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Regarding server queues


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You guys are missing the big picture. EA is causing all of this. They are dying. All of their franchises are failing cause they can't stick to the original stuff and just make new features. Take need for speed for instance. All the games after Need for Speed 4 High Stakes blew a big one. Undrground was pretty good but after it it went down hill again and hasn't recovered since. EA destroys everything they touch. I'm surprised ME3 is coming out on March 3 cause they have a hand in it. OH and another one. Command & Conquer 4. RUINED by EA. Nuf said. This is not bioware's fault this is happening. They are doing what they are told from EA. EA needs to screw a goat.
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I believe Bioware has already told the community in numerous articles and threads that they are working hard on it. After all this is only day one. If the server queueing issue continues after maybe a month or two then I can see a reason for reciprocal free gametime passes. :)


Oh I;m not asking for free game time, I am just comparing the difference between the 2 launches. There has been one thread (well 2 threads because the first one got full) about the server queues. They have shut down multiple other threads saying go here instead, which is fine, but the only dev post or moderator post rather was about them saying they know about it and are working artistically and scientifically on it lol.


My point is, the main topic of these threads have been people requesting free server transfers, maybe they should post a reason why they don't want to do that or can't do that. Otherwise, give the mob what they want and calm the storm!


Also, I understand this is day one of release. They are gathering data and can't build Rome in one day! I understand that, but many other people of the "Give it to me now" generation, do not. I am at work right now and you can obviously see I have a busy job lol. Slow time of the season you know! So I couldn't care less. I will have my wife start the queue so that when I get home, It'll be at least a few hours into the queue if not in game already.


After everything is said and done, if their main issue is big *** queues, then they should focused on that and knocking that issue out the park!

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I cant play this game!!


I am on the worst effected server and get home about 18:00 by the time i can log (00:00) i am normally asleep for an hour!


1 month free because you get to play it at weekends only? Bit poor


PS i cant just switch as my guild are here and i have put in enough time to make me not want to start again!

Edited by Murpheous
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I believe Bioware has already told the community in numerous articles and threads that they are working hard on it. If the server queueing issue continues after maybe a month or two then I can see a reason for reciprocal free gametime passes. :)


I suggest you READ their articles again.


They have said...


1. go to another server that isnt full.


2. Queues may never go away.


3. they are reviewing information.


4. they will keep things managable.


#1 & 2 are unacceptable comments, #3 is a ***?!? what is there to review, people are in 2 hour long queues. and #4 is a slap in the face of everyone playing this game. Tell people they are going to keep things managable does not tell us WHAT they think is managable and keeps the door WIDE OPEN to keeping the queues as they are because they cannot MANAGE to do better.

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People have the right to complain, that's what this forum is for, but take a deep breath and consider this logically...


They are probably letting the server cap stay as is while new people come to the game today and tomorrow, forcing them to choose the new servers they opened today that are not listed as full.


When they close the grace period and do the next maintenance on the 22nd, they will open up the server cap on all of them to make them all roughly equal. Problem solved.


The people putting out this game have most likely played video games for as long or longer than you and have been involved in several projects besides this one. You think they didn't research the best way to do this and that you are smarter with your spur-of-the-rage suggestions on how to change this?

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It's simple:


When my friends ask about the game I will tell the truth: 4 hours queue if you want to play with me and other friends. Otherwise, no queues instead playing alone.


I don't have to lie, just telling the truth you will lose a lot of possible buyers.


I know I'm responsible of choosing ToFN, but it's your fault not open at time the caps of the servers when you are be able to do it.


PS: thank you for my 4 times "error 9000" or similar after the waiting of 3 hours each...

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A couple actually and I manage global data centers for a living - and you?


I am the King of England.


If BioWare listens to the whiners, you will have a Rift all over again, they added too many servers because of people crying and then within a couple of weeks the servers seemed empty and dead.


Do not cave in and listen to these brats. Do what you had planned, forget the short term focus on the long terms.

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Went to log in today.


Waited my turn in line. Queue finally went through......and disconnected from the server.


Now back in line again.


Sad thing is, I transferred off of The Fatman on day 2 of the early release, went to a "Light" server known as Vulkar Highway and now it's full too.


I feel your pain bro i'm on Ebon Hawk and considering just re-rolling on one of the new servers.


So much for doing the pre-order grace period and getting set up for launch...


Bioware why didn't you lock the pre-launch servers that were conjested already before launch?

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I am the King of England.


If BioWare listens to the whiners, you will have a Rift all over again, they added too many servers because of people crying and then within a couple of weeks the servers seemed empty and dead.


Do not cave in and listen to these brats. Do what you had planned, forget the short term focus on the long terms.


well your Royal Highness, Vendors love customers like you - accept crap service and actually defend it! Amazing.

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I am the King of England.


If BioWare listens to the whiners, you will have a Rift all over again, they added too many servers because of people crying and then within a couple of weeks the servers seemed empty and dead.


Do not cave in and listen to these brats. Do what you had planned, forget the short term focus on the long terms.


So up the server capacity during launch period and decrease it during the next maintenance phase.


Plan not harmed!

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I've been quiet till now.


But honestly, the falling down of the queue sitation with the release was totally foreseeable.


Servers full on the Early Access clearly meant servers ultra full on release, and I have to say that if it's not possible to decrease those queues by working on the servers, at least you should give us the free transfer chance.


This happened again...

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I am the King of England.


If BioWare listens to the whiners, you will have a Rift all over again, they added too many servers because of people crying and then within a couple of weeks the servers seemed empty and dead.


Do not cave in and listen to these brats. Do what you had planned, forget the short term focus on the long terms.


Well they are catering to them cause EA is telling them to. EA GO TO HELL!

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OK this is a joke , how do i get a refund for this crap ?


Logged on ive been out and had dinner still over 900 waiting.


Id rahter have a laggy experience and actually in the game instead of watching some ships fly by :(


For a launch this is embarrrassing to say the least.

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I am the King of England.


If BioWare listens to the whiners, you will have a Rift all over again, they added too many servers because of people crying and then within a couple of weeks the servers seemed empty and dead.


Do not cave in and listen to these brats. Do what you had planned, forget the short term focus on the long terms.


Now you're just being childish. Everyone on this forum has agreed that adding more servers isn't going to solve the problem. The main consensus has been to add a switch server feature so that the servers would have a chance to even out and eliminate these ridiculous 4 hour queues.

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there is a reason every one is complaining because now no matter what time i log in i have to wait a minimum of 1 hour up to 4 hours a day to get in. so for people who work they cant play as much as they want and are paying for a game they can not play. they say the servers are full but there are hardly any players on the server which makes no sense. i love the game and they have done a great job with the game and i couldnt be happier when i am playing but i am lucky to have the next 3 weeks off work so with the ques i just get up early to logg on to then get up an hour or two later but people who work can not do that so obv they are going to complain because its not wright having to wait up to 4 hours to play. the only people who are saying stop complaining are the people who have no job or social life who can waste there day sitting at the computer screen for 4 hours to play, SORT IT OUT BIO WARE before you lose players and ruin such a great game.
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