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Regarding server queues


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Walked out of my house for 5 minutes to buy a soda... came back to find myself punted. The punishment? A 660 person queue. Hoo...






... rah.


Bioware, I love everything about the game, but this is killing me... IT'S KILLING ME. I don't feel like I can ever walk away from the game to run minor errands, lest I get logged out.


Expand the servers, split the servers, OR FOR FRIGGIN' SAKES LAUNCH ANOTHER RP-PVP SERVER.

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I fire up my computer before I leave for work in the morning. Using a third party software I remotely log in a couple of hours before I head home and check the queue, if it's short I log out and check again in an hour, if it's long I just leave it up, that way, hopefully by the time I get home, play with kid, eat dinner, shower, put kid to bed, I only have 15 minutes or so left on the queue.


On the weekends, I log in early in the morning, I then stay logged in all day. I may only come and play for 20 minutes, then go do something else for 30 minutes, come back and play for an hour, leave for 20 minutes ect ect. I don't have macro's, I just try to check back often enough to not get kicked. Why? Because I have a life and a family, I get sporadic moments to myself where I can relax and do something I enjoy. I would normally just log out, but with 2 and 3 hour queues on my server (Harbinger... oops, had no idea it was oceanic) that would mean that I might get to play... eventually....


I understand launch queue's, their still balancing the servers, but 2+ hours are ridiculous, maybe 30 minutes or so for the first couple of weeks while everything is balanced out would be acceptable to me.


People being people (especially on the internet) they are going to rage, if the queue's were 5 minutes some people would still rage.


What I would like to see implemented though, is a "Grace Period" for when you get disconnected or the game crashes on you. You would have 5 or 10 minutes to log back in with no queue.


Just my 0.02.

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I am also probly goin to quit the game also, if this que stuff isnt fixed.


The easy fix is free transfers, for a limited time say 2 weeks.


This was a stupid stagged early launch. Easy thing dev's could of done for the early access would of capped the early access servers to say 60%, then on launch date removed that cap. Thats what i thought they would of done but nope.


So i want a free transfer to another server

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BW must do something fast...


Thwy have the money, the people and the items to do something if they want to be a reliable company. It is unacceptable for a company to make things before the launch to be prepared for the waiting time and fail at tha same time.


Every day i spend 1 hour waiting to enter to a game that i wanted to play. I gave my money before anything just to take some lvl's faster. I joined a guild together with friends and i spend lots of my hours to lvl up my char.


And now this game with the way that acts make me change server and do the same things that i pay to do before the launch?




This is something beyong of pathetic. The game prepared for massive gamers before and at the end were not prepared and dont have solutions ready. Only a sorry.


This is not serius. And what makes me angry is that i preorder the deluxe copy of the game for many personal reasons and finally i think that i needed just needed to buy the single copy and wait until the launch to just go to a low pop server...


Gratz for the guys that you pay for these kind of problems. For the guys that you pay to take care of these kinda problems...

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Just got home from work, ready to log on and....wait what??? Really, number 922 on a queue? Ok let me get this straight. I must be at a top level night club by mistake. 1 out, 1 in...really? Did I really pay $60 for the game, $400 for a computer and $15/ month subscription so I could play for 8 hours a month. What in the world is going on here? Is it me or are the people running the show over thinking this thing here? Why am I not instantly playing what I payed and waited for? Can someone enlighten me?
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Walked out of my house for 5 minutes to buy a soda... came back to find myself punted. The punishment? A 660 person queue. Hoo...






... rah.


Bioware, I love everything about the game, but this is killing me... IT'S KILLING ME. I don't feel like I can ever walk away from the game to run minor errands, lest I get logged out.


Expand the servers, split the servers, OR FOR FRIGGIN' SAKES LAUNCH ANOTHER RP-PVP SERVER.


here what you can do just keep your char waiting and you will not be kick out

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Just got home from work, ready to log on and....wait what??? Really, number 922 on a queue? Ok let me get this straight. I must be at a top level night club by mistake. 1 out, 1 in...really? Did I really pay $60 for the game, $400 for a computer and $15/ month subscription so I could play for 8 hours a month. What in the world is going on here? Is it me or are the people running the show over thinking this thing here? Why am I not instantly playing what I payed and waited for? Can someone enlighten me?


You paid $400 for a computer?


What's your cooling system like? A bunch of tethered seagulls flapping their wings?

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plenty of low pop servers folks.


It's not like playing for a week in early access doomed you to sit on the same server for the rest of your TOR life. Re-roll.


That's what I did, and I'm happy to say it works rather well to resolve the queue issues.

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plenty of low pop servers folks.


It's not like playing for a week in early access doomed you to sit on the same server for the rest of your TOR life. Re-roll.


That's what I did, and I'm happy to say it works rather well to resolve the queue issues.


There are NOT plenty of low-pop RP-PvP servers. In fact, we didn't get a single new one yesterday. Those of us on Jung Ma ARE TRAPPED.

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plenty of low pop servers folks.


It's not like playing for a week in early access doomed you to sit on the same server for the rest of your TOR life. Re-roll.


That's what I did, and I'm happy to say it works rather well to resolve the queue issues.


but you forgot something most players dont know how to wait and that is why most of them are mad and cant deal with it (i can deal with it and now im in the game now yay)

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


Folks, you need to get more servers up ASAP! And what happened to your initial plan to limit the release of copies? That plan lasted until you saw a total sell out within a week, then suddenly everyone and their mother can pre-order. Did the $$ blind you to the realities? Take a lesson from WoW: don't break plans to limit the number of initial copies. That happened when BC came out and Blizz had to work triple-time to fix the server loads. I'm seeing a repeat of history here.

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There are NOT plenty of low-pop RP-PvP servers. In fact, we didn't get a single new one yesterday. Those of us on Jung Ma ARE TRAPPED.


well I guess if you are locked into a RP-PVP server, then wait a few days, and I bet they launch another one. Or, since there really isn't any RP in MMOs much anymore (especially on PvP servers) roll a plain PvP server. ;)

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Folks, you need to get more servers up ASAP! And what happened to your initial plan to limit the release of copies? That plan lasted until you saw a total sell out within a week, then suddenly everyone and their mother can pre-order. Did the $$ blind you to the realities? Take a lesson from WoW: don't break plans to limit the number of initial copies. That happened when BC came out and Blizz had to work triple-time to fix the server loads. I'm seeing a repeat of history here.


More servers? There's plenty of light population servers. They do not need more servers. Arguably they need character transfers.

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This is obvioulsy a huge problem. With all of the thinking and planning that went into this why is this such a disaster? Very disappointed and turned off with this experience. They really dropped the ball here and had better make an adjustment.
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Hey, you cheap *********** bums. Bring more servers online.


Also, if I wait 60 minutes in queue to play the game, finally get in, play for 3 minutes, crash, and then log back in, I should not have to wait another 60 minutes in queue.

Edited by ethanmonat
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Hey, you cheap *********** bums. Bring more servers online.


Also, if I wait 60 minutes in queue to play the game, finally get in, play for 3 minutes, and then log back in, I should not have to wait another 60 minutes in queue.


Once again, there are plenty of light population servers. More servers is not a solution, except in rare cases like English Speaking European RP-PVP servers.

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I unfortunately got a high pop server on the EGA through the guild launch stuff, so without a transfer, I am SOL unless I want to start completely over somewhere else, or wait the queue out. I hope it gets better after the new launch dies down a bit. This 700 people in queue in front of me is going to be a tough pill to swallow. Hard to want to play even semi casually when you have to schedule your time to play around the queue.
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