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Regarding server queues


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Didnt take the time to read everything just stating queue time.

1 pm wednesday 21 december , on the RP-PVP server (the ONLY english one called Lord Calipho) theres a 40 minute queue time indication , place 600 in the list.

This server was FULL during the early access. Why did they not make another RP-PVP server? they dont have enough money? i highly doubt it . Even a 4 year old would be able to think far enough to prevent all this qq

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This is a complete joke. After official release Bassilisk Droid is seeing an increased queue size of around 400-500 also this is now around 4 hours earlier in the day (Where before official release there was no queues). I just want to know why the hell new accounts were allowed to join a server which was already full... are they complete idiots? could Bioware not have stopped it? I will say that a server transfer option needs to be implemented extremely soon or i for one will be leaving this game fairly soon.
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I agree with most of the people here. We payed to play not to wait in a que. We can understand that this is something you guys did not take into account, however I think you can at least speed up the process and do the followings:

- Contact WoW or EVE Online gdevs teams and ask for help in this matter, if you ask me, or

- Instantly deploy extra machines for designated server name so you can encompass a more increasing number of players, and lastly



I think it's just fair, don't you think so? :)



Cristi Antohi

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There is a new sticky up which properly talks about the server queues though I think I'm gonna post in both.


11:58am on a weekday (albeit the kiddies are off now with the holiday season upon us) and I'm position 541. Oh well.... Least there doing something about the d/c re queue issue.


Hopefully FSCTs will come soon enough and me and my 9 guild mates can move to a light population server. Shame we'll have to pay for the guild and stuff and possibly have one person lose there name.

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Well this is how bad the queues are logged in at 10:20am GMT at place 500 in the queue its now 12.01pm and im 134 in the queue yet the wait time was only 40 minutes when i joined so its currently been 1 hour 40 mins and i still got 130 places to go haha so looking at 2 hours to get in for a 40 min wait time, probably get 30 mins to an hour before i need to go to work.


Thanks BW great thing woot woot

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Getting beyond a joke now started queueing 35 mins ago and Ive advanced a entire 130 places in that time still at 544 so gonna take a couple of hours more.


These servers that had 30min+ queues during headstart should have been locked to new chars unless the account A: had a char there already B: was part of a guild placed there.


Its turning into a joke TBH 2.5 hrs to play a game we essentially pay per day for and heavens forbid we get logged out or like myself was only logging for a hr at luncthime then I'll have to repeat this process again tonight.


5 hours of today will be spent queueing at best guess which is simply not acceptable.

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I really hope Bioware will spend some of our subscription money on community personell. The fact that they hardly ever post anything to let us know exactly WHAT they are doing - just really shows how bad their customer support is.


they need to replace Stephen Reid at the very least most useless person i have ever seen, all he ever says is "just go re-roll on a different server" as if that's an acceptable response.

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650 in the que at 1205GMT on a Wednesday....great!


It says 40 min wait, but considering it was a 40 min awit when I was 300approx in the que, I somehow doubt I will be waiting only 40 mins.



The game is released now - I do not think I will buy it and I will most likely bow out at this point. I am not paying £30+ for a product I have to wait 1.5hrs to use each time.

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Hydian Way EU, estimated wait 35+ minutes, queue 500+, time 11.51am GMT. What the hell is going on? If your servers can't handle the population, bloody well either increase capacity, or lock them, this is getting idiotic.


That's my server too. I went there with a guild, have four characters on it and starting on another server isn't an attractive option.


I can't help thinking that the whole pre-launch guild distribution thing has been bit of a disaster.


The queue I'm currently in was <25 minutes when I joined 30 minutes ago and I'm still not halfway through it. The really irritating thing is that I've only got about two hours to play at a time.


I'm not entirely sure if, how or when this problem will be resolved but I'll see how it goes over this month and base my subscription decision accordingly. No point paying for a game that takes almost half my play-time just to log into.

Edited by Gibbonici
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