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Regarding server queues


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well, after 3 attempts to login to the server telling me I am in a queue, I am giving up.

I will not be subscribing to this game unless things significantly improve.

Queueing whilst I am not currently paying for this game is one thing. Queueing at my expense is another. I have better things to do with my money/time.

There may be a simple solution, there may not but either way, if I'm paying good money, I expect to be able to play what I want, when I want.


Guild Wars 2 anyone?

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Here's an idea for you, go buy a product that you want to use right now, that costs about 60.00.

Been there, done that...

Did I return the product? Nope. I waited patiently for things to work as they should. The problem was resolved within a week. When you're dealing with new stuff, new tech, new anything, you realize this HAPPENS. Crying, whining about it does nothing at all. It only makes you look childish.


Oh, and to say that this game 'does not work', is a flat out lie. That's right, it's a lie.

The game functions properly. You can even login to many servers with zero wait time whatsoever. The idea that you're entitled to just login and play with your friends whenever, wherever you want is not correct. Of COURSE you can't do whatever you want, whenever you want.. To expect as much is, again, childish. To run around demanding

fix this immediately, damnit, or we leave

is just childish.


Ea/BW have acknowledged the problem. They've given suggestions to temporarily get around it, and demanding that they attend to you personally is just immature and childish. They'll get the problem solved. In the mean time, FIND ANOTHER SERVER. There are PLENTY of non full servers out there.

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Been there, done that...

Did I return the product? Nope. I waited patiently for things to work as they should. The problem was resolved within a week. When you're dealing with new stuff, new tech, new anything, you realize this HAPPENS. Crying, whining about it does nothing at all. It only makes you look childish.


Oh, and to say that this game 'does not work', is a flat out lie. That's right, it's a lie.

The game functions properly. You can even login to many servers with zero wait time whatsoever. The idea that you're entitled to just login and play with your friends whenever, wherever you want is not correct. Of COURSE you can't do whatever you want, whenever you want.. To expect as much is, again, childish. To run around demanding


is just childish.


Ea/BW have acknowledged the problem. They've given suggestions to temporarily get around it, and demanding that they attend to you personally is just immature and childish. They'll get the problem solved. In the mean time, FIND ANOTHER SERVER. There are PLENTY of non full servers out there.


Do you work for BW/EA ? lol


We paid, we expect.

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Been there, done that...

Did I return the product? Nope. I waited patiently for things to work as they should. The problem was resolved within a week. When you're dealing with new stuff, new tech, new anything, you realize this HAPPENS. Crying, whining about it does nothing at all. It only makes you look childish.


Oh, and to say that this game 'does not work', is a flat out lie. That's right, it's a lie.

The game functions properly. You can even login to many servers with zero wait time whatsoever. The idea that you're entitled to just login and play with your friends whenever, wherever you want is not correct. Of COURSE you can't do whatever you want, whenever you want.. To expect as much is, again, childish. To run around demanding


is just childish.


Ea/BW have acknowledged the problem. They've given suggestions to temporarily get around it, and demanding that they attend to you personally is just immature and childish. They'll get the problem solved. In the mean time, FIND ANOTHER SERVER. There are PLENTY of non full servers out there.


There are reasonable people out there afterall. Phew, cheers for the post and I couldn't agree more.

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We paid, we expect.

You can 'expect' whatever you want. You 'paid' to play a game. Well, you CAN play the game. You CAN even play the game without queues. go to the server page, find a server that has no queue (isn't full), roll onto that server. Problem solved.


You have NOT paid for the service, you've paid for the game, and it CAN be easiliy played with no queuing whatsoever. Don't want to play without your friends? Bring them with you. Don't want to play without your guild? Fine, then disband the guild, move it onto the server you're on. Simple, easy enough.


All this entitlement crap is sickening. You're NOT entitled to play wherever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want. You're entitled to play the game, nothing more.

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I figured out the trick to beat the wait times...


About 2-3 hours before you get off of work drive home. Launch SWTOR. Start waiting in queue. Drive back to work... Pretend to work and troll SWTOR forums. Go home. Go to computer. Kicked off for being idle too long. Join queue again. Wait 2 hours. Play 1 hour before bed.

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I am so amazed. Some people even after massive corporation spits into your face, and insulting their intelligence with cheap bull... statements like "we cannot promise" (translating for less intelligent ppl: There will be queues and we do not care, you poor as....s lol !), they will still defend them lol. I guess it will be not hard to convince you to publish your credit card details on this forum .... :)
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No offense but with all the beta's that were done and the boasting of how many users you had during beta, it doesn't seem that the data was put to very good use if we are having wait times this bad. Looks like it's time for another EA/BW server farm to be constructed. Virtualize those and get em movin! :)
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You are such a sad person.


Actually, just the opposite. I'm quite happy. You see, I follow my own advice, and instead of whining about

waaah, there's 5 hour queues, waaah, fix this immediately, waaah, I wanna play where I wanna play

I'm PLAYING THE GAME. Close to 2 days logged since Thursday night, and you know what? I'm quite happy. No queues, no problems, no issues whatsoever. That's what happens when you follow logical advice, you are happy.

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You can 'expect' whatever you want. You 'paid' to play a game. Well, you CAN play the game. You CAN even play the game without queues. go to the server page, find a server that has no queue (isn't full), roll onto that server. Problem solved.


You have NOT paid for the service, you've paid for the game, and it CAN be easiliy played with no queuing whatsoever. Don't want to play without your friends? Bring them with you. Don't want to play without your guild? Fine, then disband the guild, move it onto the server you're on. Simple, easy enough.


All this entitlement crap is sickening. You're NOT entitled to play wherever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want. You're entitled to play the game, nothing more.


H, interesting statement. You need to understand that tomorrow these low populated servers will become full, and so one for next few months. So I CANNOT PAY CHAR ABOVE LEV 20. But I understand some ppl do not see this simple concept. According to UK low, this product is not complete than. So I want refund.

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I am so amazed. Some people even after massive corporation spits into your face, and insulting their intelligence with cheap bull... statements like "we cannot promise" (translating for less intelligent ppl: There will be queues and we do not care, you poor as....s lol !), they will still defend them lol. I guess it will be not hard to convince you to publish your credit card details on this forum .... :)


God damnit mate I LOVE YOU! Right to the bullseye! Couldn't have said it better myself.


Some people are sheep, and they like it that way. :D But no matter what Umbrella Corporation comes back stronger every time... oh wait did I say Umbrella... i meant Bioware

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*Pfffft!!!!* ROFL!


The current queue debacle is 100% on Bioware.


THEY know the pre-order numbers. THEY assigned the servers. The game isn't even RELEASED yet and we have 2+hr queues.


It's the biggest screw up of this entire release and one of the few things that could destroy the games out of the gate potential.


read the quote I quoted weirdo....... /sarcasm much? I agree with you you tool

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I hope that mainstance tomorrow will be useful and something happened with queques, or this would be worst and worst.... Legions of Lettow queque since 2 PM (CET+1) and growing from 200 people until now 7:30 PM to 1200 people. Really terrible.
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H, interesting statement. You need to understand that tomorrow these low populated servers will become full.

You can't say that, because you don't KNOW what's coming down the road.

If they are left as they are, then they'll probably get a bit loaded down, but that's alright too.

I don't think Bioware is stupid enough to leave them as they are, however. They know the problem, they've said they're looking into it, you just need to give them time to do so. The world doesn't revolve around you, it doesn't revolve around me, it doesn't revolve around any single individual. They'll fix the problem in due time.

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