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Regarding server queues


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I can live with the queue.


No problem there.


What annoys me, are that when you finally gets online, 30 minutes after the server "freezes" and kicks you off. Yes I'm talking about Bloodworthy, happened a lot today, saw it in my guild.


Now I just got kicked out, and have been places as number 1400. Yay for rolling on Bloodworthy the first day of Early Launch, and now being stuck because ******* pick full servers.


Way to go on providing a great experience for your customers BioWare/EA. Atleast you could have closed for new character creations.

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As I said earlier - amazing defense of absolutely appalling mismanagement in what should be their finest hour...


It is not mismanagement. I think the management is superb, top notch in fact.


What is appalling is people that throw out advice and are absolutely clueless. It is the typical MMO forum, no one expects much from the ragers.


Making more servers is the worst thing you could do for long term health of MMOs.


Increasing cap is already being done. Locking servers to friends and guild mates is harmful.


Waiting on queues for a few days after launch will bring you crybabies, but they will cry over anything anyway.

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Bollah MUST be paid by BW or he is making completely inane comments. I don't believe BW pay people to troll for them so...


Personal attacks now, mark of immature children.


That is fine, I am enjoying all this rage from the "I want it now, wahhhh" crowd.

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It is not mismanagement. I think the management is superb, top notch in fact.


What is appalling is people that throw out advice and are absolutely clueless. It is the typical MMO forum, no one expects much from the ragers.


Making more servers is the worst thing you could do for long term health of MMOs.


Increasing cap is already being done. Locking servers to friends and guild mates is harmful.


Waiting on queues for a few days after launch will bring you crybabies, but they will cry over anything anyway.


warning BW troll at work

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Well at least we now know staggered release is a fail idea, servers still ended up in massive queues.

server lock is the answer stop first time creation on full servers but even that might be too late but best choice BW has and got to act now.

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The queue issue will be forgotten in a weeks time, BioWare should take the heat from the "I want it now people" and wait it out.


They won't quit, don't listen to their empty threats. The fact they are so mad they can't play, means they will never quit.


Don't make a mistake and give in to people that are absolutely clueless and speaking out of emotion.


Alright...Encourage them to keep us in the dark. This is how customer service departments become so bad. People back up their reasons for completely ignoring the community and not even telling us what's going on. I will play this game yes, but if this doesn't clear up, I will be cancelling my subscription until it gets better simply because I don't have time to wait in 2-3 hour queues. I have things that have to be done.

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Two hours into queue on Legions of Lettow... Again. Same story everyday.


Free Character Transfers Now!!! I'm not going through all the questing and crafting on another server. Like so many others I have very limited time I can spend on this.

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It is not mismanagement. I think the management is superb, top notch in fact.


What is appalling is people that throw out advice and are absolutely clueless. It is the typical MMO forum, no one expects much from the ragers.


Making more servers is the worst thing you could do for long term health of MMOs.


Increasing cap is already being done. Locking servers to friends and guild mates is harmful.


Waiting on queues for a few days after launch will bring you crybabies, but they will cry over anything anyway.


Why can't friends reroll ? I did on my server to join my brother but now sadly it has joined the queue servers :p

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I simply don't get this problem at all, is it a matter of greed from the developers side?, are they trying to squeeze as many players into each server for max profit?


I'm not trying to be disrespectful here, but this problem is not a new one, and solving it should have been learned by now, so either it's on purpose or simply incompetence.


Put a freaking max on the amount of new accounts allowed to create characters, when it's full "Lock" it.


Already before the official launch I requested that they should give the players the option to move servers because it was obvious to everyone where it was headed, but nothing happened, what a blunder.


Sorry just had to get rid of some steam :p

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I will be cancelling my subscription until it gets better simply because I don't have time to wait in 2-3 hour queues. I have things that have to be done.


That is a good solution. If people can't handle queues please start playing a couple of weeks after launch.


On my WoW server for every patch and expansion I waited for 1+ hour plus. I didn't cry about it because I liked playing on a healthy populated server.

Edited by Bollah
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Honestly you people that are QQing is how games like AoC are ruined. That game had potential but funcom catered to all the complainers and now the game is free to play and soon will be dead. Thank you very much. And now you will probably kill this one. God I wish SWG was still around. Pre-CU that is.
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I don't care if you have a guild on that server, find a new one, you didn't even start a level 1 toon, might as well just re-roll it in another server and everyone's happy! If you're joining an already heavy server because you have a friend there, well make a duo with that friend on a new server too!
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Payed all the money for CE of game, and everytime i have to Que for 30-50mins to play on the dam server. why can't you just make more and all these new noobs that have just got on (20th) don't allow anymore on Hydian way server. its always full! nothing has changed its still as full now as it was from day1. paying monthly fee for a server that is over-run MAKE NEW ONES! and send the new ppl there.

Stop noobs from signing up to that server. or can i just server change! coz i aint putting up with everytime i login to play. :mad:

>>seems Bioware just doesnt give a ####! alsong as they get the money we pay we all can get stuffed.. LOTS people having to wait to play there game they paid for. not funny at all! SORT IT OUT OR GIMME A DAM FREE SERVER CHANGE! :mad:

Edited by vendeatha
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Alright...Encourage them to keep us in the dark. This is how customer service departments become so bad. People back up their reasons for completely ignoring the community and not even telling us what's going on. I will play this game yes, but if this doesn't clear up, I will be cancelling my subscription until it gets better simply because I don't have time to wait in 2-3 hour queues. I have things that have to be done.


Agreed rift kept quiet during the first class balance and gave no info and i can speak for at least 5 people who quit not because their class was made useless but because trion simply did not speak about why .

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Honestly you people that are QQing is how games like AoC are ruined. That game had potential but funcom catered to all the complainers and now the game is free to play and soon will be dead. Thank you very much. And now you will probably kill this one. God I wish SWG was still around. Pre-CU that is.


The good thing is that the people throwing a fit here are probably well under 1% of the entire player population.


The bad thing is that their hate still spreads.


The good thing is that their hate doesn't spread to more than a few percent of the total playerbase.

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Originally from the the [Petition] Fix "Tomb of Freedon Nadd" Server thread in community:


Ok, so I've been very patient with this game ever since getting early access. I didn't get to play properly for a few days, because of work and such, so when I did get to play I got quite lucky and avoided queues. However tonight was the final straw:


I queue for 3 hours to get into the game. Start to play and get disconnected; I'm not the only one. My friends on Mumble also suffer the same. First I got lucky, got straight back in. Second time I disconnect; put into a queue of 2000.


I could just about tolerate queues. I can plan around them, enjoying and partaking in something constructive whilst I wait, but now the server stability is in question, something serious needs to happen or at the very least, be announced. It is inexcusable to think that people who have now invested time into their characters will or should re-roll. We need to see a plan of action or actual improvement. Those of us on ToFN have basically paid good money (I dread to think about CE buyers) to queue for a length of time and now I cannot even be guaranteed that'll even stay on the server. Not good enough.

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i'm unlucky... i made a char 5 days ago he is lvl 24 but now when i try to log him there is a queue its very anoying just like someone typing on huge sentence in a bad english matter and nobody give a damn so i made another char on onother server and guess what... again queues this way its not enjoyable just like reading my BLEEP.


btw i been a big bioware fan sinds neverwinternights but that shouldnt give me a front row seats but my money should.

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The good thing is that the people throwing a fit here are probably well under 1% of the entire player population.


The bad thing is that their hate still spreads.


The good thing is that their hate doesn't spread to more than a few percent of the total playerbase.


Really? You think only 1% is hating on BW because of the queue? Wow, you're pretty naive and clueless aren't you?

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It is not mismanagement. I think the management is superb, top notch in fact.


What is appalling is people that throw out advice and are absolutely clueless. It is the typical MMO forum, no one expects much from the ragers.


Making more servers is the worst thing you could do for long term health of MMOs.


Increasing cap is already being done. Locking servers to friends and guild mates is harmful.


Waiting on queues for a few days after launch will bring you crybabies, but they will cry over anything anyway.


I'll agree a lot of the people here are 12 year old impatient people. But to not forsee a 2000+ queue on some servers is just rediculous. They already knew what servers were getting their a** handed to them.


Regardless, as much as I disagree with your post, I have nothing to argue with you yet. It is only day one and we don't know what is going on to fix it. Until I see how they are going to handle this, I have nothing else to add. This was poor management though. They should have done something, maybe put up a warning sign that making a character on this server WILL result in high queue times and suggest a low pop server for everyone that was making their toon for the first time. At least TRY to do something.

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Honestly you people that are QQing is how games like AoC are ruined. That game had potential but funcom catered to all the complainers and now the game is free to play and soon will be dead. Thank you very much. And now you will probably kill this one. God I wish SWG was still around. Pre-CU that is.


BioWare won't listen to them. They want the game to be successful long term.

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My experience with the queue system is so unacceptable that I can't even play the game.


I get home at around 17:30, then queueing up to the game, and between 21-22 i get in and that leaves me with a few hours of gaming per day.


Realisticly if this doesn't change fast, i cannot maintain playing, and this is sad to say just after having had the game for 3 days. :(

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