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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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As all servers are populated now, theres no longer any reason for desperation transfers, hence all transfers would be for vanity/convenience. And yes, I would consider consolidating characters onto one server vanity, playing on a server with someone you know from real life I would consider convenience tho why you didn't roll on the same server as them to begin with IDK.


Oh really? Then let me invalidate your point by saying that I had MORE than eight characters that now have no room on the one destination server because BIoware still kept the 8-character per server limit. I -have- to move a least some of them to another server, which is hardly a vanity move.


I don't agree with anything else you said in your post either. As for the last line - sometimes you don't find out that a friend is also playing the game until you both rolled on different servers. Personally I consider separated servers to be a (technical) limitation of MMOs, dealing with said limitations fallout is NEVER vanity.

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Pretty much everything unlocked through legacy is either vanity or convenience, so yes


Except that those "vanities and conveniences" are meant to keep players playing. The game's content is mostly shared with class quests making up the "unique" content. In order to keep people paying you want them to want to experience the other classes. Now the legacy system should do this, but it was launched after people had already started playing. The fact that they punish players for playing in a way that the system was not designed for is problematic since the design for said system was unknown when play started.

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Apologies is this has been asked before. I've transfered 7 out of 8 characters, but can't do the last one as the destination server is now showing as unavailable with 1 extra character. Do I just need to wait a while for that to reset?
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Oh really? Then let me invalidate your point by saying that I had MORE than eight characters that now have no room on the one destination server because BIoware still kept the 8-character per server limit. I -have- to move a least some of them to another server, which is hardly a vanity move.


That is the only valid issue remaining, yes. And I'm curious to see how Bioware handles it. I'll admit on that one you have a legit gripe, but in the meantime I'm sure you can find enough to do with the 8 toons you were able to transfer to a populated server to keep you busy.


I don't agree with anything else you said in your post either.


Well, thats nice.


As for the last line - sometimes you don't find out that a friend is also playing the game until you both rolled on different servers. Personally I consider separated servers to be a (technical) limitation of MMOs, dealing with said limitations fallout is NEVER vanity.


Yea.... umm... I guess its a technical limitation. I don't really want to play on a server with a million people, even it were technically possible. But thats just me.

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Apologies is this has been asked before. I've transfered 7 out of 8 characters, but can't do the last one as the destination server is now showing as unavailable with 1 extra character. Do I just need to wait a while for that to reset?


Creat a new 8th character on that server, log in, skip through the intro, empty mailbox, log out, delete, then try to transfer again.

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So, here's the deal. Our guild has an old tradition that predates this game. We don't set up Imperial characters on the same server as the guild. Since TOR is story driven, it was decided to create a mirror guild on another server. In our case that was The Jekk Jekk Tarr and the Wall of Light. The conflict comes now, with the transfers, that both servers are being offered the opportunity to transfer to The Harbinger.


Are there any provisions, now or near future, for alternate destination servers to accommodate conflicts such as these. For me, specifically, since I have more characters on the 2 servers than I would be allowed to have on any 1 server.


From what they have said, once this phase of the transfers is complete they are going to look at opening up paid transfers which allow you to choose the server you want. That's pretty much all we know at this point that would give you what you are looking for.



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Yea.... umm... I guess its a technical limitation. I don't really want to play on a server with a million people, even it were technically possible. But thats just me.


I guess that's why we don't agree on the 'vanity' thing - because I would prefer one-server worlds like they had in Star Trek Online or Guild Wars 1 at ANY DAY over separated servers. Yes, they can feel like an anthill sometimes, but at least we would have -never- had to deal with a mess like this one, as server mergers by definition are never needed in one-server games and friends are never separated either.


No hard feelings btw. I just have another opinion. I assume you don't agree with mine either. ;)

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I guess that's why we don't agree on the 'vanity' thing - because I would prefer one-server worlds like they had in Star Trek Online or Guild Wars 1 at ANY DAY over separated servers. Yes, they can feel like an anthill sometimes, but at least we would have -never- had to deal with a mess like this one, as server mergers by definition are never needed in one-server games and friends are never separated either.


No hard feelings btw. I just have another opinion. I assume you don't agree with mine either. ;)


I never played either STO or GW but I just cant imagine how 1 server would work. Even if it was heavily instanced/sharded, if you've got literally a MILLION people playing on the same server, hows general chat gonna look? Theres gonna be no sense of community outside of your guild. I have played one MMO that had only one server but it was a small unknown game, probably only had a few thousand active players, and for that it was fine, but if youve got hundreds of thousands or millions, I just can't see that being a good thing.

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I'm pretty happy that they've managed to merge all the remaining eu servers together as a now HEAVY pop nightmare lands. I don't think red eclipse would have been able to handle it if these transfers changed this light pop server to heavy :p
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It will actually effect populations. For examle, lets say you originally had a few characters on server X, server X died off so you rerolled a few characters on server Y. A month later, server Y started to die off but you refused to reroll again. Now, server X got transferred to server Z, and server Y got transferred to server N. Well, currently you've been playing only your server Y characters, now on server N. But youd like to transfer them onto server Z to be with your other characters, and maybe do it that way specifically because of some perceived better community or people you know on server Z. Well, you haven't been playing on that server, so you haven't been counted among the active population, hence you would be a new variable in server strain. Now, is one person significant for this? No, but if you've got hundreds or thousands of people wanting to do the same thing, it could be bad. I'm sure they want to let all this transfer business settle out a bit before they start looking to future consolidation and other convenience issues.


So what? Its still one player. One server gains his full playtime ... another loses him. You speak as if those thousands of people only want to consolidate to server Y. You know thats not the case. The population is spread out, some will go to Y others to N and so on. Yeah it wont be perfectly even, some servers will gain others will lose, but it should remain approximately the same as it is now.

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Just wanted to say thank you Bioware for finally adding more transfers today. It was frustrating sitting by just watching others have fun over the weekend but as I have finally reached my destination, that frustration is now gone! :)


Let the new life begin! :D




Edited by Xarox
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I never played either STO or GW but I just cant imagine how 1 server would work. Even if it was heavily instanced/sharded, if you've got literally a MILLION people playing on the same server, hows general chat gonna look? Theres gonna be no sense of community outside of your guild. I have played one MMO that had only one server but it was a small unknown game, probably only had a few thousand active players, and for that it was fine, but if youve got hundreds of thousands or millions, I just can't see that being a good thing.


It's a matter of taste in the end. Separated servers are like villages. One-server worlds are like big cities. Living in either has both good and bad aspects. I do agree with you on the community thing. But I have been living in a large city all my life, I am used to a certain degree of anonymity in a community.


But having just lost a substantial number of really desirable character names and room for at least three characters I cannot transfer to the official destination server for the lack of space (with the prospect of having to shell over money to Bioware to get them transferred to a non-dead server, to add insult to injury), I hope you can forgive me for preferring one-world servers as the lesser of two evils.

Edited by Kimyrielle
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Any word on a deadline for the current transfers?


My sister just finished medical school, which means her family will be bouncing around the country for a bit before being able to settle down. She and my brother in law won't be able to play the game for several months. Are they going to miss out, and be stuck on a barren server?


I have eight characters on a source server, and eight characters on the destination server they are able to transfer to. Will I be able to wait until more character slots are made available to us, or am I going to have to start deleting characters?

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Any word on a deadline for the current transfers?


My sister just finished medical school, which means her family will be bouncing around the country for a bit before being able to settle down. She and my brother in law won't be able to play the game for several months. Are they going to miss out, and be stuck on a barren server?


I have eight characters on a source server, and eight characters on the destination server they are able to transfer to. Will I be able to wait until more character slots are made available to us, or am I going to have to start deleting characters?


Just that they won't be closing them soon and will give alot of heads up before they do. Your sister and brother in law can transfer their characters just by logging into their account page, don't need to log into the game at all unless you hit the 7 out of 8 character bug. For you, you don't need to delete characters, you can leave them where they are until the next phase of transfers is announced (whether thats paid or some sort of free character consolidation service remains to be seen).

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Any word on a deadline for the current transfers?


My sister just finished medical school, which means her family will be bouncing around the country for a bit before being able to settle down. She and my brother in law won't be able to play the game for several months. Are they going to miss out, and be stuck on a barren server?


I have eight characters on a source server, and eight characters on the destination server they are able to transfer to. Will I be able to wait until more character slots are made available to us, or am I going to have to start deleting characters?


One the latter - I guess the accounting trolls at Bioware are already laughing about people like us when we will have to give them even more of our money just to remedy a situation like that. Windfall revenue like that is the best, I am sure!


On the first issue - hard to tell. My personal guess is that the so-called 'free transfers' will be around for a while longer, but eventually Bioware will want to shut down the 180+ now unneeded dead servers and get rid of them. They will probably lock those servers eventually, but likely are to allow active accounts to still transfer their characters using the web interface. So I don't think your sis is going to lose her characters either way.

Edited by Kimyrielle
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Just that they won't be closing them soon and will give alot of heads up before they do. Your sister and brother in law can transfer their characters just by logging into their account page, don't need to log into the game at all unless you hit the 7 out of 8 character bug.
They can't. They are unable to access the game, so they have allowed their accounts to expire. They would have to subscribe to a game they cannot play in order to transfer right now. They enjoy SWTOR, and intend to resub as soon as they get settled. But to resub now would literally be throwing money away. Edited by HeavensAgent
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They can't. They are unable to access the game, so they have allowed their accounts to expire. They would have to subscribe to a game they cannot play in order to transfer right now.


You don't need to be subed to transfer. They just need to log in to the site (swtor.com) and go to "My Account". Like the other guy said, the only reason they will need to log into the game is if they run into the bug that shows 1 more char then is actually there. No sub required other then that :D

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You don't need to be subed to transfer. They just need to log in to the site (swtor.com) and go to "My Account". Like the other guy said, the only reason they will need to log into the game is if they run into the bug that shows 1 more char then is actually there. No sub required other then that :D
Actually, the FAQ for transfers states differently. You have to have an active game account to be eligible for transfer. I asked specifically on Twitter to verify this, and it was confirmed. Edited by HeavensAgent
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It's a matter of taste in the end. Separated servers are like villages. One-server worlds are like big cities. Living in either has both good and bad aspects. I do agree with you on the community thing. But I have been living in a large city all my life, I am used to a certain degree of anonymity in a community.


But having just lost a substantial number of really desirable character names and room for at least three characters I cannot transfer to the official destination server for the lack of space (with the prospect of having to shell over money to Bioware to get them transferred to a non-dead server, to add insult to injury), I hope you can forgive me for preferring one-world servers as the lesser of two evils.


I too have been living in a large city most of my life, and I know what you mean, though I prefer something different in an MMO, but yes thats a matter of taste. Still tho, on many practical levels, I could forsee alot of problems with a million or more playing on one server. Not saying it couldn't be done, and done well, but I'd have to see it to believe it.


And yea, as I've said you have a legit gripe with not having enough room for your characters on the destination server, and I hope BW figures a way to fix this issue for folks like you soon. As far as naming issues go.... well, thats really for another thread, but I could argue if you lost a lot of names they weren't very original to begin with ;) And theres always áéíóú

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Actually, the FAQ for transfers states differently. You have to have an active game account to be eligible for transfer. I asked about this specifically on Twitter to verify this, and it was confirmed.


Well yes, that would be an issue I suppose. But again, they said they would give alot of heads up before ending transfers.

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Actually, the FAQ for transfers states differently. You have to have an active game account to be eligible for transfer. I asked specifically on Twitter to verify this, and it was confirmed.


Oh, well I didn't read the FAQ. My bad on that part. Maybe if they announce that the free transfers are going away then they can activate for a month just to do the transfer. WoW's transfers cost $25 last I checked and I imagine that's what the cost will be here as well. Will be cheaper right now to just resub and make a transfer. This is all a matter of IMO. Just trying to be helpful :)

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Thank you for the transfers, but I have to ask: Still putting Eng EU into Red Eclipse?!? It said full long before new transfers opened. I've just gone from minimal people on fleet to having to wait to get in. Any chance I can transfer back (for free) & & you open up another server?!?


(I realise this may sound like moaning about one extreme to the other, but it's more to ask if Eng EU are getting any server other than Red Eclipse, to even things out a little).


- Thank you for your time, during this busy period.

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Oh, well I didn't read the FAQ. My bad on that part. Maybe if they announce that the free transfers are going away then they can activate for a month just to do the transfer. WoW's transfers cost $25 last I checked and I imagine that's what the cost will be here as well. Will be cheaper right now to just resub and make a transfer. This is all a matter of IMO. Just trying to be helpful :)
To be honest, if that was the only choice they had Bioware would probably lose them as customers. I don't want that to happen; I want to play with them again, and even found an amazing guild for them to join when they return.
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