

What will be faster? Create another character from 0 or wait until my server transfer would be open?


I'm afraid I know the answer...


As far as I know with free transfers it will never be possible to go from a pvp server to a pve server.

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I have a little question which torments my soul:

I have a level 50 character on a PvP server and I would like to transfer it to a PvE server, where my friends are and where I am actually playing.

What will be faster? Create another character from 0 or wait until my server transfer would be open?


I'm afraid I know the answer...


Cant transfer between PVE and PVP they've said this already

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What annoys me the most is that there's people like myself that rolled on one server, it died, rolled on another it died and instead of being able to transfer toons from both servers to another OF MY CHOOSING, I'll be funneled into moving to x server of BIOWARES choosing.


It doesn't allow me to merge my characters onto a higher pop server and carry on playing, which is what I and many others have patiently waited for.


So yes I and many others are rather annoyed.


Did they say okie we want to do it in small blocks so x servers can transfer to anywhere of the users choice no, they gave us a totally useless system instead that doesn't provide the USER with the choice of server they wish to play on.


James mate you don't pay my subscription, I do when and if you should decide to then by all means you should be the one deciding which server I play on!

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I have a little question which torments my soul:

I have a level 50 character on a PvP server and I would like to transfer it to a PvE server, where my friends are and where I am actually playing.

What will be faster? Create another character from 0 or wait until my server transfer would be open?


I'm afraid I know the answer...


I'm 99% sure there will be no transfers during this free process from PVP to PVE or vice versa, and possibly never, I think WoW used to have restrictions about transfer between server types, tho possibly it was only PVE to PVP you couldn't do.

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I'm 99% sure there will be no transfers during this free process from PVP to PVE or vice versa, and possibly never, I think WoW used to have restrictions about transfer between server types, tho possibly it was only PVE to PVP you couldn't do.


I bet with the paid service this will be possible. It will not with the free service tho.

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What annoys me the most is that there's people like myself that rolled on one server, it died, rolled on another it died and instead of being able to transfer toons from both servers to another OF MY CHOOSING, I'll be funneled into moving to x server of BIOWARES choosing.


It doesn't allow me to merge my characters onto a higher pop server and carry on playing, which is what I and many others have patiently waited for.


So yes I and many others are rather annoyed.


Did they say okie we want to do it in small blocks so x servers can transfer to anywhere of the users choice no, they gave us a totally useless system instead that doesn't provide the USER with the choice of server they wish to play on.


James mate you don't pay my subscription, I do when and if you should decide to then by all means you should be the one deciding which server I play on!


To that my Friend it calls discrimination and its against any democratic constitution!


This guys are just lucky cause no one cares about 15$ a month to persuit them on a court! After all this is just a game still they canot benefict some droping their chars on a medium full Server and let others go for server that will probabably be dead again in a couple of weeks! And Then ask you for money to transfer for the server were other went by free!

Edited by Szadek
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I'm 99% sure there will be no transfers during this free process from PVP to PVE or vice versa, and possibly never, I think WoW used to have restrictions about transfer between server types, tho possibly it was only PVE to PVP you couldn't do.


and the reason being it'S easier to lvl up on a pve server so they prevented power-lvling on pve server to be transfered into a pvp server in which (WoW) did matter here in swtor what the shnouzzle does it do to be on pvp or pve server realy? huh ? omg i cant kill that opposing faction when i'm question (pve) who cares on pvp server it doesnt give shnouzzle to kill anyone on the world map so why botter wasting time if you want to kill someone just Q for warzone end of the question so now after that explanation why the hell shouldnt we be able to transfer from pvp to pve huh? Makes no sense at all.

Edited by Ferid
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I'm 99% sure there will be no transfers during this free process from PVP to PVE or vice versa, and possibly never, I think WoW used to have restrictions about transfer between server types, tho possibly it was only PVE to PVP you couldn't do.

Hello mjmcooke.

Long time ago, when I played WoW, I could transfer my PvP characters to a PvE server.

At least we know also BW can copy (not transfer, just copy) characters from PvP to PvE because my PvP character has been copied on the PTS , which is PvE.


Thanks for answers guys :)

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What annoys me the most is that there's people like myself that rolled on one server, it died, rolled on another it died and instead of being able to transfer toons from both servers to another OF MY CHOOSING, I'll be funneled into moving to x server of BIOWARES choosing.


It doesn't allow me to merge my characters onto a higher pop server and carry on playing, which is what I and many others have patiently waited for.


So yes I and many others are rather annoyed.


Did they say okie we want to do it in small blocks so x servers can transfer to anywhere of the users choice no, they gave us a totally useless system instead that doesn't provide the USER with the choice of server they wish to play on.


James mate you don't pay my subscription, I do when and if you should decide to then by all means you should be the one deciding which server I play on!


I know how u feel im on my 3rd server reroll now and all i want is all my toons on 1 server but bw/ea wont allow that i was a early start player, i pre ordered the game because i felt the game was worth the money and the time ive put in but the respect we get as the paying population is a bad one its the gamers that make or break a game so far bw arent helping us to make the game a server is only as strong as the player base the ppl that make the game worth playing, coming back time and time again to play progress the story of the server making new friends, you can say a server population is the soul of the game but at the moment there is no soul and what little soul it does have is being ripped out.

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The initial character transfer service is now available, allowing qualifying characters to be transferred at no charge from selected origin servers to selected destination servers. This character transfer service will be available as long as is required to help maintain population balance across the service and create a better overall gameplay experience. Select servers will be eligible for free character transfers based on the player populations of the origin and destination servers.


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eligible what is that let me remind you that we pay you for the time using this mmo and its your responsibility to have a server transfer to where we want to go and not where you chose too

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Ok Bioware I've been coordinating with my guild the last week and keeping them prepared to move can you please give an indication if specific servers will be a origin server or destination server? We're a bit done with the vague information and I can honestly tell you you will keep more people satisfied if you give guesstimate information then keeping it vague like this because of "possible" changes.


Our server for example Bacca's Blade is the 4th most active PVE server acording to torstatus.com you can surely tell us what your plan with this server, I doubt there could be any dramatic change in plan with this server...

Edited by Daesis
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What annoys me the most is that there's people like myself that rolled on one server, it died, rolled on another it died and instead of being able to transfer toons from both servers to another OF MY CHOOSING, I'll be funneled into moving to x server of BIOWARES choosing.


It doesn't allow me to merge my characters onto a higher pop server and carry on playing, which is what I and many others have patiently waited for.


So yes I and many others are rather annoyed.


Did they say okie we want to do it in small blocks so x servers can transfer to anywhere of the users choice no, they gave us a totally useless system instead that doesn't provide the USER with the choice of server they wish to play on.


James mate you don't pay my subscription, I do when and if you should decide to then by all means you should be the one deciding which server I play on!


They are not trying to let people play on whatever server they want, you can already do that. Go to the server selection screen, pick a server and roll a new toon. They are trying to fix server population inbalance, and letting people decide where they go would not only not fix that, it would further damage it. I know you're a special snowflake and the center of the universe, but sometimes you have to take one for the team champ. When the transfer process is complete in a week or so, if you either take the transfer or are lucky enough to be on a destination server, then you won't be on a dead realm anymore, and thats all BW owes you. If, after that, you want to transfer to a specific realm, well, thats well and good, you can pay for that privilege.

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eligible what is that let me remind you that we pay you for the time using this mmo and its your responsibility to have a server transfer to where we want to go and not where you chose too


Thats wy this game its on decline!


They just dont have any custumer Focus!

Edited by Szadek
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To the PVP to PVE and the people going on about consolidating characters, etc....


That is not the point of THIS transfer, this transfer is being done to increase the population sizes on destination servers, that is it, they are consolidating us all, that is the only objective they have right now.


Oh and before someone states, well why not PVE to PVP anyway? well maybe your entire server doesn't want to move to PVP? yes I imagine that is why.

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eligible what is that let me remind you that we pay you for the time using this mmo and its your responsibility to have a server transfer to where we want to go and not where you chose too


Please tell me where on the SWTOR box it says BW would provide you with a server transfer? Or perhaps in the user agreement?

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eligible what is that let me remind you that we pay you for the time using this mmo and its your responsibility to have a server transfer to where we want to go and not where you chose too


Is it now? Did they sign a contract with you saying that you have the right to transfer to whichever server you want to go?

Or did you approve to an agreement that specifically states that your character and all it's ingame 'stuff' is still possession of Bioware?


I think you have responsibilities wrong here, the only responsibility here is your responsibility to pay them if you want to continue to play their character in their game that is linked to your account. And that is a choosen responsibility.. you can always stop paying and playing.


Sorry for the tough response, just wanted to be clear on what you are entitled on.. which is basicly nothing.

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To the PVP to PVE and the people going on about consolidating characters, etc....


That is not the point of THIS transfer, this transfer is being done to increase the population sizes on destination servers, that is it, they are consolidating us all, that is the only objective they have right now.


Oh and before someone states, well why not PVE to PVP anyway? well maybe your entire server doesn't want to move to PVP? yes I imagine that is why.


...are they hummm!!! let me ask you something then gasme realesed I grind a Char to valor 80.....server died at prime time there were 2/3 top on Fleet 15 max on server.....then I rerolled To one of the destination Servers two months ago...now lets imagine that the dead Server its one last ones to have avaible the char transfer and they change the destination Server because the first one just went full, that will not allow me to consolidate the two Chars that I currently have one Valor 80 and aonther one valor 75. If this happens you call this consolidation?


Or pay to consolidate in a near future?

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Please tell me where on the SWTOR box it says BW would provide you with a server transfer? Or perhaps in the user agreement?


What he is saying is if they were going to do it then they should have paid transfers at the same time as these free ones. That way you can move someplace they choose for free or pay like $25 and move wherever you wish. I know in lotro my server got so overpopulated they closed it to new transfers for almost a year. That spread people out more to the other servers.


I wish the swtor team in charge of this stuff would go and train with turbine to teach them how to do it.

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...are they hummm!!! let me ask you something then gasme realesed I grind a Char to valor 80.....server died at prime time there were 2/3 top on Fleet 15 max on server.....then I rerolled To one of the destination Servers two months ago...now lets imagine that the dead Server its one last ones to have avaible the char transfer and they change the destination Server because the first one just went full, that will not allow me to consolidate the two Chars that I currently have one Valor 80 and aonther one valor 75. If this happens you call this consolidation?


Or pay to consolidate in a near future?

(emphasis mine)

Yes, I call it consolidation of servers and/or populations.. the same thing Bioware calls it.


They never claimed it to be consolidation of accounts, which is what you are suggesting is the only real meaning of the word consolidation. This is, however, a rather flawed view of the meaning of the word and the (openly communicated) goal of this transfer.

Edited by Devlonir
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...are they hummm!!! let me ask you something then gasme realesed I grind a Char to valor 80.....server died at prime time there were 2/3 top on Fleet 15 max on server.....then I rerolled To one of the destination Servers two months ago...now lets imagine that the dead Server its one last ones to have avaible the char transfer and they change the destination Server because the first one just went full, that will not allow me to consolidate the two Chars that I currently have one Valor 80 and aonther one valor 75. If this happens you call this consolidation?


Or pay to consolidate in a near future?


Did you not read a thing I stated? they only care about consolidating the population, not your characters, at this stage, making a viable population for each destination server is what they are doing, AFTERWARDS you can do whatever you wish I suspect, whether it will cost money or not is an entirely different story.

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...are they hummm!!! let me ask you something then gasme realesed I grind a Char to valor 80.....server died at prime time there were 2/3 top on Fleet 15 max on server.....then I rerolled To one of the destination Servers two months ago...now lets imagine that the dead Server its one last ones to have avaible the char transfer and they change the destination Server because the first one just went full, that will not allow me to consolidate the two Chars that I currently have one Valor 80 and aonther one valor 75. If this happens you call this consolidation?


Or pay to consolidate in a near future?


I think you missed the point the guy you quoted was making. BW doesn't give a crap about people consolidating their multiple toons on multiple realms right now. Thats what the paid transfers will be for. This transfer process is to fix population balance.

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They are not trying to let people play on whatever server they want, you can already do that. Go to the server selection screen, pick a server and roll a new toon. They are trying to fix server population inbalance, and letting people decide where they go would not only not fix that, it would further damage it. I know you're a special snowflake and the center of the universe, but sometimes you have to take one for the team champ. When the transfer process is complete in a week or so, if you either take the transfer or are lucky enough to be on a destination server, then you won't be on a dead realm anymore, and thats all BW owes you. If, after that, you want to transfer to a specific realm, well, thats well and good, you can pay for that privilege.


This +100000000


Logic is apparently too hard for some people...

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