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Regarding server queues


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All during pre launch ppl were telling me that the servers were not running at full capacity and that they would increase the limit on them after launch, ist this in anyway true or are we forever captives of the evil guildkilling, funsucking quemonster?


Seems like instead of increasing they decreased it. Never before had queue on my server, not 9 am and it's full? Even in there were people that would run to shop to buy SWTOR first thing in a morning that also wouldn't peorder beforehand, it just doesn't seem possible to have so many of them to tip almost all pre-launch servers from light like in every day of EGA at this hour, to full.


Unless this is intended as method of herding, by decreasing limits on old servers new people are scared away from them and roll on new ones.

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Do think you have lowered capacity to force people onto launch servers. However what about everyone else who is already playing...


Need to queue to be with our guilds, and when we do get in - at 9am - the servers despite a 200+ queue are a ghost town, with no more than 30 people to an area...

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Why did not they close or disable character creation on the already full, very heavy servers at start for a day or two. Oh wait couse it would have solved everything, instead they monitoring the population..


Estimated wait time less than 25 min= waiting for 30 min already, and still 227 pos. I moved about 30 position :p

Edited by Guinden
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If it is herding, it hasnt worked. If you were that intent on pushing people onto new servers you should have locked charecter creation on the existing ones for a day or two.


And what about people that want to play with friends that preordered? They're screwed? Two days taken away from their free 30?


That would probably hit them harder.

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This sucks, 08:52 in the am on launch day and I have a 172 ppl in front of me which equates to about an hour wait. I understand the need to limit user capacity on servers but this only damages BW's rep, they should have done it differently like blocking char creation, or started to increasee the server caps already!
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If it is herding, it hasnt worked. If you were that intent on pushing people onto new servers you should have locked charecter creation on the existing ones for a day or two.


As well as realise that having ONE server of a specific type doesn't herd people onto other servers it just adds to the queues.


More than one English EU RP-PVP server please!


And while you are at it same for German and French too!

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If it is herding, it hasnt worked. If you were that intent on pushing people onto new servers you should have locked charecter creation on the existing ones for a day or two.


Yea, lock character creation on constantly full servers, come on. Its 10 AM GMT+1 and European servers are already full

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The problem does not actually come from the servers, there is in fact a very known and common bug, located between many player's chair and keyboard. It's called not being smart (aka being a standard player).


"Hey, I just got my access to the game ! Which server should I pick ? Light ? No. Standard ? No. Heavy ? No. I'll go with VERY HEAVY servers, so I can participate in increasing the queue size !"

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lol. its 8:50 AM. I am already in the queue. As I assumed its getting worse. I think it will be definitively end of my SWTOR story.


Yeah same here, 30-40min queue on a euro server at 9.30 in the morning? Can't wait to see how fun it'll be to get online tonight...


On the other hand its official release day, i suppose that adds quite some traffic. If this would continue for several weeks though, im not so sure any in my guild would stay around.

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yeah, here we go:



"Queues. There will be more servers. Pop caps will be raised. If you don't want to queue, I would consider another server."


now, while i respect that they want people to look into migrating to other servers, at this point the majority of my guild is in the early 30's and would rather just stop playing the game. we're playing on the server we were designated during the deployment phase of guild creation and feel it's unfair that WE should be penalised for the decision of other players. that's not to say we want preferencial treatment, we just want to be able to play on the server that was chosen for us.


it's now 8:58AM, just about 3 hours after the servers have come back up, and Tomb of Freedon Nadd already has a queue of around 200 people. this evening that queue will go up to about 1800. so my question is:



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Ahh, 323 person queue, get to character select but server select is still up - nice. All buttons available, click play, nothing, re-queue...259 people, get in, connection gets iffy for a few seconds and back to a 200+ queue.




I'd always associated bioware with pretty quality games, my opinion after seeing how they handled an MMO (and how all the lessons from MMO past have been ignored) is dropping, rapidly.


The next communication regarding this situation will probably determine how long my wife & I will be around. She's *already* back in Rift and unfortunately for me, apparently losing interest in Swtor after all this. Bleh.


How long until you begin guild/individual server transfers, please?


Again, just a quick 'Don't worry, we have a solution just be patient' or a 'The fix is to wait until enough people stop even bothering to try to log in' and I'll have my answer.


I may like the game itself but if there's one thing I despise it's feeling like complaints regarding a service I've paid for are falling on either deaf or impotent ears, as well as being replied to with an empty pre-canned statement that offers little in the way of actual substance.

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