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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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And senator contispex?


I have been played in this *********** server waiting for the transfers. This server have 3 people in ALL SERVER, and i cant move from this *********** ****?


Seriously, i have been played a single player game since february, and now i cant transfer my char?


Unless you give me a solution, i will cancel the subscription.


I have been waiting so much.

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For those who think some of us are impatient, just have a little more self respect ok? I am waiting for a long time for transfers out of my server(Kinrath Spider) that is dead a long time and now I have to wait more? Well enough is enough I`m cancelling my subscription this time along with a lot more unhappy people, this game is an epic fail.
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Devs, I noticed that the next set of transfers are not going to the same destination servers from the first round...... I just thought that was odd as I'm sure those servers aren't full yet unless it's Farman and Jedi covenant... How are u balancing the filling up of servers?


Like this:


Close your eyes. Now throw a dart at a list.

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It does make some sense to move people to STD/HEAV servers. Think about it. How many rerolls went to those servers? How many will go back to their old toons on other servers if they can get off a dead rock? So natually Jedi Cov/Fatman will see a some influx, but will also lose some. It is a way to stabilize those two highly populated ones.


True. But honestly, do we really need moves to servers like Fatman? They have plenty. Let's get the most out of "dead" servers and transfer them to become active, but not ridiculously packed servers. It would have been nice to see open transfers where we could move where we want, but *sigh*, I digress because of all the arguments already made both for and against that.

Edited by Qishari
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For those who think some of us are impatient, just have a little more self respect ok? I am waiting for a long time for transfers out of my server(Kinrath Spider) that is dead a long time and now I have to wait more? Well enough is enough I`m cancelling my subscription this time along with a lot more unhappy people, this game is an epic fail.


They had well over 150 servers to start with. They have been adding servers since the start of this today. Saying you are pulling the cancel trigger this soon is a bit pre-mature as they just started.

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seems like you missed multiple posts, links, etc. There are currenlty 9 NA and 9 EU servers doing transfers. But yes it still is slow and a lot of people are anxious to transfer


Seems like you missed the part where there was actually only 4 NA servers for the first 5 hours. Yes, they've added more since then, but I guess you don't know how to read properly.

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And senator contispex?


I have been played in this *********** server waiting for the transfers. This server have 3 people in ALL SERVER, and i cant move from this *********** ****?


Seriously, i have been played a single player game since february, and now i cant transfer my char?


Unless you give me a solution, i will cancel the subscription.


I have been waiting so much.


Seriously people, they have said they will get to all the servers in less than a week... expecting them all to be done in one day is a bit much and being pissed that your wasn't chosen because (insert reason you feel you are a unique butterfly here) is similarly silly.

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really? not Starstorm one?? are you f**** kidding me? our Q times last up to 30 min's to an hour... AND THATS DURING PEAK TIME


At least you have 30 minutes. Cho Mai has a que of 6 hours and you never drop. Cannot believe Chomai is not the first server on this list for transfer. At peak hours has 3 at fleet. Was really looking forward to PVP again.

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Seems like you missed the part where there was actually only 4 NA servers for the first 5 hours. Yes, they've added more since then, but I guess you don't know how to read properly.


You seem to have missed the part where they have said it will take less than a week to get to all the servers.

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They had well over 150 servers to start with. They have been adding servers since the start of this today. Saying you are pulling the cancel trigger this soon is a bit pre-mature as they just started.


he's been saying he cancelled his subscription for well over a month now. (at least. that's where I started noticing his ever-negative postings and empty threats)


as often as some people here post, you would also expect they noticed the devs always saying they would .start. the transfers on Tuesday, not do the whole transfer on Tuesday





ps: where does everyone find the list of destination servers? the transfer page doesn't tell me

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Seriously people, they have said they will get to all the servers in less than a week... expecting them all to be done in one day is a bit much and being pissed that your wasn't chosen because (insert reason you feel you are a unique butterfly here) is similarly silly.


I'm not talking with u.

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Yeah.... the server my lvl 50 is on, gets about 6 people in the Republic Fleet, even during prime time. Sometimes it is even lower. Also, the server population is so low, that when you go on the "Who" list, and search with nothing in the search bar, it shows you the whole population for the server on the republic side since its so low. During prime time we will see 70 tops... on the WHOLE server, not just Fleet.


Thendis rep side peaked at 12 players for the whole server last night as a point of reference. Its actually impossible to do anything but single player.

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Well, looks like the pvp queue's on my server just jumped up from taking "awhile" to instantly with all the people transferring to my server. Very nice BW. Now bring on the paid transfers from high pop to high pop when/after stabilization occurs. Edited by Dein_Cathair
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ps: where does everyone find the list of destination servers? the transfer page doesn't tell me


Go to the upper-right part of your screen and click on the drop-down under your name --> My Acccount --> Transfers link on the left.

Edited by Obomonus
forgot information
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In Transfer requirements:

..must not be a guild leader. (Guild members will not have their guild membership transferred.)


Maybe it have said before, just can't find the text, but does this mean that I have to quit our guild as a guild leader?

Makes no sense to me really.

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Devs, I noticed that the next set of transfers are not going to the same destination servers from the first round...... I just thought that was odd as I'm sure those servers aren't full yet unless it's Farman and Jedi covenant... How are u balancing the filling up of servers?


If a bunch of servers were funneled into a single server all at once, the destination server would quickly fill up and transfers would have to stop and then there would be people left behind on all those origin servers. How fair would that be? Not everyone has the luxury of getting to log in right after maintenance, or even every day for that matter. Slow and steady wins the race.

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For me personally, I think doing this in small proportions is the way to do it. Then BioWare can analyze the population data and make a sound decision for their infrastructure with additional transfers. And to be honest if you have been playing MMORPG's since the early days of MMORPG's you know the drill. Its the first phase in a long term plan that moves us into Mega Servers down the road. I think the concept of Mega Servers is actually a better solution.
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LoL all these posts are entertaining. I am on a low population server but not to worried about it at the moment as we will get our turn in the rotation. If you cant wait and want to cry and cancel well good for you, cause you wont be missed.
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In Transfer requirements:

..must not be a guild leader. (Guild members will not have their guild membership transferred.)


Maybe it have said before, just can't find the text, but does this mean that I have to quit our guild as a guild leader?

Makes no sense to me really.


My guess is they are forcing you to do that to ram home the message that you will have to re-create the guild on the destination as no matter how many FAQ's and the like you post, someone is going to miss it.


Dunno tho, just a theory.

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But my question is, are your angers founded on something substantial?

And by saying your post is perfectly fine, does not make it so.

You have to be semi objective about what you post, and not think you are incapable of posting something worthy of being deleted.


Well, to talk any more about those posts would be a violation of their TOS, so I won't. Although we've already grayed the line with these exchanges. Point is: it's a mixed bag. I see other people's complaints vanish that weren't so bad (no personal attacks and on topic) while rampant insults and user on user attacks remain.


It's reflective of what we're seeing in a lot of Bioware decision making, from the community reps/mods all the way to devs, NetOps, and up to EA execs. They keep shooting themselves in the foot. Nothing seems to change, and the community rages, fans practice apologetics, and the whole cycle repeats over and over again. If there is one single truth we could learn from TOR's path, it's that 'history repeats itself'.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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In Transfer requirements:

..must not be a guild leader. (Guild members will not have their guild membership transferred.)


Maybe it have said before, just can't find the text, but does this mean that I have to quit our guild as a guild leader?

Makes no sense to me really.


That is how I took it too. Then you add in the fact that they will not transfer guild banks unless you specifically request it via customer service. How are they going to transfer the bank if there is no longer a guild nor a guild leader tied to it?


They should not have gone the route of individual server transfers. They should have just merged the servers to be moved from into the ones that are the targets.

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