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Regarding server queues


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8:30 CET and waiting in queue.


Didnt someone suggest it would be fixed by launch? Now its that day and I dread the queues over the next few weeks.


It can't be a good business model to rely on people to get bored of waiting in line to actually fix the lines...


Someone made a huge infrastructure design mistake in this game. And the game and community will suffer from it.

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I wonder, how do you expect them to fix it? I doubt they can magically lift the limit on the amount of people that can be on whenever there's a queue? Atm I see most of the new servers at "light", but nearly all the old ones on Very heavy or full. That means the majority of new players is going to the old servers (I know, they probably have friends there). If everyone wants to play on a full server to avoid being stuck on an empty on, this will go nowhere, bioware can't fix that.



Well, then they failed at closing the full server. Friends or not, thats just to bad, they would have to find another server and let the rest play. They can't just sit there looking at it forever can they?

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I logged on at 07:30 this morning (uk time) only to find im placed 300+ in a que for my server while there are 13 other english server all with 'Light' populations ... wouldnt it have been a good idea to shut some of the server prior to them filling up and forcing ppl to take a server that is less populated ... I didnt pay for early access only to find that I can no longer get onto my server without at least a 20 min que.


IMHO either set up free character (or guild) server migrations for those ppl wanting to reduce their que times, migrated characters that are unguilded, or shut the currently overloaded servers for NEW applicants so that the trafic can be more evenly spread.


I have LOVED playing this game during beta and the early access... but 1 of the easiest ways to lose customers (including long standing fans) is to have ppl in 20min + ques to play their game... this needs sorting asap or im sure bioware will begin to lose ppl back to other mmo's ... this game has MASSIVE potential, and it is by far the best written and concieved game I have EVER played, but im already frustrated with the que times and can see this ruining my experience (and many others)



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but 1 of the easiest ways to lose customers (including long standing fans) is to have ppl in 20min + ques to play their game... this needs sorting asap or im sure bioware will begin to lose ppl back to other mmo's ... this game has MASSIVE potential, and it is by far the best written and concieved game I have EVER played, but im already frustrated with the que times and can see this ruining my experience (and many others)




yup im already pissed :p aprox 15min...im waiting like 30minutes and only half moved lmao

Edited by RaptorClown
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Seriously. What's done is done, there is an issue, do something about it.


If you cant-wont raise the server capacity give us the option TO FREE TRANSFER to a less populated server of the same category, and make sure there is such one. Transfers may be a serious hassle for you, dissatisfied paying customers is a WHOLE lot worse. Dont go there...

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Seriously Bioware, this is frustrating seeing your own server as full and so many to be light or standard, fix this **** or me and all my guild members will cancel our subsciptions, this is NOT a way to keep your customers, if this continues i expect to see a lot of players quitting after the first 30 days? Nobody wants to be in a queue for hours to play, when we log on we expect to play right away, that is the service we paid for, none of us payed to waste our time in stupid queues. And we will not continueue to pay to be in a queue.
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Didnt Warhammer Online lose a lot of their subscribers because of queue times...Dont people learn from other companie's mistakes ?


I expected queue times, it will always happen but I didnt expect a queue time that will take me 5hours to get in.

I have not expected queue times to START this early of the day...


Something is seriously wrong here. Bioware, please I beg you guys, use all your resources that you have available to fix this issue, if this is not fixed very soon you guys WILL lose customers.


This is a top priority ISSUE!

Edited by Tokashi_ZA
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So I second the request to open free Guild-vise migrations , or simply -LOCK- the servers that were at full capacity in Early access , and FORCE new people to go to the Low ones.


Same here on Sith Triumvirate, during preorder we had up to 3h queues and now it is 8.45h in the morning and the server is full... 300th in queue.


I fourth (force would be better ;-)) that request above.


It is especially bad for us who are member of guilds which were forced to play on those servers...

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Didnt Warhammer Online lose a lot of their subscribers because of queue times...Dont people learn from other companie's mistakes ?


Not rly, I was playing WAR since beta and experienced queues only for few days after official release. After 3 months thay actually started to close servers due to low population.

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Didnt Warhammer Online lose a lot of their subscribers because of queue times...Dont people learn from other companie's mistakes ?


I expected queue times, it will always happen but I didnt expect a queue time that will take me 5hours to get in.

I have not expected queue times to START this early of the day...


Something is seriously wrong here. Bioware, please I beg you guys, put all your resources that you have to fix this issue, if this is not fixed very soon you guys WILL lose customers.




If they want to balance this, they should indeed make free server transfers available. I know plenty of people that wqould be willing to migrate to another server but will not (understandably) leave the work they've done for the last days behind and start over fresh.


I mean a queue of max 30-40 mins at peak hours is.. well not okay but understandable..


this same queue and higher at well the lowest hour usually? gamne-breaker

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The Red Eclipse server

joined queue at 7am GMT

no. 124 in line

been waiting 40 odd mins so far



not me a guildie, kinda glad i woke up early now



not shocked tbh but yeah a little suprised to see queues this early as we didnt get them till gone 4pm yesterday, guess everyone took the day off work :D

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I third that request


In 2011 a lot of gamers have an established network of online friends. They want to play with them. Some preordered. Some didnt. They still need to play on the same server as their network to actually have a lasting MMO experience.


I dont want my friends to quit the game. I dont want them to play on another server.


A poor infrastructure choice from EA/Bioware divides the community. Would Facebook be what it is if they said "Sorry, you cant have friends in Wales" or "Sorry, you cant communicate with your friend because we've decided that you need to be on another server".


The "server" is a poor design choice. They should have chosen to use resources to make a global communication central and rely on the already implemented instancing system to controll population.


The huge ambitions for the game show in a very polished game. Sadly the lack of ambitions for community building is also reflecting on the MMO experience the game give.

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awesome - just wanted to check my auctions on Bloodworthy before work and already theres a large queue at 7.30am! WTH Bioware - thought this would be sorted today at launch. They are going to lose a lot of custom at the end of the grace period if this isn't fixed fast. I will not pay for something I can't play when I want to
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If Anything and judging by Time, it should be aright in about 30 mins That's IF people are going to work today


well, a lot of people have early christmas break + ToFN is stuffed already and in EU most ppl should be working or be in school by now.

It really puzzles me. How come ToFN can be full if there are like 50 ppl on Coruscant or Ord Mantell even? Are server caps that low?

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Not rly, I was playing WAR since beta and experienced queues only for few days after official release. After 3 months thay actually started to close servers due to low population.


This is just a terrible answer ... think about what you have just suggested ... they shut the servers due to low population because ppl left BEFORE the long ques left them mentally crippled ... this WILL be a game breaking issue unless its delt with quickly, the free migration answer will prob be the best fix, but untill we get responses from bioware (i think they are gonna be busy today lol) we wont know which direction they will be taking this. =(


Response plz, let your customers know that we are NOt being ignored!?!

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