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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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1)PvP. It's a joke. Let's count the ways.


a) 100 vs. 100 epic battles were touted before launch and the engine can barely handle 10 vs. 10.


b)Rampant use of hacks and cheats is barely policed. Part of it is what's clientside with this game engine. The other part is a development team that apparently feels a certain kinship with the players that continue to speedhack, cliphack, etc. throughout the game. Cheaters who manipulate the code are given a nurturing and encouraging environment to do so.


c)Everything is funneled through warzones. Ilum was shut down to start this trend. After mapping the Hoth Incident occurred. When an overzealous GM's lies and blatant disregard for the rules that were being obeyed were supported by staff, the parties involved were vindicated only after Community Manager lies were exposed outside of swtor.com. Click the link for more details on that one.http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=465256 The most obvious sign that no one who develops this game wants us to fight outside of their carefully designed playpens is the most recent event. The Rakghoul Plague event was successful because it drew both factions to tattooine vying for the same rewards in the same places. For me and many of my guildmates this was the most fun we'd had in pvp playing SWTOR. The most recent scavenger hunt event kept both factions separated as much as possible. Much of the playerbase, some on the forums and some not, want open world to mean something. The development team does not care. They only want you stuck in their carefully controlled playpens.


d) Expertise is a load of crap, along with resolve. Skill means next to nothing in dumbed down ADD zergfests in warzones. Resolve may be working as intended but it's poorly designed and doesn't work like common sense says it's supposed to. Viva la Stun Wars.


2. The groupfinder is broken junk. Considering it should have come standard with release to begin with, one would think this would be more ready for launch than it was. Every single time our guild, and those guilds we would run with queued up a full ops or flashpoint group, we almost never got our Black Hole comms for the daily without filling out a support ticket and waiting days for our commendations. I'm still waiting for my most recent five commendations for the last two weeks.


3. Endgame doesn't mean a thing. Why bother becoming a master crafter? The best gear is only handed out in gear grind drops. PvP, which has always been an integral part of endgame for me in other games, is a joke as outlined in point one. Your reward for completing your character's story arc is warzones and a daily comm grind, plus the same small amount of operations to raid.


4. Broken promises from the development team out of the gate continue to be broken. 100 vs. 100 epic battles, the story meaning something, new content every month, which apparently is very loosely defined. Some of this is apparently due to staff purges and lousy management but we've been lied to multiple times. This game was supposed to be a unique and engaging experience unlike any other MMO, according to the spin put out for years before release. We were lied to by a poorly managed shadow of what Bioware was 10-15 years ago.


5. The general player community is full of maladjusted social cripples. Bear in mind I'm speaking in very broad terms. Obviously friends I've made on my adventures, as well as my guildies and those in gulids we like to run with are by and large very cool grownups who want to have some fun and get away from their real life daily grind for a time. Now, the community at large is a different issue entirely. On the Fatman it's nothing to find petulant babies who rage over anything in pug groups, pug warzones, etc. We see these kind of people on the forums often, who can't stand the fact the world doesn't revolve around them, or that no one worships their "Leetness." Most real elite players I know or have met in passing may have some ego, but they are generally very helpful. Sadly they are few and far between in a sea of tools. And finally on this note, our former guildmaster was one of these. When he found out that he was pretty much the only one left that thought this game was shiny, new and awesome, he emptied anything of value out of our bank, including 8 million-plus credits, and quit our guild. I hear this person joined another guild and I sincerely hope this individual's new compatriots never place him in a position of authority.


Oh, and here's one more.


6. Space combat is urine-soaked dog *****.


That is all. I have three weeks left on my final sub, and I'll miss my characters and I'd like to take them out to raise a little hell one more time. A tiny part of me hopes that eventually I'll see something that will make me want to return, but at this point all I see is a downward spiral of a game that I supported since I started playing in December.


Man i wish i could stickie this..nicely written and well thought out

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I subscribed from the start , brought the Collector's Edition, etc, but I unsubscribed a month or so back. I have many reasons for cancelling, but I'd say my top 5 reasons were as follows:


1. I pretty much played a single character (Smuggler), didn't race through the main storyline, did lots of side quests and took my time - unfortunately, as I progressed through the later levels, the game seemed to become very repetitive. It became all too obvious that nearly every quest was collect 5 of these or kill 5 of those, and once that happened, I just couldn't enjoy it. The game just felt like an endless slog.


2. There is no sense of movement in the game world. Other people have mentioned a problem with static worlds, and for me, from an immersion perspective, this was huge. You can complete some grand storyline, then nothing changes. People you just rescued and helped to get off-planet are still hanging around. There should be some sort of instancing, something whereby it actually looks like the world has been shaped by your actions.


3. I started to miss some of the softer options that encourage roleplaying. I know this isn't a big deal for a lot of folks, but I'm from a pen and paper gaming background, and whats the point of Bioware declaring something an RP Server when the game doesn't support it mechanically? One thing Star Wars Galaxies did right (in the beginning) was that the player base could drive the game world at this level - they could be craftsmen, entertainers, politicians - they could form communities. The simple ability to customise your own character homes and (to a lesser extent) starships is totally absent from this game. I must admit I didn't explore the crafting options too much, I didn't enjoy their implementation, but they didn't seem worth it. Without this game world community, there is very little to keep you interested once you hit the higher levels and finish your class story. If I wanted to play endless PVP I'd go pick up Call of Duty or something...


4. The server I started out on became very empty, I was the only person on Hoth at one point! Bioware obviously offered a server transfer, but from what I could see, this was to an overpopulated server. There was no happy medium. It was either play by yourself, or hang around for ages waiting for something to respawn because one of the "Kill 5 of these" quests already had 20 other players doing it (and they didn't necessarily want to team up...)


5. The announcement of a Free To Play model was the final incentive for me to quit. Other games that are free to play also have a subscriber option, but invariably these involve your just receiving a bunch of in game credit to buy items with - and it isn't enough. You end up having to pay money on top if you want stuff. I'm not prepared to do that. I want to subscribe to a game and be able to earn (and preferably make) items within the game itself, not have to buy them from a shop.


I had high hopes for this game, and I don't think they were unreasonably high. It just stopped being fun and became one of my biggest disappointments. Between this, Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3, I've lost a lot faith in Bioware to be honest. I still log in to the forums in the hopes that major changes will take place and the game will become what it could be. Until then though, my time and money just isn't going into The Old Republic.

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#1. Time constraints in the real world make things like "raid night" an impossibility for me (two kids under the age of 4), so all of the level 50+ stuff that is going to be gated behind the subscription fee is largely useless to me.


#2. I have been waiting, since launch, for some basic functionality that keeps getting pushed back. How long should I pay for a game without Dual Spec, a stable group finder, voluntary server transfers?


#3. My RL friend and leveling partner just had twins, his ability to play diminished to 0. To add to that, the relatively thriving guild that we were members of on our origin server was effectively destroyed by the server transfer/consolidation.


#4. The legacy system is, for lack of a better term, crap. Why am I going to spend hundreds of thousands of credits for a set of gear that can only be used by one character, for one 1-50 run? Alternatively, why am I going to buy inheritance tokens for equipment that doesn't scale with my alt as they level? Further than that, why am I going to spend millions of credits on per-character unlocks that provide little-to-no actual gameplay benefit?


#5. I'm played out. I have two 50's and I'm about to finish chapter 2 on a third character. I don't have it in me to do the side quests on Nar Shaddaa or Taris again. I don't have it in me to push a 4th character through all of the junk you have to slog through to see the epic story quests. And I don't have the alternate leveling capabilities (even with the legacy perks) to fully avoid the drudge associated with completing planets.


I love this game, and my paid time should run through the end of the subscription-only model, so I will be able to jump in and play for the foreseeable future, but you guys have stripped any incentive I have for continuing to budget $15/mo for this game.

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For now there is still a possibility that I come back to the game (MAYBE ;))

1. No serious bugs was repaired despite tickets/posts - only: "we know about that and do sth soon".


2. CS don't read tickets send to them only use copy&paste response. For example i write a ticket about problem with obtaining quest from questgiver - CS said me that i should reset quest o__0.


3. Interesting plot up to 50 lvl - game ending is really poor


4. With few toons playing same quest 3 time is really boring.


5. Funcom after 1 month was able to relase patch with around 20 new quests; bioware after 6 months give us

possibility to colour our gear >.<


6. Mindless grind on pvp/dailies to get BH coms.


7. Legacy perks - most are useless, useful ones you must buy each time for every toon


8. Problem with lags - or with CS which want to convince me that my PC or internet connection is guilty; answer with mentioning other MMO game which works perfect - no response.


9. Patches that broke more things than they should repair.


10. Faulty GF - everyone know what I mean :mad:


11. Last event was a total crap - reward: pet+title ***? It's really hard to put some unique weapon?

Edited by Aluvard
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Honestly, I plan to subscribe until Free to Play launches. At that point, having thoroughly enjoyed my time in this universe you have marvelously crafted for me to soak up, I will walk away.

It's nothing against EA, or you as BioWare, or even Free to Play MMO's in general. It has to do with I have been down this road once (ironically I left that and came here), and I regret not having walked away sooner. In fact, it mirrors Star Wars: The Old Republic a lot.

I was part of the early access, closed access, and open access of the Beta. I became hooked (still have it on my hard drive). I bought the Collector's Edition. I subbed right on through the developer having not addressed issues(s) that existed even from the Beta. In the end, between that, and other issues it had to go from a Pay to Play MMO to a Free to Play MMO.

I watched as the developer pennied, nickled, and dimed those who didn't play with a sub to the point I realized "The developer has to take away from my friends, to justify to me why I am being charged.".

I quickly discovered I am against that. A lot. It's like flying a plane. You sit in coach, I sit in first class. We get to the same place, at the same time, just I loved how I got there more than you. I don't get my checked in luggage earlier, just my trip was more cushier.

Or how my wife and I recently just bought "his and her" Camaros. I have every single option you can have on one, she doesn't. I expect the same with my game. I don't want a friend, or a stranger playing such a restricted game, they feel forced to sub. It's suppose to be a option. Not something literally forced on you.

In the end, this will happen.

And ad on how even those who bought this game, and at one point even paid for a sub will have the same restrictions as those who haven't spent a cent will, it'll ruin this time in your universe. It just will. Even more so if you ad in "Premium" access (see SOE's DC Universe Online; spend $9.99 and you get the same access as those who bought the game...).

I understand this is business. It's not personal, and I'm fine with that. Just realize I have been waiting for an open invitation to this universe, and this is the closest I've got so far. In the end, you need to realize it is nothing personal, I just don't want to ruin this memory as you make changes that are business related.

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I have just unsubbed even my guild cant hold me here and they were the main reason i stayed here for the last month and a half.

The minute i saw it became F2P it stopped for me. I know what content you will bring and I dont like it. It will be an endless content spawn of ops, FP's & WZ. and maybe 1 or 2 times a real story content update with a small level cap.


I have been this road before with lotro and loggin in just to do skirmishes, instances , raids etc.. for this set of gear or that set of weapons or better this & that cant make me eager to login. Now we have Blackhole gear, well after F2P comes with new FP's we will have SuperBlackhole gear, and after that it will be SuperbBlackerholer Gear and so on... . you know it will be like this, an endless grind of this wich is nothing more then pixel-on-a-stick playstyle.


I started playing GW2 now and what i see they have done there it gives me the shivers why with the biggest budget we couldnt have something like that in SWTOR. I honestly have no idea why the most basic stuff cant be ingame.


I have to say I enjoyed this game much at start, i have 2 lvl 50s & 2 lower level atls round the 30s and the story was nice to have altough my decisions were nothing more then psychologically, it didnt effect the future game or anything wich is a certain miss. The worlds feel very death aswell, altough i kinda like the style & sky of certain planets, it still feels like im more watching a picture where i run in then a real alive world.


Will I come back when its F2P? I doubt it tbh, I will keep track of the future developments but its more a way to see for me that i will be right about leaving then about me thinking coming back.

for the rest I hope the remainers of this game have fun with their Fp's & WZ's but for me : been there, done that. no pixel grind anymore for me, not without a real reason behind it.


Hopefully next STAR WARS game will be a sandbox one. No more on rails as it kinda gets old quickly.

Edited by Kozzmozz
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I have just unsubbed even my guild cant hold me here and they were the main reason i stayed here for the last month and a half.

The minute i saw it became F2P it stopped for me. I know what content you will bring and I dont like it. It will be an endless content spawn of ops, FP's & WZ. and maybe 1 or 2 times a real story content update with a small level cap.


I have been this road before with lotro and loggin in just to do skirmishes, instances , raids etc.. for this set of gear or that set of weapons or better this & that cant make me eager to login. Now we have Blackhole gear, well after F2P comes with new FP's we will have SuperBlackhole gear, and after that it will be SuperbBlackerholer Gear and so on... . you know it will be like this, an endless grind of this wich is nothing more then pixel-on-a-stick playstyle.


I started playing GW2 now and what i see they have done there it gives me the shivers why with the biggest budget we couldnt have something like that in SWTOR. I honestly have no idea why the most basic stuff cant be ingame.


I have to say I enjoyed this game much at start, i have 2 lvl 50s & 2 lower level atls round the 30s and the story was nice to have altough my decisions were nothing more then psychologically, it didnt effect the future game or anything wich is a certain miss. The worlds feel very death aswell, altough i kinda like the style & sky of certain planets, it still feels like im more watching a picture where i run in then a real alive world.


Will I come back when its F2P? I doubt it tbh, I will keep track of the future developments but its more a way to see for me that i will be right about leaving then about me thinking coming back.

for the rest I hope the remainers of this game have fun with their Fp's & WZ's but for me : been there, done that. no pixel grind anymore for me, not without a real reason behind it.


Hopefully next STAR WARS game will be a sandbox one. No more on rails as it kinda gets old quickly.


i said it many times that only the XXXX will like grind,

but there are XXXX angry with that, and GM remove my post,

see? grind is such a stupid thing, most ppl hate it,

yet BW still make it, that's why u lost 1.5m buyers.

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The only reason I resubbed to TOR, after leaving in March, was because there was nothing less boring in the MMORPG market. Now there is something a hell of a lot more fun available. So I see no reason to stay. That "other" game also highlighted just how out of touch BioWare's developers were. The differences between the two are staggering and... Wow, seriously, W.T.F. were the doctors thinking? Dallas and Rich told us about all the development problems TOR had but...


Well, I guess they just didn't "get it" when it came to MMORPG's. At least regarding what most of their potential customers actually wanted.

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I feel that I have done all the game has to offer. I got the game on opening day and up until a week ago I was hooked. I love the graphics, I love the gameplay and I love the stories. I have 5 level 50s and a legacy level of 43. I've done every space mission, every flashpoint in normal and hardmode and finished every operation many times.


I would look forward to running a HM on my tank, healer or dps depending on my mood, but now when I log on the thought of doing anything besides farting around in the fleet feels like a chore. I don't think I'm burnt out, but maybe just bored.


I would have liked to see some more frequent updates with more meaningful content. The Chevin event felt underwhelming. A two and a half our questline after two months of nothing isn't enough to justify a $15 subscription...and it has been over four months since we have seen a new flashpoint or operation.


The legacy system has so far been a disappointment. Another poster on this page echoed my sentiment of crappy perks that can be bought if you dont have a high enough legacy level. I would like to stay and level another alt to see a new class story to tide me over between updates, but even with the XP bonuses the process is still painfully slow and I don't have the stamina to grind through the planets or WZ's or FP's or space missions (I've levelled all four ways) a sixth time.


I absolutely *love* Star Wars, and when I started playing I was convinced this was going to be 'my game' for the foreseeable future. I will definately come back in a while when it goes FTP or when some more updates arrive, but right now I think I'm done and it makes me sad.

Edited by Gaunte
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Not enough to do, I know longer feel like I'm getting my money's worth. This game was an incredible experience for the first few months, but it seemed like they poured way too many resources into lowbie content. The developers have done a horrible job of testing new content. And that goes all the way back to beta (former tester here). The minefield screwup last month was the beginning of the end for me.


Another thing. The event was something I waited for a long time. I was really excited about it. The Rakghoul event was the most fun I've had playing this game. To say I was disappointed with the Chevin event would be an understatement. I grinded the crates on the first day, but didn't even bother finishing the event. It was pathetically not fun. And the rewards sucked.


The only content left to do at 50 has been out for months and it all feels like a grind. I can't take it anymore. The game is no longer fun. I don't regret buying a sixth month sub, but I've had enough and probably won't be coming back.

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It's easy to unsub when you can't log in to your main. Finding the unsub button gives you something to do while they still try to figure out what it was they broke...


Cant get into my main..

going to unsub , just installed guild wars.


I feel like ive been used by bioware, and enver felt they cared about community at all.


When I played lord of the rings i felt a genuine love for the community and their players from the development team. The GMs were there with you in game, sometimes walking about talking to you, saying hi, and sorting out issues in game in person.


To have some robotic crap response isnt funny, isnt emmersive, its a cop out framed in the way of trying to be authentic. Just an excuse for being lazy.


Ths is by far the worst customer service and lack of effort and heart of ever seen from a development team, it seems like the people who make the game don't even play it.

The lack of content is just unbelieavble, we are expected to run flashpoints for when we have full campaign or black hole gear, when the flashpoints have no rare drops, not even lvl 58 gear.. no nightmare mode on them. (surely that woudlnt have been too hard.. nightmare mode + some new gear? dont even redo the instance just tweak it).


So much wasted content that doesnt add to end game... 4 pvp warzones and no ilum..


that isnt pvp thats just pathetic.

So many things could save this game, but they seem incapable of doing any of them and would rather throw black hole coms at you like candy and as many pets are you want! ahh yes pets thats right that will keep me in game... along with my sage skirts ... sure.


I hate to be negative but ive tried to be positive for a long time about this game and thought good things take time.


But it isn't. This is bioware putting minimal resources into a game to extract the last few cents it can out of it rather than fix what had potential.

I guess this game just isnt FOTM down at EA headquarters anymore aye..

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Unsubscribed, with 15 days game time available.


Oceanic player > Obtained through amazon during American launch > fanboi.


I made a thread earlier today asking if they were ever going to do anything about world pvp. the thread was removed with no explanation, probably because I said I would unsub if they kept their silence on the issue any longer.


I made a comment on another thread, which was discussing about oceanic server mergers. The thread has also disappeared, possibly because there was some comparison between gw2 and swtor, and well, you can guess which game came out on top :rolleyes:.



All it would have taken for Bioware to keep me subbed, like I have been despite the way Bioware treated the APAC players at launch and going through countless hours of refreshing Mr. Reids twitter page and going through some ridiculous and sometimes amusing ******** from the Amazon CSR's, the excitement and frustration on the forums as to whether or not one would receive a copy of the game, and even if they did, would they be able to play it [iSP bloc :rolleyes:]... I stayed through all that... Well anyway, all it would have taken was for Bioware to communicate its plans and pay attention to the pvp community as well.


I most likely would resub, because I am addicted to the damn game just to see my sith warrior with his purple saber kill ****. But then, the novelty of that would wear off pretty soon. So, thats what I have to say.



Start > Programs > GW2 :D

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Today was supposed to be the day my account got billed for another 30 days, I cancelled my sub so I can save my $15. The community interaction is just atrocious, maybe because they dont want to interact with the angry community but ignoring a problem isnt the way to solve it. Unless you're Eaware apparently. The game performance has just taken a dive lately to the point of being borderline unplayable (30 sec-2 min server wide lag spikes anybody?). The server population just continues to drop, especially with GW2 out. Im bored of all the content seeing as though ive been farming the same crap for months. Them even considering to charge subscription players for planet Makeb is just a flat out insult. They cannot keep a single promise it seems, where is HK-51?!?! Not that i really care about another companion but they were shoving him in our face nonstop then all of a sudden....nothing.




I hope this game somehow manages to turn around because I did actually have alot of fun for awhile. It's like a half built apartment and im paying rent for it. If they even take 10% of what the community suggests and puts it into action, i might come back but I doubt it since they're so dead set in driving this game into the ground.

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1. Game is too linear - due to my characters story, I have to go to a specific planet, there is no choice.

2. PvP - No open world PvP and the battlegrounds are frankly boring. Games like this need large open PvP areas or battlegrounds that are fun . AV in WOW (especially vanilla) was a fun place to be, the game needs more of that. As well as the open world objectives that WAR had.

3. The whole light side/dark side thing took away any sense of choice in the cutscenes. so cut and dry/boring. Cut scenes are good, but make the choices more interesting. It's all so lacking in depth.

4. Graphically, the game is very dated.

5. Balance - this is a common issue with MMO's but I had hoped by now it would be better. My main was a sentinel, but I never had a chance in the BG's. Where as the scores with my smuggler were always in the top 10%.


Overall I think what BW have created is just too shallow, the game and the characters never had any depth, I never felt invested in them. There is no community, no big groups of people hanging round just chatting(Ironforge anyone?) , comparing gear, and the whole AH was obviously designed by a child.

I've only just got round to unsubbing, but in truth I haven't logged in once over the past 2 months, and haven't missed it for a second. I'm gonna try GW2, but not in any rush.

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1. Game is too linear - due to my characters story, I have to go to a specific planet, there is no choice. agreed

2. PvP - No open world PvP and the battlegrounds are frankly boring. Games like this need large open PvP areas or battlegrounds that are fun . AV in WOW (especially vanilla) was a fun place to be, the game needs more of that. As well as the open world objectives that WAR had. agreed

3. The whole light side/dark side thing took away any sense of choice in the cutscenes. so cut and dry/boring. Cut scenes are good, but make the choices more interesting. It's all so lacking in depth. I also hate how you have to be full dark/light in order to have some of the best stuff. I would like to be dark I and still get the best items. Also there needs to be more for those in grey(which they said they will implement but have yet to do so.

4. Graphically, the game is very dated. It is but I don't think it's dated enough to make me want to leave, personally.

5. Balance - this is a common issue with MMO's but I had hoped by now it would be better. My main was a sentinel, but I never had a chance in the BG's. Where as the scores with my smuggler were always in the top 10%.


Overall I think what BW have created is just too shallow, the game and the characters never had any depth, I never felt invested in them. There is no community, no big groups of people hanging round just chatting(Ironforge anyone?) , comparing gear, and the whole AH was obviously designed by a child.

I've only just got round to unsubbing, but in truth I haven't logged in once over the past 2 months, and haven't missed it for a second. I'm gonna try GW2, but not in any rush.


I was lazy so i decided to just highlight what i agreed with you on SOME of the problems I had with the game. Basically there isn't enough sandbox elements for me personally. Not saying that I want the whole game to be sandboxy, but some more sandbox features here and wouldn't hurt the game

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1. I will be un subbing soon due to class balance. The DPS consular is very mediocre at best compared to low level ranged characters and other DPS melee. I only play the consular, so I'll be moving on soon if BS don't do something. It seems they hate consular players and how they look.


2. Costs of repairs and mod removal really puts the hurt on other perks I would like to get. For example I want a purple/black light saber, but I'll never see Denova and it cost too much on the trade market. :mad:


3. Accessibility to high level content. For the average joe, we will never it it.

Edited by Innocences
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This game should have been BUY-TO-PLAY from the very beginning, just like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Battlefield 3, and John Madden Football 2013.


Since it has already been decided that the game will be switching to a Free-To-Play revenue model I will give you my opinion on how I would like to see FTP implemented into SWTOR, I am a possible future customer after all.


1) EA should charge players for FUTURE class missions, FUTURE planets, FUTURE flashpoints, and FUTURE operations. I see this as being no different than EA charging for DLC in single player games like Mass Effect or Dragon Age. There should be no limits placed on Free Players access to or participation in CURRENT or FUTURE warzones or PVP Planets.


2) EA could generate revenue by charging players for cosmetic items. Cosmetic items should be limited to things like mounts, NON-STAT gear, and appearance tab expansion slots.


3) How about charging players for character modifications? Character modifications would be little things like new hairstyles, tattoos, scars, and body shapes. Character modifications could also include big things like new class species, species and gender respecs, and server transfers.


4) Charging players for increased storage space seems like a no brainer, so have at it EA.


5) Finally, EA could charge players for buffs that would provide some limited enhancements to things like crafting, combat, and companion xp, and perhaps in the future faction reputation XP.


I also wouldn't have a problem with buffs that enhanced character attributes to extreme levels for a limited time, which would make it possible for players to blow through content quickly that they have already experienced while grinding alt characters. A buff like this would also enable solo players and others to experience all of the games heroic and raid story content. Strict Protective Measures would need to be put in place to prevent players from abusing such a buff.


Well Bioware there you have it, that's the type of Free-To-Play model that I could support. Try to keep the restrictions on Free-To-Play players to a minimum, and for God's sake don't even think about placing restrictions on FREEPs ability to chat, mail, or join guilds. This game needs its players to start socializing more; restrictions on chat, mail and guild recruitment have the opposite effect.

Edited by Takkard
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've enjoyed the Theme Park, I've been on all the rides and they were good.


But now I've been on them all I don't want to go on them all again.


So I'm going to go and play with some lego instead, as each time I play with it, it's different.

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Bioware, if you want me as a customer for any longer, you will do the right thing and read my 6 points.


1:- The most heartbreaking - Lockout Timers on Raids?!

I can run BT or D7 1,000,000 times a week, or even LI HM, which drops better loot than EV SM, but Im NOT allowed to re-run a raid?! WHY, oh WHY, oh WHY, oh WHY have you not just fixed this already BY IMPLEMENTING the following Guideline :- """Please note, once a raid is completed, it is not LOCKED OUT for Re-Running, but you WILL be LOCKED OUT of the gear for that raid"""" Id even go as far to suggest that with the 8 raids we have split over 3 ACTUAL RAID LOCATIONS with the difference being difficulty - (EV SM,HM,NIM) (KP SM,HM,NIM) (EC,SM HM) why not go ONE STEP FURTHER, and say "All Loot for the raids will remain unchanged. However, the Loots will share a Global Raid Lockout - Completing EV NIM will reward you with NIM loots BUT LOCK YOU OUT of EV SM and HM loots for the week. These raids however will still be re-runnable by you, with loot already taken for that Raid for the week" Cmon Bioware - DO I HAVE TO ACCEPT that i log in on Wednesday, Clear EC HM and then log out for the entire week? Theres ZERO to bring me back, and when F2P comes, who wants to PAY to raid when you do it once and thats it. Its a system that needs to be re-evaluated.


2:- Broken Promises

In the years leading up to this game (my first MMO) I did read alot about how one of the ways SWTOR was going to have that WOW factor, was the promise of unrivalled content. The game so far has been released coming up to one year, and we have been fed 3 raids with a total of 14 bosses - Almost 5 months has been on 4 bosses in EC alone. The announcements of 2 new raids (1 being a NIM EC) was promising, but those announcements are so long ago now. You promised to deliver the community that WOW factor many times before this game launched, and you have broken promises with this game too many times.


3:- Lack of Commitment to your Community

Your SWTOR Community IMO is simply not just us the gamers, its your staff. The black and white of it is, you have reduced your staff by over 1/2, thus reducing the level of commitment us your customers are receiving by your own company. Theres no justification at all for a business model that develops a game like this, spending the millions of dollars you have spent, launching it, disbanding your staff, and then expecting your customers to simply "swallow it" Now, your telling the 1+ million players who have at one time bought this game and on top of that, paid for subscription time, your telling us "Oh, now the game is free...", ensuring that all of us who have actually paid for the game, will never be fully thanked or focussed on, because you have got what you wanted, halved your staff so you can spread your bonus's to less people, and overall, you have alienated yourself from your community. We pay for a service and experience, now by the time F2P is in and completed, the question is, "how many of US will still be here paying?" But we all know you dont care, because with F2P comes microtransactions, and thats where your commitment is now, and not with your community. And your customer service, honestly, shows how much you just dont give a flying F about us. For a company that created such amazing solo-player games, your first MMO adventure is definitely not a customer service friendly experience.


4:- Loading times

Never played a computer game before with such horrendous load times. And your missions encourage us to be stuck staring at THE SAME loading screen picture so often. Go to your faction HQ. Go to your HQ Fleet. Back to your faction HQ. Sounds easy enough, except for a mission that takes 3 minutes to action, your confronted with 15-20 minutes of Loadscreens. For me, its simply ridiculous. Honestly. Too many load screens from Mission to Ship in, to ship out, to planet in, loading into a planet after PVP and missing the queue because it popped and the 3 minute load screen F'D you? Its just atrocious


5:- Clear PVP Imbalance, even for the casual

So in pvp 10-49, you can achieve 200-300 wins / 400-500 matches it seems just by turning up. When you first hit level 50, you wouldnt take green gear into EC HM. But its OK to have your first 50 PVP match vs 8 players in War Hero gear, on a chat program, using hack programs, and your happy to suggest PVP is OK, even though at 40 comms per loss, its around 3000-6000 PVP matches perhaps more to earn your Full War Hero gear, even though when you had World PVP, players reached 100 Valor just by forming friendships with their enemies and spending hours farming valor? You have done ZERO to address this, and for the casual Queue Solo'er like me, and trust me, theres more of us than there are of Queue Group'ers, its absolutely unforgiveable. Tell me, is it fun getting anal probed every match 97/100 times? 97 x 40 loser comms + 3 x 140 winning comms = *** :S


6:- Perhaps the most crucial - Your achilles heal - Cutscenes

Everyone by now spacebars everything. Lets face it, nobody honestly cares about the Cutscenes, and honestly they feel like an amazing cop out, due to the fact that you're given millions throughout your questing to level 50, with many of them giving you copy and paste replies, and when you actually HIT level 50, theres maybe what? 4-5 cutscenes again.. Ever? Unless you replay old content and see the same cutscene over and over. Why is this your achilles heal? Because when it comes to content, you CANNOT release it without Voice-Acting. So, you need 4 Imp Females, 4 Imp Males, 4 Pub Females and 4 Pub Males. You need 16 people to record voice acting for the classes you are creating, and now your wanting to advertise a new Cathar Class? So another 4 people required for the voice-acting required? If i wanted to watch a movie, id hook it up on my 100" Projector. This is a game, and I, the customer, want content. You the company, say "Sorry, we have a FlashPoint idea, but we need 16 people, and 20 people with the new Cathar race, to come in and speak millions of lines before we can give you, the customer, what you pay for" Its your biggest crutch, because unless you have the VA completed, your unable to release the content. Thats why the raids have ZERO cutscenes, because its TOO HARD BASKET to complete, especially with 16 man groups. B/W, drop the VA, and release content for the game. Or am I to accept, that running Cademimu in my Campaign Gear is the only thing I can be happy with?

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Why I'm staying so far? Hope... period.....I'm hoping that Bioware discovers how to make an MMO.....



What's got me on the EDGE of unsubbing?


Bioware's complete and total failure on many issues.....


Armor Sets (BH and Camp) look like crap, and we get same 'ol same 'ol again, in this years hottest fashion colors: Year Old French's Mustard Yellow, and Menstrual Red........


Core minor bugs still in game since Beta

Itemization... BW has no clue

Free to Play (not against F2P, I'm against how soon we're at this juncture ....)

Party Jawa to keep us subbed = weaksauce

Attitude of the Execs in recent interviews.... showing total lack of any real clue ....


I can go on, but I won't ....I've ZERO enthusiasm left, and am about out of hope. If a few more guild members unsub, no point in me, or my GF staying around either.


We're already looking for our next MMO.....GW2 doesn't interest me. I can't believe that a Star Wars IP based game can be so screwed up, but here we are.....


I loaded in a few shooters to keep entertained, and just got into Closed Beta for an up and coming shooter, which is 110% totally amazing, and IMO the best shooter I have ever played, and I played them all.....


So, Hope, and my few remaining guild members are why I'm here, and am about out of both.....GJ Bioware....

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2 days left.Just can't be arsed with it anymore.3 50s and a couple of other mid level toons and i'm just bored.

Same wz's over and over grind grind and grind some more.Pvp is a stunfest (pissed off with people quitting after the other side has capped the first node too).

A lot of players are just whining children which I choose not to put up with .Cost of removing attachments is ridiculous.Direction of the game is not to my liking and the devs have been way too slow in fixing bugs,bringing out patches and new content.Armour is horrible with a few exceptions.Post 50 there just is not enough to hold my interest anymore.

Well it's been emotional but time to move on and explore pastures anew.


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Top 5 reasons I quit:


1) My favorite class (valor rank 100) DPS sorc is getting nerfed hard in patch 1.4. I adapted to the nerf in 1.2 but another round of nerfs to my favorite class was too much to handle.


2) RWZ PvP is all about how many of the "right" classes. There is no room for a DPS sorc. I was hoping they would boost the DPS sorc and/or nerf some of the overpowered classes. Those hopes were dashed in patch 1.4.


3) No open world PvP. Ilum was a disaster because objectives were meaningless and could be taken by 1 person in 10 seconds. It was so obvious PvP was a complete afterthought; they even said so but in interviews they said that more focus would be put on PvP because they were surprised how popular it was. Yet Ilum remains a dead planet.


4) With no open world PvP, i run the same 4 Warzones over and over, which gets boring. Plus, many folks show up with 13k health and wearing green level 40 gear because they don't know about the free recruit gear or simply don't care because they are simply willing to get 6 losses just to finish their daily.


5) Too many other good options/games that are cheaper to play.

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