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Regarding server queues


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Another angry post about paying a monthly fee to play a game and sit in queues.


1. Enable free server transfers to light servers for any players on a server listed as "full", issue will resolve itself within days.


2. Refund game time until you fix your server balance issue.




If they would listen to this guy, the problems would definitely balance themselves out!! Its not too off and its a definite simple fix.



If they gave you the option to Rate replies i would give ***** (5 Stars) !!!

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I have the perfect solution for dealing with this situation. Everyone here (who is on the helm of Graush server) should boycott the game for the next 5 days. Then I will use that time to log into the server with no queue at all. giving me a chance to actually play this game. :):):):):):)
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Another dissatisfied customer....


"While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable"


I hope you are taking this seriously, you have nearly 800 pages of posts on the forums from upset paying customers like myself.


You actually can promise that there won't ever be queues if you removed the queue system and provided an infrastructure that would support your game.

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This has probably been discussed to death but I understand queues, though on some servers they seem inordinately long. What I don't understand is the lack of grace period, for example, tonight I get in the game, my internet hiccups and I get disconnected, I now have to wait through the queue again even though I was able to reconnect seconds after my original disconnect.


That is stupid.

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Big LOLZ on this start. Its a one shot thing, you get in after waiting hours, play for a bit till the client crashes, then done for the night cause there is no more time in the evening to wait two more hours in que. Ive got three guildies who have not played hardly at all cause they get home at peak hours and sit in a que while they bs in vent. Then have to log cause they spent their two hour play time waiting. This has been a really sad start for me. I had better hopes from bio on this one. Doesn't matter how good a game is, its not going to last long if you lose the people to other games before it gets off the ground.
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Between this post and the last post that was made and now "Full" there have been over 7,000 replies, here is an idea to get their attention, flood their support about the excessive queue times.





Toll Free #: 1-855-GO-SWTOR(467-9867)


Don't be passive and just reply here where they can ignore you, speak up and say something. If half the people email, call, and demand refunds paying a monthly fee for a game they have to wait in queues for, they will take notice.

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Don't be passive and just reply here where they can ignore you, speak up and say something. If half the people email, call, and demand refunds paying a monthly fee for a game they have to wait in queues for, they will take notice.


lol You make it sound like they won't ignore you there. When Origin messed up my cancellation (they were going to charge me for it anyways) it took me 6 tries over the course of 2 days to get anyone to even speak to me. Most just took the call and then hung up before I even said word one.

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I'm really confused at those defending the company. I love the game, don't get me wrong, but I'm a logical person that has played a lot of games in my life, and have played mmos dating back to Ultima Online and even text based games before that. I have never seen such a sloppy launch with such easy fixes. The problem with this launch hasn't been based off of technical difficulties, it's a lack of common sense that is coming off as a lack of concern for your customer base. The servers were shut down for 5 hours prior to the release of the game. The people that were allowed access before the official launch had to stop playing for 5 hours until the launch? I may be the only one, but I'm pretty sure people were expecting that an update or something would come in the meantime. Instead there was no update and when all of the new people coming into the game got it, the servers all appeared empty because all the people who were on early access were forced to log off 5 hours ago. The extra 10 servers appear at the time to have as few people on them as the servers that were set up ahead of time, and then all of the servers that were already full during early access are more full because new people are joining them. You can't expect people that already have lvl 20 and above characters to simply create a new character on another server. The only way to fix this is to allow free server transfers for at least characters, if not guilds as well. This game, by itself is absolutely amazing, but as soon as you look at the customer service, this game takes a horrible dive. EA was trying way to hard to save money on the servers and the customer should not be fooled by them saying that they are trying to make sure that we have enough people to play with in the long run. Just make server transfers free. The new servers are always listed as Light while the early access servers are always listed as having a wait. If you have the servers already up and running, and they're light, why not put more people on them if you're looking to make sure that all players have enough other people on their servers as well as making sure the players aren't experiencing a wait? This is an easy fix that was horribly done at release. This needs to be fixed, and it's not that complicated to do.


just to give you an idea of how this worked out - i've played almost whole day on newly created server specially for the launch.... in none of the zones even during pick time number of people went above 30... late evening only person that was on Taris was... me - i was alone in a whole zone.


i don't know what idea this company has for a well balanced population but i had to skip most if not all of the heroic content since there was literally no one to play with... yet on my old server there was 1k ppl+ in line. i did as BW asked was tired of waiting in lines and started on new realm with low pop... sigh. this is very disappointing experience especially that game has officially been released 20hrs ago :/


i want free character/guild transfer - if BW can't fix it - let players do it for you!

Edited by Mordecay
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You rolled us out and assigned the pre-launch guilds to servers. We have had long waits ever since. This is unacceptable. Launch more servers, or whatever you need to do. Solve this issue. If I have to wait an hour to play, every time I want to log in, I don't anticipate playing this game for long.
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Dear SWtOR team,


Your screwing up.

"We are monitoring the issue" when there are multiple 500+ threads is just making your customers angry. It feels just like, "Your call is important to us, please stay on the line" when you are put on hold. Customer service speak for, "get bent, we didn't bother to make talking to you a priority"


I realize that this is just a business for you.

But a lot of us really like the game and want to play it. Capiche?

Look! A customer that WANTS to give you money!


...I just can't anymore.


Several friends have chosen not to purchase the game, because of this issue.

The friends that have purchased the game, can't be on the same server at the same time with each other and have canceled their subscription. As have I. I'm not going to explain why we can't play together, as a few thousand people already HAVE in this thread. If you haven't seen that a que that says 15 minutes and takes 2 hours kills social gaming, you never will.


I realize your new to the MMO world, but this isn't new.

I would have hoped you all got together and discussed the 1000 predecessors failures at launch and came up with a plan.

I would like to think you have a plan now!

Here's an idea....shot in the dark....



Ill be back with my credit card if you get things ironed out.

Love the game by the way, good work.

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I don't normally complain, but when I sit through a 2 hr queue, finally get in, have the game crash on the loading screen, restart game as quick as I can only to find myself back at the end of a 2 hr queue I have to vent somehow.


Surely to god you should have a little grace period to log back in when this occurs instead of having to waste 4+ hours? This is beyond poor.

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I think that giving the option for players/guilds to swap servers now would be a good idea and the devs could work this way the balancing issue as well cos on my server there is no Rebelion to crush to the ground. Queues or no queues, I love the game it is a problem but lets hope it will get resolved.
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It's not that there are queues at all, it's that they are only on EGA servers.


The launch servers are dead. Empty. Launch is 24 hours old and I don't think one launch server got close to being filled.


Hence the need for server transfers of entire guilds.

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Early access servers should have been locked ... PERIOD, at least through the launch window of the first 30 days.


Many of the early access servers were already full and had queues. Letting the late comers who didn't pre-order onto them was just like unloading a tanker truck full of gasoline onto a raging inferno.


I'm in total disagreement with Bioware on this one. Their stance was that they wanted to let the retail launch people have an opportunity to play with their friends. Well.. those retail launch customers had 4 months to get off their butts, pre-order, organize guilds and get in on a server early access to be with their friends, but they couldn't be bothered. And now its making the situation worse for everyone since people are flocking to the FULL servers.


Again, I'm not saying lock the FULL early access servers down for the entire life of the game, just at least through the initial launch period and then when the population spreads out, open up the full servers for everyone.


I do agree the server i was on for head start was full on day 2 of head start. I do not believe that locking the servers is going to accomplish anything. the real issue is bioware's guild issue. bioware moved all the "Ready For Launch" guild to all the Head Start Servers which before anyone had started the game was apparently way to many people. instead of starting all the servers and having the guilds all spread out across them all. i would also be curious in how many orders from the start date have even loged into a head start server. i know i wouldn't. i also have not heard of them move any guilds around to reduce population from servers.


At the moment i currently have 2 choices. 1. Convince the entire guild to start a new toon on a new server. 2. leave my guild and friends and start a new toon alone on a new server.


i will be waiting to see what bioware does to fix there "server stability issue"

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If this SERVER QUE isn't fixed by Jan 20 i will be cancelling my subscription and going back to WOW. I believe the launch was a EPIC FAIL!!! I have roughly 3 hours to play on a work noght witch 30 min to and hour are wasted on que times, TRANSFER ME TO A LOW POPULATION PVP SERVER PLEASE.....
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