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Active Players = 1st priority on names for transfers


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The title says it all. My issue with transfering to the new destination server (whatever that server may be) is transferring there and possibly being forced to change all of my character names and Legacy name. I think if Bioware would be kind enough to allow active players that transfer the 1st choice on names over an inactive player on that server, that would solve alot of headaches.


It would certainly make me feel a whole lot better, and I doubt I only speak for myself.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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It would cause just as many headaches as it would fix. I don't see why they would do this, and this is coming from someone on a mostly dead server that will end up having to transfer all three of my level 50s and two that are on their way, possibly losing names.


It's pretty much standard practice with any kind of MMO server transfer that the transferring player is the one to have a forced named change in the event that their name is already taken. Don't expect them to try to change that.

Edited by Celebrus
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I asked this for the question of the week, however just the way they timed the annocment it sets it up for the question to become moot.


I pretty much said shouldn't the person that is actively subbed get the same automatically and if both people were subbed the first person to have the name would keep it.


They could also have it so both people have to change the name and first come first serve kind of thing.

Or just make it so that both people could keep their name but somewhere within their title it would present their origin server.


I find it frusterating that I'm going to have to change at least two of my toons names that I've had for 5+ months. I do think its more important to be able to play with a group of people again, I just think its crummy how they are dealing with this. They way I look at it is, I'm paying 15 bucks a month for them to come up with a solution that fits my needs and the needs of all the other subs. They shouldn't be catering to potential customers with something like that. People get tied to their toons names and I think most people would agree that moving servers in the first place isn't the comsumers fault and that being forced to change your name on top of it is even more of a downer.

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