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Regarding server queues


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1730EDT Canderous Ordo Server Launch Day que spot 168.............STOP CRYING ALREADY. This is so incredibly ridiculous how ppl are behaving. This is the most anticipated MMO of all time, this is launch day, there are ALWAYS QUES for a MMO on launch day.....unless the MMO sucks and no one wants to play it.
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Divorcee Dude,


Everyone **Must speak up. If we ALL dont then they WONT believe there is a problem, only that a **Few people are experiencing it.


Clearly you're spending too much time in MMOs and don't mind time in the que which is indicated by your marital status. ;D (mine too, lol)


EVERYONE, SHOUT the problems from the RAFTERS!!!!!


Make em hear you and your plans for bailing otherwise they WONT get it.


Only the Force can save us now...



You just don't get it..do you?


I'll say it again for those in the cheap seats...




I'm all for the masses speaking their mind...once. When you repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over...you sound like my ex-wife, an nobody listened to her eventually, cause they believed she had nothing to say after saying it 100 times.

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I mean, seriously, way to F up the release of a LONG awaited stellar game...



Divorcee Dude,


Everyone **Must speak up. If we ALL dont then they WONT believe there is a problem, only that a **Few people are experiencing it.


Clearly you're spending too much time in MMOs and don't mind time in the que which is indicated by your marital status. ;D (mine too, lol)


EVERYONE, SHOUT the problems from the RAFTERS!!!!!


Make em hear you and your plans for bailing otherwise they WONT get it.


Only the Force can save us now...

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Divorcee Dude,


Everyone **Must speak up. If we ALL dont then they WONT believe there is a problem, only that a **Few people are experiencing it.


Clearly you're spending too much time in MMOs and don't mind time in the que which is indicated by your marital status. ;D (mine too, lol)


EVERYONE, SHOUT the problems from the RAFTERS!!!!!


Make em hear you and your plans for bailing otherwise they WONT get it.


Only the Force can save us now...




There are so many ways that is wrong, I'll list them here quickly.


They know what the situation is. They know how many people are affected by it. They've posted to confirm this. Just because they're not re-telling you every 5 minutes doesn't mean they aren't aware or that they forgot. You, as a player, don't need to hear every little whisper about everything going on in BW. You, as a player, certainly don't need a BW employee devoted to posting and re-posting these things every 5 minutes just so you can feel like they're paying attention to you.


Everyone speaking up does nothing. Throwing a temper tantrum, yelling, and otherwise causing a scene doesn't get the issue escalated. Threatening to leave won't do anything. Never, in any major MMO, has this ever gotten anything done, ever, and it's mind-boggling where you people got this idea from in the first place.


I really want to collect a survey. I bet it will show that people who think that yelling and causing a scene will get things done have stupid hippie parents who didn't believe in parenting their kids and let them do whatever they wanted and only paid attention to them when they screamed loud enough.

Edited by dreadpirateandy
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There are so many ways that is wrong, I'll list them here quickly.


They know what the situation is. They know how many people are affected by it. They've posted to confirm this. Just because they're not re-telling you every 5 minutes doesn't mean they aren't aware or that they forgot. You, as a player, don't need to hear every little whisper about everything going on in BW. You, as a player, certainly don't need a BW employee devoted to posting and re-posting these things every 5 minutes just so you can feel like they're paying attention to you.


Everyone speaking up does nothing. Throwing a temper tantrum, yelling, and otherwise causing a scene doesn't get the issue escalated. Threatening to leave won't do anything. Never, in any major MMO, has this ever gotten anything done, ever, and it's mind-boggling where you people got this idea from in the first place.


I really want to collect a survey. I bet it will show that people who think that yelling and causing a scene will get things done have stupid hippie parents who didn't believe in parenting their kids and let them do whatever they wanted and only paid attention to them when they screamed loud enough.


See? This guy...gets it! He got my point! A medal for you sir!

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well although you are right about some stuff, you should also know that customer service is related to public relations.You need to have an active relationship with your client, you need to inform them on a regular basis.It gives credibility.


You pay them money, it's your right to get informed and learn about the progression whenever you want to.

Edited by dodosuke
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I'm not interested in rerolling and regrinding my first 25 levels. Not at all.


I tried tonight after my 3rd disconnect and a total of about 10 hours queueing (and maybe 3-4 hours of actual play).


No way. My main character is 39, I made it to level 7 on a new server before I realised how pointless it is as my entire guilds still on the server Bioware assigned us to, and there's no way I can enjoy watching the same story unfold again. I tried to enjoy it, but it's not happening.


That's just tedium for the sake of correcting something they, without a doubt, should have had a contingency plan for.


The guild placement program failed miserably, they need to step up, admit to the fiasco of allowing people to continue to roll characters not connected to the guilds placed on servers that have been FULL since the 3rd day of EA.


I made an effort, it's not happening.


There's no enjoyment in playing without the people I'd intended to play with, and convincing 70+ members to move and start over is not realistic as many are opposed to starting over as many are high 30s - approaching 50.


In the end, it's not up to us to give up and give in. It's great that you have so much faith in your game that you assume people will walk away from guilds they've been a part of for years just to have a chance to replay the same story over and over again.


It's up to you to correct the problem. Or don't, to be honest I don't think I'm really even that passionate about it after all of this. Annoyed and disappointed? Yes. Passionate? No.

Edited by Valkaern
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I really think this is stupid. I have to wait an hour or so to play a game I pay for every month. I bet in the end, at least 25% if not more of my time card ( thats cost money!!!) will be spent in a queue. It really is a bad first impression. They knew how many pre orders that had for the game. They knew how pumped people were for the game. They did all the appropriate measurements to prepare for a massive onslaught of accounts and logins (pre registering on the site, guild creations, beta testers, ect), so there is no reason why this is happening. I am sure they heard the long queue complaints during the beta, they should of been prepared and made the right adjustments. Terrible job bioware. I will set here listening to the sounds of the queue anyways, while you just soak up all my money as I sit in queue.


PS. As someone who may only get an hour or two per day to play, I feel as if I do have the right to complain about this lol.

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I am a casual player. Maybe I will play 3 or 4 days in a week. No more than one hour each day. Spent 40 mins in a queue is not viable. Not for me.

I prefer play alone more than spent the day in a queue. Give us the chance to move to another server.

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I am a casual player. Maybe I will play 3 or 4 days in a week. No more than one hour each day. Spent 40 mins in a queue is not viable. Not for me.

I prefer play alone more than spent the day in a queue. Give us the chance to move to another server.


You understand what an MMO is right?


I will never understand what possesses people to purchase a multiplayer game and then play it alone, much less purchase an mmo then expect to play it 3-4 hours a week...

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You understand what an MMO is right?


I will never understand what possesses people to purchase a multiplayer game and then play it alone, much less purchase an mmo then expect to play it 3-4 hours a week...


Because you can play it alone, you troll.

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No you don't. Come back in a month or two when you are actually paying for it. And no, purchasing it off the shelf is not "paying for it every single month"


I meant as in I will be paying for it every month. And even still, I got the collectors edition. I payed 150 bucks or whatever it was out of pocket to play the game, not sit in a queue all night

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I meant as in I will be paying for it every month. And even still, I got the collectors edition. I payed 150 bucks or whatever it was out of pocket to play the game, not sit in a queue all night


Ignore the trolls, the game price includes a month, it is not free you are paying for it in the price of the initial purchase.


You own 24 hours a day for a month, every time you log on and you cannot play because of a que Bioware is taking your pre-paid time away from you and of course they will not being refunding this time.


Go figure, big corps win every day.

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Ignore the trolls, the game price includes a month, it is not free you are paying for it in the price of the initial purchase.


You own 24 hours a day for a month, every time you log on and you cannot play because of a que Bioware is taking your pre-paid time away from you and of course they will not being refunding this time.


Go figure, big corps win every day.


The month is free. You don't own anything but the hardware that came in the box.


This isn't a game where you can play with definitions and twist truths and otherwise make something fit what you want it to. This is the real world and it's whatever BW says it is. They say you don't pay for the month? They make all of their legal mumbo jumbo explicitly state that you don't pay for the month? Well then, by golly, you're not paying for the month. And no matter how many times you say otherwise, it will never change. Kicking and screaming and/or plugging your ears and yelling LALALALACAN'THEARYOU will not hold up in the court of law.


Either way, paid or not, when you clicked "Accept" when presented with the ToS and EULA, you were electronically signing a legally binding document that says you agree to any and all downtime, server instability, lag, QUEUES, and any and all other service-related issues, intentional or not, planned or unplanned, for any reason whatsoever and BW is NOT obligated to give you any sort of compensation whatsoever. It also states that you DO NOT own anything but the box and what physically came inside of it.


You signed away your rights. BW is not taking away anything. You agreed to give it to them in exchange for the ability to play the game, except when you can't.


Go figure, read what you're signing. Buyer beware. This is your fault, not anyone else's.

Edited by dreadpirateandy
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Either way, paid or not, when you clicked "Accept" when presented with the ToS and EULA, you were electronically signing a legally binding document that says you agree to any and all downtime, server instability, lag, QUEUES, and any and all other service-related issues, intentional or not, planned or unplanned, for any reason whatsoever and BW is NOT obligated to give you any sort of compensation whatsoever. It also states that you DO NOT own anything but the box and what physically came inside of it..


Yes, and at the end of the month, anyone who so wishes is free to leave causing huge retention problems for Bioware.

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Have fun waiting in the 2.5 hour que on The Fatman server. Thanks for sticking our guild on the server with the 2.5 hour wait time. I thought this problem would be fixed at game launch. I kept telling myself. "Just wait until game launch then see." Nothing has changed and the ques are now even longer after launch. They wanted to balance it so that we are playing on a thriving community server. You would think with a game this big they could have borrowed more cash to make sure they had some "Fat" servers for us to play on. I guess I will be like the rest of the unhappy Fatman players and play the Thin Client.
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he problem is that the "new" people from launch want us the "pre launch" players already established to re-roll.


That's fair. I work to level up my characters and spend $5.00 for that privileged and you come on and intentionally create on full servers to increase the que time even though there are EMPTY servers available...


If Bioware wants me to re-roll i will... just refund me my $5.00 or let me transfer... my guild is also STUCK on The Fatman... thank Bioware... Get home from work at 6:00pm cannot pay that night because 3 hr Que means 9:00pm before I get in game.... so I get 30min play time then shower and get ready for bed to get up the next day.


Some people actually have REAL jobs and don;t live at home with their mommies and expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. All I want is what I was promised. Nothing more. To play on the server my guild was assisned to by Bioware. Something I paid extra o money for and spent days leveling characters.

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