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In a bad PvP pug. Is it more painful to play Sniper or Operative? or the same?


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Ops = stealth = control your destiny and the circumstances of your demise


Sniper = no stealth = die according to the will of others


Think on that and you tell us which has the "potential" to get destroyed more assuming equal player skill.

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Ops = stealth = control your destiny and the circumstances of your demise


Sniper = High Damage ranged = Rip people apart from a distance and use cover pulse / flashbang to get away if people manage to get close to you.


Think on that and you tell us which has the "potential" to get destroyed more assuming equal player skill.


Close, but needed a little edit.

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They both suck utterly if the match is bad enough. I played a match a couple days ago where nobody on my team was over rank 70, and nobody on the enemy team was under rank 70. I'm still sore. It was one of those matches where I was either stealthed or respawning. The sniper on our team didn't fare any better, he was either stunlocked or respawning. The enemies healer ended up doing more dps then the both of us combined. Those matches can be sorta fun too though, use emotes to taunt the enemy and see how far they will chace you. I had a particularly pissed off Mara chace me from one goal to the other in a bad game of huttball after I spent 40 seconds /slapping him from stealth while he ate sleep darts :D.
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They both suck utterly if the match is bad enough. I played a match a couple days ago where nobody on my team was over rank 70, and nobody on the enemy team was under rank 70. I'm still sore. It was one of those matches where I was either stealthed or respawning. The sniper on our team didn't fare any better, he was either stunlocked or respawning. The enemies healer ended up doing more dps then the both of us combined. Those matches can be sorta fun too though, use emotes to taunt the enemy and see how far they will chace you. I had a particularly pissed off Mara chace me from one goal to the other in a bad game of huttball after I spent 40 seconds /slapping him from stealth while he ate sleep darts :D.


Very nice :D


Honestly though, if your PvP warzone is turning into a match where everyone else is simply giving up and either camping at nodes or going off to a corner to boost their healing numbers, its gonna suck no matter what class you have. It must be a lvl 50 thing, since I never had that happen on the 10-49 WZs. So, basically, if it gets to that point all you can do is just have fun with going out in blazes of glory. At least with Ops you have the chance to stealth around and be the annoying stun/interupt jerk, while Snipers really dont have that "enjoyability".

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Those matches can be sorta fun too though, use emotes to taunt the enemy and see how far they will chace you. I had a particularly pissed off Mara chace me from one goal to the other in a bad game of huttball after I spent 40 seconds /slapping him from stealth while he ate sleep darts :D.
My sniper loves to flirt with the boys on the Pub teams and get them to try and kill her. She is remarkably distracting.
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They both suck utterly if the match is bad enough. I played a match a couple days ago where nobody on my team was over rank 70, and nobody on the enemy team was under rank 70. I'm still sore. It was one of those matches where I was either stealthed or respawning. The sniper on our team didn't fare any better, he was either stunlocked or respawning. The enemies healer ended up doing more dps then the both of us combined. Those matches can be sorta fun too though, use emotes to taunt the enemy and see how far they will chace you. I had a particularly pissed off Mara chace me from one goal to the other in a bad game of huttball after I spent 40 seconds /slapping him from stealth while he ate sleep darts :D.


I /tickle rather than /slap and then keep tickling with my gun once I get bored or they manage to pop me out of stealth, then die and find someone else to annoy. Those kind of matches are thankfully rare though.

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I prefer operative in general for PVP as stealth is pretty handy. (And makes it marginally less painful to be on a losing team, although both suck pretty badly.) The one downside is that I heal on my op...and of course, any PVP team worth their salt knows to kill the healers. (Which is especially painful when my team is sucking on top of everything else.)
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They both suck utterly if the match is bad enough. I played a match a couple days ago where nobody on my team was over rank 70, and nobody on the enemy team was under rank 70.


The fact that Bioware has match making that creates these guaranteed facerolls is extremely frustrating.


I'd rather wait longer than play a guaranteed 0-6 huttball, 0/100 novare, 0/300+ civil war WZ. While being on the winning side of a faceroll helps me complete my weekly, it is also pretty boring.


The problem is not that some players are unskilled and/or undergeared, the problem is that the matchmaking does not attempt to build even remotely balanced teams.


I jump for joy on those extremely rare occassions when I have a reasonably competitive match. I estimate this happens less than 5% of the time.

Edited by funkiestj
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  • 4 weeks later...
Well a TRUE PVP sniper Build is played just like an Operative..without the stealth...both are fun BUT snipers do far more damage than an operativ...just remember..unless you are a Marksman spec..do not sit in cover !!!
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Well a TRUE PVP sniper Build is played just like an Operative..without the stealth...both are fun BUT snipers do far more damage than an operativ...just remember..unless you are a Marksman spec..do not sit in cover !!!


Not sure what you mean by not sitting in cover. By all means take advantage of being able to move, but never neglect the benefits cover can give you. Not being leaped at is a good one.


As for the OP; it depends on the map. My sniper in Hutt Ball can hold an area quite well even with bad teammates. My Scoundrel is almost useless there. Novarre though? Or places where I can't have a high ground and funnel people? Might as well not even try to channel ambush.

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