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[Legacy] Option to unlock 1.3 character-specific perks legacy-wide for higher cost


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Dear devs and fellow players,


In the community Q&A of 25th May 2012, one of my questions was answered as such:


llesna: Can you please tell us why the upcoming Legacy additions for Game Update 1.3 are character-specific rather than Legacy-wide?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): Legacy Perks have a different purpose than global unlocks and are specifically designed to enable players to customize each individual character. Since you may not care about Space XP or running the Bonus Series missions on one character it is important that you’re not paying a premium that is calculated at the expense of 8 or more characters all gaining this benefit. This also means the Legacy Perks will, as a rule, be more affordable than the global unlocks.


I can understand their ethos here and will not dispute it.


However, I would like to suggest the following addition be created:


Give players the option of unlocking the new perks LEGACY-WIDE (for a much higher cost) instead of just unlocking on each character.


Why am I asking for this?


Well, consider the following. Let's say that an unlock costs 50,000 credits. I currently have eight characters in my legacy, so that means I'm going to be spending 400,000 on them if I want it on each character. The problem is that we're only limited to eight character slots per server at present, as eventually the number of slots will inevitably be expandable to at least sixteen. Consequently, the actual cost would then double for me on everything (800,000 credits).


I would like to request that players be ergo given the option to purchase each unlock legacy-wide in order that all current and future alts can gain benefit from the unlock, especially as a lot of these benefits are insanely useful when creating new alts (i.e., the walking speed increase). I would rather pay perhaps an eight or ten times greater amount in one go than have to eventually purchase something sixteen times.



Final note: please be aware that I am asking for this option to be given alongside the cost to unlock the perk on a specific character, so no-one would lose that option at all. This would just be an additional option given on each unlock if players wished to pay more and unlock it once for the entire legacy.



Kind regards


Edited by llesna
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This kinda makes me upset about the whole legacy system. I thought I was familiar with the legacy system and worked on getting enough credits to unlock several of perks for my LEGACY. I have to admit, I was unaware they were not linked. I was very excited about this system and was working to benefit all my characters.


I spent the allocated credits to unlock several of the perks to benefit ALL my characters only to find out they weren't linked. At first, I thought it was a bug. So I decided to dig a bit more into the mechanics and there it was...the LEGACY isn't linked to your all your characters.


Whats the point then? why have a patriarch and give the system the ability to create your own family if you really dont get anything except a crappy wpn you out level in a few missions and make drops for more legacy gear impossible to find in some cases.


I didn't care about cost. Credits are credits and can be made. But the idea of being able to level alternate characters at a faster pace was very appealing. This is more disappointing then anything else in the game.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

And this is why I cancelled my subscription.


I'm and Altaholic and lets be honest this is a good thing with SWTOR as in SWTOR the Class stories are the best pull, but i also don't want to have to do all the junk missions over every time with a new Alt just to advance, not to mention earlier speeders and the other convenience stuff helps to speed up the running around.

(Convenience stuff should be automatic unlock in my opinion, even if just for Subs)


So I was pushing one char up to get the perks to help my starting alts, and finally after a while I had bought a few starts (xp, speeder, etc) and switched to start a new Alt, but then noticed there was nothing there, i was about to report a bug, then decided to google first and found this thread.


This is absolutely ridiculous!

I already thought the costs were High, especially for the convenience stuff (ship upgrades) and now i find out it is per Char, ***!?


This was one of the things I was looking forward to in SWTOR.

I loved KOTOR, and I like MMOs, but the grind is too much, and this just makes it unbearable.

The only other way to get the unlocks is spending a Truck load of Cartel points, one unlock is 900 and if you have 12 chars, that's 10800, that's $80 for just one upgrade, EA has gone Dollar blind.

I have no problem paying a monthly fee or micro transactions for extra stuff, but there is nothing Micro about this, and this is on top of monthly fees.


I bet if the game hadn't gone free to play, these upgrades would have been account wide, it was probably intended that way from the start, after f2p they just thought they could milk it.

It's things like this that chase away the subs market, in my opinion F2P is killing the MMO market.


I don't even think i'm gonna bother playing out the rest of the month, cya all in another MMO universe sometime.

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I think we should at least have the option to pay more and get something for legacy.. But I have no issue with the way Bioware is currently handling it.. Wether I pay more and buy it legacy or buy it for each character makes little difference.. :) Edited by MajikMyst
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This was one of the things I was looking forward to in SWTOR.

I loved KOTOR, and I like MMOs, but the grind is too much, and this just makes it unbearable.

The only other way to get the unlocks is spending a Truck load of Cartel points, one unlock is 900 and if you have 12 chars, that's 10800, that's $80 for just one upgrade, EA has gone Dollar blind.

I have no problem paying a monthly fee or micro transactions for extra stuff, but there is nothing Micro about this, and this is on top of monthly fees.


I have 6 characters.. 4 republic and 2 lowbie imperial.. I only have one that does space missions.. I have one that does PVP.. I have one that does end game PVE.. For the most part the rest were intended to get me all 4 buffs.. Nobody says you have to buy every perk for every character.. But there really isn't anything wrong with how they did things.. It is expensive to you because you have a need to buy every perk for every character.. And that is also fine.. If you want the perk on all your characters then there is nothing wrong with paying for them.. Just saying..


I would also like to point out that over 95% of the stuff found on the Cartel Market can be found the on the GTN.. The only thing that isn't on the GTN is the outfits and equipment.. Other than that, it can all be bought on the GTN for credits.. Pets, toys, speeders, unlocks, can all be found on the GTN..


The OP is asking for the option to buy something legacy.. I can't argue with an option.. More options are good.. And like the OP said, it should cost more...


I am sorry to see you leave.. I am also sorry that you don't see the way it is as being reasonable.. Speeder training for a lowbie is 40k.. This can be purchased at lvl 10.. Where it used to be lvl 25 for 25k.. Speeders are insanely cheap.. Especially if you have the digital upgrade for $10 then a speeder is free.. All your characters will have a speeder then.. This speeder also scales as your training increases.. So it will be a lvl 3 speeder when you reach 40 and can train.. I guess I am just not understanding what the issue is.. There has never been legecy speeder training.. I really don't think their should be..

Edited by MajikMyst
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