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Regarding server queues


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I emailed support about the Q's, and I'll admit it was more out of frustration. This is the reply I got;




I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, human cyborg relations.


We are currently aware that there are long queue times on some of our available servers. If you are trying to enter a server and you are encountering a very long queue, we strongly encourage that you consider selecting a different server. Many of our available servers do not have long queue times and selecting one of these will get you into the game quicker.


We expect populations across all of these servers to remain very healthy so with that in mind; please do not hesitate to select a server that has a shorter queue time to begin enjoying the game faster.


We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter. If you have any other issues or queries then please do not hesitate to contact us further.


Galactic support is our specialty….




Protocol Droid M0-T0

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Support


Laughable is all I can say. My guild was PUT on Red Eclipse EU by BW so that my guildies could play together, you know as guilds do. And then they tell me to find a less populated server. Laughable.


Still, over 2 hours wait again this evening.



Yep. Utterly ridiculous when they, Bioware, put people (aka entire guilds) on those servers.


So, Guild Deployment was just a marketing hype joke, in the end. Wow. I expect this stuff from SOE . . . didn't from Bioware. Live and learn.

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... Many of our available servers do not have long queue times ...


lol when was the last time they checked the circuits of that droid, there is exactly 1 other Ger-PVP Server without a queue and even if there where more I don't see why I should start over after playing 10 hours on my server and have some friends on it too.

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one specific flaw to mention in the queue times (other then 3 hours of queue and having few but long spike lags)


the timers that calculates the average wait is far off. i don't know if it's because you slowed down the log in process to scare off people from Bloodworthy(EU) or it has been a simple miscalculation. but on average the timer is only half of what it actually is. this is a flaw that several guildmates and quite a few people on the server has noticed.


esimating is not a science bud...when my que pops, i want you to tell the next in line when im going to stop playing

Edited by DontForceMeBro
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I`m playing swtor since received a pre access

I thought that I`ve found best game, it`s my success.

Three days of my life were for me like a song

Until I`ve found that the queues had been long


I tried to log-out, I selected new server,

Too later I found that`ve decayed whole service,

I`m crying embracing my retail game case

Not log-ining till capacity will extremely raise!


Again and again

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well here are some options:

1. (obviously) wait and put up with some severe que time on SOME servers.

2. for now, play on a less populated server.

3. cancel your pre-order.


overall just quit your *****in, im sure this will not be an issue after launch as im sure they will want to keep their customers (yes even you doing all your whining)


You missed a spot. Not sure why you'd come to a thread that's clearly about long wait times and then flame people who have an issue with it. I'm guessing it's an attention thing. /shrug


Long lines suck. For me and thousands of others, the game has already launched. If there's some magical fix that'll happen after the "launch date" you're referring to, why wait? Make me and thousands of other customers happy now.

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I'm giving Bioware until the 22nd to fix this problem. (I believe we are allowed to play until the 22nd since they had a 2 day Grace Period)??


I didn't read into that, so if someone could enlighten me on that claim, then I'd be happy.


i believe thats correct ... theyre giving the 2 days to allow for preorders being shipped and not arriving in time to peoples houses

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You missed a spot. Not sure why you'd come to a thread that's clearly about long wait times and then flame people who have an issue with it. I'm guessing it's an attention thing. /shrug


Long lines suck. For me and thousands of others, the game has already launched. If there's some magical fix that'll happen after the "launch date" you're referring to, why wait? Make me and thousands of other customers happy now.


because im in a que smart guy ... differnece is, im not whining, im dealing with it ... /facepalm


its the weekend ... games not officially out

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FYI in case you don't follow the various devs on twitter, they all have stated that right now their is an artificial population cap on all the servers, and that the caps will keep getting raised as they approach official launch.


This is really a lose lose for BW. Either they remove the caps and the servers get hammered causing them to crash, and then people will keep complaining about the servers being down. Or they cap the servers and we get queue times, but the servers stay up.


Server scaling is a delicate act and if they don't scale the server correctly we get really annoying downtimes.


Bottom line cut them some slack, as population caps become removed and more capacity is added the queues will go away. I'm sure they are also capping some of the high population servers to get people to populate the other servers, everything will work out in due time.

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what? there are ques for wow's servers and that can happen MONTHS after a release of a content patch or expac release. it all has to do with the fact that to preserve hardware integrety they can only handle so many people being proccessed in at one time. if you just let everyone in you would get server crashes and then no one plays.




Uhm big differance comparing this to wow in player base. At times of wow xpacs release they had anywhere from 10-12 million people, I hardly doubt swtor has a quarter of that yet. So uhm ya no wow comparison on player base plz. Ty though and do come again!

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I was originally ecstatic about SWTOR coming out over my month long Christmas break of college. Even more so that I had the potential to get on the 13th, just a couple days in to the break. I received my early access on the 15th, but have only reached level 21. Why?


Every day, I wake up and fire up my computer. I go cook lunch and eat while I am in que. I then get on to play but within a couple or so hours just right when I'm getting in the heat of it, a brief disconnect happens. So I log back on, jump in que, and turn around to watch some TV or do some online shopping while I wait. I get back on, and then it's time for dinner. I remain ever vigilant to return to the computer every now and then to hit my up arrow key to remain un-afk.


This wasn't so bad the first couple of days. But today is a different story. Maybe it's just the weekend and everyone is online, and a constant flux of people are getting their invites. I don't even want to imagine launch night. I have probably gotten about 20 minutes of play time total today since I got up. Frequent disconnects from the server (not on my end), and then queing back up. As a matter of fact, I wrote this to pass time while in que. But on to what I want to say...


Bioware, EA, Origin, whoever...I love your game, dearly. I am an ex WoW player who kept following that game through thick and thin until I just couldn't anymore. This is pretty much my new MMO that I wish to dedicate all of my sad time to. But, if you continue these ques with the excuse you gave, this game has already failed. Also, I wish you had better customer service. All I want to do is change my email from one to another but the constant excuse I get is, "It takes a lot of resources to do that." No, it doesn't. Thanks for your time.

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I was originally ecstatic about SWTOR coming out over my month long Christmas break of college. Even more so that I had the potential to get on the 13th, just a couple days in to the break. I received my early access on the 15th, but have only reached level 21. Why?


Every day, I wake up and fire up my computer. I go cook lunch and eat while I am in que. I then get on to play but within a couple or so hours just right when I'm getting in the heat of it, a brief disconnect happens. So I log back on, jump in que, and turn around to watch some TV or do some online shopping while I wait. I get back on, and then it's time for dinner. I remain ever vigilant to return to the computer every now and then to hit my up arrow key to remain un-afk.


This wasn't so bad the first couple of days. But today is a different story. Maybe it's just the weekend and everyone is online, and a constant flux of people are getting their invites. I don't even want to imagine launch night. I have probably gotten about 20 minutes of play time total today since I got up. Frequent disconnects from the server (not on my end), and then queing back up. As a matter of fact, I wrote this to pass time while in que. But on to what I want to say...


Bioware, EA, Origin, whoever...I love your game, dearly. I am an ex WoW player who kept following that game through thick and thin until I just couldn't anymore. This is pretty much my new MMO that I wish to dedicate all of my sad time to. But, if you continue these ques with the excuse you gave, this game has already failed. Also, I wish you had better customer service. All I want to do is change my email from one to another but the constant excuse I get is, "It takes a lot of resources to do that." No, it doesn't. Thanks for your time.




Excellent words typed my friend.

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This would be a lot more reasonable if the game was even released yet. There are a lot of people waiting to buy it when it hits the store shelves and we are in hours of queues days before the release. You guys knew exactly how many people pre-ordered this is a very poor responce.
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Why the wait times? other mmorpgs you log onto and get straight in!


ok my main moan is to all you guys who say just play a less populated server. Why?

I am developing a character in a chosen server, i don't want to start another.

Now if they can let you select your character first and then select a server to play on that would solve many problems with the long waits.

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FYI in case you don't follow the various devs on twitter, they all have stated that right now their is an artificial population cap on all the servers, and that the caps will keep getting raised as they approach official launch.


This is really a lose lose for BW. Either they remove the caps and the servers get hammered causing them to crash, and then people will keep complaining about the servers being down. Or they cap the servers and we get queue times, but the servers stay up.


Server scaling is a delicate act and if they don't scale the server correctly we get really annoying downtimes.


Bottom line cut them some slack, as population caps become removed and more capacity is added the queues will go away. I'm sure they are also capping some of the high population servers to get people to populate the other servers, everything will work out in due time.


Excellent words typed my friend.


and to all the whining whiners, whining from there whine holes ... my que popped ... wait or play on another server for the time being ... after the 20th complain away

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Excellent words typed my friend.


and to all the whining whiners, whining from there whine holes ... my que popped ... wait or play on another server for the time being ... after the 20th complain away


It really isn't whining when they knew exactly how many people pre-ordered and they made the problem worse with their pre formed guilds. So now what leave your guild behind to go to a new server? Isn't that against what they had planned all along?

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me wonders now. To all those who did beta, Do you recall during the survey( after you played the beta stress test and what not) if you did take the surney. There was a question that stands out to me clear as day. The question was, and correct me if I'm wrong:



Q. " What is an acceptable amount of time to wait in que for"



A1. Less then 15 minutes

A2. 15-30 minutes

A3. 30-45 minutes

A4. 45-60+ minutes



Now this got me thinking, either the people that did this just blew it off and selected A4. as their answer to be *******, or ( and I think its this one) you guys never paid attention to those surveys so infact you guys ninja'd wasted my time on me prior to the pre-release waste of my time. Tries Bien, smooth move ******es! t(-_-t)

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This is so stupid i've queued got to the last 10 and then got disconnected from the queue and had to requeue from the start.


That's 45mins queues back to back just to play your stupid game. All cos you were to silly to program grace for those who are disconnected. or to naive to program free paid character transfers.


THis is really messy and unprofessional. Stupid to say the least. I was looking forward to play SWTOR and waiting in queues. FIX YOUR GAME NOW!!!!!!

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