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Do people prefer pvp or pve?


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I kind of like doing both but leaning more torwards pve. PVP is only fun when ur geared cant recall how many times i died at low lvls and beginning 50. Half the time the only reason i do it is cuz its easy exp and fastest way to get kewl gear. IDK was just wondering what people preferred cuz i was reading something on swtor saying people pvp far more then anything else. Is this cuz they want to or population issues forces them to cuz u can que for it . Thank God for LFG tool in 1.3.
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I kind of like doing both but leaning more torwards pve. PVP is only fun when ur geared cant recall how many times i died at low lvls and beginning 50. Half the time the only reason i do it is cuz its easy exp and fastest way to get kewl gear. IDK was just wondering what people preferred cuz i was reading something on swtor saying people pvp far more then anything else. Is this cuz they want to or population issues forces them to cuz u can que for it . Thank God for LFG tool in 1.3.


I think it would be fair to say that a far higher percentage of the people that have unsubbed/left the game were PVP centric as opposed to PVE centric players, therefore it would be logical to think that the majority of people still playing the game are more PVE orientated or do a bit of both. The status of the servers would also support this theory.

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Depends on the genre.


For first person shooters, PvP all the way.

For any sort of RPG, PvE.


PvP is only fun/works when it's 100% (or nearly) player skill vs. player skill. FPS's are great for that.

RPG's are all about character skill. They just don't work for PvP.


RPG PvP'ers are carebears of the PvP world. They don't have the skills to do real PvP, so they like to rely on time spent getting better characters to earn their victories for them

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Depends on the genre.


For first person shooters, PvP all the way.

For any sort of RPG, PvE.


PvP is only fun/works when it's 100% (or nearly) player skill vs. player skill. FPS's are great for that.

RPG's are all about character skill. They just don't work for PvP.


RPG PvP'ers are carebears of the PvP world. They don't have the skills to do real PvP, so they like to rely on time spent getting better characters to earn their victories for them



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Depends on the genre.


For first person shooters, PvP all the way.

For any sort of RPG, PvE.


PvP is only fun/works when it's 100% (or nearly) player skill vs. player skill. FPS's are great for that.

RPG's are all about character skill. They just don't work for PvP.


RPG PvP'ers are carebears of the PvP world. They don't have the skills to do real PvP, so they like to rely on time spent getting better characters to earn their victories for them


Define real PvP, please.

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You know, I dislike PvP with a passion, but lately it's all I've been able to do besides Black Hole, because for some STUPID REASON, all the end game PvE is also GEAR-based, just like PvP. (Also most people don't seem to have the time for the long stretches it takes for flashpoints/operations as compared to just being in a queue for PvP.


Example: "No Rakata gear? Sorry, you can't join our group, (enter op name here) is to hard without it." <---Catch 22 because that's what helps get you the damn gear; doing these!


I'm very frustrated with the whole class/gear mentality the game has kept from that silly WoW game. I love PvE, and I love just playing (simple) games, not having to slave over a second job. No, I'm not quitting, just wishing the game had more happy-go-lucky playability, rather then 'gear up to be the best or fail.'


Anywho: To answer the question: I prefer PvE, because I'm a roleplayer (from pencil and paper games, not wargamming.)

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I prefer PvE, but eventually it gets stale... there are only so many times you can run the same content before it gets old. PvP has the potential to always be different... although even that gets a bit samey, when it's always the same few groups facing off on the same 4 maps...
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at one point in my life I loved PVP hugely but its gotten less and less over the years as skill and ability is replaced with gear scores and twitch mind sets.


Oh I still do fairly well (in Rift I never was lower then top 3 in any warzone I played in, when I played in them) in pvp, its just not overly challenging or rewarding anymore I find.


PVE at least can be challenging, or you can find some pve content thats challenging (though TOR really makes you look for that content with how easy it is over all)


I think most players are pve centric and then will do the other side activities as a occational outing. Side activities = PVP, raiding, Crafting, Space, ect. But PVE is their base and what takes up most their play time.


I will say the one game that got me to change from the normal set wasoriginal release DAoC but that changed into the gear/special ability reward nonsense as well and the game then failed. When they released and RVR was about knowing your class and being the best, the game flourished and was excellent.


This companies need to ignore the "gimme gimme kids" and stop putting in special gear, pvp xp, special pvp abilities. PVP is at its core a "EGO DRIVEN ACTIVITY" to be the best and its stupid design and bad design to say "oh your the best"? Here lets make you more powerfull to off set any balance we might have.


PVP is suppose to be you vrs me, us vrs them, who ever is better at their CLASS (core class) wins


All the extras just detract from the activity and drives people away cause who wants to die to some idiot in special gear, when they still have no clue how to play their class really?

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I think from my experience of MMORPG's ...Role Playing was a huge part of the game in the 80-90s. Than in 2004 WoW took it to the next level with PKing (aka player killing, ganking, and now PVP), and so far, all the MMO's (that I've ever played) have had the most players on PVP servers. Look at the stats, they don't lie.


In EQ I played on a PVE server and people were still role playing in chat lol it was funny. I miss those days.


ANYWAYS!....I prefer PVE- I get too shaky and wild up when I play PVP. PVP is fun if there's a whole guild of players I enjoy playing with though. It's fun and not fun. You spend more time watching your back than actually playing lol. But if you have a dedicated friend to help you along the way it's amusing.

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I think it would be fair to say that a far higher percentage of the people that have unsubbed/left the game were PVP centric as opposed to PVE centric players, therefore it would be logical to think that the majority of people still playing the game are more PVE orientated or do a bit of both. The status of the servers would also support this theory.


You are correct, all the PvP'ers left ages ago.

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the story is fun a few times in pve, but after that it gets boring doing hte same scripted operation and flashpoint again and again and again.


pvp gets my blood pumping and is just more of an enjoyable experience overall. I dont even mind losing. . .unless we're just getting rolled match after match after match, then it get daunting

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Depends on the genre.


For first person shooters, PvP all the way.

For any sort of RPG, PvE.


PvP is only fun/works when it's 100% (or nearly) player skill vs. player skill. FPS's are great for that.

RPG's are all about character skill. They just don't work for PvP.


RPG PvP'ers are carebears of the PvP world. They don't have the skills to do real PvP, so they like to rely on time spent getting better characters to earn their victories for them


Sounds like a design problem..

Sadly, it seems MMOs are all about gear, grinds and tokens these days.

a shame really.

Edited by Tic-
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Depends on the genre.


For first person shooters, PvP all the way.

For any sort of RPG, PvE.


PvP is only fun/works when it's 100% (or nearly) player skill vs. player skill. FPS's are great for that.

RPG's are all about character skill. They just don't work for PvP.


RPG PvP'ers are carebears of the PvP world. They don't have the skills to do real PvP, so they like to rely on time spent getting better characters to earn their victories for them


If you are implying FPS's are real PvP, lmao. Yeah because pointing a cursor at someone while circle strafing is so difficult.


*edit* Guess if I am going to contribute to discussion I should stay on topic. I prefer in PvE in this game. Like others have said, gear based PvP isn't my cup of tea. Imo it creates un-even play field. I prefered guild wars style PvP, same stats across the board. It was about knowing the skills and how they coincide.

Edited by Lugosi
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