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Do people prefer pvp or pve?


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I kind of like doing both but leaning more torwards pve. PVP is only fun when ur geared cant recall how many times i died at low lvls and beginning 50. Half the time the only reason i do it is cuz its easy exp and fastest way to get kewl gear. IDK was just wondering what people preferred cuz i was reading something on swtor saying people pvp far more then anything else. Is this cuz they want to or population issues forces them to cuz u can que for it . Thank God for LFG tool in 1.3.


The reason why more people play PVP in swtor is.......... instant access. PVE fails because......manual grouping.


People have already tasted the sweet nectar of easy access in MMO's through other games. You can not just take away something people are accustom to and force them to back into the stone age. Bad decision on BW's part, I bet if they had the function from the get go, the sub bleeding would not have been as bad. I am not saying it would save the game, but at least keep people around longer. Spamming for LFG in chat is total fail, I hated having to do this in BC days of WoW.

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Used to love PvP, but I need a reason other than rooster measuring. DAoC was the best, no one has even attempted what they did, and it was very successful.


So, chalk me up for PvE, even though the PvE at the end of this game is horrid. Sure, getting there was the best MMO experience I've had, but once you're there, hoo boy.

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If you are implying FPS's are real PvP, lmao. Yeah because pointing a cursor at someone while circle strafing is so difficult.


And doing the same thing in an MMO isn't? Not saying that I don't agree with you, because I do. But the same thing happens here in WZ's everyday.


But on topic. I prefer PvE. But I have mainly been a PvPer in this game because I can't ever get into a group to do OP's or FP's because of the server populations. I have been playing the game since it went live and I haven't done an 8 man Operation yet. So I just stick with doing WZ's until the server transfers go through.

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go find a quiet lonely damp cold dark corner, sit down and die you pve carebares, your the reason they didnt release rated at 1.2, the reason pvp was never tested, and the reason players are leaving for pvp in their previous mmo's.



And you cry about gear? eventually this game will be a pve paradise where you receive 1million credits on log in, and the more you look like obi-wan with your budget jedi beared, the more gear you get for free.




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PvE, and PvE alone, in this game. I have zero interest in this game's PvP.


I have truly enjoyed PvP in one game and one game only: Dark Age of Camelot. I have tried PvP in many other games (before DAoC and after) absolutely nothing compares to DAoC's setup to me.

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go find a quiet lonely damp cold dark corner, sit down and die you pve carebares, your the reason they didnt release rated at 1.2, the reason pvp was never tested, and the reason players are leaving for pvp in their previous mmo's.



And you cry about gear? eventually this game will be a pve paradise where you receive 1million credits on log in, and the more you look like obi-wan with your budget jedi beared, the more gear you get for free.





Yet you came to a PvE based game when there are plenty of games out there where PvP is the main focus? Interesting.

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go find a quiet lonely damp cold dark corner, sit down and die you pve carebares, your the reason they didnt release rated at 1.2, the reason pvp was never tested, and the reason players are leaving for pvp in their previous mmo's.



And you cry about gear? eventually this game will be a pve paradise where you receive 1million credits on log in, and the more you look like obi-wan with your budget jedi beared, the more gear you get for free.





Well at least you're not being mean......

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PVP, but realizing this is gear based has made me lose interest. Grinded gear is not skill.


This is why my sub is no longer active as well.


Before 1.2 was not to bad getting gear. The gear grind after 1.2 broke me. I don't mind grinding out so gear but the new gear grind is just too long.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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PvE/co-op here. Playing to relax, not flex my sabre.


your the reason they didnt release rated at 1.2, the reason pvp was never tested, and the reason players are leaving for pvp in their previous mmo's.


No, the PvP players who didn't test /beta and send feedback are the reason PvP was "never tested" (or not tested to your personal satisfaction). If the PvP players leave for previous MMO's, fare well to them, but it's their choice.


It's not my responsibility to test parts of the game I have no interest in, unless EA starts sending me a paycheck.

Edited by DorkTrooper
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PvP for me. PvE in an RPG always seems to be all routine and no initiative. None of that rubbish of DPS's thinking it's pointless to pop defensive skills. More active thinking about what your enemy is planning.


I wish there was more variety in the maps and gamemodes. But the fact that I'm not fighting the same enemies, the same way, with the same allies, while the same guildies bark orders over eachother, keeps PvP all the more fresh.


Getting your battlemaster set is like a rite of initiation. Much less so now that noobs can grind for it without valor, but still. When you start travelling beyond that, you'll begin to make a notable impact. And knowing that it's real people you're punishing makes it all the more sweet.


Finally it's flexible. I can stop and start when I please, like I were doing solo-dailes (although I rarely ever leave mid-match). And I can build upon my reputation without the help of a guild. All too often I see people becoming brainwashed by the monotony of raids, forgetting anything exists outside of that portion of the endgame.

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PvP is my favorite by a long shot, but PvP in this game certainly needs some work.


At the same time, the storytelling in this game really impressed me. Too bad it doesn't last forever. After the class story, the PvE in this game is actually quite bad. Certainly worth doing though. I've rolled more alts in this game than any other MMO I've played.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I used to enjoy large scale world PvP but I just hate things like battlegrounds, arenas etc. I guess now I enjoy PvE more but if they introduced some massive PvP world type conflicts I woulld definitely participate in those.
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Ashton-;4577909]go find a quiet lonely damp cold dark corner, sit down and die you pve carebares, your the reason they didnt release rated at 1.2, the reason pvp was never tested, and the reason players are leaving for pvp in their previous mmo's.





How is it the fault of pve players that pvp doesn't get tested? I would think that burden and responsibility lays with the pvp players to test stuff that pvp players like.


If it not something someone likes it seems to reason they are not going to test it. If they like it then of course they are going to test it.


Place the blame of pvp not being tested where it actually belongs on pvp players not on everyone else.

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I used to live for PvP. My first experience in online gaming was in 99' ( if memory serves me correctly) in a game called Fighter Ace 2.0 ( anyone here ever play ?) it was PvP centered, there where some ground targets in the territorial combat room, but most fights happened at 20k or better. It was a geat game, with great people to play with and its what i've measured all PvP play against since. The game itself changed with Fighter Ace 3.1 and as most of the people i had played with left, i moved on to Aces High (another Flight sim) , but at the same time i found a game called SWG and being a Star wars fan i gave it a try.


I played SWG ( pre-Cu) and found myself really enjoying it , but at the same time found the PvP in the game to be nothing more than a button mash ( i see very little skill involved in standing toe to toe swatting each other with sticks or kiting someone from range) NGE hits, goodbye.


AoC, this was the RPG-PvP game ender for me. I went there believing this would be more than a button mash, they hyped it as so, gear wouldn't matter ( ya LOL) , but what i found was even worse. PvP consisted of ganking lowbies on white sands and in the main world it amounted to 3 or more on 1 or who could run away the fastest, sorry not my idea of fun. goodbye AoC.

Now when the PvP urge hits i still have my account at Aces High ( Bluesman, hope you don't see me in your 6) and PvE here

Edited by Etheric
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If you are implying FPS's are real PvP, lmao. Yeah because pointing a cursor at someone while circle strafing is so difficult.


*edit* Guess if I am going to contribute to discussion I should stay on topic. I prefer in PvE in this game. Like others have said, gear based PvP isn't my cup of tea. Imo it creates un-even play field. I prefered guild wars style PvP, same stats across the board. It was about knowing the skills and how they coincide.


I'm not implying that FPS's are real PvP, I'm flat-out saying it. There's far more to an FPS than pointing a cursor while circle strafing. FPS's are *Far* more player skill based than RPG's. Because RPG's, by definition, are gear (or character) based. If the game isn't, (as you imply Guild wars isn't) then I would actually argue it simply isn't an RPG. Now, there are other form of game genres that aren't gear (or character based) as well where you can get real PLAYER skill based PvP on. FPS was just the easiest comparison. Another one would be flight sims. PvP space content would probably be AWESOME in this game... as long as they basically make all ships equal.

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